Chapter 46 "Enjoying the show?"

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Hellllo my readers! Congrats to everyone entering the wattys! Not sure why I'm congratulating but well you are all not as lazy as me! Hahah anyway! The end of the book is drawing near! But do not fear for there will be another one! Like I have told you all before but you didn't know because pretty much no one (including me) ever reads the authors notes... How sad. A light at the end of the tunnel will be probably the saddest book I will ever write... But that's all a secret for now! ;) I must say though... There is a massive twist at the end of this book! And I'm not looking forward to writing it... Anyway my readers I do hope you enjoy this chapter I really do try to make it as entertaining as possible and as long as I can... You see I don't have a lot of patience so I really just want to let you guys read the chapter as quick as possible! Hence why they're so short.. Well I'll let you guys read this now! Adios Amigos! Don't forget to Vote, Comment and tell others about my story!!


The beautiful city of London lay sprawled below Alex's feet as she swung them, while sitting on the edge of the skyscraper. Sometimes she contemplated jumping off- not because she wanted to commit suicide but because she wanted to know what it felt like to fly. To soar through the air, letting all her problems float away and swirl through the clouds. Yes sometimes she wanted wings. "Please don't jump off I kinda want you alive and not as an Alexandria pancake." Alex grinned as she heard Hudson's voice behind her. "I wish I could fly Huddie..." Hudson chuckled as he sat behind her. Alex sighed as she felt Hudson's hands slowly began massaging her back. "Your so tense bloody hell woman. You need a day off." Alex laughed. "You know I never get days off Hudson, it's not in the job description." "As I recall you were forced into this career, just like the rest of this." Hudson whispered. "You were forced? I always thought you applied." Alex answered. Behind her Alex could feel Hudson shake his head. "No I was the top computer guy in my school, AHKTEM came to my foster house in the middle of the night and shoved me in a van. They dumped me in a white room full of computers- no food or water. Only an electronic door. It was a test you see, it only took me an fifty seven minutes to get out. Other hackers that didn't know how to hack the door... AHKTEM left them in there. They died. After this I got my tattoo and then they got me straight to work." Alex turned around and faced Hudson. "I'm sorry Hudson. Can I see your tattoo though? I'll show you mine!" Hudson grinned and rolled his sleeve down. Over his vein on his wrist was a piece of simple code. </hudson> "Wow! Hudson your actually says your name!" Alex said shocked. Hudson laughed. "All the hackers get their name like this. Can I see yours?" Alex nodded and rolling up her sleeve she exposed hers. A thin black arrow was inked into the skin of her wrist, a small 'A' made the arrow head and the feathers were a complex and intricate design- you could see each individual fibre of the feathers. "What's with the 'A'? And does every assassin get an arrow? Because I'm pretty sure Connor doesn't have one like that." Hudson asked rapidly. "No not all assassins get an arrow, assassins and killers get the weapon they are best at using. You can tell the difference between an assassin and a killer because they have letters in them. See? Mine has an 'a'!" She pointed towards the head. "For example Connor has a throwing knife with an 'a' as well. Kai has a sniper scope with an 'a' in the centre too. I also remember that when you were drunk out of your mind that time, I met a killer in the bar and saw his tattoo and knew to get out of there pretty damn quick. His was a bullet with a 'k' in it. You catching my drift now?" Hudson nodded dumbly. Quickly he scrambled to his feet. "See ya! I'm gonna go have a look at Caissess tat!" Hudson ran through the door back into the hotel building. Alex turned back around and say admiring London's nightlife. "Oh Alex! I forgot to tell you James wants to see you. Something about showing you what Kai did to him. He doesn't want Connor or me to see yet." Hudson poked his head back around the door frame. "Connor and I Hudson, correct your grammar you imbecile." Alex laughed back at him. "It's Hudson grammar crazy darkness lady!" Hudson called as he ran down the stairs again. Alex shook her head. Peering down the stairwell Alex saw just a dark, lonely and long pathway. Furrowing her eyebrows she thought of a cunning plan. Maybe she could fly after all. Walking defiantly towards the edge of the building Alex spread her arms out wide and closed her eyes. Under her breath she muttered. "Oh please God let Hudson have used titanium." Hudson's cold, metal staff felt freezing against the bare skin of Alex's forearm under her sleeve. Without another thought she stepped off. The air whipped through her hair and she opened her eyes. Lights. Lights everywhere- so beautiful. And the ground... Getting steadily closer with every passing second. Flipping her body over Alex pressed the switch and Hudson's staff extended with a snap and using all her upper body strength Alex thrust it into the buildings window. The sound of glass breaking echoed through Alex's eardrums and after a short skid she came to an erupt stop and had to grapple to hold onto the staff. Looking down Alex saw the ground below her at still a dizzying height. She now hung from a giant metal pole stuck between another metal pole and a thin layer of glass. Alex swung her legs up and let go of the staff with her hands. Her hair hung like a waterfall in front of her face and the city of London was now upside down. She began swinging her body back and forth and finally landed with a painful thud with her ass on the staff. Placing carefully her foot on it she steadily stood up. The window and the staff began to groan and screech as she inched along the pole her arms extended for balance. Finally Alex reached the window and with one quick kick she smashed the glass and barged into a luxury ensuite, turning around she swiftly wrenched Hudson's staff from its position in the window. "Hell yeah it was titanium." She said to herself. Walking out of the ensuite she came face to face with a sight she did not want to see. Screaming and covering her face with her hands she fell to the floor trying to erase the picture of the man and woman in the hotel bed getting it 'on'. "My eyes! My precious innocent eyes!" Alex screeched. The man draped over his woman protectively wrapped his arms around her and looked up at Alex in confusion. "Who the hell are you? And what the hell are you doing in my room! Can you not see we are a little busy here?!" The man had a thick cockney accent and Alex did not want to get in a fight with a big, burly and horny Cockney. She backed away slowly. "Sorry sir! Wrong room! I am so, so sorry... I'll just let myself out now!" Alex went to shoulder the door in attempt to get out but rebounded and fell back on the floor holding her shoulder in pain. "Owww..." She moaned. "Get out!" The man yelled at her. Jumping up Alex fumbled with the door lock but eventually made it out of the couples room. Alex slammed the door behind her and bolted down the corridor to the lift. She pressed the up button multiple times. Finally the lift arrived and Alex punched the button for the sixty seventh floor. Where James's room was. There was too many of them now to get a single room so Alex shared with James and Connor and Hudson had the room down the hall. This hotel was much, much better then that dump of an apartment near Edgware road station. Swiping her card Alex entered room ninety two and was greeted with a lovely surprise of James in just a pair of jeans doing chin ups on the bathroom door frame. His back was facing Alex and his toned muscles were on full display. Alex dropped Hudson's staff on her toe from shock. "Bullocks!" She yelled and grabbed her foot, hopping around for balance the door slammed shut and Alex fell flat on her face. Looking up from the fluffy carpet she saw James's toes and then raising her head a little more her eyes met his legs, then his waist which had a mouth watering V- line and six pack- her eyes wandered there for a bit longer then necessary and then she met his eyes. "You called?" She said with sarcasm. James laughed at her. "Did anyone ever tell you Alexandria that you have such grace?" Alex rolled her eyes at him. "You're hilarious you are." Pushing her self up with her arms she slowly snakes her way up to her feet. James's eyes never left her body. Sitting on the edge of the bed Alex smiled innocently up at him. "Don't stop on my account!" She pointed to the door frame. James smirked. "You like the show do you?" Alex stuck her bottom lip out in contemplation. Then she shamelessly nodded her head. "Yep." James let out a throaty laugh and fell on the bed next to her. "Shame I just finished then." He sighed. Alex crossed her arms, furrowed her brows and stuck her bottom lip out again. "No fair!" James's eyes dropped suddenly. "Can you maybe not stick your lip out and look all cute like that please?" Alex's mouth dropped open before she quickly closed it and facing him bit her bottom lip, tilted her head and lowered her eyelids. James groaned and threw the towel he had been holding across the room. Grabbing his pillow he shoved it in Alex's face. "No fair!" He yelled. "Paybacks a real dog isn't it Linkin?" Alex purred. "Alex I swear if you keep doing that I'll-" he stopped mid sentence as he watched Alex pulled her jumper off. His mouth dropped open and his eyes glazed over. Alex smirked at him and then innocently asked. "Enjoying the show James?" James nodded dumbly. "Yeah please... Continue!" Alex laughed. "You wish pretty boy. You wish." Alex crawled up on the bed and crossed her legs. "Anyway down to business! Hudson said you wanted to show me something." James's face fell. "Oh... Yeah. Well umm welcome to James Linkin's classroom! You may call me sir young lady!" Alex snorted. "Well then get on with it sir..."

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