Chapter 13 "Pinned to the wall like an impaled fly."

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The next morning James woke up- Alex's arm draped over his chest. He gently pushed it off, trying not to wake her. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed he yawned, he looked back at Alex she lay curled up in a little ball in his shirt. He leaned over and brushed her hair from her face, cradling her cheek he kissed her forehead. She stayed asleep, James smiled she couldn't hurt him for kissing her while she slept. James got up and walked to the kitchen in his boxers, he really didn't care if Hudson disliked Iron man. He made a beeline for the fridge. James screamed, Hudson was pinned to the wall like an impaled fly. Shuriken held is arms and legs up and one was deep into the wall just beneath his crotch. "Hudson Massuline! You scared the living crap out of me!" Hudson woke up with a start. "What the hell are you doing there?" James asked. "Well your girlfriend pinned me here after I said a 'rude' comment." He snapped angrily. "Now will you please get me down?" James smirked. "Ok sure thing bro." James yanked at the star. "Agghh!" He jerked his hand away, a fine line of blood running along his palm. "Don't touch my stuff and that won't happen." Alex leaned against the doorframe- smirking. She looked deadly and beautiful in just a shirt and undies. The scar where the bullet went through her leg was still red and puffy though. He sighed." I'm alright though." Still smirking she said "I can see that." He shuffled his feet. "Umm can you maybe get Hudson out now?" "Hey I was just messin' with ya, of course I will!" She winked at him as she skipped past him in a tornado of brown ringlets and laughter. James caught a whiff of jasmine and apple as she ran past. He took a deep breath-she smelt amazing. In a few swift jerks the stars where removed and Hudson ran for the fridge. Wrenching it open and stuffing his face full of expensive hotel food. "You're paying for that!" Yelled Alex after him. "The food that is!" James couldn't help but laugh. He pulled Alex into a rough bear hug, engulfing her with his arms. He felt her tense up under his touch and he quickly let go- hurt danced across his face. Awkwardly James walked over to the couch and plopped himself down, pulling a pillow across his face. He blindly reached for the TV remote. His hand brushed against something soft and warm - not the TV remote. He pulled the pillow off his face and Alex was sitting on the edge of the couch a smile on her face. "How about a hug James Linkin?" James grinned opening his arms. "You read my mind Alexandria Tove." Wrapping his arms around Alex's' waist, he pulled her close and her arms went around his neck. He breathed in deeply she still smelt amazingly of jasmine and apple. "Yum" he thought to himself. Alex pulled away after awhile and leaned back against the edge of the couch her legs resting on James lap. She switched on the TV flicking through the channels until she came to the news. "Three dangerous fugitives are running wild through London's streets! They are a threat to mankind and should be dealt with efficiently. We have a hacker, a highly trained assassin and a former MI6 agent! They will kill anyone that gets in there way, last night we have evidence that the female in the group- Alexandria Tove, the assassin managed to seduce a guard at Buckingham palace, quickly killing him after and then break into the palace- killing all the guards along the way and finally sneak into Prince Charles suite and swiftly slit his throat. These fugitives need to be eliminated!" The prime minister yelled at the cameras. James saw Alex flinch. "I did not do any of that! The fricken sleazebag has got his bloody facts wrong!" Alex yelled at the TV. The prime minister stood down from the podium and motioned for someone to come up. James almost fainted from shock as he saw who came up on screen. "Alexandria and her "friends" tried to kill me one week ago, the agent-Mr Linkin I believe is his name, shot at me multiple times. Thank goodness I was wearing a bulletproof vest! It was just a normal day at work and these three teenagers barge through the doors and kill everyone in the room! Eighty- seven peoplethey killed! I've been attending counselling for six days now with no sign of improvement. Please help me to catch these murderers! If you do you will save a lot of lives!" Kai Malum finished speaking and got down from the podium. James looked over at Alex-her face was pale and her hands were shaking. She looked up at James and mouthed one word. "Crap."

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