Chapter 51 "Witness."

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Alex felt her knuckles tingling as she crouched in the corner of an abandoned warehouse that sat across the road from Jacob and laurels house. She was covered in blood and sobbing into her shirt. Her hair- slick with sweat and blood stuck in clumps to her face and her hands bruised and bloody also.  Letting out a strangled sob Alex's body shuddered as she gasped for air. "What have I done?" She whispered to herself. "Yes. I'm wondering the same thing Lexie." Connor voice came out as a whisper as he sat down next to Alex. "Don't call me that." Alex spat. Connor chuckled and begin rubbing small circles in her back- soothingly. Alex sighed and began confessing. "I don't know Con... I was just so angry! I just wanted to kill something and then I saw James and I thought I could make him better by sparring with him- you know? Like train him up a bit? But what I didn't realise was how angry I was and how angry the beast inside of him was. We could've killed each other Con." Alex fell into Conner shoulder, letting out a loud sob. "Hey, Shhhh it's going to be okay. James is okay, you're okay. All you need to do now is apologise to each other." Connor smiled as he stroked Alex's hair and held her. Alex nodded into his shirt. Connor looked down at her bloody hands clutching his shirt and swore loudly. "Alex! You're getting blood on my new shirt!" Alex got up and glared at him, before wiping her palm down his face- covering Connor with blood. Connor yelped and jumped back. Alex grinned but it was short lived because Connor spear-tackled her to the ground not long after and began tickling her. Alex was screaming and writhing in the floor. "St-sto-Stop!" Connor grinned and continued. "Con-Connor!" Alex screamed again. Connor stopped and stared down at her, Alex lay there- still covered in blood but smiling non the less. "Let's get you cleaned up Miss Lexie!" Connor reached down and pulled Alex to her feet, before swooping down and throwing her over his shoulder. "Connor! Put me down! I have legs! And they work!" Alex screamed. Connor grinned evilly. "But this is fun!"


Connor just so happened to find a bathroom in the warehouse and as soon as he had found it, he had dumped Alex rather ungracefully in one of the many sinks. "Connor! I think my bum is stuck in the sink! " Alex exclaimed. Connor snickered at the thought. Strutting over towards Alex he grabbed her blood soaked shirt and tore the bottom half cleanly off. Alex's mouth formed an 'o' as he ripped. "Don't looked so shocked princess you weren't getting mine and your shirt is already ruined." Connor poked Alex in her belly button now that is was exposed and soaked the ripped cloth in another sink. Wringing the bloody water out he walked back over to Alex and grabbed her hands, Connor began gently dabbing and wiping the blood away.  "You know the only person who hasn't cleaned blood off me these past months is James, quite ironic really." Alex stated. Connor hummed in response as he wrung the cloth once again. Connor let out a sigh as he set the cloth down in the bench. "Alex, you need to know something..." "What?" Alex interrupted him, fear dominant in her voice. Connor lowered his eyes. "Hudson did some digging and... Well he found some things that you should watch. But Alex be careful because they're your initiation files." Alex let out a shaky breath and clutched at the bench. Her world became a blur as she recalled memories that she did not want to remember. "Has anyone seen them?" She whispered. "Not yet, when Hudson found them i recognised it just before he could open them. I think you should look at them Alex. With the files we might be able to find out some stuff on Kai that we have missed. Think about it Alex." "Connor even I have not seen my initiation files. I don't know how much is in there." Alex stated. Connor finished getting the blood off. "Just think about it Lexie."  And with that Connor popped Alex out of the sink and flinging her over his shoulder again, walked back to the house.


When they got back to the house James was no where to be found. Laurel said he has stalled out of the house and hadn't come back. That was three hours ago. Alex crawled off towards the couch where she slept, she couldn't be bothered showering she was too tired. Glancing at her watch she saw it was past twelve. Alex didn't even remember putting her head down before she fell asleep. Hours later Alex woke up with a jolt- her watch said it was three thirty. Reaching under her pillow she pulled out the knife she had hidden under there the night before. Pulling the blade up to her cheek and extending her other arm in a defensive position in front of her Alex crept towards the hall- wondering what had woken her up. Suddenly a creak from James' room made Alex twirl around and stalk towards his room. Gently pushing the door open Alex stepped into the room, only a second later to be pushed up against a wall and the arm with the knife in it jammed in between the wall and the door. Gritting her teeth in pain, Alex didn't make a sound. Whoever this was pinning her against the wall was extremely strong. About the bring her knee up and slam this person in the groin with her knee Alex readied herself for a fight. But it never came because a second later the light had flicked on and James was standing in front of her. "Come to kill with that now have you?" James spat viciously at her." Alex dropped the knife and with a clatter it landed on the floor. "Look James I know I'm messed up and I'm sorr-"  Before Alex could finish her sentence James kissed her.

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