Chapter 31 "Did you just quote Frozen!?"

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Alex and Hudson crouched outside the hunting shop- weapons drawn. With a quick nod of her head Hudson sprinted to the other side of the door, bringing his staff up to his chin. Drawing her bowstring out to the bottom of her jaw, Alex kicked open the door and marched in with Hudson quickly following behind her. A young man behind the counter yelped and a girl restocking the shelves screamed. Alex aimed her bow at the boy and Hudson quickly tied the girl up and to a shelf. "Please don't hurt me..." The boy pleaded. Alex smiled. "Come over here please." Alex asked him. He obediently marched over to Alex. She let the arrow down slowly and turned to the scared boy. "Hands." She demanded. He quickly stuck his hands out and Alex pulled out a handcuff and handcuffed him to the desk. With her bow still loaded but not drawn back Alex made her way round the desk. "Hudson lock the doors please." He did as he was told. At that moment an older man emerged from the store room carrying a box full of throwing knives. Instinctively he dropped them and knives littered the floor. Alex's mouth gaped and so did the mans. Quickly she drew her arrow back and aimed at his head. "You're supposed to be dead." Hudson whipped around. "What?!" Alex ignored him. The man walked cautiously up to Alex. "You've grown so much Alex..." His hand reached out to touch her face. "Don't touch me!" Alex screamed. The man pulled back quickly. "What were you four last time i saw you?" Alex nodded her head. "Your supposed to be dead!!" Hudson was so confused by this point he just sat down his head in his hands. "What is happening...?" "If you weren't dead, then we're where you when mum and dad died?! Zelda Malum said she killed you!" Alex screamed in the mans face. "I...I was recovering, she injured me pretty bad Alex... I'm sorry." He replied. "You could've saved me! I wouldn't be stuck in this life! I wouldn't be killing people for a living! I wouldn't be a wanted fugitive! I would have a normal life Edward!!" Edward flinched. "You used to call me Uncle Eddie..." Hudson yelled. "What!?" "Hudson shut up." Alex snapped at her friend. "You're no longer my uncle. Your just another person." Edward stumbled back his hands in the air. "Alex..." He said warningly. "I'm not going to kill you Edward." He relaxed a bit. "Hudson let's go, grab whatever you need." Hudson obliged. "Yes mam." Alex grabbed some knives off the floor and shoved them in her back pocket. "Alex..." Edward started. Alex looked up. "I'm still proud of my little assassin." Sympathy and love spread across her face-but she quickly composed herself. "Thank You Edward." His eyes fell. "Take whatever you need, I'll try my best to help in anyway possible." He stated. Alex smiled a little smile at her uncle and proceeded to look for binoculars. Quickly finding a pair of heat seeking ones. She stuffed them into her backpack. She turned to her uncle. "Arrows?" He smiled. "That's one thing I'm not short of cupcake." Alex smiled on the inside. He used to call her that when she was just a toddler. Edward left and came back quickly with an armful of black and gold arrows. Alex's eyes widened and she started at them with love and admiration. Edward laughed. "You still have that same look on your face when I showed you arrows for the first time when you were a little tyke." Alex ignored him and turned around so he could put the arrows in her quiver. Alex smiled as she felt the familiar weight of fifty or more arrows on her back. Quickly she turned around. "Even though I may not like you anymore I am still extremely grateful for you letting us raid your place." Alex stood on her tippy toes and kissed Edward on the cheek. "Thank you." Turning back around she noticed Hudson was ready to leave. "Goodbye Edward." She called over her shoulder as the duo exited the shop. Edwards eyes fell to the ground and a single tear dropped down his jaw line. "What the actual hell was that about Alex!?" Hudson yelled in her face. "What?!" She snapped. "You came to that exact hunting shop and 'happened' to find your long lost uncle! Just coincidence you say?!" He screeched. "Hudson I didn't know! I swear I didn't!" Hudson opened and closed is mouth wondering what to say. "Hudson stop you look like a fish when you do that." He glared at her and continued walking. "Oh so your ignoring me now hey?" Alex called after him. Smiling she trudged after him. "Huddie you can't ignore me forever." He didn't even look her way. "Hudson!"
Alex waved her hand in front of his face but go no reaction. "Yoohoo!" She called. Hudson smirked and then called as he ran off. "Big summer blow out!" Alex stood there stunned. "Wait what?" Hudson didn't slow down. "Did you just quote Frozen!?" Alex yelled as she tried to catch up to her crazy hacker friend. "Maybe..." He replied grinning.

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