Chapter 50 "Like a beast circling it's prey.'

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The clash of steel on steel echoed throughout the lair and the metallic smell of blood and sweat pinged in the air. Jacob scraped his blade along the full length of James' short sword- Apollo. Gritting his teeth James pushed harder, he didn't fancy losing his hand today. Jacob spun on the balls of his feet and aimed his sword for James' legs once again; James swung his sword around blocking his attack. Sweat poured off both the men as they continued to ruthlessly fight. Loud grunts and groans came from their mouths as they fought; they focused on nothing but the swings of the other, the position of their bodies and their stance. Jacob smirked at James as he stabbed at his belly, James quickly deflected his attack but the blade scraped across his arm in the process. Holding back a scream of pain James could feel his unnatural beast starting to rear up in his body, Jacob could see it in his eyes. 'Come on James, focus.' Letting out a growl as he tried to contain it he ran at Jacob and jumping in the air brought his sword down upon his friend hitting him in the chest. A loud metallic ding erupted around the room as James' sword rebounded off Jacob's body armour; it vibrated painfully in James' hand. Sighing James made his sword retract back into its cylinder and placed it back in his pocket, extending his good arm out to Jacob he pulled him up with ease. 'Not bad James! You're turning into a real swordsman! Aww my little china plate is growing up! Laurel look! My little china plate is growing up!' Jacob swung his arm around James and motioned for Laurel to come over. 'Honey, poor James probably doesn't even know what china plate means...' Laurel started. 'Mate, I know don't worry Laurel, I grew up in Elephant and Castle so I do know some Cockney, Well a little bit anyway enough to know china plate means mate.' Laurel's mouth formed an 'o'. 'Sorry I didn't know you were born in London.' They were all interrupted by a sudden increase of noise from the other end of the lair, Alex was there beating the crap out of Hudson. Hudson was clad head to toe in protective padding including a mouth guard yet he still seemed to be in pain. James winced as she lay another round-house kick to his face and then jabbed him in the abdomen twice before flipping him over her shoulder and Hudson landing with a sicking thud on the padded ground behind her. James could have sworn he saw Alex's eyes flash red as she clenched her fists in to tight balls. James swore as he realised just how angry she was and that she was walking towards him. James gulped as she strut over to him and placed her hands leisurely on his hips. 'Hey sweetie... how's your hangover going?' 'Umm great actually... why?' James replied nervously and noticed that both Jacob and Laurel had slunk away giggling, Hudson was paying too much attention to the massive computer now to care and Connor was filling a dummy full of throwing knives. Alex moved her hands in circles across James' back and purred into his ear. 'Come spar with me honey, it'll be heaps of fun!' She smirked at him and began walking away rocking her hips with each step that she took. James fidgeted with his hands nervously as he saw Alex look over her shoulder at him and gave him 'the look'. James felt the presence of Jacob by his ear. 'Dude! She is pissed! Have fun with that!' James ignored him and followed Alex to the sparring arena. Taking off his shirt he lay that and Apollo down on the bench, Alex took off her shoes and placing them down near her other gear pulled her pony tail tight and stepped onto the mat, tightening her sparring gloves. James picked up some gloves and quickly shoved them on, pulling them tight also. Alex smirked again and bringing her fists up to her temple and cheekbone she muttered. 'Let the fight begin Linkin.' James gulped nervously.

One thing Alex had learnt in her years of training was this one constant thing- never punch first unless absolutely necessary. A, because if they punch first they are off balance. B, if they punch first they are opening up a place where you could punch them. And lastly C, If they punch first they are either scared, stupid or incredibly angry, so they do foolish thing which usually works in your favour. The thing is James was neither scared, stupid nor angry. He also wasn't going to punch the love of his life in the face, that left one option- Alex had to punch first, which she wasn't too happy about. She started slowly walking around James her fists still up- ready to attack, like a beast circling its prey.

James' back tensed as Alex circled around him- she was like a lioness. Suddenly his legs gave way and he was kneeling on the ground. Sensing what was coming James ducked and just missed Alex's leg connecting with the side of his head. With almost lightning speed James reached out and grabbed Alex's ankle and twisting it he flipped her over. Alex's face collided with the mat and she felt a warm trickle running down and over her lips. Gritting her teeth, Alex pushed up on her arms and quickly spun around her ankle still caught, she grabbed James head and brought it down right into her knee. Now the blood spurted from James' nose as he groaned and let go of her ankle. Scrambling up Alex brought her fists back up to her face and while James was still dazed sent a sickening punch to his cheek. Spitting blood out of his mouth James got up and quickly swung his legs under Alex's and knocking her to the ground again, at this point Alex was so angry she wasn't even thinking straight. Kicking her leg up she got James straight in his 'sensitive spot'. James screamed and so did Jacob and Connor. James clutched at his crotch and fell to the ground. 'That was not fair Alexandria.' James spat at her as he continued to recover. Getting up on all fours and groaning loudly James attempted to get up but Alex kicked him ruthlessly in the stomach. He fell back on the floor and lay still, Alex crept closer to him- ready to strike again, when suddenly James swept his legs under Alex and she fell to the floor again in shock and hitting the back of her head hard on the mat. James was up in an instant and straddling her stomach, he layered one punch right into her face and then another and then another. Alex gripped his torso and flipped him over hammering him in the face with her elbow. Blood coated the mats as the two fought and it had definitely turned into a bloodbath rather than a spar. James grabbed Alex's hair and pulled it back sharply using this force to flip her over his shoulder, she landed with a grunt behind him. Slamming her elbow into the dent in between his shoulder blades, James gasped for breath and spinning around quickly he sent a flurry of punches at Alex's abdomen. This time it was Alex's turn to spit out blood, as he wiped the back of her hand across her mouth she launched herself in the air and wrapped her legs around James neck, squeezing hard. James grasped at her legs and fell to his knees, then fell backwards slamming Alex into the ground. 'Stop!' Laurel ran onto the blood soaked mat and stood in between the blood streaked James and Alex. 'You two are meant to love each other! And here you are trying to kill each other! What the hell is wrong with you two? Go take a shower and make up will you? I will have no killing or sexual tension in my household!' And with that the pregnant former assassin stormed from the room, then Alex realising what she had indeed done stalked off to the change rooms like a category five cyclone. James collapsed as he walked over towards Jacob, who just managed to catch him. 'Jacob... what have I done?' James mumbled just before he slipped into unconsciousness.



Guys i am so sorry!

A. For not updating frequently.

B. For my poor use of Cockney. (If you are British and take offense to my extremely bad interpretation of this I am deeply sorry!)

C. The ending is crap I know but all I really wanna do now is go to bed so i kinda rushed it.

D. And lastly for obviously not being a good enough writer because everyone has stopped reading :(

Anyway Caitlin out for tonight! Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy new year! Hope you enjoy your summer holidays (Or winter ones where ever you are!)



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