Chapter 4 "A friendly game of UNO."

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Hudson threw down a red three. "Uno!' "Hey! No! You're cheating!" James yelled back. "Uh no, I'm not brother." Hudson flashed his single card at him- a red two. James decided to be extra cruel. Putting down a yellow three he said smugly "Hahaha Uno!" Hudson's face was priceless as he picked up another card. James went all out and then started dancing around the room. He picked up his bottle of beer and took a hearty swig and yelled "I won! I won! I beat the one and only great Hudson Massuline!" Hudson laughed sarcastically. "You brainless, simple-minded, idiotic turkeys!" Alex came screaming down the hall. "You locked me in a small room! What the hell where you thinking?! Oh yeah my names James Linkin and I'm so cool I'm gonna lock a highly dangerous assassin in a small room while she's been unconscious for days!" Alex then proceeded to hit James over the head with the closest thing she could get her hands on- a pillow. "And here you two great big fat dodos are playing Uno!!" She kept hitting James with the pillow.
"Ok! Ok! Ok! We get it! I'm sorry!" Alex stopped hitting him. Hudson slowly backed off down the hallway to the room where Alex had just busted out of. "Woah Alex! You didn't have to break the door down!" " I did not 'break the door down' I just picked the lock." She snapped back. Hudson shut up. Alex attempting to calm down picked up James beer and downed the rest of it. "That was the last one..." James stammered. Alex turned around and gave him the death stare. He shut up too. Alex jumped on to the small couch and groaned "Why are boys so stupid? That's why they're always so much easier to kill then girls." James laughed. "My little princesa de las tinieblas, you do have such a sense of humor." Alex looked up, James was staring down at her directly above. "Hmmm what a challenging of a stereotype! A chic assassin who has a sense of humor." James smirked. Playing with her hair Alex pulled a strand out and dragged it across her upper lip, pretending it was a mustache and she pouted her lips so it would stay there.

James watched Alexandria intently. She looked so cute and adorable with her little mustache she had made and when she pouted her lips- he wanted to kiss her so bad. He used all his restraint and self control not to, he knew she would probably break his nose if he tried.

Alex saw James lean forward slightly and then stop and pull himself up again. He was biting his lip hard and she could see he was digging his fingernails into his palms. He wanted to do something but was stopping himself. She was confused- what would he want to do? Then it occurred to her- he wanted to kiss her. Alex couldn't stop herself from smiling at the prospect of that. She wondered what it would be like. Then her assassin side of her brain took over- "Alex! Your turning into a gullible girl! Don't think like that!" " So ah you wanna get a drink or something? We could go to one of those cafés or somethin'." James asked nervously. "Yeah that would be cool. We should probably take Hudson with us though, just in case." She replied. James nodded his head, obviously thinking about other things. "I'll go get him now." He walked off to go get Hudson, and they both quickly returned. Then off the little group of three went.

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