Chapter 33 "Die! Die! Die you stupid soldier!"

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This chapter is dedicated to PestControl777 because he is a great friend to me! Thanks PestControl777


James grunted and bit his tongue till it bled. Black spot danced across his vision and the metallic taste of blood gushed over his lips. He didn't understand how Alex endured this time and time again. Blinking back tears from the pain James looked up slowly at the blonde assassin that was currently beating the crap out of him. "Tell me James." Kai demanded. James didn't reply. Swinging his leg back Kai kicked him hard in the abdomen, James curled up in a little ball clutching his stomach. Kai smirked and pulled out a short butterfly knife, twirling it around his finger he grabbed James by the collar of his shirt. "Tell me James." He repeated. James remained silent. Groaning in frustration Kai slid the knife across James's cheek, scarlet blood ran neatly down his jaw and neck forming a pool beside his head on the floor. James let out an inward scream and writhed on the floor. "Tell me were Alexandria Tove Is James or I'll do that again. James still did not say anything and Kai slid the knife over the same cheek. James screamed loudly, more blood pouring onto the sterile white tiled floor. Grabbing his hair Kai smashed the captives head into the tiles a few times- but James remained conscious. Shakily James somehow got to his feet, he stumbled and crashed hard Into the glass wall. Kai smirked. "Come on James what's the benefit in not telling us? " James looked up at him with steely eyes. "I don't know Kai." Gritting his teeth and groaning loudly Kai slashed the knife across James face, cutting his nose and cheeks- narrowly missing his eyes. James fell to the floor in pain- screaming inhumanly. A soft knock on the door snapped Kai quickly out of his battle fever. A young brunette woman in about her early twenties emerged into the room. She carried a file and was currently scribbling notes. "Mr Malum here is the file you wanted on Alexandria Tove." Pulling out another file from her messenger bag she handed it to him also. "And here is the one you asked for of the hacker Hudson Massuline." Kai nodded simply. "Thank You ...?" He paused not knowing the girls name. "Lindsey." She replied smartly. "Lindsey what a beautiful name for a very attractive woman." Kai winked at her, Lindsey blushed deeply. Placing his hands casually on her hips he lowered his head to her ear and gently bit the lobe. She sighed. "Ten-thirty tonight be up at my room." He commanded her. "And don't be late miss Lindsey!" He pushed her out the door with a sharp slap to her backside. James scowled. Kai looked at him smugly. "What don't you get much women James ma man?" James's lips were pressed firmly in a line. "Or are you smitten for miss Alexandria?" He said emphasising the 'dria'. James gritted his teeth, ignoring the pain. "First thing you gotta do James is try with all your might to get in their pants." Kai spoke with slight humor. James had to stop himself from throat punching the idiot. "Well unlike you Kai I am a gentleman." He retaliated. Kai smirked. He back handed James across his cut cheek with the back of his knife. Watching him slump to the floor unconscious. "You will lose James Linkin you and your little girlfriend and hacker friend.. You will lose in the end."

Kai casually walked out of the interrogation room. Twirling the knife around his fingers he walked past the many guards and to a shiny silver elevator. Pressing the button for his penthouse he stepped into the elevator and swiped his access card across the panel. The elevator shot upwards at an alarming speed. Stepping out of the elevator calmly Kai glanced at his military grade watch. 10:20 pm. He smirked time to meet miss Lindsey. He walked over to his humongous king sized bed and ripped of his shirt- revealing the many scars below. Someone rapped on the door. "Enter!" He yelled. Lindsey strutted in wearing a simple short little black dress. Kai's eyes examined her legs, she blushed. Noticing Kai's ripped abs she smirked. "Hello Mr Malum." She spoke softly. "Lindsey." Kai replied walking slowly up to her. Lindsey's eyes flicked down to the tattoo just above his left hip. "What's that?" She enquires. Kai turned around to show her a black tattoo of a gun. It was printed so it looked like he had one tucked in the waistband of his jeans. Lindsey opened her mouth to speak again. "Shhh no need to speak." He muttered. She obliged.

"One, two, three!" Alex screamed as the red hot needle pierced her ear. "Alex stop being such a baby! It's just an ear piercing!" Alex whimpered. "But it hurts..." Hudson laughed as he stuck the earring into her sore ear. "For an unemotional assassin you're a massive baby." Alex slapped him-hard. "Why do we have to pierce my ears anyway??" She whined. "Because in order to disguise yourself you need to look- not like you!! Obviously!" Hudson replied in a 'duh' tone. "Don't use that tone with me Massuline!" She yelled. "Okay! Okay!" He raised his hands up in surrender. "What's the time?" Alex asked. Flicking his wrist up to check the time Hudson replied. "Almost 3:45pm." Alex groaned. "We've got ages till midnight!!" Hudson laughed. "Wanna play some Assassins Creed Unity then?" Alex was up in a flash. "YES! I dibs playing as Arno!!" She sprinted to the room with the stolen Xbox. Hudson followed her in, a goofy smile plastered on his face. Alex already had the Xbox switched on and the dubstep playing loud though the speakers. She excitedly pushed the disk Into the xbox. Jumping up and down with excitement she grabbed her most favourite controller and sat on the couch. "I'm gonna whoop your ass Massuline." She exclaimed. "Come at me bro!" He yelled banging his chest like a gorilla and pelvic thrusting. Alex looked disgusted. "I'm gonna ignore what you just did Hudson... I saw nothing." Hudson started laughing. "What?" Alex asked. "You said your gonna whoop my ass right? It's a one player game Alex..." Alex scowled. "Shut up Hudson nobody asked for you opinion on this matter." She stuck her nose in the air and the poked her tongue at the hacker. "I'm still gonna kill everyone!" Hudson replied. "I don't doubt that for one second Alex..." He sank back Into the comfy material of the hotel couch and gradually fell asleep to the sounds of "Die! Die! Die you stupid solider!" He smiled.


A/N also! I have decided to write a sequel to this! YAY! It will be called:
A light at the end of the tunnel

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