Chapter 16 "Wait for crazy darkness lady to calm her mental institute."

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"Where the hell did you go to young lady?" James screeched in Alex's face. But his body sagged in relief when she climbed through that window. He was glad she was alright. "Does it matter? You're not my father James! You're not in charge of me!" Alex's face was filled with rage. "No but I think since we're all on the run here, that next time you decide to run off and kill people that you tell us first!" James temper was quickly rising. Alex stepped forward inches away from James, their noses almost touching. "I never asked you two to join me did I?" Torment and danger dripped from her words. Stepping around James, Alex stormed towards the bathroom and locked herself in there. "Alex! Alex come back!" James yelled after her. He ran to the bathroom door. "Please Alex, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to snap at you like that." "Bam!" An arrow lodged itself centimetres away from James's head. His eyes widened in shock as he realised it had been shot through the bathroom door. "Alex!" He shrieked in a most unmanly way. "Mate I think its just that time of the month." Hudson said in an almost amused voice. Another arrow came through the door. "Come on Jimmy boy, let's go watch some telly, wait for crazy darkness lady to calm her mental institute." Yet another arrow wedged itself into the door and Hudson smirked. Finally giving upon Alex James followed Hudson into the lounge of the hotel room and plopped himself in front of the TV. "Hudson mate, tell me there's a gym in this place." Quickly pulling his phone out, Hudson speed typed a few commands and hacked into the hotels secure line. Eventually finding the floor plan he revealed the location of the hotels enormous gym to a very eager James. "You my friend are a bloody genius." James marvelled at Hudson's work. "Tell me something I don't already know bud." He replied grinning.

"Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven..." Hudson counted as James did his chin-ups. ",Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!" James let go of the bar and jumped down from the little podium on which he stood. "Your turn Massuline." Hudson let out a humourless laugh. "Yeah how about no." "What is with your last name anyway? It's really weird, no offense mate." James asked. Hudson clutched at his chest. "I am so offended! You bring shame and dishonour to my family James Tobias Linkin!" Smirking he continued. "My last name means "Rebellious" in Estonian. Suits me perfectly in my opinion." James laughed "Bloody hell mate it actually does suit you." Hudson gave him a toothy grin. James moved over to the bench weights. He adjusted the weights so he would be lifting twenty-five kilos at first. James lied down and began pressing weights. "So I never really asked Hudson but do you have any actual family?" Hudson stayed quiet for a few moments before quietly answering. "I think so." James continued pressing the weights. "My mother had an affair with another man before I was born... and as a result I came along. My mum's husband never even knew I existed, until she had another child with my father. Mum's husband murdered her in front of me, he murdered his wife in front of an eight year old. After she had died... I grabbed the baby- a little girl, still unnamed and I ran. I didn't stop running until my feet were beyond raw and bleeding. An old couple picked us up and took us in, they took care of us. I named my little sister "Anastasia". The old couple that took care of us died a few years back and the foster people took Anastasia away from me..." Tears sprang from Hudson's eyes and fell freely down his cheeks. "They took my sister away from me! How can people be so cruel to take my little, helpless sister away from me!!" Hudson screamed the last few words, his cheeks red and puffy. "I haven't seen her since, I have no idea where they took her or even what she looks like now." James dropped the weights got up of the bench and engulfed the shaking and sobbing boy in his arms. "Hey, Hudson its going to be alright. Once this is all over and we're safe we're gonna find Anastasia ok? I promise on my life i will find your little sister and i will look after her like she is my own blood. You got that?" Hudson nodded his head in agreement. "Yes sir."


Hope you guys liked my latest chapter! I definetly enjoyed writing this one :D

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