Chapter 3 "Princesa de las tinieblas"

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Alex gritted her teeth, the pain was too much. Dark spots danced across her eyes and a voice chanted in her head "There is no where you can hide Alexandria that I wont find you." Those were the words Kai had said as James carried her off. And Alex believed them. James was still digging in her leg to find the bullet. She screamed, James dropped the tweezers. "I'm sorry! I don't want to hurt you!" The boy that had dragged Alex out the door- Hudson, walked up to James and grabbing the tweezers plunged them into Alex's leg. Again she groaned in pain grinding her teeth and trying not to scream. He pulled out the tweezers with a significant "Aaha!" A silver shining bullet glinted in the dim light of the warehouse. Alex clutched her leg. "Oww." Her whole body hurt, especially her leg and arm. She had broken all her fingers and knuckles on her left hand, from punching the window. She was glad she decided to use her left hand and not her right. James got up off the ground and stood in front of her. "How are you feeling my princesa de las tinieblas?" "Your what?" she asked "Princesa de las tinieblas. It means princess of darkness in Spanish." He said with a smile "I thought it suited you perfectly." Alex gave a small smile. "Hmmm I think I like that one." She winked. Still smiling James leaned down and gave her a small kiss on her cheek. Alex sat there shocked, she'd never had anyone do that to her before. She felt herself blushing. "Is the deadly, emotionless assassin blushing?" Hudson teased. "Oh shut up hacker boy." Alex smiled and then cupped her cheek with her hand. She grinned at James and then blacked out from the pain, still smiling.

They say people look younger when their asleep, Alexandria just looked more beautiful to James. Her breathing was slow and even, her hair framed her face and a single strand drifted up and down as her breath moved it. James stared at her lovingly. She'd been asleep for over forty-eight hours and even though she was right beside him, he missed her so much. He reached for her hand, it was rough and calloused, her other hand was wrapped in bandages. She had broken it pretty bad the other day. He gripped her hand firmly and brought it to his cheek. "Come on Alex, come back to us." He kissed her hand and then got up and left, locking the door behind him.

Alex remembers a man clothed in shadows, a silver bullet, darkness, screaming, broken glass, dark red blood, and a man walking in mist- his face obscured, a sniper- rifle aimed at her. She wanted to wake up. "Come on Alex, come back to us." She heard James voice but she couldn't say anything, she couldn't do anything. "Wake up Alex! Come on girl you can do it!" She screamed it at herself. She put all her energy into trying to wake up, trying to open her eyes, forcing her mind to agree. And then finally her mind agreed- Alex's eyes shot open and she sat up super quick, immediately pulling her arms up in a defensive position.
She lay in a small single bed with a thin blanket on top of her, the room was extremely small and the walls were peeling and old and it smelt funny. She slipped her legs out from under the blanket and swung them off the edge of the bed, just touching the floor. She got up and walking to the door she twisted the handle- it was locked. She panicked "If the door was locked... where was she?"
She slammed her fist into the door and then kicked it multiple times. Alex having a sudden brainwave grabbed the lamp next to the bed and slammed it into the handle. The now broken handle fell to the ground exposing the inside of the door, she quickly picked the lock and the door clicked open.

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