Chapter 7 "Watch it crazy darkness lady!"

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"What the hell Hudson?! Where you planning on getting us killed or something??" Alex repeatedly hit his arm. "Owww! Watch it crazy darkness lady! I do have a nervous system you know!" "Do not use science against me hacker boy!" She hit him again. "I left you to get a car to save you Alex! To save your two big sorry carcasses!! A little gratitude would be nice!" Hudson yelled it in her face. "I did not abandon you!" Alex shut up
"Alex... I..." James muttered in his unconscious state. Alex's head hit the roof of the car
"Did he just?? Did he just say he...?" Her mouth hung open in shock. Hudson laughed. "Ewww! No! " she shrieked. Hudson laughed harder, he slammed his palm against the steering wheel. The horn honked and Hudson was laughing so hard at this point that a truck appeared in front of them and he swerved off the road and straight into a tree. The airbag burst out of the dash right into Alex's face- breaking her nose. "This is just not my day Hudson... Not my day." She clutched her bleeding nose with her hand and snapped it back into position with a loud crack. She whimpered. Hudson groaned "owww." "James? James are you alright?" "What in the name of hell happened?!?" Alex sighed in relief he was all right. "Lets just say Hudson had a fit of laughter James." She smiled through the blood on her face and began to laugh. Hudson started laughing too and James just sat there looking very confused- which caused them to laugh even harder.

"Stop killing me! I'm the gamer you are not allowed to win! I always win! You must be cheating!" Hudson was a very sore loser in Alex's opinion. " No I'm not cheating I'm just better then you in general Hudson." Alex and Hudson sat together playing on an xbox they had nicked earlier. 'Hahaha! I won again!!" Alex yelled. Hudson groaned throwing the controller down in frustration. He got up and stomped around the hotel room in his little tantrum. Alex laughed. James walked into the room a cheeky smirk spreading across his face. "I see you two are having fun." Hudson scowled "Yeah whatever." "Well anyway I've got some exciting news for you Alex." He winked at her. Alex raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah what is this exciting news?" James continued, "Well you know how your weapons were stolen by AHKTEM right? Well I've called in an old friend and a few favors and tomorrow morning we will all get awesome new weapons and sick assassin gear." He said it with so much enthusiasm even Alex got a little excited. "Really?" She asked. "Yep!" Alex did a little dance around the room. "This is the first time I have ever seen a chic get excited about getting new weapons." Hudson muttered to James. He snorted." Well I guess you haven't met many girls like Alex have you?" "Your right there, James."

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