Chapter 44 "Insanity."

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It was a week later and James still remained in his unconscious state. Hudson told Alex that just before Connor and her arrived that he had fallen asleep. The only problem with this was- he hadn't woken up yet. Alex stayed by his side day and night until either Connor or Hudson had to drag her away and force her to shower, eat and sleep. Connor and Hudson however had devolved an uncanny friendship that resulted in lots of dirty jokes, video games and left over Doritos packets littering the floor of their little dump of an apartment just outside Edgware Road station. Doritos packets weren't the only thing all over the dirty, creaky wooden floor. Weapons were strewed all over the place along with bits of computers and Hudson's hacking equipment. The toilet was leaking, the light in the lounge room was broken, the bed creaked and could hardly hold up the weight of Alex and there was a large stain in the centre of the kitchen that looked a lot like blood. In other words it was most definitely a dump. Somehow rather though Connor had managed to lay his hands on two massive subwoofers, a smart TV, PS4 and an Xbox 360 and so they were never bored. Alex didn't dare ask him how'd he managed to get them. The sleeping arrangements were awkward to say the least- Hudson slept on the sofa bed with Connor and in the mornings they both often woke up spooning each other, James had the only bed in the house which was propped up using pot plants and Alex slept on a pile of blankets with a hot water bottle underneath the table. Alex awoke that morning to the sound of Hudson screaming. "AIIIIIEEEIIII!" She bolted upright, forgot where she was and hit her head on the underneath of the table- hard. Swearing loudly she crawled out and padded to the lounge room where the boys bunked. "Why are you screaming." Alex said. It wasn't a question it was a 'I'm going to kill you for waking me up so this better be good.' Hudson was sitting up in bed the blankets pooled around his waist line and his surprisingly ripped upper half on full display. Alex's eyes widened. "Okay maybe that was worth waking up for..." She muttered. Hudson smirked. Then remembered what he had screamed over. Lifting the blanket up so Alex could see he pointed at the also extremely ripped male next to him. Connors arms were wrapped tightly around Hudson and his cheek was snuggling into his thigh. He was mumbling in his sleep and then started to place small kisses along Hudson bare thigh. Hudson shoved his fist into his own mouth to stop screaming. Alex shoved hers in her mouth for an entirely different reason. She fell to the floor clutching her stomach laughing so hard she could barely breathe. "Why do you where just undies to bed when you know this is going to happen?" Alex asked in between her laughs. Hudson grunted and attempted to push Connor off him. "Get off me you whale!" Connor stayed asleep and didn't budge. He continued peppering little kisses on Hudson's leg. Hudson's face was one of utter disgust and terror. "Get him off me Alexandria!!" He screamed. Alex laughed before she wandered over to the mantle and picked up a cap gun. Walking over to the bed she sat on the edge and pointed the toy gun and Connor's forehead. Pulling the trigger a loud 'Bang!' Erupted from the toy. Connor was up in an instant and had Alex pinned by her wrists underneath his bulky frame. Alex didn't panic she lay perfectly still. "Connor your awake now and your not being attacked calm down. I had to get your lazy ass out of bed some how." Alex told him. Connor released her wrists and sat up rubbing his eyes, Alex crawled out from beneath him, got off the bed and trudged back into the kitchen. She could hear the boys having a heated argument about spooning and kissing legs. Hudson was very passionate about Connor sleeping on the floor, Connor told him to suck it up. Alex rolled her eyes and picked up a saucepan, rummaging through the fridge she found some bacon that they had brought earlier and there was some left over pancake mix from the night before. "Bacon Pancakes it is then." She muttered. After the three had eaten Alex wandered to James's room. He hadn't eaten properly in over a week, a tube pumped food into him. He had tubes all over him, Alex blinked back some tears- it was hard for her to see him like that. All she wanted was for him to wake up and be himself, to be the James she had fallen hard for. But Alex knew that he wouldn't be the same. Kai would have changed him, he would've beaten him, tortured him and with all the experimenting... Alex didn't know what to expect but she knew one thing for certain. She was scared to the core. She sat down in the chair next to his bed and laid her forearms on the bed her head slowly sinking down onto them. Tears made little tracks down her cheeks and sobs racked her body. These few months were the most she's ever cried in over a decade and everything she had bottled up... Came pouring out right now as she sat before one of her only friends, and she didn't even know if he would live.

~~Seven hours later~~

Tear stained sheets and an itchy blanket rubbing against James face woke him up. Slow breathing and an intense warmth he could feel on his right, tilting his head towards the sound James saw her. The girl he was completely whipped over. He tried to say her name but all that came out was a raspy groan. He tried to move his hand to stroke her face but it wouldn't move, he was too weak. Closing his eyes tightly he tried to ignore the pain in his neck, where Kai doctors had last injected him with the serum. Ten different serums now called his body home and he had memorised each and everyone. To start off with there was: Anger, rage, battlefever, strength, dominance, adrenaline and stamina. All these serums gave him extra 'abilities' the doctors had called it. But how was rage and anger a more enhanced ability? James didn't understand. The other three serums were: Healing, enhanced senses and the last one which he feared the most... Insanity. James drew in a deep breath. How would he ever tell Alex that he was an experiment? That his strength wasn't his anymore, not even his six pack which he had worked so hard to get could be called his anymore. With all the chemicals inside of him his abs were definitely more prominent and defined. They looked good but they weren't his. "Alex?" He managed to choke out. Alex bolted up so fast James was surprised she didn't get whiplash. "James!!" She screamed as she jumped on top of him. James grunted but smiled as she straddled his chest hugging him so hard he thought she would crush him. "You're're okay... Oh my gosh I was so worried you wouldn't wake up... You would've left me with those two idiots..." James blinked. "Two? Whose the other person?" Alex's mouth formed an 'o' shape as she realised he didn't know. "Connor Caisses. He's part of our little gang now he was my best friend before the murder of Kai's sister. He's an assassin too." Alex said still on top of James. James gritted his teeth. "Don't be jealous, don't be jealous..." He chanted in his head. He forced a smile. "Great!" Alex glanced at her watch. "It seven o'clock you better get some rest. I know you've been sleeping for a week but you need to sleep now." James eyes widened. "I've been asleep for how long?!" "Don't worry it's not like you've lost a decade of your life or something! It's only been a week!" Alex stroked his chest soothingly. "Now if you go to sleep now like a good boy I'll snuggle with you." Alex said. James shut his eyes immediately. Alex stifled a laugh. Sliding of his chest she curled up next to him in the rickety bed, wrapping her arms around his torso she avoided the tubes and snuggled her face into his chest. Her hand placed itself over his heart and they fell asleep. "I love you Alexandria..." James muttered as he fell asleep. She heard it just before sleep took her captive.

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