Chapter 2 "Hacker boy"

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This chapter is dedicated to tash_bella33 because she is in the process of designing my front cover thing! :D thanks Tash!


"Mister! Mister! Wake up! Please don't be dead!" a shrill voice invaded James dreams. He groggily raised his head. His vision was blurry but eventually a young pretty woman came into focus, she wore an Austrian dress, her blonde hair pulled tightly back into to pigtails and her hands rested on her hips. Her hazel eyes bored angrily into his skull. "You are not allowed to sleep here Mister! Get out before I get the broom!!" she yelled into his face. James got up wearily and walked out the café's door. A blast of freezing cold wind slammed him in the face and he pulled his jacket tighter around his body and ducked down a smaller alleyway. Two men stood over a boy about James' age punching him in the gut "Come on hacker boy! Fight back! Throw a punch for once in your life!" "Oh you little princess! Too scared to bruise those precious hands of yours hey?"
James called out "Hey ladies! Why don't ya leave hacker boy alone and go pick on someone your own size." James looked down at their waists. "Which I'm gathering isn't very big." The older guy looked like an angry bull- he was fuming. The younger one gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "Who you callin' small boy?!" "In a matter of fact, you actually." James put a happy tone into his voice. It agitated them even more. They came at him faster then he thought they would've and he copped a hard punch in the jaw. James fought back punching them in the face, he was much stronger then them. The older one grabbed his arms and twisted them behind his back while the other punched him continually in the face. James ducked and flipped the man over his back landing him on the other guy. They both groaned in pain. James pulled out his gun aiming it at them. "Now you leave, I never want to see you again or hear from you. Do you understand? Cause if you don't I will shoot you." The men still tangled up tried to get up and run but fell to the ground. "Yes! Yes! We understand!! Please don't shoot!" James lowered the gun and the men scrambled up and bolted out unto the street. Wiping blood from his lip with the sleeve of his jacket he turned around to the boy. He stood in the shadows. "Hey its ok I wont shoot you." James tucked the gun into his waistband. "My names James Linkin." He extended his hand for a handshake. The boy stepped out of the shadows and cautiously shook his hand. "I'm Hudson Massuline. Thanks for saving me back there." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Hey its all good mate." James pulled out the photo he had of Alex. "I was just wondering ... have you seen this girl recently? Its kinda important that I find her." Hudson took the photo from him; he pulled out a little device from his pocket. "She looks familiar. Gimme a sec." He scanned the photo with the device and a shrill beeping sound came from it. "Yep I know her and I know where she is. But... if you want me to take you to her it's gonna require some cash." James bit his lip. "How much?' "You're a nice guy and I owe you for saving me so... $500?" James nodded "Ok I can do that." He pulled out his money and handed $500 over. Hudson grinned. "I better spill then hey?" James nodded enthusiastically. "Well ok, your girl here is a wanted assassin by MI6 and another organization... known as AHKTEM. Short for assassins, hackers, killers, thieves and evil masterminds. That's whom I work for. I'm the best hacker in the whole organisation." Hudson puffed his chest out proudly. "Anyway so earlier today Kai- the guy who's in charge. Sent forty- five men to capture her. That's how dangerous she is. And only ten came back. But they had managed to capture her, they took her to the interrogation room and then after she talked to Kai they took her to one of the high security cells. Her execution is in three days." James felt like a part of him had been ripped from his body. Like someone was removing his insides with a red-hot poker. He pushed his emotions deep down and said "Take me there."

Alex had thought long and hard about what her final words were going to be before she died. Now that she was going to die in three days she started thinking about it even harder. Her mind reeled with all her famous assassins- her role models- John Wilkes Booth, Dmitry Bogrov, Gavrilo Princip, Felix Yusupov, Dmitri Pavlovich, Charlotte Corday, Lee Harvey Oswald and her favourite who wasn't really an assassin- Mary Surratt. With the last words of "Please don't let me fall." Alex found them so deep and bold, they weren't corny or stupid. They where strong and scared at the same time. She let her mind wander deeper into her more hidden thoughts and fears. She was going to die at the age of eighteen, there was no way around it she was going to die, wether she liked it or not. Calmly she got up, faced the bulletproof one-way glass, pulled the finger at it and then punched it as hard as she could. The pain started slowly, ripping through her knuckles all the way up her arm to her shoulder. She felt her knuckles buckle and crack under the force- she felt them break. Blood splatted the glass, which had the smallest crack in it. Alex breathed heavily, blood dripped onto the clinical white tiles steadily. Sirens wailed and pulling back her fist she punched the glass again- more pain, more blood, but the crack grew bigger. "This better bloody work" she thought tho herself. Twice more she punched the glass, the crack growing larger. She gave up on her fists they where as useless as John Wilkes Booth's now and so she took to her elbow, she smashed it into the glass and it worked. Fragments of glass flew around her like a shower of glitter rain. She tore off the bottom of her shirt and wrapped it around a large shard of jagged glass, making a make-shift knife. She made another one and then jumped out the window. Two men with guns barrelled toward her, she threw the glass knives at both, striking them squarely in the chest and grabbed the guns. She retrieved her knives back and shoved them in her back pocket and with two machine guns on her hips she walked into the lobby full of assassins, hackers, killers, thieves and evil masterminds. Preparing to kill anyone that got in her way. A middle aged lady with a deadly looking sword came up to her and demanded that she handed over her weapons. Alex shot her and then chaos began. Everyone pulled out some sort of weapon and advanced toward her, encircling her. Alex smirked, and with her broken hand she spun around in a circle and pulled the trigger- killing everyone. Or so she thought. Kai appeared amongst the mist holding a sniper rifle. Alex didn't have time to react, she dove to the side as quick as possible but not before he pulled the trigger. Severe pain tore through Alex's leg just below her hip, she fell to the ground. She could see the exit, she was so close. "Oh dear god don't let me die." She prayed. Then the unexpected happened. James bolted through the door looking panicked and boy she didn't know followed him. James saw Alex, his eyes widened in shock and then he saw Kai. He pulled out a black handgun and fired five, six, seven times. Kai staggered back- he was obviously wearing a bulletproof vest but James kept shooting. The boy that had followed James in ran over to Alex and helping her up he dragged her out the front door. James started backing up still shooting and when he got out the door he picked Alex up and they bolted through the streets of London.

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