Chapter 57 "Full of darkness."

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Guys this is going to kill me


Hudson knew as soon as he turned around that they were viciously outnumbered. Fear ate away at his gut when he saw about fifteen guns pointed at his head. "Well if it isn't my old friend! Hello Hudson!" A young man about Hudsons age emerged from behind a wall of guards, he carried with him a crossbow. Hudson's eyes widened, he only knew two people who could use a crossbow and one of them was Alex. "Achilles... So you really are alive." Jacob looked at Hudson in panic, he knew who Achilles was. "Yes! It's so good to see you! How long has it been? Three years?" Achilles said with a smile. Hudson grit his teeth. "If only it had been longer." Achilles frowned. "You want to know how I am still alive Hudson? Because of your stupidity! I wasn't dead from that electrifying experience, I just lay still till the general came to get me! Your stupid ass couldn't even find a pulse!" Achilles yelled in his face. Pulling his shirt down to reveal the base of his neck - Achilles exposed millions of bluish scars, like the branches of a tree. "Look what you did to me. My whole body is like this thanks to you!" Hudson cracked a smile. "Glad to be of help." Achilles back handed him across the face. "How about I return that favour of yours? Gimme the taser boys." Reaching back Achilles retrieved a taser from the back of the pack. As he was about to press it to Hudson's neck, Hudson whipped out his staff and as it extended Jacob unsheathed his sword. Hitting Achilles in the face with the staff Hudson turned to Jacob. "Get out of here now! Take the laptop and finish the hack! Keep Alex and the boys safe. I'll see you later. Now go!" Jacob nodded and picking up the laptop, he hacked at the guards with his sword and got out of the pack in a bloody path. Hudson continued fighting, using every technique he had learned from the three assassins he was currently living with. Stabbing and swinging with his staff he killed a lot of men but Achilles raised his hand and all of a sudden the fighting stopped. Everyone was still and now it was just Hudson and Achilles. "It's time you died for real, Achilles." And with that Hudson charged. It was clear that Achilles wasn't a fighter, he was a hacker for goodness sake. But he was not to be underestimated and Hudson understood that. Hudson's charge took Achilles completely by surprise, but not before Achilles managed to fire one bolt from his crossbow, the bolt shot straight through Hudson's shoulder and out the other side. Hudson tried to ignore the pain and continued to charge at Achilles. One minute Hudson was standing there, still, and the next he was right in front of Achilles - with Achilles as a kebab. The staff went straight though the middle of Achilles sternum and Hudson pushed until it came through the other side. He was dead in an instant. Hudson pushed him to the ground and pulled his staff out. Kicking him he spat. "Looks like I found your Achilles heel." One of the men watching couldn't help but laugh. Hudson turned around quickly to look at them all, he looked pretty menacing being coated in his and another man's blood. It was very obvious that these men did not enjoy working for Achilles, but they apparently still held allegiance to Kai. Hudson found that out pretty quick when they advanced on him. Pushing him to his knees one of the men pulled a gun out on him and pressed it to the back of his neck. "Sorry about this mate." Hudson looked up, trying to capture something beautiful to look at before he got a bullet through his windpipe. His eyes found a star, shining brightly in the sky, he smiled. And then pain exploded in his neck and he fell to the ground, why wasn't he gasping for breath? Maybe they missed and got his brain instead? These were his thoughts as the blackness enveloped his mind. The last things he heard was Laurel screaming in his earpiece that had fallen beside his head and one of the men. "We should take him to Kai..." Then darkness.


"Bloody hell Connor! Can you not leave one person for me to kill?!" Alex shouted above the gunshots, screams and the sound of grunting as people tried to kill each other. Connor laughed and threw her a man that was trying to stab him. Alex ended his life with a quick swipe of her knuckle-duster blades. "Laurel! Where are we?" Alex yelled into her earpiece. Laurel's voice crackled back through the earpiece. "You're in the main hallway, take the next left and go up the stairs." Just as Alex set off to get the other boys, a trap fell on top of her head. Alex screamed as the net descended upon her. "James! Help me!" But James didn't hear her above the noise and Laurel had already told the boys to move along- thinking Alex was ahead. Panicking Alex reached for the earpiece to contact Laurel- but the earpiece wasn't there. "James!" Alex continued screaming for him. But the only attention it brought was the guards- whose attention she definitely did not want. "Hello beautiful." Said a particularly young and buff guy. Alex grit her teeth, these guys was just begging to receive a knife to the throat. "Wanna let me out handsome? Then I'll let you see just how beautiful I can be." Alex purred at the man. Like all the other men Alex had met in her life, this one was no different- very, very stupid. He smirked and believed her. As soon as he had lifted the net Alex threw a knife at his throat and quickly finished the others, holding her hand up the knives flew back to her- like boomerangs. Smiling she made her way to the lifts- which Laurel had forbidden them from riding, but Alex was at that point in life where she just no longer cared. She pressed the button for the penthouse where she knew Kai's office and sleeping quarters resided. The elevator didn't move. Alex frowned and pressed the button again, yet the elevator still refused to move. Groaning in frustration Alex realised what was wrong- she needed a keycard. Storming like a cyclone out of the elevator she walked over to the men she had just killed. Ripping the keycard out of one of their pockets she ran back to the elevator. Alex inserted the card and pressed the floor for Kai's office. The music chimed away as Alex continues her journey up at an alarming speed. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the railing of the lift. Finally a cheery 'ding!' Signalled that she had arrived. The doors opened and four big, burly men stepped in. Alex screamed internally. All she wanted was to kill Kai and go home, she was sick of fighting these idiots. They advanced on her- it was the last thing they ever did. Now that Alex had redecorated the interior of the lift with blood and corpses, she stalked over to the big wooden double doors that lead to Kai's office. She dug her feet as best as she could into the floorboards and broke into a run- she launched herself at the door.

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