Chapter 47 "You're my monster."

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James bent down and retrieved a small object from his bag. Alex peered cautiously over the edge of the mattress, laying his hand flat James exposed a large syringe filled with a strange greenish liquid. Alex sucked in a breath at the sight. "James what is that?" She whispered. "This is what Kai has done to me, this is what my body is made of. This is the last needle they gave me, it's full of all the serums they have given me. There is ten different serums all meaning to amplify different abilities... I don't know how they are called abilities when all they cause is death and destruction. Alex I'm a monster. I don't think you understand just how dangerous I am now. A few days ago... Kai shoved his young secretary into my cell straight after I'd been injected. Alex I remember every single detail, every single little thing. I remember her screams and her blood splattered on my face and I remember enjoying it. I ripped her apart Alex, I am a monster." Tears spilled out of James big, brown eyes and pooled at his chin. Alex got up and gently pried the needle away from his fist, she threw it on the bed and wrapped her arms around James's neck. "You might be a monster James but just remember I am too. We can do this together, you're my monster." Alex whispered into his ear. James buried his face into Alex's shoulder as sobs racked his body. "Alex... Alex I have to show you what it does." James breathes out. "No, no you don't James." Alex whispered. James swiftly picked Alex up and dropped her on the bed. "What ever you do don't move Alex. I don't want to hurt you." James picked up a walkie talkie out of his bag and spoke rapidly into it. "Connor, Hudson... It's time." Immediately after James finished speaking a loud drilling noise came from the wall. Two identical, thick, metal bar protruded from the wall and then Connor and Hudson appeared through the door. Alex looked between the bars and the boys. "Was that you?!" Hudson nodded solemnly. James screwed two thick cuff looking things into the bars and nodded at Connor. Connor closed his eyes and sighed. "You don't have to do this James." "Yes I do Connor, she has to see." James retaliated. Connor shook his head. "No she doesn't James! I've seen this before and trust me she doesn't have to see you turn into something your not. Kai made you this, you didn't make yourself this." "Lock me in Connor." James whispered. Connor walked over slowly staring Alex in the eyes. "I'm sorry Alex." With two kid snaps James's wrist were secured to the wall. Alex's eyes widened. "James please! Please don't do this to yourself! James!" She screamed as Connor injected the serum into James's neck, she cried as his eyes turned red and she whimpered when he thrashed at the bonds and tried to rip Connors throat out. Hudson and Connor retreated to the bed and grabbing Alex Connor pulled her head into the crook of his arm. Nobody spoke as James tried to kill every single one of them. Looking up from Connors arm Alex saw the thrashing and lunging James. Gathering her courage Alex inched towards the edge of the bed. Connors eyes widened and he grabbed Alex's ankle jerking her back in a quick flick. "What the hell are you doing Alex?!" Alex pulled a gun on him. Cocking it she pointed it at Connors forehead. "Try and stop me and I'll blow your brains out Connor." Connors grip tightened in her ankle. "I won't let him kill you." He growled. Alex's finger itched at the trigger. "Don't make me do it Connor. Let me go." She said through gritted teeth. Connor slowly let go and his eyes bored into the back of her head. "If he hurts you I will kill him." He mumbled. Alex inched ever so slowly toward James, her finger against the trigger. "James... James it's me! It's Alex! You remember me? I met you that time in an abandoned building and there was lots of dead guys around umm... I stole your wallet! And then I came to kill you and we had a little interesting discussion which involved me on top of you and you in Iron Man boxers! Remember? You saved me that time from getting killed and then once you and Hudson were drunk out of your mind and I carried you to the tattoo parlour... And then... Then you got taken. I remember when you were gone it felt like part of me was gone too. Like part of me was missing. I remember when I was a little girl my brother would chase me around the house and once we went outside and I ran straight into a double gee bush. I was crying and holding my feet and then a King Brown poked it's head out from the bush around us." Alex laughed as she told James her story. "My brother froze in his tracks and I was just sitting there crying and then I turned around and saw the snake and all I remember is such a terrifying fear gripped me that I couldn't move. I sat perfectly still as that snake slithered over the top of my legs and around my waist. It had slithered up my shoulder and had poke it's head just above it when I heard a whizz past my ear and then all of a sudden the snake was gone and my mother came running in hysterics over to me. I never gave it a second thought but recently I realised that my mother had shot that snake with her bow from over two hundred metres from the house. And it made me think Kai is that King Brown. All we need to do is let him slither over us and when he least expects it... We strike." Alex finished off with a flourish of her hands. She was now sitting on the end of the bed. James was extended as far as his bonds would let him. Steadily Alex stood up and stared him straight in the eyes. "It's me James, fight that beast inside of you and realise that you are so, so much stronger then that thing that Kai has tried to turn you into. But he has failed James! You are still the same man I fell in love with! You know that! Deep, deep down you are the same! All you need to do James is fight this and rise to the surface." Alex poked his chest in defiance. James stared with his red eyes back into her grey ones. "You're still the same guy that loves nachos, plays to much Xbox, punches things to hard, gets jealous way to easy, leaves dirty socks everywhere and wears superhero boxers! James face it you're one of those cute, fluffy monsters." Alex heard Connor gasp. "Don't provoke the raging man..." Connor said through gritted teeth. Swallowing her fear Alex extended her arms and wrapped them around James's torso. James tensed and then she felt him relax and the bonds went slack. "Alex..." He whispered. Alex quickly looked up and saw the normal brown eyes of James. "You said you fell in love with me... When did this happen?" He groaned in pain. Alex chuckled. "A while ago." James grinned. "Does this mean I get a kiss?" Alex slapped his cheek lightly. "You wish big boy." James grinned smugly. Connor un-cuffed him quickly and James rubbed his wrists. "Never have I in my entire life seen someone injected with that be brought back to reality with a girl." Patting James's shoulder he whispered. "You got a hell of a girl there man." Connor left dragging a shocked Hudson behind him. Alex reached her hands up to touch James's face. "James... You know how you said that there was ten different serums in one... What were they?" James sucked in a breath and rested his forehead on Alex's. "Anger, rage, battlefever, strength, dominance, adrenaline, stamina, healing, enhanced senses and... And insanity." Alex nodded and then smiled. "Like you weren't insane enough already." James grinned back. There faces were so close... Alex could almost kiss him. Her eyelids lowered to James's lips. "James... Kiss me." James didn't need telling twice. His lips were in hers in under a second and in the next second it was Alex against the wall and not him. "Mmmm damn girl you taste good..." James said as his hands buried themselves in Alex's hair. Alex smiled against his lips and then pulled away. "You now what I feel like?" James groaned. "More kisses?" He asked hopefully. Alex snorted. "No I feel like bacon!" James ran his hand down his face. "You're killing me Alexandria but I guess bacon is the second best thing." She nodded walking out the door James obediently followed keeping his eyes firmly on her butt as she sauntered towards the elevator. "Damn it Alex..." He mumbled under his breath. He was so not going to be able to sleep in the same room as her tonight.

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