Chapter 26 "Was that a butt remix?"

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This chapter is dedicated to LewisComstive. Cos being the nice boyfriend he is he has helped me massively in the writing of these next few chapters! Thanks lewis! :D


"Stay low, go fast, kill first, die last, one shot, one kill, not luck, all skill!" Alex danced around Hudson as they walked out of the Cambridge underground and started walking down Station road. "Alex really? You have been singing that single line for the past hour and a half." Hudson complained. "Stay low, go fast, kill first, die last, one shot, one kill, not luck, all skill!" Alex repeated. Hudson groaned. "Where did you learn that anyway?" Alex grinned. "When I was like ten, me and my assassin friends made it up to annoy our instructor." Hudson's eyes widened in surprise. "You were an assassin when you were ten?" "I was only training to be one, my first kill was earlier this year- boy named "Layton smite" he was planning on killing the queen. My 'boss' ordered me to kill him before he killed her. Of course that was before I killed her in order to get my own freedom. Didn't work out to well for me did it?" Alex laughed. Hudson stopped walking and looked at her seriously. "The reason Kai wants you is because you ran away from killing people?" Alex nodded. "And the fact that my boss was his sister... Yeah doesn't exactly help my cause does it?" "What was Kai's sisters name?" Hudson asked curiously. "Zelda Malum." She replied coldly. Hudson flinched. "I met her when I was younger..." He said quietly. "What happened Hudson?" Alex asked quietly too. Lifting up his shirt Hudson exposed a long thin scar going in a diagonal line from the bottom of his ribs down to his left hip. "She did this to me when I refused to hack into a witness protection program for her. About two years ago." Alex reached out and pulled him into a rough hug. "I'm glad I killed her then if she did that you Hudson." He smiled weakly. "I'm so glad I met you Alex, so glad. Even if you may be a raging, murdering, crazy, Turkey. I am so frikken glad I met you."
Alex had a joker grin on her face and she gently kissed Hudson's forehead. Hudson laughed. "That's the most affectionate I've seen you with anyone!" Alex grinning playfully slapped his cheek. "I'm an animal Hudson and you will never know..." Laughing Hudson continued walking down the street. And he began singing. "I like big butts and I cannot lie! Oh my gosh, look at her butt! Big, big booty, what you gotta big booty! I'm bringing booty back!!" "What the hell was that? A butt remix? Coming from rebel buttocks I find that quite entertaining." Alex yelled after him. "You know it darkness lady." Smirking Alex sped up falling into line beside him. "So where is this friend of yours?" She asked sweetly. "One more block and we're there." He replied.

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