Chapter 25 "You're like my very scary, slightly crazy, assassin of a sister."

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"Alex! Alex!" Hudson's voice pierced through the wall of darkness obscuring Alex from reality. "Alex wake up! Please?!" Eyes fluttering open Alex woke up to find a very stressed Hudson leaning over her with bloodshot eyes. "Your not drunk!" She exclaimed loudly. "No but I got a ripper of a hangover..." He mumbled holding his head tightly. "Does this make it feel any better?!" Alex yelled loudly in his face. "Agggh quit it woman!" He yelled. Alex's eyes widened in fear. "James! James!" " Alex calm down! You're going to hurt yourself by doing that." Hudson held her shoulders down as she tried to get up. "No! He's got James! He's got James..." Alex broke down into a fit of sobs. "It's all my fault... I let him and you down." "Alex you didn't let us down at all! We let you down, we got drunk for heavens sake! That was seriously bad form on our part!" Hudson pleaded with Alex. "I'm supposed to protect you two! That's my job! Ever since you and James got dragged into this mess known as my life! I don't even know why he came after me! And you! Why did you stay with us after he paid you?!" Alex screamed at Hudson. Holding his head he replied. " Because by that time Alex, I was already wanted by Kai for betraying him and so was James. He just wanted to make sure you were ok. He loves you so frikken much Alex. And so do I- but like a sister. A very scary, slightly crazy, assassin of a sister." Alex lay there gobsmacked, she had never heard someone say that to her before. She sat up carefully. "You really think I'm like a sister to you?" Hudson smiled. "Yes I do Alexandria, yes I do." Alex wrapped her arms around Hudson's neck and pulled him close. "Thanks bro." She smiled. Hudson hugged her back and smiled too. He finally had a sister again.

Wrapping her Charizard onesie closer to her body, Alex shivered. It was freezing and her and Hudson only had the clothes on their backs and the onesie. "Hud-Hudson... It's free-freez-freezing!" She stuttered. Hudson didn't reply he just kept shuffling along through the light snow. Alex continued. "We ne-need war-warmer clothes." Suddenly an idea popped into Alex's mind. "Hudson!" She exclaimed excitedly. " I ha-have an id-idea!" Hudson looked up slowly. "Wh-wha-what?" Grinning Alex replied. " I hope you're good at pick pocketing bro."

A large obese man was shuffling along in front of Alex. Obviously rich due to the amount of clothes he was wearing. Walking up swiftly behind him Alex barged straight into his shoulder. "Oh my! I am so so-sorry mis-mister! I'm so co-cold I did-didn't see you! So-sorry!" The man looked sympathetic. "Here miss take fifty pounds and go get some warmer clothes for yourself!" " Thank-thank you sir!" Alex quickly ran off before he changed his mind. Up ahead she saw Hudson slip his hand into a ladies purse and pull out another fifty pounds. Seeing a rich lady next to her Alex slipped her own hand into her coat pocket and pulled out the ladies entire purse and quickly slid it into the pocket of her jeans. Slipping in position behind another man Alex reached for his wallet and started easing it out of his pocket. Quick as a flash the man whipped around and grabbed Alex's wrist. "What do you think your doing there girly?" He asked menacingly. Alex rolled her eyes at the name and quickly flicked his arm around and snapped it over her knee. The bones cracked and splintered and the man screamed. Alex picked up the wallet and quickly sprinted over to Hudson grabbing his arm she dragged him down multiple London alleyways until she thought they were safe from the public. Hudson looked stunned. "How much did you get Hudson?" Alex asked. Pulling out the cash and multiple wallets and purses he had nicked, Hudson lay them down on the concrete. Sitting down Alex crossed her legs underneath her and laid down her own stolen goods. They began counting.

"Three hundred and fifty seven, three hundred and fifty nine, three hundred and sixty!" Hudson yelled enthusiastically. Alex grabbed all the money and the largest and oldest looking wallet and shoved all the cash into it before proceeding to shove the wallet in her back pocket. Looking at Hudson mischievously Alex winked and said. "Let's go shopping Huddie boy!"

Two hours later...

Alex walked out of the change rooms smiling. She was wearing grey high topped converse, black skinny jeans, a thick black hoodie with the Assassins Creed logo on the front, a chunky black man watch was wrapped around her wrist and a supple brown leather backpack was slung over one shoulder. She paid the man at the counter and sat on a bench waiting for the one and only Hudson Massuline to finish up getting changed. The men's change rooms doors burst open and Hudson strutted out wearing low red converse, grey jeans, a grey hoodie with "Rebel" in bright red lettering and also a chunky man watch. Alex laughed as she saw the "rebel" jumper, remembering Hudson's drunk tattoo on his backside. Hudson quickly paid the man and then he and Alex left the store. The wallet they shared between them was much lighter then when they started. Alex opened her pack and pulled out some of her weapons ducking down an abandoned alleyway. Pulling her shirt up she strapped her shuriken, knives and gun there. Taking her butterfly knife out she shoved it in her pocket, pulling on her knuckle duster gloves she attached her morphibow cylinder to her belt. And hid her quiver full of arrows under the back of her jumper. Hudson laughed when he saw her. "It is not at all obvious that you have something hidden under the back of your jumper at all." He said sarcastically. Alex glared at him. "And what do you suppose I do with my quiver Master Hudson?" Alex snapped back. Hudson smirked. "I have a friend... Near here, he could help you." Alex raised an eyebrow. "He's not gonna try and kill me like Leo did is he?" "Not unless he wants a slit throat for trying to kill my sister." Hudson remarked. Alex smiled. "Ok where do we go then sir?" Smirking Hudson replied "Follow me!" And he began skipping down the road singing "if only I had a brain." Alex sighed and quickly ran after him. "At least he's not drunk this time..." She mumbled under her breath.

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