Chapter 36 "I don't do nicknames."

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"What... What..." Hudson was lost for words. "Alex?" She scowled as she stalked across the room flinging her bow and quiver on to the couch she grabbed the edge of the sink and began washing the blood off. "I went out to go get a coffee. A stinkin' coffee! And this chick sits down in front of me and says. 'Hello deary what's your name?' I almost choked on my blinking coffee! So I told her it was Abigail and she started laughing. Like uncontrollably laughing! How rude! I was getting highly irritated by this point so I slammed my fist on the table and asked her what she wanted. Her face goes all serious as she says. "I know who you are, your Alexandria Tove. And you killed my son Layton." At this I spat my coffee out and it landed on her face. I quickly grabbed my jumper and made a bolt for the door but this woman was not letting up! Geez some people are just so touchy! She grabbed my neck and was sitting on top of me, I dunno how she managed to get me on the floor but she did. So she grabs out her pathetic little glock 40 and points it at my face. 'Get up' she ordered. So I did, I wanted her to have a little fun before I killed her." Alex smirked as she continued with her story. "She took me outside after telling the Starbucks manager that she was Police and dragged me down an alleyway. She handcuffs my hands together and everything! It was quite entertaining actually. Then she starts swinging at me. Wow that woman could pack a punch! Anyway so she continues beating me up, hence all the blood." Alex moved her hands up and down her body showing the blood. "I let her continue for a while longer before I said 'Miss I'm sorry but I've got a schedule to keep, I really must be Going!' She laughed at me. Pulling my handcuffed hands up I got her in like a hug, before I twisted her around of course and started crushing her windpipe. She gagged and scratched at my arms and stuff, it was quite annoying. Anyway so I whispered in her ear just before she finally took her last breath 'your gonna die alone in an alleyway just like your son did and nobody will care.' Then she finally died and I came back here. And I'm pissed because I didn't get to finish my coffee!" Alex threw the bloody rag she had been using to clean herself up in the bin and the stomped off to her bedroom. Hudson stood there in shock. She really just had a rant because somebody had stopped her from having her coffee. And she had killed her. Hudson was never stopping her from having coffee ever again. He sighed as he slumped down on to the couch and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

''Alex! Alex wake up! Seriously!" Alex woke up slowly to Hudson's horrible screaming. "What?!" Alex screamed in his face. Hudson quickly retreated from her bed. "I had an idea!" He whispered. "So important that your needed to wake me up at 4 am?!" Alex screamed. She hated being woken up. Hudson's eyes lit up. "Yes!" She sighed. "What is it then?" Hudson was like a giddy school boy he was so excited. "We should have nicknames!" Alex sat there dumbfounded. "I don't do nicknames." "Well now you do! You see we have them so when we attack AHKTEM we can say our nicknames instead of our real names so if they hack our system they won't know who's who!" Hudson finished. "And what do you suppose our nicknames will be Mr Hudson?" Alex asked. "Well I'd be called 'Code' cos I'm the hacker obviously, James would be 'Havoc' because well he causes Mayhem wherever he goes and you'd be 'Carnage' because you kill lots of people!" Hudson had a massive grin on his face. "No." Alex simply replied as she turned over and fell back onto the bed. "Alex please!" Hudson begged tugging at her leg. She didn't budge. "Wake up you arrogant pig!" Alex bolted upright. "What did you call me?!" She screamed in his face. "I...I...I... Please?" Hudson stuttered. "Alright! We can have nicknames! Do whatever you want!" She screamed as she pulled the blankets up and over her head. Hudson jumped on top of her. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "Hudson. Get. Off. Me. Right. Now. Before I rip your head off!" Alex snapped at him. Hudson quickly got off the bed and bolted for the door. Which, was still shut. Hudson collided with the door at an amazing speed. Letting loose a few chosen words from his very colourful vocabulary, he fell to the floor landing smack on his ass. Alex laughed from under the blankets. Hudson angrily got back up and opened the door. He stepped carefully through and returned to the kitchen,to his beloved MacBook- his baby. Sitting down he got another donut and then smashed the rest of the packet. Hudson fell asleep staring at the computer.

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