Chapter 32 "Mmmmm... Cheque please."

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Alex smelled it before she saw it- the delicious smell of perfectly battered fish covered in lemon and tartare sauce and the crispy chips. Her mouth watered at the thought of biting into that fish. Oh how she loved fish. The food arrived and Alex didn't wait she just inhaled it. Hudson carefully held his knife and fork delicately as he looked at Alex. "You just ate all your fish and chips before I even started my steak..." Alex grinned at him. "What if someone recognises us?" She asked looking around the fancy restaurant. Hudson shrugged. "Run?" Alex rolled her eyes. "We shouldn't be here." Hudson glared at her. "You got to finish your fish and chips at least let me finish my steak!" "Ok whatever." She replied. Alex took to observing people as she waited. Across from Hudson and her table was a young couple- obviously very much in love. Alex gritted her teeth. "Alex are you alright!?" Hudson asked alarmed. Alex looked down and found Hudson's steak knife gripped firmly in her hand. She dropped it quickly. "Oops." Hudson looked over at the couple then back at Alex. "Wait... Are you jealous of them?" Alex cast her eyes downward, not answering. Hudson smirked. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me Miss Alexandria." He continued eating his steak. Behind them was an elderly couple also very much in love, Alex continued looking around. There was couples everywhere. "Hudson what's the date?" She asked desperately. Hudson flicked his wrist up to check his watch. "February fourteenth." His eyes widened and he then proceeded to choke on his steak. Alex couldn't help but laugh. He continued choking- people started staring. Alex got up and quickly ran behind Hudson, picking him up she began squeezing his stomach trying to get the steak unlogged. Finally a large piece of steak flew from his throat and landed perfectly on a young girls head across the restaurant. Hudson clutched at his chest trying to catch his breath. "Thank you" he squeaked. Alex smirked. "Your welcome. Although I can't believe you almost died just because you found out it was Valentine's Day." Hudson glared at her. "Mmmmm cheque please!!" Hudson squeaked very loudly. Alex sniggered. "You have been watching way to much adventure time my friend." Hudson's eyes widened as he turned slowly around. He looked like an owl. "It. Is. A. Good. Show. Do not insult it!!" He screeched. Alex put her hands up in surrender. The waiter arrived with the cheque and Hudson almost choked on his own saliva when he saw the price. Faking a girly voice Alex said. "Aww babe it is so nice of you to offer to pay! I've had the best Valentine's Day ever!" Hudson gave her the death glare as he handed over the money. The waiter nodded and then quickly left without saying a word. Going on with their 'star-crossed lovers' act Hudson quickly got up to pull Alex's chair out for her. "Why thank you Huddie dear." Alex winked. As they left the restaurant Alex stood on her tippy toes for the second time that day and kissed Hudson gently on the cheek. The manager at the desk 'awwwed' as they walked out onto the frost-bitten streets of London.

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