Chapter 42 "Excellent! We can attack in any direction!"

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I'm so sorry everyone!! 🙀 I haven't updated in yonks I am so sorry! I've been hell busy though you see I'm on a four month holiday... So yeah sorry :/Btw I was thinking (cause I don't have my laptop with me and I can't change or add cast on my phone) the actor I would want to play Connor Caisses would most definitely be Bobby Morley! Not only because I absolutely love The 100 but because I think he would definitely fit in the role of Connor :3 I hope you all like this chapter guys! It was such fun to write! ;) and oh my gosh over 1000 views!! :D so excited! Thanks everyone!!

Alex slipped one leg into her tight leather jeans and then proceeded with the other. She jumped up and down trying to get them on. "Alex what the hell are you doing in there?" Hudson knocked on the door and yelled in. Alex abruptly stopped jumping. "Nothing!" She yelled back. Finally doing the fly and button up she grabbed the sleeveless black hoodie she had stolen and pulled it over her head. Sighing with the amount of stuff she had to get done in an hour Alex grabbed her knife proof vest. She grinned she loved her vest. Zipping the zipper up she reached for her combat boots and slipped them on securing the laces. Alex looked around the room thinking about what else she would need for the siege on AHKTEM. A little box sat lonely in the corner its lid bolted shut. Alex grinned and walked over to it. Putting in the combination she lifted the lid and pulled out her prized knuckleduster gloves. The supple black material clung to her skin and the bronze plating over her knuckles and palms glinted in dim light. Alex pulled her wrists back and jerked her thumb and pinkie fingers out. Two blades instantly sprung out the sides of each glove. When she clenched her fists it looked like one big long blade that she was holding. Alex smiled. She was so proud of these gloves, she had designed them herself and got a friend to make them for her. Hearing Hudson knock on the door and tell her to hurry up Alex quickly set to securing her weapons. She slipped the quiver over her shoulder and the arrows slipped in easily, she inserted ten shurikens in the little compartments at her shoulders- five in each. Alex strapped three of her favourite throwing knives to her thigh along with some under her shirt, and with a carabiner she hung the Ar-15 from her hip. Her sniper was to heavy to carry with her. Staring at herself in the mirror Alex saw a deadly warrior with eyes of molten steel and a bird nest on her head. She laughed and quickly took her hair out re-braiding it in a tight French braid down her back. She didn't want it getting in the way when she fought. Hudson knocked again. "Hurry up darkness lady!" Alex ripped the door open. Hudson screamed and jumped back in shock. After regaining his composure he looked Alex over. "Hmmm not bad Alexandria." "Are you sizing me up?? I am not a piece of meat Massuline!" Alex yelled at him. "No! I was kidding! Gosh can't you take a joke!?" He defended himself. Alex quickly looked Hudson over. He had heavy black cargo pants on, and a sleeveless knife proof vest on like her- showing off his ripped muscles. Alex raised her eyebrows at this. His dark brown hair was ruffled but looked slightly sexy, he had two handguns strapped to his thighs, one knife and his staff was slung over his shoulder. "Where's all the hacker stuff?" Alex enquired. Hudson patted the small backpack on his back that she hadn't seen. "Oh right." Hudson looked at her weirdly. "You ready to go Alex?" Alex nodded. "Yeah I am." "You don't sound very enthusiastic." He replied. Alex laughed unhumorously. "How could I be enthusiastic when James might be dead for all I know." "He'll be fine Alex don't worry." Hudson said pulling his staff from the sling on his back and twirling it around his fingers. With one quick, fluid movement Hudson swung his staff around aiming for Alex's temple. She ducked and swiped his legs out from underneath him, Hudson quickly got up and brought his staff back up so it sat on the back of his neck. He swung again aiming for her stomach, Alex quickly deflected it with her forearm. She gritted her teeth, that had stung a lot. Hudson stood up straight with a seductive smirk on his face. Slipping the staff back over his back he walked up to Alex and towered over her. "I think you forgot something Alexandria." He held up a pair of metal plates that went over the forearms. Alex blinked stupidly. "They're not mine!" Hudson sighed. "I know I got them for you. I've got some too. Look!" He showed her his arm and Alex saw goldy coloured plates on his too. "You've got silver and I've got gold! But they're not real gold and silver obviously but I thought you might need them. They can deflect any blow from axes all the way to swords, knives and even chainsaws!" Hudson said proudly. Alex rolled her eyes. "And why did you decide to attack me exactly?" "To see if you're ready." He said simply. Alex shrugged. "Oh. Did you get the result you were looking for?" Hudson nodded. "Yeah you're ready." Alex laughed unhumorously "Well thank you Einstein like I didn't know that already." Hudson did a fake hurt face. "Your words they sting so deep!" Alex scoffed at him. "Oh shut up hacker boy. Let's get going. We don't wanna miss our date with Mr. Kai Malum do we?" Hudson laughed. "No we don't." They both walked down the old and peeling hallway of the abandoned house they were staying in, Alex reached the door first and jerked the rusted handle. The front door opened with a long groan and a gust of fresh, cold air blasted them in the face. Hudson gasped with the sudden hit of cold. The street was black and only a single lamp was working, it's dim light casting eerie shadows on the pavement. There was no one around besides a lonely black cat meowing for food. Alex's eyes scanned the area quickly but carefully and stepped out unto the street, Hudson following her. Pulling their hoods up they walked quietly down the street. "Alex!" Hudson whispered. Alex turned around sharply a frown on her face. "What?" "If people look out the window or walk down the street they'll see your quiver, bow and your knives." Alex bit her bottom lip he he said this, Hudson had a point. "To be honest I don't really care, I'll kill anyone who tries to stop me." She said with venom and hate in her voice. Hudson shrugged. "Okay then." They continued walking down the street. "I'm hungry." Hudson whined. Alex rolled her eyes again. "You should've finished your dinner then." Hudson shut up.

After an hour of walking they finally arrived at Greenwich AHKTEM headquarters. Alex pulled Hudson down behind an old scraggly bush. "You know most people pull other people behind bushes to make out..." Hudson said raising an eyebrow. Alex slapped him. "Oh shut it Massuline." Pulling out her heat signature binoculars she pressed them to her eyes and looked through. Kai was in his office and it seemed as though there was even more guards then normal. Hudson started sniggering. Alex groaned in annoyance. "What are you laughing at now?!" Hudson pointed to Alex's eyes and stuffed his fist in his mouth to try and minimise the laughing. Hudson chucked Alex his phone with his spare hand and Alex opened up the camera. Two thick black rings encircled her eyes. She gritted her teeth in annoyance. "Hudson Massuline! I look like a bloody raccoon!" Hudson laughed even harder. "We're trying to save James and now you do this?!" She whisper screamed at him. Hudson sobered up almost immediately. "You're right lets do this Miss Racoon!" Alex slapped him again. "Oww! Your so violent..." Hudson finally pulled out his laptop and set to work disabling the security cameras. Twenty minutes later Alex had found a way in and Hudson had screwed up all the security cameras, laptops, phones and even the electronic locks on all the cell doors, safes and entries. Alex raised an eyebrow impressed at his work. "I must say... Good job Hudson." Hudson grinned cockily. "I know I'm a genius just say it." Alex rolled her eyes and swiftly got up and ran to a nearby tree. Nocking an arrow she aimed carefully at one of the guards at the entry. She killed him and the second and third guard before they even knew what was happening. The pair ran to the door, blood splashed everywhere. Alex pulled up her Ar-15 and aimed at the door as Hudson pushed it open a handgun held up in his hand. The hallway was empty. "Ok this is weird..." Hudson said as they crept further down into the corridor. Turning the corner the sound of thirty guns being loaded assaulted their ears. "Argh there they are." Hudson said. Alex turned around so her back was to Hudson's. The guards surrounded them now. "Uhhhh Alex we're surrounded!" Hudson said slightly panicked. "Excellent! We can fire in any direction!" Alex shouted. Hudson laughed and whipped out his staff and gun. Alex steadied her gun. "Bye boys!" She wiggled her fingers at them and then fired. They both spun in a circle and just killed everyone in the hallway. Blood spluttered up the walls and splashed over Alex's and Hudson shoes and legs. Hudson fell against the wall clutching his chest. "Hudson! Hudson what's wrong?! Were you shot?! Oh my gosh were you?" Alex yelled. "No I wasn't shot..." He whispered. "That was my first kill." Alex's heart broke for him. Hudson wasn't a killer like her he was just a hacker, he never pulled the trigger. Alex reaches out to him and touched his shoulder. "Hey it's going to be ok. We'll just get James and then be out of here in a flash." Hudson nodded silently. They both started walking back down the hallway trying to avoid the blood and gore as much as possible. They reached the cell units and the door was already ajar. Prisoners held onto the bars their hands black and dried blood caked their knuckles. "Hudson I thought you unlocked the cell doors?" Alex whispered. "I did." He whispered back. "Alex?" A female voice cracked out barely audible. Alex spun around quickly. "Valkyrie!" Alex ran to the cell and thrust her arms through the bars and hugged the her old assassin friend. "I thought you were dead!" Valkyrie exclaimed. "No I got away and I'm here now to kill Kai Malum and get you guys out of here." Alex said quickly. "Please hurry Alex, he's using us all for his experiments." Alex stopped dead in her tracks. "He's what?!" Valkyrie went quiet. "Ridley and four others are already dead only a few of us are strong enough to survive it. He even killed his own brother!" She said nervously. Fear flooded through Alex's body. "James!!" She screamed running through the all the cells slamming her body against the metal bars looking for him. "James!" "Alexandria..." A weak voice called from the last cell. Alex ran to it and pressed herself up against the bars. "James! James your alive!" James lay crumpled on the floor dried blood caked his body and bruises were all over him. He tried to get up- but he couldn't. "Alex... Behind you..." He whispered.

Sorry for the cliff hanger guys ;) nah not really. Anyway I am writing a new book everyone! Be sure to check it out it might be slow updates but I'll try my hardest to get faster updates on both books! It's called SYDNEY SYNDROME for those of you who didn't already know ;) Anyway please please read it everyone!

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