Chapter 11 "Shooting lightbulbs."

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Stocked full of guns, bolts, arrows, shuriken, bombs and so much more, Alex walked down to the very back of the warehouse. There were no aisles here just some glass cabinets. When Alex saw what was inside of them she pulled out a gun and shot the nearest light bulb out because she was so excited. Behind the glass hung twelve different outfits- all where black and looked sick. Alex shattered the glass- eager to get to the clothes. She pulled out the one in front, it looked like it would fit her. She took off her own shoes and pants and slipped on the new pair. The pants fit snugly and where made out of a knife proof durable sort of material, the boot had a hard tread and looked good for climbing and running. Alex smiled. She pulled off her tattered shirt and jacket and threw them to the floor. As Alex struggled to get the new jacket on James walked around the corner and saw Alex in nothing but her new pair of pants. "Oh my go- I'm sorry Alex!" He blushed and held his hand up in front of his face so he wouldn't embarrass her by looking. Alex managed to get her arms through and quickly zipped up the jacket. "Its ok James, I'm sorry you had to see that." She blushed. "No don't be sorry, it was quite a nice sight actuall- I mean no! I'm sorry!" James scratched his neck nervously. "I'm gonna go find Hudson ok?" Alex smiled "Sure"

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