The Witcher The Swallow and T...

By jetrayf

156K 5.6K 1.3K

As humanity has grown the population and threat of monsters has decreased, naturally so has the need for witc... More

The Cold Beginning
The Dusty Trail
The Crooked Inn
Into the Woods
Lilac and Gooseberries
Imperial Audience
The Wolf and The Viper
The Path
The Sorceress' lamp
The Swamp of the Unknown
Ladies of the Wood
The Worst Father
The Swallow in Velen
Consequences of One's Past
The Romantic Sorceress
The Dragon who would be Queen
The Free City of Novigrad
An Old Flame is Forever Eternal
The Window to the Soul
A Bard's Muses
A Voice That Would Make a Siren Jealous
The Troll's Treasure
The Trial of The Grasses
Searching for the Son of a Whore
The Will to Go Forward
A Doppler Named Dudu
A New Ballad
The Black Bat
Her Sweet Kiss
The Never Ending Hunt
A Deadly Plot
A Poets Love
The Eternal Fire's Followers
The Memories that Haunt
The Island of Tradition
A Druids Dungeon
Secrets of the Fog
The Beginning of the End
A Powerful Magic
A New King
The Last Wish
The Cursed Imp
The Witchers Bretheren
The Enemy Within
The Path Taken
The Witcheress
The Battle of Kaer Mohren
The Empress of Nilfgaard
The Fang and The Swallow
The Martyr Saint
Through Time and Space
The Last Time
The Wrap Up
The Departed
A Final Journey
The Blood of All
Tower of the Swallows
The Sword of Destiny
Baptism of Fire
Time of Contempt
Something Ends, Something Begins
A New Journey
Blood and Wine
The Beast of Beauclair
Together Again
A Deed Rightfully Punished
The Loss of Those Close
A Familiar Acquaintance
The Land of The Dead
The Battle
Lesser Than Me
The End of a Life
Season of Storms
The Warm Farewell

A Matter Of State

1.2K 57 3
By jetrayf

(F/N) was tired, he hardly even remembered what he ended up doing last night. He had just woken up covered in crimson. He had no idea if he had killed a monster or a human. Did it really matter? Yennefer's curse was meant to disfigure him. He truly wondered if that only affected his appearance. It was getting easier and easier to kill. Was the curse disfiguring his morality? His sense of honor? Or was it the result of his power? He couldn't say. What was to blame? He couldn't answer that question.

The witcher tried to put that aside as he entered the warehouse Dijkstra had leased. He could sense the tension. Even though the many sailors and soldiers looked relatively at ease. He heard Roche growling upstairs, "Will you bloody tell us what this is about?"

As the witcher walked up the stairs, he heard Dikstra's voice reply "Just as soon as (F/N) arrives."

He saw Dijkstra smile when he approached. He was sitting at a table with a map of Novigrad on it. Thaler was right next to him, drinking a round of beer. The only one who didn't seem to be in a good mood was Roche. The soldier was standing a few feet away glaring at the two spys. Dijkstra snorted and extended his arms, "Witcher! At last. Now, we're all present."

Roche scoffed, and rolled his eyes, "Mhm. And up the fucking creek. Why've you summoned us? Radovid's on his ship. We'll not get to him there, I've told you."

The large man sneered, as (F/N) sat down and propped his feet up, "Stop it. I've an idea how to draw him onto dry land. But all in due time. Let's start by confessing our sins. (F/N) would you like to start?"

The witcher let out a yawn, he was still exhausted, "Hm? Oh...uh...Phillipa Eilhart knows what we're planning on doing."

Thaler burped, and groaned, "Bravo. Bloody braaavo."

The spy interrupted, he snorted as he bared his large yellow teeth, "Now, now. It's not a disaster. The lady sorceress is highly unlikely to warn the brat. What's more she's willing to help us kill him. Naturally, it's nothing I'll ever agree to...But Phil, she's inspired me. Call her my muse."

The soldier interrupted, while the witcher gagged, "Inspired you to do what?"

"Patience. We've yet to get to the substance of the matter. (F/N) I recall correctly that Radovid's hired you to find Phillipa?"

"Yeah. He wanted me to search her hideout in the mountains. But I blew that off. Why?" The witcher added, he tried to stay calm all things considered. But on the inside he was nervous, he knew he couldn't blow this off. This could very well get him killed. And killing a king was not something to be taken lightly. He would be forever branded a criminal in Redania. But it was better than being treated like a leper all over the continent.

Dijkstra's smile grew, as if his master plan was falling into place, "We can use Phillipa without involving her, provided you help. Radovid expects you to report to him, bring him information about her. All you need to do is mention her name, say that you found a better lead, you're on her trail..."

Thaler leaned forward, as (F/N) sat in his chair correctly, "Oh, he'll swallow that. Hook, line, sinker and and a good bit of the rod as well."

The witcher sighed, the King was crazy but he wasn't stupid. If he sensed something was even remotely wrong, he would act on it. But given the circumstances, that was their best plan. (F/N) sighed, "Fine...let's say Radovid doesn't kill me on the spot and he somehow chooses to believe me. What then?"

Dijkstra leaned forward, his eyes had a fire in them, as if he had been thinking about this for decades, "You'll tell him you found Phillipa's true hideout. Somewhere were we can easily set a trap, and ambush. Suggestions?"

(F/N) bit the inside of his cheek, as he thought of something. But surprisingly, Thaler was the one to think of an idea, "Bridge to Temple Isle. Built up, both sides. Lots of nooks, gates. Easy to block off from the rest of the city."

Roche nodded as he moved away from the wall, "Good idea. I'll divide my men, post half on one end, other half on the other, by the gate. And in the middle, Ves with a well-oiled crossbow."

The spy snorted, his hatred for the witcher was clear, as he spoke in a patronizing tone, "You see, (F/N). All we ask is you invite Radovid out for a stroll, bring him to the bridge. We'll take care of the rest. So what'll it be?"

The witcher thought of everything he had ever learned. Vesemir had always taught him to stay out of the horrid mess that was politics. But at the same time. His words boomed through his mind, 'Watch over them all.' He was about to answer, but then he head it, a hoot from an owl. He turned immediately, looking right at the nearby open window. For a moment, he swore he saw her, a white owl. But after that moment passed, there was nothing, he stared at the spot. Dijkstra tapped his bad foot, "Well? What will you do?"

(F/N) turned away from the window, taking even longer to move his eyes away, "I'll do it. But I can't just go back to business. Killing a king is serious. There'll be chaos in the city. We need a place to wait it out."

Dijkstra nodded, waving off such a small detail, "Thought of that already. Remember Madame Irina's theater? Abandoned now, not a soul lurks there. Thaler and I will await you there."

The witcher rolled his eyes, he saw that the spy was excited, but he didn't know why. The large man wasn't doing anything risky. He and Thaler weren't risking their necks. Yet he still looked as if he was about to jump into a large fray. He rolled his eyes. He looked at Roche, "And your men'll be there?"

The soldier nodded, his confidence in his men was high, "My people're battle hardened. They know when to be a certain place. You just bring them the king."

(F/N) stood up, and tapped his knuckles on the table, "Alright. That's good enough for me. I'll do what I can. Gentlemen. It's been an honor."

Thaler nodded respectfully. Roche folded his arms and gave him a steel like gaze. Dijkstra only smiled. The spy knew something that he didn't and it was eating at him, "Good luck, witcher. For your sake I hope Radovid's in a good mood."

(F/N) didn't bother responding, he slowly walked out of the warehouse. There were so many things he needed to keep straight. He rubbed his eyes as he pushed open the door. It was raining and incredibly gloomy almost no one was out. The witcher glanced to the side and saw the same white owl sitting on a crate, "What are you doing here, Philippa?"

After the usual white light, the sorceress' snotty voice spoke, "(F/N), don't ask questions you know the answers to. It makes you look stupid. No child of mine, should look stupid."

The witcher sneered, "I'm not your child. What did you hear?"

"Enough to peak my curiosity and gain a certain amount of wonder."

"And what exactly did you find so amusing?"

"Your naiveté. Honestly, you claim to be smart but you believe your plan will work. Do you honestly believe Radovid will fall for such a crude ruse?"

The witcher rolled his eyes, he didn't even believe the king would fall for it, but felt as though he needed to defend himself against the enchantress, "It's possible. Radovids crazy, obsessive, and cruel, that's a dangerous combination."

Phillipa adjusted the cloth covering her eyes, "I honestly hope your assessment of the Wild Hunt is more accurate than that of Radovid. Our lives both depend on it."


The sorceress folded her arms, as if he was the one who was being unreasonable, "You dragged me into this. I intend to see it through to the end. So like it or not. We must co-operate. Starting with this."

The witcher growled, "Why do you care? I'm a lab experiment that you would see burn."

The enchantress shrugged, "I have plans involving you and your survival. And I think it vital that Radovid die."

(F/N)'s red eyes glowed as they glared at her, the magician scoffed, "Fine. You don't want my help. But I shall do my best to make sure you don't fuck it up. Take this."

The sorceress tossed a ring she had been holding to (F/N). The witcher caught it, he looked it over. It looked incredibly valuable, the eagle engraved in the large red ruby made it look even more rare and priceless, "What's this?"

"It belonged to Vizimir, Radovids father. Hand him that, and he may believe you've found me. He might even chose to trust you."

(F/N) twirled the ring around in his hand before sliding it into his pocket, "What do you want in return?"


"Philippa, I know myself, which means I know you. You've always got a plan. You always expect something in return."

The sorceress scoffed, as if she resented the accusation, "I have no plan this time. I'll be content with Radovids head on a spike. Good luck, (F/N). You'll need it."

The witcher rolled his eyes, "I suppose. Thanks for the ring."

Philippa nodded as she turned, "Do be careful."

(F/N) watched as a bright light consumed her, and the familiar white owl flew away. He took a breath as he made his way to the Mad King.


(F/N) walked up to the Redanian soldier, the other man stood at attention as soon as he saw him, "Witcher (F/N), what do you want?"

The witcher tried to stay calm, this wasn't the hard part. But if he was caught making an attempt on Radovids life. Everyone and everything he cared for would suffer. "I want an audience with the King. I've got information about Philippa Eilhart."

The soldier gave him a long hard stare, as if he was checking for any sort of deceit. He slowly nodded, "Very well. I'll need your weapons. Now follow me." (F/N) nodded as he took off his sword, crossbow, and after a bit of coaxing, his belt. Of course, he wasn't unarmed, he had his claws, he had his fangs. He could probably kill Radovid if he wanted to, but he wouldn't make it off the boat.

(F/N)'s heart only beat faster as he was lead onto Radvoid's ship, his nerves only grew worse when he saw the madman himself sitting on his throne. His eye bearing into the witchers soul. He was expecting the betrayal. But he wasn't expecting him to bring evidence. The soldier that had lead (F/N) bowed respectfully and gestured to him, "Your majesty, the witcher. With news of Phillipa Eilhart."

Almost instantly, he was surrounded by witch hunters. (F/N) had to hand it to Radovid, he was prepared for nearly anything. The King gestured for the hunters to stand aside, he wanted to look (F/N) in the eyes, "Well, well, well. You must have something important to ignore my lead and make me wait so long."

The witcher tugged and adjusted his hood, he didn't see the need to beat around his bush, "I know where she is."

The King nodded, but his eyes were frantic, he kept looking everywhere, as if he was expecting to be taken out any minute. "Perhaps...Or perhaps you seek to trick me. Like the others."

(F/N) rolled his eyes, as he tried to keep his hands at his side, "I'm a witcher. I kill monsters for money. Philippa's a monster and you're offering money. I wouldn't be much of a witcher if I rejected you. Besides...I've even got something to make it easier to believe."

The witch hunters got incredibly close as he reached into his pocket to pull out the ring. (F/N) glared at the guard, "Relax. It's nothing dangerous." He held out Vizimir's ring, the hunter snatched it from his hand and walked to Radovid to present it.

As soon as the ring was placed in his hand, the mad king seemed to calm down, for a moment, his crazed expression disappeared, "My fathers ring..." he nearly teared up, "Philippa used it to stamp her decrees, then distribute them as the word of the king."

The King looked at (F/N), as soon as he saw his expression, the witcher knew he had bought it.

"Where is she?!" He sneered.

As Radovid slipped the ring on, (F/N) smirked, tonight was the night Radovid would die, "Right under your nose, Sire. In Novigrad, on a bridge leading to Temple Isle."

The madman's face was red, he could hardly contain his raw emotion, "Why haven't you brought her to me!?"

"As if I could capture Philippa Eilhart by myself. I only grabbed the ring as proof."

"Do you fear her?"

"No. I just prefer to live. Philippa's to powerful for a single witcher to subdue. I need your help your majesty. And when you catch her. You can kill her with your own hands. Watch the light go out in her eyes, metaphorically of course."

Radovid laughed, for a moment (F/N) expected him to call out the ruse and order his head be chopped off. But instead he pointed right at him, his powerful sneer showed itself as he gazed right into his eyes, "You shall come with me." The King turned to one of the men, "Hubrecht! Gather the men."

One of the hunters turned, "How many, Sire?"

"All of them."


(F/N) looked at the group of Witch Hunters that were surrounding him. They were giving him filthy looks. To make matters worse he still didn't have his sword. The guard that had taken it was eyeing it, clearly he had never seen such a well made weapon. Radovid was leading his men himself, the people they passed were gasping and gawking at the king. They had never seen him in person. As they grew closer, (F/N) felt his nerves get the better of him. What if something happened? What if Roche and his men didn't arrive?

The witcher held his breath until they finally made it to the bridge, "Well? Where is she? Where is Phillippa?" The king turned his horrid gaze on him.

(F/N) casually gestured to the gate, he didn't see Roche or anyone else, he hoped they were that good at hiding, "In a house on the bridge. Closer to the other end."

Radovid's smile was wide, his eyes crazed, "Close off this end!" He screamed the order to his men, "We need no uninvited guests, no innocent bystanders. Or witnesses."

He gestured to the Witch Hunters, "Damiaan, Jouke, Egbert, Freek, Caspar! You shall stay here, secure the rear. And kill the witcher."

(F/N) sighed as the hunters turned to him, he had been expecting this, but he still wasn't prepared. They slowly drew their weapons. He looked around, he didn't see Roche, or any Temerian soldiers. He couldn't fight all these men without his sword. He needed to buy himself some time. As Radovid walked towards the gate, (F/N) took a breath, and did the one thing that he still could do, "Fuck you, you piece of shit. I was trying to help you."

Radovid turned, his face was red, his eyes resembled that of a fish, it was clear he had never been spoken to in that way, "How dare you!" He bellowed, "I'll make it my mission to wipe out everyone you care about!"

"Oh please. You couldn't even find Phillipa on your own."

The King grinded his teeth, "I'll make do on my own. You're not even worth my time. When I defeat Nilfgaard. I'll be the savior of the North. I'll rule the continent. I'll destroy everything you ever loved. I'll burn it all."

"Uh-hu, I'm sure."

The madman laughed and looked at his soldiers, he wouldn't have to listen to the witcher's lip any more, "All of you, follow me."

The rest of Radovids forces turned and marched after the king. Leaving (F/N) with the Witch Hunters. The guard with (F/N)'s blade unsheathed it, "Don't worry. Your blade will have a good owner. Any last words?"

(F/N) smiled, he saw a Temerian soldier drawing his bow, and aiming right at the hunter, "Yeah. Behind you."

The hunter turned just in time to catch the arrow right between his eyes. The hunters drew their weapons as Roche's voice boomed through the chaos, "Free the witcher! Then Radovid!"

(F/N) ducked as a Temple Guard attacked him with an axe, he moved at an inhuman speed as he grabbed his sword and crossbow. Gracefully pirouetting, as his hand shot forward, using the Aard sign to send them flying.

(F/N) narrowly avoided a pike that was thrust at him by a guard. He grabbed the shaft of the weapon. He hissed as he kicked the weapons owner away. Roche ran up to (F/N) as he threw the weapon like a spear, impaling another guard, "You alright?"

"Yeah. Thanks for the help."

Roche let out a yell as he swung his sword into a Temple Guards head, "The plans gone to hell. We need to get to Radovid before enforcements arrive. Follow me."

The witcher nodded, as he raised his blade, it was utter chaos. The Redanian soldiers were getting overwhelmed by the Temerians. The bridge was a mix of red and blue. As soldier attacked soldier. Roche ran through the chaos, Radovid was so far ahead, but he had no means of escape, yet. The gate on the other side was sealed shut. (F/N) tried to focus on the mad king, but he made sure to assist any Temerian soldiers that he could. He swung his blade wildly, staining the ground with blood. He had something to gain, something very important at that. As they made there way along the bridge, it became apparent that Radovid was getting desperate. His men weren't even trying to win, they were trying to buy time. They were trying to stand there ground with their shields raised. A quick blast from the Aard sign took care of that, it wasn't a battle, it was a massacre.

It wasn't long before they found the king himself, he was cowering behind a makeshift barricade his men had made for him. The last of his soldiers fell from the bolts from a crossbow, he could hear Ves cheering from a distance. It was clear she was enjoying watching the Redanians die. Radovid looked around terrified, when he saw (F/N) and Roche approaching. The gate was closed, he was trapped.

The witcher saw the fear in the kings eyes, even though it was raining heavily he could tell he was crying. Radvoid did the one thing he had left, he ran to the nearest house and started banging on the door, "Open up! I command you to open the door!"

(F/N) almost laughed, as he twirled his blade, this was one king who he was happy to kill. He slowly walked forward. He didn't know whether he would gut him or take his head. But he stopped once the door to the house opened. The King stumbled forward, for a moment he smiled, as if he had found salvation. But when he saw who opened the door, his smile fell, his teeth started chattering. His eyes widened, he was afraid, very afraid.

(F/N) saw the triumphant look on Phillipa Eilhart's face, when she saw the man who had taken her eyes, "You needed merely to ask."

The King slowly walked backwards, his eyes wide, he started wheezing from fright. Philippa smiled as she slowly brought her hand to her face and blew. The fine pink powder in her hand sprayed all over Radvoid's face. The King screamed as he grabbed his eyes. He bellowed in pain as he stumbled over to the gate. He was desperate to survive at this point. (F/N) had to smile, while Roche seemed shocked. When Radovid finally made it to the gate he pathetically tried to fit through one of the large holes.

The enchantress smiled as she slowly walked after him, she didn't even bother going any faster than a slow walk. She wanted to watch him suffer. She pulled out a dagger, the hilt was decorated with rubies and gold. It was fit to end a kings life, "That settles the score."

Philippa plunged the dagger into the kings back, making him gag, and writhe a bit more until he finally went still, "And that was from the heart."

(F/N) took a certain amount of satisfaction from the sound of Radovids heart stopping. He was almost happy, but he wanted to kill the king himself. He could tell Roche felt the same way. His heart was beating a mile a minute and his fists were clenched. Philippa smiled as she ran her fingers along the dagger, "Forgive me...but I could not deny myself the pleasure."

The witcher sighed, he was about to launch another fowl insult at her, but there was another bright light. The group was forced to watch as the snow white owl flew off. Roche stepped forward his face was red, "How did she...?! Where...?! Why?! How the fuck?!"

(F/N) shrugged, as he slwoly spoke, "Eavesdropped on us when we were back at the warehouse."

"What?" The soldier wheeled on him, "and you didn't think it worth mentioning?!"

Ves shook her head as she approached, "Lads. The time to discuss this is later. Radovid is dead. It matters not by whose hand. Mission accomplished. Now lets get the hell away. Place'll be thick with Redanains in minutes."

(F/N) turned to the kings body, his silk Redanian robes were getting ruined by the muddy ground. He looked humiliated. He was right where he belonged. The witcher sneered under his mask, this was exactly what that monster deserved, "Right. Let's go."


Thaler had taken the liberty of pouring everyone drinks, he had lit a candle in preparation for the arrival of everyone else. When the spy saw everyone was back he raised a brow, "Well? What? Is it done?"

Roche was still in a fowl mood, he refused to even speak to (F/N), although even he took glory in it, "It's done. Though not all went according to plan. More on that later. First, a stiff drink. And a toast."

The witcher watched from a distance, as Roche, Thaler, and Ves all took glasses and raised them. "To the North! Temeria!" The soldier boomed.

"Temeria!" Ves cheered.

"Bloody Temeria!" Thaler agreed.

(F/N) snickered, "It's a bit early to celebrate a free and liberate Temeria. Nilfgaard's next. The Black Ones are your biggest problem now."

Roche's expression grew grave, he slowly shook his head, "No. The war has just ended."

"How do you figure? What are you not telling me?"

Thaler nodded as he finished drinking, "I'd say so. You see, tomorrow at noon, the commander of Army Group 'Center' will sign a truce in Emhyr's name...A truce whose wordin' we agreed with Dijkstra."

(F/N) laughed, he nodded along as he realized what was actually going on, "So that's how you play into this. When the trolls grabbed you?"

"Yes, I was returnin' from the last round of talks. Emhyr will keep Aedirn and Lyria...but in exchange for Radovid's head and a stop to all Guerilla activities, he will withdraw from Temeria."

"Which will become the empire's vassal state." Roche glumly added.

"Self-ruled, internally! With it's own courts, administrative structures and army! The Silver Lilies will bloom under the rays of the Great Sun. So I'd say were I a poet. But I'm not so I'll say there there was no other fuckin' way."

(F/N) raised a brow, true Emhyr was a much better ruler than Radovid, giving him nearly complete control of the North was asking for something to go wrong, "So that's it? Apart from Temeria, Nilfgaard owns every other country? That's madness."

Roche was about to say something, but suddenly, Dijkstra's voice echoed throughout the theatre, he sounded even happier than all the others put together, "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly. That but this blow might be the be-all and end-all here."

The large man snorted as he appeared on stage. A large amount of his men followed behind him. Ves raised a brow, "What's that?"

(F/N)'s hand slowly reached to his sword, he had a bad feeling about this. Dijkstra smiled, he rarely looked truly happy, now was one of those rare moments, "Vakmeth, act one, scene seven. Always wanted to play that...never cast as anything but a halberdier. (F/N)."

The spy gestured to him, his smile grew wider, "What Thaler told you - put it out of your mind. There will be no truce with Nilfgaard. Redania, under my enlightened rule, will fight on, until it wins. And when it does, I will unite all the North. Including Temeria."

The witcher laughed, this whole thing just kept getting better, he couldn't believe it, this was Dijkstra's plan all along, he didn't care about Emhyr or Radovid, he cared about power. And he had an opening, a big one. He was taking his rightful place as the ruler of Redania.

Thaler on the other hand was shocked, he wasn't even remotely pleased, "Wha...How? This is not what we ploughin' agreed!"

The spy snorted as he shrugged, "True. Instead, we insisted on one realms questionable sovereignty. And to recover it, we gave Emhyr virtually all the North's other kingdoms. It was not a wise agreement. So, no deal."

(F/N) chuckled, he had to hand it to Dijkstra, the tactical genius of what he was about to pull of was legendary. He had lead Redania when he was in control. He could easily do it again. Roche, on the other hand didn't see it that way, "You two-faced whoreson...I will not allow this!"

Dijkstra's men drew their weapons and surrounded the group. (F/N) slowly drew his sword. The spy shook his head, "Actually, you, Roche, should be the first to understand I've no choice."

"Why the hell would I understand?"

The witcher would never forget the look of absolute determination he saw in Dijkstra's eyes. The spy, knew, or thought he knew that he would be successful, "Because you too are a patriot."

(F/N) watched as Roche and Ves pulled their swords out, while Thaler grabbed a dagger from the table. But there were just so many soldiers. Dijkstra looked at the one last wildcard, the one that would determine who would rule the North or not, "(F/N) - this doesn't concern you. You may go...Fare thee well on your Path or whatnot."

The witcher laughed, as he looked at the others, "You honestly think I'll let you do this? Kill my friends?"

The spy snorted, he abred his yellow teeth as he smiled, "I do. Because you know the value of sacrifice. You know as well as I do that Emhyr cannot take control of the entire Continent. That's one ruler for the whole continent. You can't stomach that any more than I can. As chancellor, I'll leave every kingdom be. I'll even grant that dragon her one wish, her own nation. She wanted Verden. I'll give her all of Kaedwen."

The witcher slowly sheathed his blade, the offer sounded appealing, very appealing, "You're an asshole, you know that?"

Roche was in pure shock, "(F/N)?"

Dijkstra laughed, "I know. That's why I'll make a good chancellor."

The witcher rolled his eyes and shoved his way past Dijkstra's men, he waved at Roche, Ves, and Thaler. The soldier looked at him, a look of pure rage on his face, "(F/N)!"

Dijkstra looked at his men, he bared his large teeth, he was about to become the most powerful man in the North. "Men! Execute them all!"

Roche gritted his teeth as he held his sword up, seething from anger. Ves twirled her own blade, but it was clear she was uncertain whether they could handle all of Dijkstra's men. Thaler chugged one last round, knowing it could be his last. Right as Dijkstra's men went to charge them all, there was a loud hiss. Black and red mist flooded around the feet of Dijkstra's men. Suddenly two of his men started gagging as they were lifted off the ground, the mist wrapping around their necks. Everyone was in shock, until (F/N) appeared. He let out a snarl as he viciously killed the two men, snapping their necks as though it was nothing. The witcher drew his own blade right as the others attacked. Dijkstra's eyes nearly bugged out of his head, this wasn't supposed to be what witchers did, "No!"

Roche sliced a man's head off and turned to (F/N) as he cut a mans leg off and stomped on his head, "I thought you had truly left."

The witcher turned, it was clear he was smiling under his mask, "You think I would do that? You must have a low opinion of me."

Roche smiled and actually laughed, as he kicked one of the thugs in his cock. Dijkstra's anger rose as he watched his men get slaughtered. Ves easily taking on three at the same time with her sword. Even Thaler was managing to hold his own with his dagger. The large man growled at (F/N), he wasn't supposed to do this, he was supposed to remain neutral. Why hadn't he this time? He had underestimated him, yet again, and that angered him, very much.

As Dijkstra's last man fell, he grabbed one of his fallen men's axes, "You damn dimwits! I have to do everything myself!" The spy ran at (F/N) with the axe raised above his head. Roche tried to run at him but (F/N) stopped him. The witcher sheathed his sword, right as the spy was about to strike, he sent his fist flying forward. Dijkstra let out a scream as his nose was broken yet again. The axe clattered to the ground, as the spy clutched his bleeding face. (F/N) shoved him to the ground and grabbed his one good leg. The spy's eyes widened, the last time he had seen that kind of rage in a witcher, it had ended very badly, "No, no - not my leg!"

(F/N) jerked his foot to the side, there was a loud cracking, as his leg was broken. The spy let out a loud yell, and his eyes rolled up into his head, his head hit the muddy ground. Passing out from the pain. (F/N) took a breath, he turned to see Roche giving him an angry look, "You're letting that Whoreson live?"

The witcher looked at the spy, he smiled slyly, "No. I'm just not going to be the one to kill him."

Roche turned as Ves burst into laughter, she looked at her bloodied blade and smirked. She was going to have a very pleasant time when he awoke. Thaler looked exhausted as he sat down on the table, he wasn't a fighter, that much was clear, "Bloody hell. I thought we was done for. Gave me a right scare, lad."

(F/N) kicked Dijkstra, as he rolled his eyes, "You're welcome."

Roche rubbed the bridge of his nose, "But it's hardly over. The envoy due to meet the Nilfgaardians tomorrow - no doubt that whorseon ordered him killed. We'll need to protect him."

(F/N) scratched his forehead, he did have more important things to worry about, "Listen, this was a one time deal. I can't..."

Roche interrupted, he understood more than the witcher realized, "Get involved? I understand. You've had your fair share of politics. Once it's over, come to Vizima. You'll be received with honors."

The witcher smiled as he and the man shook hands, "Farewell, Roche."

"Farewell, Bat."

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