The Witcher The Swallow and T...

By jetrayf

156K 5.6K 1.3K

As humanity has grown the population and threat of monsters has decreased, naturally so has the need for witc... More

The Cold Beginning
The Dusty Trail
The Crooked Inn
Into the Woods
Lilac and Gooseberries
Imperial Audience
The Wolf and The Viper
The Path
The Sorceress' lamp
The Swamp of the Unknown
Ladies of the Wood
The Worst Father
The Swallow in Velen
Consequences of One's Past
The Romantic Sorceress
The Dragon who would be Queen
The Free City of Novigrad
An Old Flame is Forever Eternal
The Window to the Soul
A Bard's Muses
A Voice That Would Make a Siren Jealous
The Troll's Treasure
The Trial of The Grasses
Searching for the Son of a Whore
The Will to Go Forward
A Doppler Named Dudu
A New Ballad
The Black Bat
Her Sweet Kiss
The Never Ending Hunt
A Deadly Plot
A Poets Love
The Eternal Fire's Followers
The Memories that Haunt
The Island of Tradition
A Druids Dungeon
Secrets of the Fog
The Beginning of the End
A Powerful Magic
A New King
The Last Wish
The Cursed Imp
The Enemy Within
The Path Taken
The Witcheress
The Battle of Kaer Mohren
The Empress of Nilfgaard
The Fang and The Swallow
The Martyr Saint
Through Time and Space
The Last Time
A Matter Of State
The Wrap Up
The Departed
A Final Journey
The Blood of All
Tower of the Swallows
The Sword of Destiny
Baptism of Fire
Time of Contempt
Something Ends, Something Begins
A New Journey
Blood and Wine
The Beast of Beauclair
Together Again
A Deed Rightfully Punished
The Loss of Those Close
A Familiar Acquaintance
The Land of The Dead
The Battle
Lesser Than Me
The End of a Life
Season of Storms
The Warm Farewell

The Witchers Bretheren

1.4K 64 17
By jetrayf

"As long as their and darkness and evil, witchers will always be needed to restore the light and balance. I can say for certainty their will always be darkness. Let us all bow our heads and pray that there will always be witchers." - An Unknown man.


(F/N) stretched out as he walked into the main part of the keep. It was just as empty as he remembered it, he scratched his head as he saw Lambert was still on his knees scrubbing the floor, "Leaking again, dammit!"

Lambert was the youngest witcher at the keep, aside from (F/N) that is. He was somewhere in his eighties but he looked to be in his early thirties to late twenties. The two had butted heads, repeatedly when he was training. True Eskel, Geralt, and Vesemir were unforgiving, but Lambert was ruthless. The young witcher walked up to him, as he was scrubbing around a cauldron, "What are you doing? Brewing potions?"

The second youngest witcher at Kaer Mohren looked at him and tossed his rag aside, "No. Booze. From potato peels," Lambert stood and gave him a sneer.

"Oh, fancy. For Geralt and I's welcome back feast? Did we ever even celebrate Geralt coming back from the dead?"

"No on both counts. It's for my farewell feast."

"You accept a contract?"

"Wrong again, smart ass. Madame sorceress has requested I fortify the phylactery with Power from the Circle of Elements. Says it's essential to lifting the curse of that monstrosity of yours."

"You don't sound happy to go?"

"Would you be?"

"No. But it's to find Ciri. So we have to."


"Yeah. It'll be fun."

The older witcher laughed, "Well...Might have more spring in my step with the famous Black Bat at my side. ready?"

"I'm just waiting."


"For you to get your cane ready."

(F/N) got slapped upside the head for that comment, Lambert had calmed down in recent years, in the past, he would have broken his jaw for a comment like that. As the pair started jogging through the keep, the older witcher glanced at him, "Oh, by the way, can't get to the Circle through the mountains. Rockslide blocked the path last spring."

"So, that means we need to go across the pond. Like the Trial of the...what's it called?"

Lambert sneered again, his disgust was obvious, "Medallion. Another one you didn't have to do. But you've still got a fucking medallion."

(F/N) laughed, as they ran together through the courtyard, "Well, I'm so good I didn't need to. Not to mention that we're fresh out of medallions."

The other witcher rolled his eyes, and the pair ran through a breach in the wall, (F/N) glanced at the wall, "Ah, Savolla's breach. What a day that was. Poor Leo."

"He wasn't ready."

"Is any witcher?"

"No, but Leo didn't have the mutations to fall back on."

(F/N) nodded as they ran into the woods, he never really knew Leo that well, but it was still a shame, "Well...I guess it gives us a shortcut."

Lambert laughed, as he glanced back at the keep, "I thought the same thing, we have a quick way to the pond."

"Let's just be grateful the Sallamandra assassin's stopped at the mutagens and didn't try to burn the keep down."

The prickly witcher gave him a look, "That would have been doing us all a favor."

(F/N) rolled his eyes, "It gives us a place to call home, at least temporarily. We don't get that anywhere else."

Lambert rolled his eyes yet again, when they made it to the pond, "You're too pessimistic."

"And you're too irritating."

When (F/N) saw the pond he looked at his old mentor, "So, are you going to swim across?"

"No, I moored a boat by the pier. You know, for fishing."

The witcher looked at the man, "You? A fisherman?" He laughed for a bit, "I thought you lacked the patience."

"Not like that you fucking idiot. I use bombs. Drop 'em in, then scoop up whatever floats to the surface."

(F/N) laughed as they both walked along the dock. The young witcher untied the boat as Lambert hopped on, "Alright. Cave entrance is just opposite. See it?"

He looked through the thick fog, and squinted, he could see the outline in the distance, "Yes, should be easy."

Lambert nodded, as they pushed off, "Gotta sail across the pond, go through the cave, climb Troll's Head...and we're there."

(F/N) sat down on the boat as they sailed through the lake. The clear water was splashing, "See? This isn't so bad."

"No...I could have easily done this on my own...but you don't know what's fucking in there..."

"Old Speartip the cyclops right?"

"Yeah...he wasn't asleep when my group went through...what the fuck was the point of that?"

(F/N) looked through the fog, and then down into the water, he couldn't believe how many drowners were in there. The amount of torture he had avoided baffled him, "The point was to make you an emotionless, monster fighting machine, who doesn't latch onto things. It works for most witchers."

Lambert laughed, "And you would know how?"

"I read, you'd be surprised what you can find in the libraries."

The older witcher laughed, "Oh really? I always thought you were too smart to read more than was required."

(F/N) laughed, and tugged on his hood lightly, "I learned some extra things. For instance a Troll is faster than you think, but it can't maneuver as well. And Dragons are poetic and respond well to philosophy."

Lambert scoffed, "When have you ever met a dragon?"

The young witcher didn't respond, he had meet one not too long ago, hopefully the next time would be more fruitful. Neither of the witchers said anything as Lambert steered the boat to the entrance of the cave. (F/N) peered into the cave, for once he was glad that he wasn't subjected to the other trials. The cave was covered in weeds, but they failed to mask the skeletons of the many young boys who had tried and failed to get past the cyclops. (F/N) pulled out a small vial of cat and drank about half of it. He handed the rest of the vial to Lambert, "Wasn't there an old rhyme for this?"

The older witcher nodded and laughed a bit, "Old Speartip is one deep sleeper, wake him up and you'll sleep deeper."

Both witchers laughed as they entered the cave, there were even more skeletons on the inside. (F/N) sighed, "Be honest, would I have..."


The pair kept walking, their eyes were a shade of black, both were ready for any monster to jump out at them. The entire cave was bright grey to the witchers, the different shades gave away every detail. (F/N) yawned again but paused when he saw that there was a tall ledge in their way. Lambert was less than happy, "Damn it...we might be able to make it up there if I give you a boost."

(F/N) nodded, "Yeah, we could do that, or..." the witcher turned into black mist and flew on top of the ledge. When he re-materialized he was lying on his stomach looking at Lambert's receding hairline, "I could just do this."

The prickly witcher looked up at him and sneered, most likely in jealousy, "Since when have you been able to do that?"

"For awhile, remember what Vesemir says about situations like this?"

The other witcher laughed and did an impression of the old witcher as he leapt up and grabbed (F/N)'s hand, "A witcher is a lone hunter, but even a lone hunter can use a helping hand sometimes."

The young witcher laughed as he pulled him up, "That was a pretty good impr...Holy fuck! How much do you weigh?"

(F/N) growled as he lifted him onto the ledge. Lambert rolled his eyes, as he climbed onto the ledge, "Yeah, after the stress of having to train you ended, I finally put on some weight."

The young witcher shoved the other man, "Shut up. I still have some of the scars that were put there because of you."

The pair laughed for a bit, before they both heard loud snoring, it sounded like trees falling. Speartip the cyclops wasn't one to just wake up. But if he was awake, it was best to be far away as possible. The witchers walked toward the sound. (F/N)'s eyes widened when he saw the giant cyclops, Old Speartip. The beast was as tall as a barn, and as thick as one two. He was covered in black animal skins to keep him warm while he slept. His one eye was lightly shut. All it would take was one loud noise to wake him. Lambert let out an over exaggerated 'awe', "You almost want this moment to last forever. Look how cute and cuddly he is."

(F/N) saw there was dried blood all over his hands, "You can go cuddle with him if you want. But by the time he's finished with you, you might actually end up looking better than you do now."

Lambert pushed him, causing (F/N) to nearly fall right onto the cyclops. After giving his old mentor a filthy look, the pair managed to circle around the monsters without waking him up. Despite what both of them said, neither wanted to fight a giant cyclops. Cyclop's were one of the few monsters witchers would think twice about taking a contract on. When the pair finally made it out of the caves they looked relieved and excited. (F/N) took a breath of the air, it didn't smell like decay, "That's better."

Lambert nodded as the cat potion both of them took slowly wore off. (F/N) took his canteen out and took a swig from it, he held it out for the older witcher, "What's in it?"

"White Gull."

"Pansy. I would have preferred some Black Gull. I haven't had a good trip in a while."

(F/N) slid the canteen back on his belt as he looked at him, "You really think it's a good idea to be hallucinating while we're in the woods, you know what's up ahead right?"

"You mean the trolls? They're in for trouble, not us."

The young witcher shook his head, "I would just really prefer not to pick fights with rock trolls. They breed fast when they're in secluded spots."

Lambert sneered, but didn't say anything as they walked further into the woods. The witcher wasn't afraid of anything or he just didn't care what happened to him. (F/N) could never figure out which it was. When they actually saw the first troll, (F/N) quickly cast Quen. The other witcher proceeded to mock him when the troll took one look at them and ran off. (F/N) only held the sign, he had never seen a troll run away, never. Lambert of course didn't notice that, "Oh come on, there just dumb rock..."

A boulder smashed into (F/N)'s Quen shield. The young witcher fell to the ground, but quickly got back up, just in time to see five trolls standing above an entrance to a cave, "Witcherses two, walk no more...stops! This mountain trolly mountain."

Another troll looked at the speaker and corrected him, "Troll mountain."

"Huh? Ah...Aye. This troll mountain!"

Lambert laughed and looked at (F/N), "You talk to these idiots, you share the same brain power."

The young witcher rolled his eyes but didn't say anything to him, he raised his hand in a peaceful manner, "Hey guys...we're just here to get to the Circle."

"Witcherses thing one say, thing two do."

"Thing three do. Sometime."

(F/N) was about to say they would be in and out, but Lambert let out his famous groan and sneered, he clenched his fists, his patience had long run thin, "Enough! Outta my way, dimwits, or I'll grind you to gravel. Understand?!"

As soon as those words left his mouth, the trolls all started yelling and flinging boulders. (F/N) ran as quickly as he could, as a giant boulder fell right beside him, "Oh you idiot!"

Lambert ran next to him, and pointed to the cave entrance, "There! Run there! Before they stone us to death."

The pair of witchers were dodging rock after rock. Some were bigger than them, some were no bigger than a grape. All of the rocks that were thrown were dangerous. The trolls let out a roar as (F/N) and Lambert finally dove into the cave, right as two trolls threw an exceptionally large boulder at them. It nearly crushed them. (F/N) growled and pushed Lambert, "I had it under control until you opened your fat trap."

The other witcher moved at an inhumane like speed, and before (F/N) knew it, he was in a headlock, with Lambert squeezing his neck tightly, "Why don't you shut your mouth and show some respect?"

(F/N) growled and swiped Lambert's legs out from under him, while he pushed his head back, in an instant the two were back on the ground. With the young witcher holding Lambert's arm with a tight grip, "You'll get respect when you earn it."

Lambert suddenly started laughing, (F/N) cracked a smile and started laughing as well. He let him go, the two witcher's got off the ground, they were laughing hysterically at this point. The older witcher slapped (F/N) on the back, while he returned the favor. The pair slowly kept going, their laughter continued  until they walked out the other end of the cave. There were about ten trolls waiting for them. One of them shouted loudly, "We rock throws - yous goes no farmore. Witcherses understanded?"

(F/N) glanced at Lambert, the witcher rolled his eyes and gestured for him to speak. (F/N) cleared his throat before he spoke, "We understanded. But we've got to get to the Circle of Elements."

"Listen, Butwe. Trolls come no to witchersy castle."

"Rock lots there. Pretty rock."

Lambert glanced at (F/N), "Are you done wasting my time? I'd like to be done."

The young witcher raised a hand, "Quiet, you're good with a blade. I'm good with my words."

(F/N) stepped forward, he knew he could do this, "Listen all of you. I've always been nice to all of you. I feel like this is a little one sided. I gave some of you guys some scraps of food when I used to live here regularly. I would try to stop by and talk. Was I ever mean? No. Did I ever do anything I wasn't supposed to? No."

The trolls looked between each other and started muttering, one looked at (F/N), "Witch-witch alway nicey...he talkie-talkie...not fighty-fighty...Witcher good?"

"Dummy you. Witcherses monster kills. Trolls monsters!"

(F/N) spoke up, he could tell he was so close to talking his way through them, "If I was here to hurt any of you, I would have done it by now. Come on guys. You can trust us. We've lived together peacefully for years. Why change that?"

One troll scratched his head, " leaves yous sharp backclubs, you pass. No agrees - we smash."

The other trolls nodded in agreement, and patted the troll on the back for having a good idea. (F/N) pulled his sword out of his sheath. The trolls growled and took a step back. The young witcher shoved the end into the ground, "There. I'll leave it here. And when we're done. I'll take it back."

The trolls looked disgusted by his sword, "Ick. Metal. Mouth stings."

Lambert's eyes were wide, as he slapped him upside the head, "Are you crazy?"

"Quite possibly. But it's not worth fighting over."

The older witcher groaned as he undid his two sword sheaths and tossed them on the ground. (F/N) saw the Circle in the distance, he started jogging to them, while Lambert followed behind, "What happened to the little kid who followed everything by the book?"


"If I remember Pappy Vesemir's lessons correctly, witchers kill monsters."

"I'm a haven't killed me yet."

Lambert was at a loss for words before he rolled his eyes, "You're not a monster. Stop with the crappy philosophical lessons."

(F/N) smiled, and tried to speak in an old wise voice, "As the good book says..."

"I will kill you if you don't shut up."

The pair finally made it to the circle, it was a platform on top of the windiest part of the mountains. There was a great view of the keep and the woods from up this high. The view alone made the journey worth it. (F/N) took a deep breath, while Lambert just looked around, "Damn...this is a nice view."

The young witcher nodded, as he took a breath of the air, "True, but we've got a job to do. Get the phylactery out."

Lambert frowned, "I thought you had it."


The older witcher burst out laughing as he pulled out the small box and set it on the platform, "Oh gods! I wish you didn't wear that mask," he wiped his eyes so he could laugh, "You looked like you were about to shit yourself."

(F/N) rolled his eyes, and made a very rude gesture, "First of all, fuck you. Second of all, how does this work? I never had to activate a medallion."

Lambert set the phylactery on the altar on the platform, "Just light the torches. And I'll take care of everything else."

The young witcher nodded and looked at the four basins that needed to be lit. (F/N) twisted his fingers into the Ignii sign and raised both his hands. Instantly, fire sprouted from each of the basins. The witcher turned back to his old mentor, "What now?"

Lambert leaned against one of the stone railings on the platform, "Now we wait for the phylactery to absorb the Power of the elements. So we can catch a breather."

(F/N) nodded and sat on the ground, "Good, I could use it."

The older witcher looked at him, "So...heard you had to head to Novigrad. How was that?"

The young witcher laughed, "Not as bad as I thought. I did end up using Axii so many times on the Commander of the Temple Guard, I turned his brain into mush."

Lambert burst out laughing, "Really? Well that makes sense. Useful sign Axii. Saved my life a short while ago."

"You know you have to tell me, right?"

The witcher smirked, happy that he had an interesting story to tell, "But of course. A couple road robbers stopped me - one pointed a crossbow at me and the other started rummaging through my satchel. I made the man with the crossbow shoot his friend...then hang himself."

(F/N) frowned, "You could have just made them knock each other out."

"That's boring. I wanted it to be exciting. There are two less whoresons in the world. If this world was fair, I'd be getting thanked."

"If this world was fair. You wouldn't have been such a hard ass on me."

Lambert scoffed, "I was like that to you on purpose."

"On purpose? You almost broke me nose because I used a steel sword instead of silver, for training."

The older witcher laughed, "Yeah, I did, didn't I? I was hoping you'd throw it down and quit."

(F/N) raised an eyebrow, "You were hoping I'd quit? Why?"

"I never had a choice to be what I am. I hate it. But it's all I know, so I stick with it. All I can do is stop other people from making the same mistake. I failed with you and Ciri."

The young witcher rolled his eyes, "It was our destiny, mine, yours, Ciri's."

He laughed again, "Destiny? I'll tell you about destiny. My dad was a drunk. He'd knock back a few, then beat me and my Mom bloody. We prayed for his death, every night. One day our prayers were almost answered. Dad lost his way coming home from the tavern, walked smack into a nest of nekkers...but some witcher saved him. Know what he wanted in return?"

The two witchers spoke in unison, "The first thing you see when you get home."

Lambert nodded, his glare deepened as he thought back to his past, "My life...For the life of that prick? I say fuck that kind of destiny."

(F/N) laughed, as he thought about his many runs with destiny, "Yeah...I know how you feel. I've wanted to tell destiny to fuck itself many times."

The older witcher nodded, "I sense a good story coming."

"I was raised in an orphanage. I have no idea how I ended up there. Then I got adopted by some woman. Then a witcher came in,  lifted a curse from her husband, then one law of surprise later. I ended up here...I never even knew either of my parents. Well...I ran into my mother a few times. She knew who I was, what I was, the funny thing is I had no idea it was her. She didn't even bother to tell me, she barely even acknowledged me. Even when I tracked her down again and told her I knew who she was, she barely even reacted...and my father...well I still haven't met him...I doubt I ever will."

Lambert laughed, as a smirk spread across his lips, "Fuck...Our lives are both twisted. You're ugly on the outside. I'm more ugly on the inside."

(F/N) nodded, "That we are."

Suddenly, the phylactery started glowing. The younger witcher smiled and picked it up, "And that's it."

Lambert shook his head as he watched him put the mechanism into his jacket, "Let's go get our swords back, and then head back to the fortress."

(F/N) nodded, but suddenly he heard a loud roar in the distance, he turned and stared, "Actually, I might go out and help Eskel a bit. It's been a while." The young witcher sighed, he had to feel guilt again for his actions.

Lambert waved him off, "Sure. Just remember, we got ourselves a cripple to cure."


(F/N) could smell the scent of Eskel's goat as he rode up the grassy hill. After dismounting the scent only grew stronger, he wondered if the witcher purposely didn't bathe the thing to annoy everyone else. The young witcher's eyes watered when he actually found the animal, it was chained to a steak in the ground. (F/N) could hear the other witchers heartbeat, he smiled as he kneeled down and rubbed the goats head, "Do you get off on watching people?"

He heard Eskel laugh, as he walked out from behind the nearby tree, "Only a little. Lil' Bleater's supposed to be forktail bait. Guess it works on witchers and vampires as well."

(F/N) laughed, and walked towards the other witcher, the younger witcher gestured to Eskel's goat, "You don't even stray out of the bestiary a little bit. A pig would work just as well, and it would be cheaper."

The other witcher smirked, "I see you're still seeking to improve the current knowledge. You keep your field bestiary with you?"

(F/N) patted his coat pocket, "And some personal notes."

Eskel laughed and the pair slapped hands together and grasped each other's arms, "Good to finally see you again."

The young witcher nodded, Eskel was as old as Geralt, although he had a nasty scar over his face, which was from a sword. He had an even larger scar on his arm, (F/N) had put it their personally. When the two broke away, the young witcher, gestured to the man's arm, "How's the scar?"

Eskel laughed as he ran his fingers over his forearm, "Absolutely fine, just like the last time you asked me. You worry too much about others."

(F/N) laughed, as he tried to not think about how he lost control of his mind after his trial, "That I do. Lady Yennefer keeping you busy?"

"Now it's Lady Yennefer? I remember when you used to call her whore."

The young witcher awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah, we came to an understanding."

"Good to hear. As for your first question. Guess what she said when I tried to get a word in."

"One should not interrupt a lady."

"Exactly. Times like these I'm glad this ugly mug of mine keeps the women away."

(F/N) gestured to his own face, "Hey, don't say that, I'm ten times more hideous, you'd be surprised what the mask does."

"I'm not wearing a mask."

"Then you'll be forever alone."

Before Eskel could reply there was a loud screech, the sound of wings flapping echoed through the air, "Shh! Hear that? Incoming!" The older witcher boomed.

The monster hunters dove out of the way as the draconoid dive bombed them and slammed into the ground. Bits of grass and dirt went flying everywhere. The dragon-like creature swiped it's tail at (F/N), the young witcher grabbed onto the tail, his head barely avoiding the stinger. (F/N) yelled as he clung onto the tail desperate not to get thrown off. He pulled out his crossbow and aimed, he couldn't get a clear shot at the monster's head, but there was another more sensitive area he could shoot. But he had to debate if he should do it. It might be considered too cruel.

Eskel meanwhile had his blade out, he was dodging the snapping jaws of the monster. He could smell the blood off the monsters breath. It's saliva was getting all over him. Eskel sliced the monster right above the nose, it growled, and slowly advanced on him, but suddenly it let out a loud scream and flicked it's tail. (F/N) went flying. He quickly cast Quen which only cushioned his fall. The forktail immediately started flapping its wings and screeched as it took off. Eskel yelled angrily as the monster flew off, "Dammit! It's taking off! Shoot its wings."

(F/N) tried to reload his crossbow, but the monster was already out of range, both witchers ran after the monster as it flew around a mountain. Eskel swore loudly, "Fowl, overgrown reptile - hate it when they do that...Mighta saved us some trouble, let us kill it now."

The young witcher reloaded his crossbow as they followed the scent of it's blood, both of them knew it wasn't getting far, "You should know by now, it's never easy. What you should be worried about is if our horses get attacked by it."

The other witcher rolled his yellow eyes, "Bah...Scorpion's a war horse, a purebred Kaedweni. He'll be fine. Have I told you how I got him?"

"No, how'd you get him?"

"Saved this lost knight once...You know how it is, woods, dark, wolves. Told him, 'Give me what you find at home' and all that...No kid this time, but his mare had just foaled."

(F/N) scoffed, he would never understand Eskel's obsession with calling the LAw of Surprise, "You're lucky it wasn't a kid."

"Why's that? You call law of surprise to, right?" The older witcher questioned.

"Not even once. I refuse to involve destiny in anything, not anymore."

"You keep reading into every small detail. One thing happened. That doesn't mean that destiny hates you."

The young witcher was about to respond, but the pair paused, the blood lead them to the inside of the cave. (F/N) stared at the entrance, "You think it's leading us into a trap?"

Eskel shook his head, and bit the mangled part of his lip, "No. It's hurt. It's not thinking that far ahead."

The young witcher nodded, as he reached into his belt and pulled out a grapeshot bomb. He set it on the ground and slowly rolled it in. The bomb made a large clattering sound as it rolled through the cave. Eskel gave (F/N) a nod, "Good idea."

The witcher nodded when there was a loud roar from the forktail, followed by a crash, and a loud explosion. Both of the witchers took that as their time to attack, they ran into the cave, swords in hand. The outside of the cave was silent, for a brief moment. A nearby rabbit hopped by. It casually picked up some seeds and ate them off the ground. There was suddenly a loud roar from inside the cave. The rabbit paused. There was a loud crash followed by an angry scream. The sound of metal clanging against hard surfaces echoed through the cave. The rabbit started shaking, then there was a loud bang, and everything went silent.

Suddenly there was another loud roar, Eskel's voice roared through the entrance, "Dammit! I told you it wasn't dead! Don't hit the spine!"

The sound of a loud fire could be heard, (F/N) roared back, "Where the hell can I hit it?! The tail?"

Suddenly there was a loud painful roar, "No! The head!"

The rabbit hopped to the cave when everything went quiet. The sound of loud breathing could be heard, "Alright. I think we got it. Collect it's spinal fluid."

"Damn this is a lot of blood. Why do we even need this?"

"You mean you don't know either?"

"Lady Yennefer doesn't exactly tell me this mucus or the fluid? Never mind."

"That doesn't bother you?"

"Do you even need to ask? If she explained her plans to me, I wouldn't be wearing this mask. Okay, I got it. Let's get out of here."

The rabbit scurried away as the pair of witchers exited the cave. Eskel was covered in blood while (F/N) had nicks and scratches all over his armor. Eskel glanced at (F/N), "Well, how about Triss? She'd come if we asked."

The young witcher tensed up, remembering how they had departed in Novigrad, he wasn't eager to dig it up, just yet, "She...well...I would's complicated..."

The older witcher smirked at his discomfort, "Alright, I understand," he whistled for the horses, "'s Nosfer?"

(F/N) saw the horses gallop up to them, "He's healthy. Why?"

Eskel rolled his eyes, "That's not what I meant. Have you"

Both witchers smirked at each other. Both wanting to prove their manliness. (F/N) made sure he had the vial of spinal fluid tucked into his jacket, securely, "Oh, I've raced. Beaten everyone easily. Real racers to."

"Oh, and was Ciri a real racer?"

He was silent, as he tried thinking up a response, until finally he shook his head, "Shut your mouth and get on your horse."

Both witchers mounted up and quickly took off.


Eskel arrived in the courtyard, a moment before (F/N), the young witcher yelled out, "You cheated!"

"You cheated first, you used Axii on Scorpion to make him slow down. So yeah, it felt right to use Ignii to spook Nosfer."

(F/N) growled and waved him off, he stormed into the keep. He found Vesemir speaking to Uma, he had him holding two pieces of metal. The old witcher was visibly confused as Uma grasped the metals easily. The young witcher sat next to him, "What are you doing?"

"Testing Uma's reaction to silver and dimeritium. No reaction at all."

Vesemir took the block of silver and pressed it against, (F/N)'s uncovered hand, almost instantly it started burning, "Ow. Yeah, it's real silver." He pulled his hand away and looked at the soft burn mark. The young witcher stood up, he knew Uma was magically created, his medallion trembled at his presence, "That's odd. I hope Ciri's not in there. the same time..."

Vesemir nodded, "I know...the sooner we find her the better. Yennfer and Geralt wanted to speak with you."

"Alright, hopefully, we'll find Ciri within the week."

Vesemir nodded as Uma picked his nose with his toe, "I hope so. I hope so."

(F/N) bid his old master farewell and headed for the stairs, it was oddly silent as he made his way up the tall staircase, where guests usually stayed. The young witcher found Geralt and Yennefer having a serious conversation, the sorceress smiled when she saw him, "Ah, good you've arrived. I assume you did what was required."

(F/N) nodded as he pulled the phylactery and the vial of forktail spinal fluid out of his jacket and set them on a nearby table, "I thought you'd ask me to do something difficult."

Geralt's normally stern gaze, turned into a smirk, Yennfer's hand brushed against his. His master smiled slightly, "And you've proven, you're more than capable of handling it...I think you're ready...well nearly ready for your final trial."

(F/N) frowned in disbelief, "Final trial? You're serious?"

Geralt nodded, "I am."

The final witcher trial, was usually an incredibly difficult task, it could be anything. The master would decide what the apprentice would have to do. But it would need to test every skill that a witcher would use on the path. An apprentice would start it and then one of two things would happen, they would die, or they would complete it and come out a true witcher. (F/N) was in shock, his desire to be a true witcher only grew stronger when he realized how close to finishing his training he was. He had been in training for nearly all of his life, he was ready to finish it, "Well, what's the task? Anything, just name it."

Geralt looked at his lover, then at his ward, "I said nearly. We have to find Ciri first. Then we'll see."

The young witcher quickly composed himself, "Right. Right. Ciri comes first."

Yennefer smiled at the witcher, "Good. Although, I'm willing to grant you a different privilege."


Yennefer gestured for both the witchers to follow, she walked over to her megascope, that she had just set up, "Now that Geralt has removed the interference. I should be able to contact Ida."

Geralt looked shocked, "The Ida? Elven Sage?"

"Member of the lodge?" (F/N) already regretted following the sorceress, he loathed all members except for Triss and until recently Keira. For good reason to.

Yennefer nodded, "You're both right."

(F/N)'s curiosity kept him from leaving, "Why do you need her?"

"Stay and you'll find out."

Geralt was equally as intrigued, "Members of the Lodge don't let anyone in on their secrets...or so I've heard."

Yennefer rolled her eyes, as she made gestures with her hands, "Consider it a token of our trust. Now, let's begin. And, both of you, behave - please?"

The young witcher smirked as he leaned against a pillar, "You just said you trusted us."

"Stop twisting my words!"

No sooner had the words left her mouth, then did the megascope activate, a translucent image of the mage appeared. She smiled and put her hands together, "Cáed'mil, Yennefer aep Vengerberg. Gwynbleidd. Daeriennwedd,"

(F/N) sneered under his mask, when Ida refereed to him as sorceress' son, but he bowed respectfully, as he and Geralt both gave the respectful reply. The elf got right to the point, "Why have you summoned me?"

Yennefer spoke next, "We've come up against a curse, one we must lift. It was uttered in a dialect of Elder Speech unfamiliar to me."

"I see...The words of the curse?"

"Va fail, elaine - ceádmil folie! Glaeddyv dorne aep t'eniad, bunn'droh ithne i'yachus."

As she spoke, Ida looked horrified and took a few steps back. Geralt noticed, his expression hardened, "Take it you've heard the words before."

"Yes...In legends. Of the kind that do not end happily."

The trio shared a look, before the sorceress spoke again, "Can you help us...with the curse?"

The elf nodded, and made an odd gesture with her hands, "To a degree. Agnes de Glanville's Incantation combined with Eldar's Triangle - inverted, of course - they are your only possibility of recourse. But I cannot gather that even they will suffice."

(F/N) didn't even pretend to know the magical references, he really should have became a sorcerer. Yennefer nodded respectfully, "Thank you, Aen Saevherne. Va fail."

But before she could end the message, Ida spoke, "That does not conclude our conversation."

(F/N) tilted his head, he couldn't quite figure out what this was about, "This sounds serious."

Yennefer stepped back as the mage spoke, "The time of the White Frost and White Light is nigh."

The young witcher ran a hand over his face, he hated hearing about that prophecy. His master finished, "...and the world will perish amidst ice. I know Ithlinne's prophecy."

"I don't doubt you know it. But do you understand it? The Elder Blood can initiate the Final Age, the Time of the End...or stop it. Remember this, Gwynbleidd." Ida pointed, not at Geralt, but at (F/N), "for you will be the one to determine if the seed bursts into flames."

Before anyone could respond, the mage bowed slightly, and the transmission ended. (F/N) growled and turned around, "Damn. Why does everything have to be so damn dramatic and cryptic?"

Geralt looked at his ward, "That's the world we live in."

Yennefer sighed, she was not fond of prophecies either, especially those that concerned Ciri, "Let's not dwell on that. All is ready. We should gather the others and begin."

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