The Witcher The Swallow and T...

By jetrayf

156K 5.6K 1.3K

As humanity has grown the population and threat of monsters has decreased, naturally so has the need for witc... More

The Cold Beginning
The Dusty Trail
The Crooked Inn
Into the Woods
Lilac and Gooseberries
Imperial Audience
The Wolf and The Viper
The Path
The Sorceress' lamp
The Swamp of the Unknown
Ladies of the Wood
The Worst Father
The Swallow in Velen
Consequences of One's Past
The Romantic Sorceress
The Dragon who would be Queen
The Free City of Novigrad
An Old Flame is Forever Eternal
The Window to the Soul
A Bard's Muses
A Voice That Would Make a Siren Jealous
The Troll's Treasure
The Trial of The Grasses
Searching for the Son of a Whore
The Will to Go Forward
A Doppler Named Dudu
A New Ballad
The Black Bat
Her Sweet Kiss
The Never Ending Hunt
A Deadly Plot
A Poets Love
The Eternal Fire's Followers
The Memories that Haunt
The Island of Tradition
A Druids Dungeon
Secrets of the Fog
The Beginning of the End
A Powerful Magic
A New King
The Cursed Imp
The Witchers Bretheren
The Enemy Within
The Path Taken
The Witcheress
The Battle of Kaer Mohren
The Empress of Nilfgaard
The Fang and The Swallow
The Martyr Saint
Through Time and Space
The Last Time
A Matter Of State
The Wrap Up
The Departed
A Final Journey
The Blood of All
Tower of the Swallows
The Sword of Destiny
Baptism of Fire
Time of Contempt
Something Ends, Something Begins
A New Journey
Blood and Wine
The Beast of Beauclair
Together Again
A Deed Rightfully Punished
The Loss of Those Close
A Familiar Acquaintance
The Land of The Dead
The Battle
Lesser Than Me
The End of a Life
Season of Storms
The Warm Farewell

The Last Wish

1.5K 69 31
By jetrayf

"Magic is chaos, art, and science. It is a curse, a blessing and progress."- Yennefer of Vengerburg


When the pair of witchers and the Jarl made it to the coronation, it was a late night. There was a crowd of people surrounding a large tree, there was a stage crafted around it. The crowd parted as they made their way to the front, the Jarl boomed, "We're just in time."

Crach bid the witchers farewell as he made his way to the stage. Geralt looked at (F/N), they both knew exactly who would wear the crown. Donar, the elder, spoke to the crowd, "Weren't long ago we gave King Bran back to the sea. Today our mourning ends. Today, by the grace of the gods and the clans, a new ruler takes the crown."

Donar stepped aside and pointed to Cerys. (F/N) smiled under his mask as she slowly stepped forward to greet the crowd. Most of whom she now ruled over. Donar bowed, "Let us swear her fealty."

Cerys slowly walked over to a shrine, the crown of the Skelligan throne was resting there. She slowly picked it up. The crowd cheered as she slipped it on her head. (F/N) smiled, it fit her perfectly. When Cerys turned around, she looked at (F/N) and smiled. The witcher did a mock bow, causing the Queen to laugh. The witcher turned and saw Madman Lugos shaking his head angrily, when Cerys began speaking, he stormed off. Clearly having an an Craite sit on the throne was not something he wanted.

The witcher listened to Skellige's new Queen speak, "I know some would see another in my place. I thank those who stood at my side. Here, beneath the Sacred Oak, I pledge to be a good queen to the ones and the others. I want peace and prosperity to reign in Skellige. And I count on you to help me fulfill that dream."

The crowd started cheering her name, "Cerys! Cerys! Cerys!" (F/N) even briefly joined in, but Geralt silenced him and reminded him of witcher neutrality. When the crowd slowly started walking off, (F/N) walked up to greet the Queen, he did an over exaggerated bow, "Your highness."

"You may stand, witcher."

They both laughed at there new roles. (F/N) smiled and gestured to her crown, "Congratulations, if anyone deserves to lead, it's you."

"Thank you. Wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

(F/N) laughed, and made a gesture, "Words. Words. Words. You would have been crowned without me."

Cerys bit her bottom lip, she had wanted to ask him an important question, "You know...I still need a king to rule behind me."

The witcher burst out laughing, he couldn't believe he was even asked, "I appreciate the offer, but I wasn't born in Skellige, no one would accept me. And I'm not much of a leader."

Cerys shook her head, "I can have you taken into the an Craites, that's not a problem. As for you not being a leader, I said the same, you can keep a cool head, you're smart, and you're empathetic, even if you hide it behind that hideous mug. All you need is some subjects."

(F/N) laughed again, but shook his head, "A fine offer, I again must reject."

"I knew you would. I just thought I should ask."

The pair embraced, as they broke away (F/N) said one last thing, "Don't forget why you wanted to be Queen."

Cerys nodded, making sure to squeeze him, "I won't. Good luck on your path, Black Bat. As long as I wear this crown, you'll always have a home on the isles."


Torsten glared at the sorceress, she was looking at herself in a compact mirror that was hovering in mid-air, "Begone from the village, barren whore!"

The sorceress casually glanced at him and spoke in a calm voice, "You'd best take that back."

"You defiled sacred ground! The gods'll..."

Yennefer snapped her fingers, Torsten vomited all over the floor, just as two figures walked past him. The sorceress took the mirror and slid it into her trousers, she smiled at the figures, only one smiled back. Geralt sat down across from her and looked at Torsten, he was still puking his guts up, "Always did know how to make friends."

"I was provoked."

(F/N) sat on the edge of the table she was at, he didn't bother to look at her, "It's never your fault."

The woman ran a hand through her black curls, she looked at the witcher with her violet eyes, "(F/N)..."

"Don't use my name. I'm here for Geralt."

The sorceress sighed, his master cleared his throat and tried to move on, "You wanted to talk to us about something?"

Yennefer nodded, her expression grim, "Amos var Ypsis, a specialist on djinns - heard of him? I found a tome he'd penned in the emperor's library. Var Ypsis set off for Skellige one day and was never heard from again."

(F/N) started listening intently, when he heard the word 'djinn' a wish-granting air spirit. They were incredibly dangerous. But three wishes, if worded carefully enough could do nearly anything. He immediately looked at the sorceress, "Do they know what happened to him? Did he have a djinn with him?"

Yennefer nodded, a smile slowly spread across her lips, "The locals say they last saw his ship off the coast of Hindarsfjall. Then a once-in-an-eon storm broke."

Geralt rubbed his beard, "So he's fish food by now."

(F/N) shook his head, "If he had a djinn with him, he could have easily made it out."

Yennefer nodded, "I concur. I must learn what became of him."

The young witcher immediately got suspicious, "Why do you need access to a djinn? We know how to find Ciri." Suddenly it clicked, he shook his head, "I can't believe you."

(F/N) turned away. Geralt seemed confused, "What does he mean?"

Yennefer sighed, "If I can tame a djinn, I shall gain incredible power. And that could be useful to us one of these days."

"Because it worked so well when you tried to tame a higher vampire."

The witcher shook his head, he wanted nothing to do with this. Geralt understood his wards hesitation, but he could tell the sorceress was keeping something from him, "So what do you need from us?" 

"You must help me find this djinn."

Geralt stared at her in disbelief, (F/N) debated throwing a mug of mead on her, but that would get him sent to the middle of the ocean. Yennefer leaned forward, but she looked at (F/N), "I've no gold to offer...but I shall be ever so grateful."

The young witcher laughed, his master didn't, "Since you put it that way, we'll help you."

The enchantress smiled, "Thank you. A boat awaits us in the harbor. Come."

(F/N) shook his head, "I refuse."

Geralt went to speak, but Yennefer held up a hand, she stared at the young witcher for a long time, then spoke softly in a tone of voice she hadn't used in a long time, a very long time, "You will come with us."

The witcher sighed, he shook his head and slowly stood up, "Fine."

The trio walked in complete silence to the boat. Geralt reminiscing about how he had fought a djinn the first time he met Yennefer. Hopefully this would be easier. Yennefer was thinking of that exact moment as well, but she was thinking of finding the djinn. Two wishes that's all she needed.

They all made their way to the small boat Yennefer had bought. The sorceress pointed to the distant sea, "The ship carrying the djinn sank somewhere in this area."

Geralt stared at the sea and laughed, "Not too precise as leads go."

"It's nothing," (F/N) added in a blunt tone.

Yennefer rolled her eyes, as the boat slowly sailed off, "I've cast a spell on this boat. We'll know if there are any wrecks on the seafloor below us."

(F/N) looked behind them as they sailed away from Skellige, he voiced his disapproval, "This really isn't a good idea."

Yennefer looked at him, "Geralt and I managed to seize one before. Did you not here the story?"

The young witcher laughed, "Yeah...and I remember that 'exorcism' you performed. That djinn must have been pissed."

Geralt smiled slightly, as he remembered his fight with a djinn all those years ago, "It was."

"I'll never forget it as long as I live, 'Begone and go fuck yourself.' That get's me every time."

The older witcher sighed, "Are you both gonna bring that up for the rest of my life?"

Yennefer smirked, "Of course, your last wish effectively assured it."

(F/N) smiled under his mask, "And we are destined for one another."

Geralt looked at his ward, "Oh? Really? Should I tell Yen about the time that you thought you found a djinn in the sewers underneath Vizima?"

The young witcher groaned, "No, please, not that."

The sorceress leaned in, "You found a djinn?"

"Not a djinn exactly. It was an expensive looking container with ancient runes. It said something about not opening."

Yennefer stopped the boat, "Mind telling me after? We're above a wreck."

(F/N) looked down into the water, "Alright." He reached for his belt to grab a bottle of killer whale before Yennefer stopped him, "I'll cast a spell. It will slow your heart even further. You can stay submerged for longer."

He nodded, "Fine, fine. Let's do this."

The enchantress made grand gestures with her hand and shouted the incantation. A blue orb appeared around the witcher, he looked down into the murky water, "I'll let you know if I find anything."

(F/N) jumped into the water, leaving just Geralt and Yennefer. Once the older witcher was truly out of earshot he spoke, "What's this really about, Yen? Why do you need a djinn?"

"I told you, the power would..."

"Yen, I know wouldn't have brought him along. You would've sent him to Velen to get Uma. Why is he here? What are you not telling me?"

The sorceress sighed and put a hand on her forehead, "I haven't seen nearly six years...on the island...with you...I missed Ciri, our daughter...but I also missed our son...I knew he was out there...looking the way he does...I turned him into what he is."

Geralt shook his head, "Yen...that was years can't..."

"I can! What happened was my fault...I took his choice away...I became the very thing I hated...he's right to be angry with me...he's right to hate me...I can't undo what I did...not without help."

The witcher's eyes widened, "You're going to use the djinn to turn him back to normal."

The enchantress nodded, "I'll wish for the trial of grasses to have been performed exactly right. Then...I'll have him back," she weakly smiled and put a hand on Geralt's hand, "we'll have our son back."

Geralt stared at the shoreline of Skellige, "How can you know it won't make him worse?"

"I've phrased the question out in my head. It will work. I promise you."

The witcher nodded, "Good...that's good."

"He won't have to hide his face, live in fear, do you remember how he was when he decided to start wearing that mask?"

"I do..."

"He would hardly speak to anyone. All he would talk about was Ciri and finding her."

Geralt looked at the water, "He's coming back."

The sorceress nodded, (F/N) climbed onto the boat, he coughed as he was dripping with water.

Yennefer looked at him, "Well? Anything?"

"Just a bunch of angry drowners and a boat that looks as though it's been there for decades. The sorceress nodded and the boat set off yet again. She smiled ever so slightly, "So, tell me of the time you found a bottle you thought contained a djinn?"

(F/N) laughed, "Well, it turned out, that it was a bottle that contained a very small, very angry leprechaun. It tried clawing my face off before it ran off."

"How did a leprechaun manage to get in a bottle? I thought they live in Brokilon."

"Very good questions, but before I could ask it any questions it got swallowed by a zeugel.

The trio laughed for a bit, before Yennefer smiled, "Geralt have you told him about how you and Dandelion were driven out of the ocean by sea dwellers?"

The older witcher groaned, "That's the one story I didn't tell him."

The sorceress laughed, "It's quite entertaining. You nearly drowned after accepting a contract as I recall."

(F/N) raised an eyebrow, "You told me never to accept contracts that were in the ocean."

"I only did it so Dandelion and I wouldn't starve."

Yennefer stopped the boat, "We're over a shipwreck again."

(F/N) stood up, "I'll take care of it."

His master grabbed his hand, "Actually, I could use a good swim," before his ward could protest the witcher looked at the sorceress, "Yen."

The sorceress muttered an incantation, and Geralt dove into the murky waters. Leaving the young witcher and Yennefer. (F/N) sighed, and turned to her, "Why do you need a djinn?"

The sorceress sighed, "I told you, it's power could..."

"That's a load of shit. You and I know this is about the wishes. You want to use them."

Yennefer looked at the horizon, the wind blew her black curls, in all directions, "I won't deny it."

The witcher nodded, "I thought so. You realize that var Ypsis used at least one of his wishes? Djinns can't attack the one their bond to. The djinn made the storm. So it's master must have made a very poorly worded wish."

The sorceress nodded, "Your point being?"

"There's one or two wishes left. What do you intend to wish for?"

"That's really none of your business."

"You made it my business when you had me come along. Now, what do you intend to wish for? To be the empress of Nilfgaard? The most powerful sorceress in the world?"

Yennefer laughed, she kept her expression even, not lying, but not telling the full truth, "Nothing so complex. It involves Geralt and I."

The witcher leaned forward, silently asking the sorceress to continue, "Did Geralt ever tell you about our last experience with a djinn?"

"He did."

"Do you recall the the three wishes he made?"

"The first one was telling the djinn to get out of here and go fuck itself, the second one was making a man burst, and the third was he wished to die alongside you."

"And in doing so he bound us together until the end of our days with magic. But recently I've been wondering, if our love for each other is genuine...or if it's a result of powerful magic."

The young witcher tilted his head, he didn't know how to feel about that, "Why?"

Yennefer smiled, "I assumed you would love to see if our love is legitimate."

"Why is that?"

"Well...there's a chance their isn't...and in that would see less of me to put it lightly."

The witcher nodded, he looked at the ocean, his mind drifted from the prospect of finally being rid of the enchantress. When he finally spoke it was soft and faint, "Geralts coming back."

(F/N)'s master rose above the water and climbed onto the boat, he coughed lightly as he climbed on, whipping the muck from his armor, "A Skelligan warship."

Yennefer sighed as she willed the boat to move again, "Dammit! We're close."

(F/N) sighed as he looked out onto the water, he nodded, "Yeah, we are. I can feel it."

The trio didn't say anything, as the boat sailed. (F/N) believed that Yennefer wished to demand one thing from the djinn, Geralt believed she was to demand another. The sorceress only hoped that their were two wishes left. That's all she needed.

The young witcher frowned when he saw the boat sail into a lake, the land around the lake looked as though it was a perfect circle. (F/N) frowned as the boat stopped, that was odd, he had never seen a formation like that. The young witcher stood up, "I think I'll go this time. I've a good feeling about this one."

The young witcher dove in the water, the spot they were in wasn't as filthy as the rest of the ocean. Yennefer and Geralt sat in silence for a while, before Geralt finally spoke, "Do you remember when you both met all those years ago?"

The sorceress smiled slightly, "Yes."

"After he spoke with you, he came up to me and demanded he be enrolled in Ban Ard."

"He would have to suffice with the limited knowledge of magic that I bestowed on him. After his trial, I did teach him a few basic spells."

Geralt laughed, "You know he can use two signs at the same time now? He taught himself how to do that."

"Did he? That is impressive. He would have made a fine..."

The sorceress frowned, then a smile appeared on her face, she looked at the witcher, "He found something, he's coming back up."

Geralt assumed they had used telepathy, something they could both easily do. But he still waited for his apprentice to climb back onto the boat. When he did, he was holding what looked to be half of a wooden circle, it looked like half of a seal for a djinn. The seal had an engraving that was also incomplete, but it looked like a broken cross and a nine-pointed star. The witcher tossed it at the sorceress' feet, "I'm assuming you can find the other half."

The sorceress nodded as she took the seal, "I can use this to locate the other half. To within a dozen yards."

Geralt smiled, "And once we find that, we can find our djinn."

"Exactly. Ready? I'll take us there on the count of three."

(F/N) closed his eyes, he had to smile, he loved teleporting. Geralt groaned but folded his arms. Yennefer made a grand gesture, "One. Two..."

There was a large flash and the occupants of the boat vanished.

When (F/N) opened his eyes he was standing in snow that nearly went over his boots. The wind was howling. The young witcher turned and saw his master wiping his armor off, he grumbled and looked at Yennefer, "You said you were gonna go on three."

The sorceress walked past him, the scent of lilac and gooseberries was made stronger by the wind, "I did."

(F/N) looked around, "All right, let's go find this djinn. The spell between you isn't getting any weaker."

Geralt frowned and narrowed his eyes, "What?"

The young witcher frowned and looked at the sorceress, "Oh...sorry. He didn't know?"

The sorceress rubbed her eyes, "No, he didn't."

The old witcher looked at his lover, "What's this about, Yen?"

Yennefer ran a hand through her black curls, "How long has this been going on, Geralt? This thing between us? Fifteen, twenty years? We repeatedly split up, then return to one another...Something draws us to each other. But I can never be certain if it's a true feeling, or merely a bit of mischief by a djinn. I want to know if we'll matter to each other, or if we'll be like two strangers."

Geralt raised an eyebrow, "But you told me this was about him."

The witcher gestured to his apprentice. (F/N) narrowed his red eyes, "What? How do I fit into this?"

The sorceress sighed in annoyance, "Two wishes. That's all I need from the djinn. One to remove the spell that binds Geralt and I. And remove the curse that plagues you."

Geralt had rarely seen his ward at a loss for words, this was one of those moments. He looked as though he was trying to make sense of what he was hearing, or if he was trying to spin this into a cruel act of Yennefer. Finally (F/N) spoke, "You told me to undo it would kill me."

The enchantress walked closer to him, "Yes...but with a djinn, I could make it so the trial went exactly how we planned. My mistake would never have occurred. I could remove the scar from you I left."

The young witcher stared at her for a long time, "W-why?"

"Because...we're the same...we both know what it's like to have our choice taken from and your appearance...myself womb. I never got my choice back...but you can." Yennefer reached a hand out to him, but he pulled away.

He looked so confused, "Don't...don't touch me. Why are you doing this? Why? What's your plan?"

The sorceress smiled at the witcher like a mother would to her son, "Because...I must show how truly sorry I Abomination."

(F/N) stared straight ahead, Geralt just stared, he wondered if his ward would sob, yell, but he just stood their, unable to express the emotion he felt. His red eyes were unreadable. The older witcher slowly made his way in between the two of them, "We should go."

The young witcher nodded, he adjusted and tugged on his hood, "Yeah...let's..."

Yennefer stared at (F/N), while Geralt looked at his lover, "Yen...what if there's only one wish left?"

"Than I shall do what I must."


"Let's get going. I wish to be off this mountain soon."

The sorceress and the witcher followed their adoptive son. They soon discovered what they were looking for, half of a ship was resting on top of the mountain. Geralt quickly pieced together what had happened, "Seems Amos was quite the eccentric. Asking the djinn to lift half his ship to a mountaintop?"

Yennefer scoffed, (F/N) rolled his eyes, as the sorceress corrected him, "He didn't necessarily. Djinn's are inherently mischievous, this djinn might've granted his wish and perverted it in doing so."

Geralt frowned, as he stepped aboard the ship. The boards of wood creaked loudly, "In that case, I'd appreciate if you didn't wish I'd disappear from your life."

"The same goes for wishing to break the curse on me."

"Both of you can rest easy knowing that I know exactly how to word the wishes."

(F/N) turned into a mist and seeped through the cracks of the ship. Geralt looked at the edges of the ship that had been cut off from the djinn's teleportation. It would be dangerous to try to get too close.

(F/N) looked around in his mist form, looking for anything of significance. Until he found blood stains all over the floor. He turned back into his regular form and examined the bottom of the ship. The witcher looked around and found a puddle of blood under a book case that had fallen over. The young witcher pulled the bookcase up so it was off of whatever it was crushing. The witcher smiled when he saw the dead body, it was completely unrecognizable, but he knew who it was "I found var Ypsis."

Yennefer's voice could be heard from above, "Look for the other half of the seal, it should be on his body."

The witcher quickly searched the man, he was close to the end of this nightmare. Of having to look at a monster in the mirror. Of having to wear this horrid mask. It was a reminder of what he had lost. (F/N) actually laughed when he found the other half of the seal. The witcher kissed it, letting out a giggle, "I found it!"

"Bring it to the top deck, I've an idea."

(F/N) thought about Yennefer, she was deceiving him, she had to be, she was trying to get him back on her good side. There was only one wish left, he could sense it, he wouldn't fall for the trick. The witcher scoffed, he almost had fallen for it. (F/N) turned to mist and made it to the top deck, and handed the piece over to her. He still wanted to see this djinn. This was still very entertaining him. The sorceress smiled, "Excellent. Both of you, step back a bit."

Geralt and (F/N) looked confused, the older witcher was the first to speak, "What are you going to do?"

"Summon and tame the djinn. It's not likely to be happy. Stand at the ready."

The sorceress pulled out the other half of the seal and set the two pieces at her feet. (F/N) walked to the ships deck with his master. The older witcher looked at him, "Do you have any dimeritium bombs?"

"Yes. Why?"

"You're gonna want to get them out."

Suddenly he heard Yennefer shout an incantation. The witcher turned to see that the two pieces of the seal were glowing. The sorceress made the two parts float, the clouds darkened as powerful magic was being used. She clapped her hands together. The pieces slammed together and became one

Suddenly a large storm broke out, both witchers pulled their blades. (F/N) quickly pulled out two vials from his belt. He downed one and poured the other on his blade. The air spirit was approaching. (F/N) had never seen a djinn in person, he was expecting a lot, he was not disappointed. He heard a loud powerful growl, it slowly grew louder.

The witcher gritted his teeth and held his sword up, then a large ball of pure white energy appeared. (F/N) stared in shock, there was a face in the ball, it looked like a man, then it morphed into one of a demon, then an animal, then a monster. It was as if the djinn couldn't decide what to look like. The young withcer grabbed a dimeritium bomb, "What's the plan?"

The sorcress groaned before she yelled an incantation, "You must weaken him while I draw him into the sphere!"

Suddenly a cloud formed around the elemental, lightning stared sparking in the clouds. (F/N) laughed, "This should be easy." Suddenly wooden planks from the ship broke off and hurled themselves at the witcher.

(F/N) barely had time to use the Quen sign. Geralt dove to the side as the djinn sent a bolt of lightning at him. The young witcher threw a dimeritium bomb right at the monster causing it to yell in pain. It sent a lightning bolt at him. The witcher was sent flying back into the ship's mast. He groaned and pulled out his crossbow. He sent a bolt flying right at the djinn. The small arrow stopped in midair. The mosnter let off a series of growls that sounded like laughter. Before it sent the arrow right back at him. (F/N) ducked just in time and charged the monster.

Geralt ran up to it and used the Yrden sign. The monster growled as it was slowed down. The two witchers ran their swords through the monsters air like body. There was no blood, but the silver was obviously causing it great pain. The djinn let out a yell and sent a powerful burst of lightning all around them. Geralt nearly fell over the edge of the ship, while (F/N) slide across the deck. The witcher slowly picked himself up. The pure white cloud had the face of a monster. Yennefer shouted from the deck, "Just a little more!"

The young witcher charged forward, dodging the lightning strikes, and wooden beams that were sent flying towards him. He pirouetted gracefully to avoid one last lightning strike and slashed right through the air spirit. The monster let out a loud growl. Before a sphere encased the white cloud of energy. (F/N) let out a sigh of relief, as the djinn was finally captured. Yennefer shouted victoriously, "Got you!"

Geralt slowly walked over to his apprentice, as the sorceress spoke, "Your master died before uttering his last two wishes. I cannot..."

The djinn growled in the bubble as if to correct her. The sorceress' gaze fell. The young witcher knew what the monster had said. There was only one wish left. The last wish was Yennefer's to decide. The enchantress looked at Geralt and then (F/N) then at the djinn she had contained. Her eyes closed, she opened them and looked back at him, "I cannot capture you! We can struggle like this for eternity, or I can release you! If you do one thing for me!"

The djinn growled loudly, but it sounded as though it was asking what it was. (F/N) nodded, he knew what would happen. Yennfer would wish that the spell that bound her and Geralt was broken. Then she would apologize to him and say they would find another djinn. The sorceress spoke with authority, "The young witcher!"

(F/N) frowned in shock, he stared at the enchantress, as she continued, "Grant any wish he desires!"

The djinn let out a scream. Yennefer looked at (F/N) and nodded, she spoke without moving her lips, "It's alright, Abomination. It's too late for me, but you will have your choice."

The witcher looked at the sorceress, he heard what she said, he didn't understand. He tried to think of every angle possible. She had to be deceiving him. She couldn't mean those words. She just couldn't. Suddenly the sphere that was holding the djinn cracked. Yennefer yelled, "(F/N)! Hurry! Make your wish!"

(F/N) thought of everything he could wish for, he could wish to be completely human, he could wish to have Ciri here right next to him, he could wish to not be a witcher, he could wish to change his mother, he could wish to have unlimited power. (F/N) then heard the sorceress let out a pained cry, Geralt shouted at him, "Hurry!"

(F/N) closed his eyes, he knew what he had to wish for, his voice was soft, barely above a whisper, "I wish..."

The djinn let out a loud roar, briefly deafening everyone as (F/N) used his last wish. Yennefer shouted, "You are free!" She threw her hands apart. There was a large shock wave that echoed  through the mountain. Everyone went flying. The air spirit let out a triumphant yell as it sailed to the clouds, happy to finally be free.

Geralt coughed as he slowly got off the ground. He saw that his apprentice was looking down, he was out cold. The witcher stood up and walked over to his ward, "(F/N)..."

The young witcher slowly sat up and looked at his master, "Geralt." The Black Blat slowly stood and removed his mask and hood. The White Wolf stared at his apprentice's face. All his hair had fallen out, his skin was the color of ash, and his wrinkled face made him look older than Vesemir. The young witcher smiled, and laughed a bit, "So? How do I look?"

Geralt shook his head, "You didn't break the curse...What did you wish for?"

(F/N) noticed that Yennefer was getting up, he slowly pulled his hood back up, "I think you can guess."

The witcher slowly walked over to the sorceress, as she got up, she saw his face, "(F/N) didn't...Why?"

The witcher smiled, he shook his head and spoke softly, " had your choice taken away...I gave it back...mother."

Yennefer and (F/N) embraced in a hug, similar to that of a mother and a son. The pair held onto each other enjoying their first embrace inn years. The enchantress whispered slightly, "Thank you, son."

The pair stood silently for a minute, before the young witcher broke away, he slowly slid his mask back on, "Your wish is granted."

The witcher watched as the sorceress and his master slowly approached each other. Geralt swallowed and looked around, "The djinn's gone...guess it's over."

Yennefer nodded, and bit her lip before she spoke, "Yes. It's all over."

"Maybe we should sit? You look a bit dazed."

"I'm not. But we can sit."

The enchatnress and the witcher sat at the edge of the boat, their legs dangled over the edge. (F/N) glanced at the seal that they had used. It had separated again. The young witcher slowly picked them up, but almost instantly they turned into dust and got carried off in the wind. The djinn never wanted to come back, that much was clear. (F/N) looked at his adoptive mother and his master looking at one another. Geralt looked at his lover and spoke hesitantly, "Feeling any better?"

"I told you. I'm fine."

"You don't need to play tough for me. That was a hard fight. Maybe not as hard as the last time we tamed a djinn, but still..."

The enchantress laughed, "No comparison, I'm afraid. Half of Rinde suffered then. Now I'm merely a bit tired...Thank you for coming Geralt. I'd have had a much harder time on my own."

"Well, I never could say no to you."

The sorceress looked at the horizon, her heart slowly fell, "Perhaps that will change now."

(F/N) felt his heart sink, he hadn't considered the possibility that without the magic binding him, the pair would loath each other. Right when their little makeshift family was so close to being repaired. The young witcher bit his lip, but knew not to interfere. He watched as his master leaned forward and spoke to her, "Feel anything? That anything's...different?"

"Hmm...I expected...I don't know what I expected, actually. A bit of vertigo, perhaps...I thought you'd become a stranger to me...That I'd look at you and not feel a thing....But it's not like that at all. Nothing's changed."

(F/N) smiled as he looked at Geralt, his master's face, like most instances, was unreadable. When he spoke it was in the same uneven tone, "Djinn mighta cheated us after all..."

Yennefer's smile fell instantly, "Why?"

(F/N) saw a rare sight, Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf, smiling, "Cause I don't feel that anything's changed, either." The two smiled at each other, "I love you, Yen."

"And I love you."

(F/N) looked at his boots and smiled, he swore he could hear the song of a swallow. He looked over the edge of the ship, as Yennefer and Geralt kissed, he somehow knew that Ciri was out there, waiting for him. He would find her. They would all be together again.


(F/N) laughed as he walked through Yennefer's portal, he only loved teleporting even more. The witcher cracked his neck, "Alright! Does anyone else need to do anything else before we go find Ciri? The end is near I can feel it."

Geralt and Yennefer were holding hands as they stepped through. The sorceress was the first to speak, "No, nothing else that I need to accomplish...but I am due to appear in Vizima...We must report to the emperor, after all."

(F/N) scoffed, at the mere mention of Emhyr, "Fuck him. He tried to force you both to commit suicide. And he nearly had my head cut off."

Geralt seemed to agree, "Ciri's our concern, and only ours."

Yennefer nodded, "At heart, perhaps. But it's not what we agreed with Emhyr. We must see him."

The older witcher sighed, "If we gotta. We gotta."

His ward shook his head, "I'm not going anywhere near him."

The sorceress looked at him seriously, "We wouldn't have known Ciri had returned if not for the emperor and his agents. It's the least we can do."

(F/N) sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Very well. But then there's the matter of Uma. One of us needs to go to Crows Perch to get him."

Geralt looked at his ward, "I'm sure you can handle that. Then we'll ride for Kaer Morhen."

The witcher stared at him in disbelief, "We're going home?"

His master nodded, a smirk spread across his face, "I'll ride for Kaer Morhen. Once you grab Uma, you can join me."

(F/N) nodded, he felt a rush through his veins, he was excited to see Vesemir, Lambert, and Eskel again. The sorceress seemed to agree as well, "I shall join you both as quickly as I can."

The witcher nodded, his smiled grew wider under his mask, "I'll see the two of you at the witchers keep. We're nearly there."

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