The Witcher The Swallow and T...

By jetrayf

156K 5.6K 1.3K

As humanity has grown the population and threat of monsters has decreased, naturally so has the need for witc... More

The Cold Beginning
The Dusty Trail
The Crooked Inn
Into the Woods
Lilac and Gooseberries
Imperial Audience
The Wolf and The Viper
The Path
The Sorceress' lamp
The Swamp of the Unknown
Ladies of the Wood
The Worst Father
The Swallow in Velen
Consequences of One's Past
The Romantic Sorceress
The Dragon who would be Queen
The Free City of Novigrad
An Old Flame is Forever Eternal
The Window to the Soul
A Bard's Muses
A Voice That Would Make a Siren Jealous
The Troll's Treasure
The Trial of The Grasses
Searching for the Son of a Whore
The Will to Go Forward
A Doppler Named Dudu
A New Ballad
The Black Bat
The Never Ending Hunt
A Deadly Plot
A Poets Love
The Eternal Fire's Followers
The Memories that Haunt
The Island of Tradition
A Druids Dungeon
Secrets of the Fog
The Beginning of the End
A Powerful Magic
A New King
The Last Wish
The Cursed Imp
The Witchers Bretheren
The Enemy Within
The Path Taken
The Witcheress
The Battle of Kaer Mohren
The Empress of Nilfgaard
The Fang and The Swallow
The Martyr Saint
Through Time and Space
The Last Time
A Matter Of State
The Wrap Up
The Departed
A Final Journey
The Blood of All
Tower of the Swallows
The Sword of Destiny
Baptism of Fire
Time of Contempt
Something Ends, Something Begins
A New Journey
Blood and Wine
The Beast of Beauclair
Together Again
A Deed Rightfully Punished
The Loss of Those Close
A Familiar Acquaintance
The Land of The Dead
The Battle
Lesser Than Me
The End of a Life
Season of Storms
The Warm Farewell

Her Sweet Kiss

2.8K 80 11
By jetrayf

(F/N) walked back through Triss' temporary home, the owners of the house gave him an even nastier look than before, but the witcher didn't care. He hadn't bothered getting dressed for the ball. He just bought some fancy looking clothes, which actually fit, a bat mask, which was a bit on the nose, and a fox mask, which worked for the red headed sorceress. The witcher expected to walk in on the sorceress looking at herself in the mirror, that's not what he saw. She walked in with a towel around her waist. The witcher quickly covered his eyes, "Triss."

The sorceress jumped, "(F/N)!" She quickly backed away but realized he had his eyes covered, "You really should call out."

The witcher nodded as he turned away, he set Triss' fox mask down, " I just came to drop this off." The sorceress smiled at the witcher, "Here let me try a spell." She made a couple of gestures and then muttered something that sounded suspiciously like, "Hocus pocus abracadabra." She cleared her throat, "There I should be invisible now." The witcher turned back around and uncovered his eyes, but his surprise only grew, "Triss...I can still see you."

The sorceress frowned as she dropped her towel. Her intentions slowly becoming clear, "You can? The spell might take a few moments to work. Would you care to join me for a bath, while we wait?"

The witcher stared at the sorceress' large breasts, it was hard to look at just one part of her. She was absolutely gorgeous, although she was nearly 100 years old, she looked younger than him. There wasn't a single flaw. Her tanned skin looked beautiful against the candle light. Her legs teased him, as she rubbed her foot against the towel she had dropped. She had a splash of freckles on her chest as well as her face, she truly was the most beautiful sorceress, "Triss..." The sorceress innocently smiled, as she traced a finger over her chest, "Yes?"

The witcher smiled, and slowly set his own mask and clothes that he had bought down, he had wanted this since he was a young man, and know it was finally here, "I don't see a bath tub."

The magician smiled an orange energy appeared in her hand and she muttered a spell, a tub appeared it was just large enough to fit them both. Her smirk grew as she spoke, "Would you like salt water or regular water?"

"Salt water, I've never bathed in it before."

Water slowly filled the tub, it looked like it had been taken straight out of the ocean. The sorceress slowly climbed in and sat down. Her smooth legs shivered as she sat. The witcher slowly took his own clothes off until he was wearing nothing but his medallion. Triss smiled upon seeing his real self, even with his skin he was quite attractive, "I can't stand seeing you wear that mask, it looks as though your ashamed of your appearance."

The witcher slowly sank into the water, the salty ocean water felt fantastic. But that's not what he was focused on, he saw that Triss was rubbing her chest with water, unintentionally drawing his attention back to her breasts. After a long pause he answered, "I'm many things. Ashamed, afraid, and angry. That serves many purposes."

"I didn't know you were so poetic."

"I can be whatever you want me to be, Miss Merigold."

Triss put her foot against his thigh, inching it closer to something very valuable. (F/N) slowly took her foot and started rubbing it. He smiled as the sorceress softly moaned, "Mmm, thank you. I needed that."

The witcher nodded, "Of course." He raised her foot and kissed it softly, he slowly worked along her long, toned, wet leg. Savoring the taste of her skin. Triss bit her lip as she leaned back, "(F/N)."

The witcher ran his hands along the red headed sorceress' sides, he kissed each of her breasts and then her neck, "Triss."

"(F/N)," she moaned, her head tilted in pleasure.

The witcher kissed her chin, and went to kiss her on the lips but she raised a finger to his lips, "Mmm not here."


The sorceress ran a hand across his wrinkled grey skin, "We need to attend the ball. If we take this too far neither of us will want to leave." The witcher, sighed but slowly nodded and quickly sank into the water. He took a breath before he stood back up, dripping wet. Triss smiled up at his toned muscular chest. Even with his skin, he was quite handsome. As the pair finished drying off, the sorceress had (F/N) get dressed while she did her own hair. She decided to braid a few strands and make one large bun in the back, it was simple, yet with her bright red hair it was quite attractive.

The witcher slowly got dressed, Elihal had insisted that the garment was supposed to be tighter in certain areas. Of course, he disagreed, claiming that the event was formal, but in the end, he couldn't argue with the tailor. (F/N) quickly finished putting on the black garb with yellow and white wool woven in. Triss was already waiting for him, fully dressed, no doubt with the assistance of magic. She smiled when she saw the young witcher, "Oh my..." her eyes scanned him, "You certainly took my request to heart. I thought you'd be wearing clean armor."

The witcher smiled, as he bowed slightly, "Whenever a lady makes a request of me, I have a hard time refusing."

Triss leaned forward, her strapless low-cut dress made her look beautiful, "Well you look great. Now...there was one little thing I wanted to add."

The witcher tilted his head in confusions, but then he got her meaning, " mean my face. I was thinking I could wear my hood and mask, it might be hot, but I'll manage."

The enchantress laughed, "That's sweet of you to offer, but...I was wondering if I could use an illusion to make you look more..."


The sorceress paused, "I..."

"I know what you mean. It's alright, Triss. I trust you," the witcher nodded, a smile slowly spread across his wrinkled lips, as he slowly shut his eyes. He was imagining she'd just smooth his skin out. He was wrong.

The sorceress smiled as she slowly said a spell, her hands burst into orange energy. The witcher felt his skin start to burn slightly, but it was nothing too serious. When he opened his eyes, he saw Triss was staring at him, "Wow..." she softly whispered.

(F/N) frowned as he walked over to a mirror and stared at his face. His eyes widened, his skin wasn't just smoothed out, it was normal, it was it's old (S/C) shade. He looked at his hands in disbelief, they looked callused but normal as well. His hair was it's old (H/C) it was completely full, and not patchy or falling out. The only thing that he missed were his eyes, they were yellow like Geralts. (F/N) missed his red eyes, they had grown on him, but as he was like this he truly felt like a real witcher. He flexed his fingers. He slowly turned and looked at the enchantress, his voice didn't sound parched and half dead,  "Triss...I...thank you."

The sorceress walked up to him and rubbed his muscular arms, "For all you do, you deserve it."

The witcher turned and looked at his reflection, he looked like a true witcher, one where the trial of grasses had gone correctly, one where Yennefer hadn't been selfish. A part of him wished he could stay like this forever, but illusions were just that, illusions, he preferred hideous reality than a blissful illusion. But this, this was only for tonight. He ran a hand over his face, he could feel his rough wrinkled skin. He picked up his bat mask but chose not to put it on, he didn't feel like covering his face. Not yet.

The witcher looked at Triss, "I'm ready to go if you are." The sorceress smiled and wrapped her arms around his, "I am. It's a shame events like this are so rare. Without them I'd never get to see you get dressed up or see your handsome face."

Triss stood on her toes and kissed the witcher on the cheek. The witcher kept his mask off, while the sorceress slipped her fox mask on. He smiled slightly but he still fidgeted with his doublet, "Well I suppose I'll suffer in this torture device for you."

"And I'll admire your suffering."

The pair smiled and laughed as they walked together.


(F/N) hated having to slip his bat mask on. It was a black domino mask with what appeared to be bat wings on the side. Triss was in shock from the story the witcher had just told, "And they broke your back?"

"Nearly in half."

"Gods, what were you thinking? Going in there without Geralt?"

"I was thinking I could handle it. I was thinking I'd be dealing with a group of your run of the mill witches."

The sorceress shook her head as they approached the gate to the Vegelbud's residence, the guard nodded respectfully, "Greetings, m'lord, m'lady."

Triss held onto her dates arm as he spoke, "We're Lady Ingrid Vegelbud's guests."

"Your invitation please."

The magician handed over the invitation the servant had given her. The guard merely glanced at it, and he visibly stiffened, but he nodded, and glanced at Triss, "All's in order. You'll find Lady Vegelbud in the estate's yard. Look for the parrot mask. A pleasant evening to you both."

As the guard let them in Triss smiled and looked at the mansion. It was absolutley breathtaking, the mansion itself had been decorated with decorations he could hardly name, the large grounds were covered in tables filled with food, guests happily conversed. Triss was in awe, "It's beautiful here! I haven't been outside the city in ages." The witcher smiled at the enchantress with his yellow viper like eyes, his medallion dangled and tugged on the chain as he stood next to her, "It's the second most beautiful thing." Triss blushed as they walked together. Both of them enjoying the others company. The grounds were packed full of rich townsmen and women, most of them were crying about their own problems. How they didn't have enough coin mainly.

(F/N) didn't care to listen in, he felt so...normal, people would glance at him, but they didn't stare, he was just a regular witcher, why would they. It was quite an intoxicating feeling. Triss was gaining many more looks. As the pair walked to the large mansion, Triss spotted a man in a blue parrot mask."

(F/N) prayed that he wasn't dealing with another Elihal situation, but the enchantress seemed to know the man, "Moritz? What are you doing here?"

The man had a black ponytail, he was dressed fancily, but his attitude matched his attire, he sneered at the red-head, "Little Miss Merigold, well, well. And I was led to believe this would be an elegant affair."

Triss seemed taken aback, but she refused to ignore the remark, "Yes, I missed you too."

The witcher wasn't blind, he could sense the tension between them. Had they slept together? He doubted it, this Moritz wasn't exactly Triss' type. He listened in on their conversation, Triss was clearly passionate about getting the remaining mages in Novigrad out of the city. The witcher didn't listen to her, as she spoke. But he felt her tone, (F/N) admired her will, she spoke clearly and effectively, she never misspoke. She never spoke down down to him.

The witcher was motivated by hearing her voice alone, but the sorcerer, not so much. The man rudely excused himself and walked off, (F/N) almost grabbed his arm and ask that he apologize, but Triss wouldn't have been happy. He wasn't worth getting thrown out. The witcher looked at her afterwards, "Who was he? He seemed...awful."

Triss sighed and glanced at (F/N), "He's an old friend. His name's Moritz Diefenthel. Tell you the story later," the witcher could tell by the look in her eyes, that later would never come.

As the pair got closer to the mansion, they saw that the true ball was in the front of the mansion. There were people gorging themselves on the many exquisite foods, jumping around in the fountain, or dancing along to the music being played. Dandelion would love it here.

Triss' eyes went wide under her mask, "Oh, lets look around."

The witcher smiled under his bat mask, "As the lady wishes. Let's head to the desert table, I want to see these 85 deserts."

The magician smiled, "Oh so do I."

The pair walked off together, grasping each others hands, although it felt like Triss was leading (F/N), her child like demeanor was making him smile. The witcher allowed himself to take the cake that had been prepared in Touissant, it was said to have been baked using the best fine wines. As soon as the witcher tasted a piece, he nodded. A smile spread across his face. he needed to receive a pardon from the duchess so he was allowed there again, it was a truly beautiful land. With even more beautiful desserts. Triss settled for a fudge that was covered with cream, both a delicacy in Nilfgaard. The witcher stared at the various sweets, if he didn't have to worry about his own physique he might be tempted to sample them all. The witcher noticed a large man with a pig mask, he had his plate piled high with deserts. That was a man who didn't need to worry about his shape.

The witcher tilted his head and gestured to him, he slowly recognized him, Triss glanced at him and frowned, "Sigi?"

The spy turned his head and squinted at the sorceress then the witcher, "Yes? Who are you?"

(F/N) bowed respectfully, "The man who brought you your treasure."

The man frowned, and looked at the witcher, he snorted, "(F/N)?" The witcher was about to say something witty, but the large man wrapped his arms around him and lifted him off the ground, he laughed, "Look at you, you look just like Geralt."

After he was set down the large man gestured to Triss, the magician smiled, "Hey Reuven." The spy smiled, "And I suppose this must be my favorite accomplice? Taking a day off from saving the world. I suppose you had something to do with his, recovery?"

Triss smiled and hugged the witchers arm, running a hand over his chest, "You could say that."

The spy adjusted his pig mask, "Well, I supposed we shouldn't get too far into it. I've a bad feeling when we meet at parties (F/N). It get's hard to breath through my nose."

(F/N) laughed, "I could even your nose up for you."

Dijkstra laughed, and pointed to the fountain, he playfully shouted, "Away with you!"

Triss and (F/N) walked over to the band next as they played, they both decided to dance as if they had no care in the world. Triss started giggling as the witcher awkwardly twirled her, "Not much of a dancer are you?"

"The only time I do anything like this is when I'm fighting monsters. But...this isn't so bad."

The enchantress smiled, as he dipped her, "No, it isn't."

The pair happily danced away, of course the witcher kept getting his footwork criticized. The sorceress knew more about exquisite swarays than him. (F/N) wanted to keep dancing but he felt a tap on his shoulder. The witcher turned to see a man wearing Nilfgaardian armor and a lion mask, "Sorry, to bother you Gregor, but have you seen Dargof?"

(F/N) raised an eyebrow, he recognized that Nilfgaardian accent, "Uh...I'm not Gregor."

General Voorhis' eyes widened, "Oh my apologies, my friend wears a similar mask!"

"It's alright General, I owe you for gifting me that Nilfgaardian saddle."

The general gave (F/N) a hard look before his eyes widened, "(F/N) (L/N)! So I was not entirely mistaken." Triss turned away from the Nilfgaardian, not wanting to be recognized.

The witcher smiled, "No you weren't. It's a pleasure as always."

The general smiled, but he kept looking at (F/N)'s face, as if he was looking for any sign of the old him. If (F/N) didn't know any better, he'd think the general was jealous, "Of course. Anyway, I really must find Dargof. I wish you and your lovely date a good evening."

The witcher nodded and bid the Nilfgaardian a similar farewell. Triss watched him leave, "He seemed upset with you."

"How can you tell?"

Triss hugged him from behind, "A woman can tell so much from a man's voice. You're so easy to read."

The witcher rolled his eyes, "And that is why, Miss Merigold. I keep an even voice with you."

Triss laughed as the pair began to walk towards the field, "Oh please, you're not always a big tough witcher. Sometimes your sweet, like tonight."

(F/N) laughed as he saw a noblemen showing off his fox hounds, "Well don't get used to this. As soon as my eyes turn back to red. The rocky exterior comes back."

The enchantress laughed, "Well see."

The pair lazily watched the man toss a dead pheasant into the ear only to see the dog leap into the air and catch it in it's teeth effortlessly. The witcher looked at the sorceress, "Geralt couldn't do that, he can't jump as high as he used..."

"(F/N) (L/N)?"

The witcher heard another familiar voice, he quickly bowed slightly, "Baroness La Valette." He felt Triss tense up, but the Baroness spotted her anyway, "And Triss. I did not see either of you on the guest list." She smiled at both of them.

The witcher smiled back, "Oh...we're here as friends of the family."

The Baroness noticed his face, but chose not to speak, "As am I, yet my name was there, at the very top of the list."

Triss gave a snappy reply, "Not at all surprising, my lady."

"These curtsies grow tiring, why are you here?"

Now it was (F/N)'s turn to tense up, "I believe that is a question best saved for Lady Vegelbud."

"I shall, believe you, me."

The Baroness walked off leaving the enchantress and the witcher slightly puzzled, "That was a bit dramatic." Triss nodded, "Well the La Valette's were always over-dramatic."

The witcher laughed, as he and Triss walked back to the rest of the party. The witcher glanced at a young man around his age, he was wearing a panther mask, he had a group of women eating out of his hand. The witcher didn't care for any of the other women there, he had the most beautiful women there, on his arm, Triss Merigold. He was content to spend the rest of the evening, dancing, joking, and talking the night away.

But unfortunately, they had work to do. Triss paused when she saw a woman talking to a few noblemen and women, she muttered under her breath, "Parrot mask." The witcher turned, sure enough, there was a woman dressed in elegant pink and purple garb, with a green parrot mask. The woman, who (F/N) presumed to be Lady Vegelbud, took one look at Triss and politely excused herself from the conversation.


Triss smiled politely, "Yes, it's me. The trout buyer."

Lady Vegelbud frowned, "Hm? Oh yes of course. Please excuse the precautions, but...perhaps we can speak somewhere in private." The lady of the manner gestured for them to follow, which they did, she lead them to an isolated part of a nearby garden. "Thank you for agreeing to help. My valet warned me you might come with a...friend. I'd prefer as few as possible knew of Albert's flight, but if you trust this man..."

Triss smiled at the witcher under her fox mask, "Like no one else."

The witcher squeezed her hand, "Then there's no point delaying. Let's get Albert. Where is he?"

The Lady of the manor smiled slightly, "Entertaining the guests. He has always been an out-sized prescience at my receptions. I preferred not to arouse suspicions."

The enchantress nodded in approval, "When can we take him away?"

"We shall have to wait until the guests have imbibed enough to notice only the goblet-laden trays. Don't fret, it won't be long."

The witcher glanced at Triss, "What kind of mask is Albert wearing?"

"He's donned a panther mask. He knew you were due to come for him. Seemed rather excited, ironically. I'm afraid he's not fully comprehended the danger he's in. As I said, he's not terribly bright."

(F/N) shrugged. "Don't worry about that. Quite a few mages aren't."

"(F/N)!" Triss hissed, glaring at him.

She looked at Lady Vegelbud, "Let's go find him."

The woman nodded, "I shall await word from you."

(F/N) nodded as he and Triss headed back into the main part of the party, "I think I saw him entertaining some women, we should start there." The magician smiled and looked at the party, "It'll be a shame we'll have to leave. I wanted to stay till the end."

The witcher shrugged, "Well...there's always other balls."

The pair walked together all the way to the last place (F/N) had seen the man with the panther mask. He was still entertaining the female guests.

"Albert Vegelbud."

The man let out a tipsy laugh and ran a hand through his short blonde hair, "No."

The female guest giggled along with him and tried to cuddle up to him, the man smiled and did a bow, "I'm a black panther." The man let out an unimpressive roar. The witcher smirked a bit at his antics, he glanced at Triss, she seemed to be cringing. (F/N) laughed at her expression, "Your mother sent us, Mr. Panther."

Albert frowned, he seemed a bit upset but excited, " you are..."

After the red-faced man finished bidding the many women farewell, the witcher and the enchantress quickly took him to a corner that overlooked the hedge maze. Triss seemed incredibly eager, "Yes. When can we leave the estate?"

The Alchemist scratched his chin, "Welllll....Mama said it would be best to wait until everyone's drunk. Besides, they're be fireworks later - a jolly good distraction. Once they've begun, I shall slip away, saunter into the garden. We will meet in the hedge maze."

(F/N) smiled at Triss, apparently they would get some more time together, "We'll be waiting for you there."

The drunken man started walking off, "Very well, but you absolutely must try the Fiorano rosé. Absolutley!" Albert started singing a drinking song as he vanished into the crowd. (F/N) hoped that he wouldn't have to go looking for the man later. He looked at the sorceress, "I really hope he understands why we're here. I don't want to have to save him from any witch hunters."

Triss turned to a stone bench that was well hidden by a hedge, there was even a bowl willed with wine with a couple goblets. She twirled a lock of her hair and bit her lip, "Wanna wait here? It's a beautiful spot."

The witcher smiled as he sat down on the bench and took his mask off, "Yes I do. When you cover your face as much as I do, it feels good to let it be free for a bit."

Triss smiled and took her fox mask off to, she took a goblet and filled it with wine, "How do you breath in yours?"

"Practice, lots of practice."

(F/N) stared at the sorceress, smiling, for once everything felt right with the world. He was a handsome witcher, staring at a sorceress he loved. Triss casually started sipping on the wine, "Great view from here. And there's even wine. It's been so long since I've been to a feast, ball or reception. Amazingly pleasant change from the sewers of Novigrad."

"So does this mean it's a good time to ask you about..."



Triss frowned, she looked ahead and downed a bit of wine. For a bit neither of them said anything. But slowly the enchantress slid her hand onto his, she looked at him and whispered, "(F/N)...I...I think..."

The witcher paused for a bit, "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have brought it up...I just..."

"I love you."

(F/N) paused and looked at the magician, his eyes widened, "You do?"

Triss was blushing profusely, and so was he, his regular looking skin allowed for it, "I do. Do you know what my first thought was when I saw you in Novigrad?"


"Not him again."


The sorceress laughed, and squeezed his hand, "No, no, it'll sound better when I explain. After...Geralt and I...ended things...I was heartbroken. I know how you felt when you ended things with Ciri...And when you came back, all it did was remind me of Geralt...I'm terrible at explaining. Do you remember when you saved me from that Nilfgaardian camp in Loc Muinne?"

The witcher nodded, "I do."

Triss nodded, as she rubbed her hand against him, "I knew right then and there. It wasn't Geralt, it was you. You grew into a man, a man I love." The enchantress drank more wine, she seemed to be getting dizzy. The witcher smiled, "Thank you, Triss, but...I was just following orders. Geralt told me to go so I went. I'm like a soldier."

Triss drank even more, "Oh, (F/N). You're too smart to be just a soldier. I think under different circumstances. You'd make a fantastic king."

The witcher laughed, "Me? A king. Triss, that's ridiculous."

The sorceress giggled, as she sipped on the goblet, "Don't say that. I mean look at me. Who would have thought I'd be a leader?"

"Well you're doing a damn good job at organizing the mages to escape Novigrad."

"Sometimes I have no idea how I actually managed to bring them together."

(F/N) laughed, "Are you joking? You're smart, powerful, kind, charismatic, beautiful, I could go on."

The sorceress blushed more intensely, "You really think so?"

"Absolutley. All you need now is to wear a set of armor and a crown, maybe an eye patch. They'll be calling you Merigold the Merciless in no time."

Triss laughed, as her face was slowly becoming as red as her hair, "For a moment their I thought you were being sincere."

(F/N) laughed, as his eyes darted from side to side, "Right...Ha."

The magician kept laughing, but then frowned, "Oh I hate this dress. It's so cold out here." She looked at him and smiled. The witcher laughed as he put his arm around her, "Oh well I wouldn't want you to get too cold." Triss smiled as she leaned into him, she kept laughing, "Oh my hero, saving me again. Remember when we were sailing for Flotsam, and that sailor tried flirting with me...You told him off sooooo well."

The witcher smiled, as he pulled her close, "I was saving his life. You would have turned him into a toad."

The witcher looked at the moon, and decided enough time had passed, "Alright, let's go."

He helped the drunk sorceress to her feet, she stumbled a bit, "I sure hope the other guests don't get drunk as quickly as I did!"

The witcher smirked slightly, "I wouldn't worry you're a bit of a light weight."

"A light weight? How dare you. I am Merigold the Merciless." The magician kept giggling, then she seemed to get an idea, "I want a good look at this famous maze of theirs," she began giggling even harder, "I hear the statues there are completely...entirely..."

"What exactly?"

Triss leaned in and ran a hand along his neck, she whispered softly, "Nude," she burst into another fit of giggles.

The sorceress grabbed her mask, "Come on, (F/N)!"

The witcher grabbed his bat mask and slipped it on. When did he become the responsible one? "Triss, wait!"

"(F/N)! Coming?"

The witcher smiled and jogged after her, she couldn't run that fast in a dress and heels. But he was enjoying this thoroughly, and so was she. Triss giggled and stuck her tongue out at him as she ran into the maze. The witcher smiled and followed close behind in case she fell down, but thankfully she didn't. (F/N) felt his heart beat quicker as Triss ran into the center of the maze. She was skipping like a little girl, and giggling like one to. It wasn't a surprise when she jumped on the wall of the fountain and started walking on it like it was a balance beam. She smiled at the witcher, he smiled back, it had been so long since he had been so happy.

It was only when she started spinning around on it that he became worried, "Careful, you might..." Suddenly, Triss stumbled and fell backwards, (F/N) rushed to catch her, which he did. He was about to scold her for doing something so foolish, but then he saw the look in her eyes. She was smiling slightly looking at the man she loved with her beautiful green eyes, the witcher smiled back, suddenly a series of loud cracks lit up the night sky. They both looked up to see flashes of multiple colors. (F/N) looked back at Triss as he held her in his arms, "They're the second most beautiful thing I see."

The enchantress smiled and leaned in, both of their lips met. The witcher squeezed her thigh as she caressed his face and his chest. Both of their tongues slowly entering the others mouth. Triss tasted of strawberries, just as he imagined she would. The perfect taste for the perfect woman. The fireworks raged on and on. (F/N) wanted the kiss to last forever, but it had to stop eventually, he slowly set her down. The sorceress whipped her lips off and smoothed out her dress, neither of them could stop smiling.  The witcher was about to say something but a voice spoke up, "Miss Merigold! At last!"

(F/N) quickly let go of Triss not wanting to go any further, as Albert walked up to them, "So sorry we are forced to meet under such incredibly inopportune circumstances."

The witcher gave the alchemist an annoyed look, "You can say that again."

Triss rubbed his arm, as Albert seemed unaware of what had just occurred, "But I'm sure we'll make up for it another time. I absolutely must show you my alchemical formulae."

The enchantress looked at him, with an equally annoyed look, "Anyone follow you?"

"I don't believe so."

"Just in case. You two switch masks."

The witcher nodded and took his bat mask off, he tossed it to Albert, who quickly did the same. (F/N) had a feeling he really didn't want to know why Albert's mask smelled like a dog.  Triss looked at the two men, "Albert and I will go first. (F/N) will follow right after."

Albert nodded, "Saddled horses await in the stables."

The witcher nodded, "Good, I'll meet you both there."

(F/N) smiled at Triss as they both left, he started pacing nervously, he really didn't want to screw this up. If Triss got hurt, while he was just sitting here, he didn't know what he would do. After about 20 minutes of nervously walking around, he finally decided to head out of the maze. The smell of dog was powerful. As the witcher walked through the maze, he heard the sound of grass crunching behind him. He turned around about to throw a punch when one of the women Albert had been entertaining earlier threw her arms around him, "Albert, there you are, my love!"

(F/N) stood there awkwardly for a moment, "Uhm...I'm not Albert."

The woman broke away, she was clearly embarrassed, "Oh. I'm sorry, I..."

Suddenly the sound of crunching grass could be heard from multiple directions. Three men came from all different directions of the labyrinth, they were all wearing masks. The witcher smiled, they thought he was Albert, they were in for a rude awakening, "Albert Vegelbud?"

(F/N) leaned over to the woman, "You should go."

The woman nodded and quickly hurried off into the maze, not wishing to get tangled up into the affair. One of the men folded his arms, and tried to act tough, "Nobility's naught to us, young count. Try anything and you will get bruised."

The witcher stretched out his fingers, he wanted to try something out, "Alright. How about we all just calm down." He muttered a quick spell and twisted his fingers into the Somne and Yrden signs. The men charged him. Instantly, a white circle with glyphs appeared around him, all three men dropped to the ground, before they could touch him, fast asleep. The witcher smiled as he hopped out of the circle, magic made everything easier. (F/N) charged as quickly as he could to the stables.

He took the long way as not to draw any attention, he didn't want to end up hurting more people than he had to. When the witcher finally made it to the stables, he took his mask off and tossed it on the ground. Albert and Triss were grooming their stallions, while Lady Vagelbud was speaking to her son. Triss smiled at him slightly, but seemed embarrassed. The Lady of the estate noticed him, "I had begun to worry."

(F/N) glanced behind him, no one had followed him, "Everything's alright. But there's some men who're sleeping in the maze. They might think that a witcher beat them up. But it was all just a drunken hallucination."

The woman nodded, and quickly walked out of the stable, "Oh my. You must hurry then, so no one draws a false conclusion."

(F/N) bit his lip as he walked up to Triss, the look she had on her face had him worried, "You all set?"

The enchantress nodded, "Yes. Ingrid gave me the coin. It's, uh...more than I expected. Stunningly more, frankly."

"Excellent. So where are we all going to?"

The magician laughed, "You can go wherever you want, just not with us. It's finally possible, probable, even - that we can all get the mages out of Novigrad."

Then her expression fell, as if she had been avoiding thinking about something, "You know where to find me if you want to say goodbye."

(F/N)'s eyes widened, "Goodbye?"

Triss stepped forward, her cheeks were rosy red, "What happened at the fountain. It was my fault. I know. The-the wine it went straight to my head. I'm sorry."

The witcher shook his head and took her hands in his, "Triss, don't apologize. It was a perfect end to a perfect night."

Albert interrupted, "Miss Merigold..."

The enchantress nodded and took her hands back, she slowly slid them along the witcher's chest, "We need to go."

"I careful."

As Triss saddled up, she looked at the witcher, she looked at him for a long time, "Wait, your clothes, your weapons. Where are you living I'll bring them to you once, Albert and I are safe."

(F/N) nearly forgot, he didn't care so much about his armor, he could buy a new set. It was his sword he cared about, he couldn't do his job without it. He preferred having one sword that worked on both humans and monsters, then two swords that only worked on one. "I'm living with Zoltan, Dandelion, and Priscilla. The Rosemary and Thyme. Drop by whenever you can."

The sorceress nodded, she gave the witcher one last smile before she snapped the reins and rode off with Albert in tow. (F/N)'s skin slowly started to glow, when the glowing stopped he knew the illusion had worn off. He had no desire to look in the mirror, he knew what he would see. A monster. He grabbed a long coat off the wall of the stable and put it over himself, he glanced in Triss' direction and repeated what she said, "Goodbye?"

The witcher shook that thought off as he quickly headed into the woods, she didn't really mean that, she couldn't. She couldn't just leave. Not like that. (F/N) slowly dissipated into mist, and flew towards Novigrad, even in that form, the taste of Triss' lips still lingered.

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