The Witcher The Swallow and T...

By jetrayf

161K 5.7K 1.4K

As humanity has grown the population and threat of monsters has decreased, naturally so has the need for witc... More

The Cold Beginning
The Dusty Trail
The Crooked Inn
Into the Woods
Lilac and Gooseberries
Imperial Audience
The Wolf and The Viper
The Path
The Swamp of the Unknown
Ladies of the Wood
The Worst Father
The Swallow in Velen
Consequences of One's Past
The Romantic Sorceress
The Dragon who would be Queen
The Free City of Novigrad
An Old Flame is Forever Eternal
The Window to the Soul
A Bard's Muses
A Voice That Would Make a Siren Jealous
The Troll's Treasure
The Trial of The Grasses
Searching for the Son of a Whore
The Will to Go Forward
A Doppler Named Dudu
A New Ballad
The Black Bat
Her Sweet Kiss
The Never Ending Hunt
A Deadly Plot
A Poets Love
The Eternal Fire's Followers
The Memories that Haunt
The Island of Tradition
A Druids Dungeon
Secrets of the Fog
The Beginning of the End
A Powerful Magic
A New King
The Last Wish
The Cursed Imp
The Witchers Bretheren
The Enemy Within
The Path Taken
The Witcheress
The Battle of Kaer Mohren
The Empress of Nilfgaard
The Fang and The Swallow
The Martyr Saint
Through Time and Space
The Last Time
A Matter Of State
The Wrap Up
The Departed
A Final Journey
The Blood of All
Tower of the Swallows
The Sword of Destiny
Baptism of Fire
Time of Contempt
Something Ends, Something Begins
A New Journey
Blood and Wine
The Beast of Beauclair
Together Again
A Deed Rightfully Punished
The Loss of Those Close
A Familiar Acquaintance
The Land of The Dead
The Battle
Lesser Than Me
The End of a Life
Season of Storms
The Warm Farewell

The Sorceress' lamp

2.9K 102 20
By jetrayf

(F/N) walked after Geralt, "B-but master witcher, I don't understand. By destiny's law of surprise, I'm yours?" The small boy was still trying to make sense of it, he had been taken out of the orphanage for boys and taken to the home of a woman who seemed nice, now after her husband had shown up with the witcher, she had handed him off to him. The young boy had heard many tales concerning witchers: they kidnapped children, they were heartless mutants, they were toxic people who hurt people, but the boy didn't believe any of them. The witcher he was following seemed kind enough. 

Geralt sighed, "Yes," the witcher wasn't in the mood for speaking. He couldn't believe this, he had liked the boy when they spoke but that didn't mean he wanted to have him as a reward for curing the man. The right thing to do was to drop him right back off at the orphanage, neither Viana nor Syphren would let the witcher leave with anything else. Geralt slowly climbed onto Roach, he planned on just taking the boy back to the orphanage, "Come on, (F/N)." The boy raised an eyebrow as he walked over to the mare, "Where are we going?"

The witcher didn't even hesitate, "I'm taking you back to the orphanage." (F/N) raised an eyebrow, "What? But, But, what about all you said about destiny." Geralt gritted his teeth, "Trust me, in this instance you'll want destiny to go fuck itself." (F/N) folded his arms, "Then I just wont go." Geralt growled and jumped off of Roach, "Listen, you brat, you'll do as I say or I'll..." (F/N) interrupted, "Make me." Geralt snarled and grabbed the child by the arm, he was planning on ripping his belt buckle off and disciplining the boy right then and there on the road. But (F/N)'s hand brushed against one of Geralt's silver knives, that he wore on his belt. The small boy squealed, and jumped up and down in pain. The witcher was taken aback, he saw that (F/N)'s skin had smoked for a bit, he turned his hand over, and sure enough there was a burn mark. Geralt looked down at his medallion, it was tugging on the chain ever so slightly. Thus the pairs legendary tale began.


A slow strand of sweat was running down (F/N)'s face, his arm was shaking rapidly, he had held the sign a lot longer than he thought he would have been able to. The young witcher was heavily breathing as he looked at Keira, "Can you seal those cracks the wind is blowing through?" (F/N) gestured to the three blue portals, Keira saw he was having trouble holding the sign, "We need to get closer! I'll shield us with Demetia Crest's Surge!"

(F/N) nodded, the winds were pounding against his shield, "Do it now!" Keira wasted no time, she practically yelled the incantation, and made grand gestures with her arms and hands, instantly a much larger and more powerful barrier appeared. The witcher dropped the sign, and nearly collapsed on the spot, the sorceress looked at him, she had no concern to spare, "Come on, stay close." (F/N) nodded as he grabbed another potion from his belt, it glowed a blood red color. He downed the potions contents and shuddered, he felt his blood warm up as though he had drank a strong whiskey. Almost instantly his energy came back to him, Keira's arm glowed with blue energy as she slowly walked towards the first portal. (F/N) held kieł in a defensive position, he had a strong feeling what was gonna come out of the portal. Sure enough, the beast bounded out and let out a loud roar, it wasn't muffled at all by Kiera's barrier. It was the size of a large boar. Kiera started making grand gestures, blue strands of energy traveled from her arm to the portal

The witcher twirled his sword to intimidate the hound of the wild hunt, the beast bounded forward on it's four legs, it looked as though shards of ice were shooting out of its back. It's fangs dripped with saliva. (F/N) grabbed the crossbow from off his back and with lightning fast reflexes shot an arrow that landed right in the beasts eye, the witcher put the crossbow back on his back right in time. The hound of the hunt howled in pain as it bounded within (F/N)'s grasp. the witcher grabbed the beasts head and used the momentum to fling it right back into the portal.

Keira managed to close the first portal before anymore monsters could come out of it. (F/N) kept his sword steady, it felt a bit warmer now. The witcher and the sorceress made their way to the second portal, the wind was weakening. Keira started to slowly close the portal, but it wasn't as quick as the other portal, she had to use more of her power. This time two hounds got out and let out powerful roars.

(F/N) sighed as he got ready for a fight, his medallion was wildly swinging and tugging on the chain, he was afraid it might snap off. One of the hounds leapt for (F/N)'s neck, but the witcher quickly formed his fingers into the aard sign and sent the monster flying backwards, back into the portal. Keira managed to close the second portal leaving only one hound left. This hound was smarter it prowled just outside there barrier so (F/N) couldn't attack it. Then the monster let out a loud roar and the ground in front of the witcher cracked. Instantly, multiple shards of ice shot out of the ground. (F/N) elegantly danced out of the way, and risked jumping out of the barrier. The witcher's eye sight fogged over, and he started shivering, but he had enough time to slice the hounds front legs off. The monster squealed as it fell forward. (F/N) twirled his sword before plunging it into the top of the beasts head, the blade was met with a bit of resistance, but sure enough the hound let out a defeated squeal and went still.

The witcher waited no time before he jumped back into the barrier, immediately his body temperature felt normal, it was still unbearably cold, but it was better. (F/N) noticed Keira looked exhausted, she may have been one of the most powerful sorceresses in the land, but she was using too much power. The witcher shouted words of encouragement, "We're almost there. One more to go." (F/N) heard even more roars from the last portal. Keira merely nodded, sweat was pouring down the sorceresses face, as she began closing the last portal, almost instantly three hounds climbed out. 

(F/N) waited patiently, two of them charged him hoping to overwhelm him. The witcher stepped aside and slashed at ones back, while jabbing the other in it's leg. The beasts screamed with a powerful force, the one with the injured back, leapt at the witcher. All the monster hunter needed to do was slice it's head off. (F/N) didn't have time to admire how far the monsters head went. The one with the injured leg approached fast. The witcher raised his sword above his head and threw it at the ground. As the monster picked up speed it tasted a mix between silver and steel. The blade buried itself right in the monsters head, killing it. (F/N) was about to grab his sword, when he heard a loud roar. The last hound tackled him from behind, the witcher instinctively protected his neck and started thrashing the monster with his arm. But the monster sunk it's claws into his armor. (F/N) thought about trying to shoot ignii over his shoulder but that wouldn't help. The witcher tried to think of something but then he spotted the silver knife he kept on his belt for taking trophies. The witcher grabbed the blade from his belt and burried it in the creatures eye. The hound howled in pain and let go, it tried scampering off, but (F/N) wouldn't let it. He tackled the hound and, pulled the blade out of it. He started stabbing it in the stomach repeatedly. The blade was a blur as the witcher let out a battle cry. When he felt the monster stop moving, he slowed down. His armor had been stained with a nasty blue blood, even to a higher vampire it smelled awful.

Keira let out a sigh of relief when she closed the last portal, almost instantly the temperature turned back to normal. The room shook slightly as the wind died, the sorceress smiled weakly and grabbed her forehead, "It worked..." Keira looked absolutely horrible as she muttered the incantation to deactivate the barrier. (F/N) sheathed his sword and let out a sigh of relief, "We made it." The witcher was about to turn his attention to the layer of ice, but then he saw Keira take a few steps forward, she weakly stumbled for a bit. (F/N) bounded forward, "Keira!" The sorceress fell backwards, her hand went to her forehead right before the young witcher caught her, she was incredibly pale. (F/N) laughed a bit, he tried to cheer her up and keep her awake, "That was a lot of magic, you did good." Keira nodded, she was never too ill for her own vanity, she sighed and muttered to herself, "It'll pass...I just need a moment." 

(F/N) sighed and looked at the wall of ice, he was eager to catch up, "Just don't faint on me, I don't feel like carrying you." The sorceress laughed, a small smile spread across her face, "Now? In your firm embrace? I'd rather have this last for as long as possible."

The witcher rolled his eyes, she knew how to flirt, that was for sure, "I'd love to say we could cuddle for longer, but we have some issues to deal with." Keira sighed, "I know, I know, we must go on." (F/N) helped the sorceress back on her feet, "If you start feeling woozy, tell me." Keira brushed him off, "I'll be fine, don't worry about me." The witcher gave the sorceress a concerned look before walking up to the wall of ice, "I can try using ignii to melt..." Keira interrupted as she slowly walked to the barrier, "Leave it to me." The sorceress held up her hand, instantly a bolt of electricity shot out of her fingertips and struck the barrier, at first nothing happened. But (F/N) knew Keira was only getting started, he watched as she pulled her arm back like she was throwing a punch, and fired another round of electricity, this time the ice instantly melted. Keira smiled, sweat was slowly rolling down her forehead, she smiled at (F/N), "Come, we might still catch them."

This time it was (F/N) who was following Keira, the young witcher wished he had brought Geralt with him, he was unsure if he would be able to defeat Eredin and Caranthir at the same time, they were too powerful, even with Keira. The witcher cooled his fears by looking at the beautiful sorceress, "Thanks for your help, I owe you one for this." Keira turned, her blonde hair was a mess and her face was filthy, but she still managed to cast a flirty smirk, "You'd never have managed without me, come on admit it." (F/N) smiled back at the sorceress, "Fine, fine, I would have died if not for the mighty and beautiful Keira Metz."

The sorceress blushed from the witchers compliment, "My, my what would Cirilla say?" (F/N) raised an eyebrow, as they walked into the last chamber, "What about her?" Keira stopped and looked at him, "I thought you loved her?" (F/N) nodded, "I do, but...not that way...not anymore." The woman sighed, but didn't seem too broken up about it, "Why's that?"

(F/N) saw the Wild Hunt Rider that had been with Eredin and Caranthir, waiting for them in the chamber, the witcher answered Keira as he drew his sword, "It's complicated." The witcher quickly knelled down on the top of the staircase that led to the lower level of the chamber. Keira slowly knelt next to him, "He awaits us..." (F/N) nodded, he was a bit relieved neither Eredin nor his top navigator where there, but the other Rider was. He was a large man, with thick armor. He knelt respectfully, in a ball of frost, his ax was out and touching the ground, the blade was large and heavy. His face was covered in a mask that looked like a skull. (F/N) wanted to rush in and attack, but he remembered what Vesemir said, he couldn't afford to be reckless and take risks. 

(F/N) closed his eyes and thought of a plan, he nodded and slowly opened his eyes, "Alright I have an idea." He looked at Keira, "You stay up here, and shoot him with everything you've got. I'm going down their and facing him." The sorceresses eyes widened, she hissed, "What? You'll be killed!" (F/N) glanced at the Rider, he was still perfectly still, "Not if I'm fast. Our best bet is to slow him down and to keep him at a distance." (F/N) practiced the yrden sign with his hand, "Also use fire or lightning spells to attack him, especially if it looks like he might be trying to do magic."

Keira nodded and looked at (F/N), suddenly a sly smile appeared on her face, "Alright, good luck." The witcher nodded and stood up, but before he could jump and face his opponent, the sorceress grabbed him by his jacket. (F/N) turned around only for Keira to pull his mask down and plant a kiss on his lips. It was more a peck on the lips, but to the witcher it felt longer. (F/N) briefly tasted the sorceresses' lips, they tasted of tree sap and leaves. His emotions conflicted as he broke away and covered his face again. The witcher tried not to react but it was obvious he was embarrassed. The sorceress smiled flirtatiously at him, "Even when you're caught off guard, you're a good kisser."

(F/N) just stared at Keira as he walked down the staircase, but then he got his mind back onto more pressing matters. (F/N) pulled out two potions for the ensuing fight, one was dark purple and the other was bright green. The witcher downed them both at the same time. Immediately, the witcher tightened his jaw and groaned, he felt his muscles tighten up. The witcher cracked his neck and slowly walked up to the Wild Hunt Rider. The Rider was tall and lean, his armor was made of pure black metal, he spoke in a deep menacing voice, "The wolf sends a child in his stead? Pathetic." (F/N) held his sword defensively, as the Rider yelled out, "Aen Elle!" The Rider obviously underestimated him, he swung his ax high and strong, only for (F/N) to pirouette an dodge the attack. But the Rider didn't stop their, he followed up with another attack, and then another, the witcher easily dodged or blocked them, but he was slowly being pushed into a corner. The Rider laughed, the boy would be dead in a matter of seconds, or so he thought.

Suddenly, a streak of lightning flew threw the air and struck the Rider in his suit of armor. (F/N) took the distraction to slam his fist to the ground, instantly multiple purple ruins appeared on the floor in a perfect circle. The Rider yelled in anger, as his body was engulfed in purple energy, but he got even angrier when he realized he couldn't move as fast. (F/N) yelled and sliced the Rider in the stomach, blood sprayed the wall, the Rider yelled and slammed his foot into the witcher just as his sign broke.

(F/N) went flying, but managed to land on his feet, the Rider suddenly looked like his armor was getting turned to ice. The witcher, remembered Geralt's teachings, if a Rider's armor got like that, he should not touch them under any circumstance. He immediately reached into the pouch on his belt and pulled out two Dancing Star Bombs. The best way to get rid of ice was with fire. He threw the bombs as hard as he could. They exploded right in front of the Rider, causing him to stumble backwards, he almost fell forward when he was met with another streak of electricity. The rider yelled as (F/N) ran up, he dodged a swing of the monsters ax and jabbed him in the shoulder, where his armor was the weakest. 

The Rider roared as if he wasn't a man and tried using his magic again, but (F/N) was ready, he held up his hand and shot him with the ignii sign. The Rider's armor was slightly red from the heat, (F/N) felt his pulse quicken, he knew right then that the Rider knew there was a chance he could lose. The Rider ran at the witcher again, he swung his axe at him, but was greeted by an even larger bolt of electricity. The warrior was knocked off balance, his guard fell for just a moment. The witcher took advantage of that moment, (F/N) raised his sword above his head and swung down, their was little resistance, as the blade passed right through the Rider's arm. The warriors ax fell to the stone floor with a clatter. (F/N) pirouetted his blade whistled as it sliced the air. The razor sharp blade hit right where he wanted it. The warrior made of nightmares let out a gasp as hiss warm hot blood sprayed everywhere from hiss neck.

(F/N) finally allowed himself to breath when, the Rider fell down, dead. He stared at the warrior's corpse, he had killed a Rider of the Wild Hunt! Very few had done that and lived to tell the tale. The witcher was content with just staring at his kill, but he heard the sound of Keira's feet hitting the stone, "Are you well and whole? I feared-"

(F/N) smiled under his mask, as he sheathed his sword, "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for the assist, I would have been done for." The sorceress smiled and nodded, her confidence instantly re-emerged, "What would you do without me?"

The witcher rolled his red cat-like eyes, "I'd have to find another woman to kiss." 

Keira sighed, and threw her hands up, "I thought you would be dead by now, I wanted you to die a happy man at the least." 

(F/N) smirked, a happy man he would have been, "Alright, let's look around, so we can get out of here." The sorceress nodded, happy to change the subject, she walked over to the other side of the chamber, "Well, if I've my knickers on straight, this looks like the elf's laboratory." The witcher followed after her, he still felt pretty on edge, but the adrenaline and the potions he took were slowly wearing off. (F/N) frowned when he saw another glowing projection, "Alright, let's listen to this." 

The glowing translucent projection, spoke in the common speech this time, (F/N) swore he had heard his voice before, "Zireal, this place is no longer safe. Do not tarry here long. Trust no one, and above all beware the witches of Crookback Bog. Try to reach the place where last we were together." Suddenly, the projection vanished, the young witcher sighed, a dead end, Keira spoke up, "I don't suppose you know where, 'last we were together' is?" 

(F/N) shook his head, and walked over to a nearby wall, "Fuck!" The witcher hadn't been expecting Ciri to be here, but he had been expecting a clue of some kind. Keira spoke up, "Perhaps it's best he didn't leave a clearer message. The Wild Hunt broke in here, surely they saw the projection." The witcher nodded, "I suppose, I just wish we had learned something," (F/N) tried to think of any clues that the elf might have left for them, then he realized something, "Who are the witches of Crookback Swamp?" 

Keira corrected him, "Crookback Bog."

(F/N) gave her a look, he could hear her heart flutter slightly, "What aren't you telling me? Do you know them?"

The sorceress took a step back, "I-I didn't say...Do you think all female magic users know each other?" The witcher glared at her, his bright red eyes intimidated her, "Fine, I've never met them, but I've read of them. In an old manuscript I found in one of the huts in the village. It mentions the village witches venturing into Crookback Bog at times - to liaise between the villagers and the Crones, the Ladies of the Wood. The Crones appear to be intolerant of outsiders, but they help the local folk. Apparently, they stopped the spread of the plague in Velen."

(F/N) scoffed, Hendrik must have meant witches, those sounded exactly like the kind of people Ciri would get into it with, "Not welcoming of outsiders? You could have told me this earlier." Keira smiled, "Well, they could be a mere story, and I why would I want to miss the chance to explore ruins with my favorite witcher." He rolled his eyes but chuckled a bit, "How would one find the Crones?"

Keira seemed a bit hesitant to answer that question, "Well, the swamps are vast and dangerous. But the manuscript spoke of a chapel in Crookback Bog and from that trail they must follow a Trail of Treats."

(F/N) looked at the sorceress, "That's a bit ridiculous, but witches tend to be eccentric." Keira tried not to look offended, "Now shall we look for a way out of here?" The witcher nodded, "Lets." The pair walked around the chamber for a bit, poking for a secret entrance, or anything of the sort. The witcher was examining some of the mage's books the Wild Hunt had scattered all over the place. Suddenly, (F/N) felt a tug on his medallion, he paused, that was interesting. He walked over to a wall, the viper medallion started vibrating and tugging faster, "Keira? I think I found something, my medallions trembling."

The sorceress walked over to the the wall, it looked regular enough but it appeared to be shimmering, "Hmm it's an illusion. I expected we might run into such things, so I brought this." Keira pulled out what looked like a large medallions with strange carvings in it, "And that is?"

Keira rolled her eyes as if the answer was obvious, "The Eye of Nehaleni. It dispels illusions. It's easy enough to build, so you're welcome to this one. It's bound to come in handy. And each time it does you will think of me." The woman bit her thumb suggestively and gave the witcher yet another flirtatious smile. (F/N) smiled at Kiera under his mask, as he took the medallion, "Thanks." The witcher held the artifact up to the wall, and sure enough the wall burst into green flames and disappeared, revealing a hallway. The sorceress walked past (F/N) and remarked, "You would have made a fine sorcerer." (F/N) pocketed the Eye and walked after her, "Oh yeah, just trade Kaer Morhen for Ban Ard, and shove a stick up my ass." Keira gave him a look, but said nothing. The pair walked for a bit longer before (F/N) smelled a gust of sea salt up ahead, sure enough there was a cross road, Keira smiled, "Do you feel that? A flow of fresh air, from the left? Must be an exit that way!" 

The witcher nodded, and took a left turn, "Good, let's get outta here."

Keira didn't follow him, instead she bit her lip, "Wait, there's still the magic lamp?"

(F/N) looked back, and raised an eyebrow, "Magic Lamp? Does it contain a Djinn?"

Keira rolled her eyes, shocked he would be that naive, "No nothing of that nature. The elf promised it to me in exchange for my help. And since his return here seems doubtful, I must retrieve it myself. If I can find it, that is." The sorceress looked at (F/N) and then walked to him, "Will you help?"

The young witcher didn't even hesitate, "Of course, you helped me a lot, I'll help you a little." 

The sorceress smiled and placed a hand on the mans chest, "Thank you, lets go."

The witcher let the sorceress take the lead, they both ran down the right passage. (F/N) was expecting more golems but instead there was another chamber, there was a closed door with an inscription on it and four statues that looked like men, one of them had a large cat statue in front of it, and the rest didn't, some were even holding objects. The witcher gestured at the door, the inscription was in a version of the Elder Speech he didn't recognize, he looked at Keira, "Can you read this?"

Keira nodded, as she looked over the writings, "Yes, but I was never any good at the high variants of the Elder Speech," she ran her eyes over it and slowly nodded, "It's a riddle of some sorts. It might seem a tad bit literal. I'm afraid I can't replicate it's sophisticated internal rhymes." (F/N) shrugged it off, closing his eyes so he could listen to the riddle, "As long as I can understand it."

Keira nodded and slowly began to read, "Four guardians, four flames, standing proud in a line. The First to light his fire dared not march on the end. The Second, by the first, played a woeful lament. The Third kept close to his faithful beast. The Fourth marched not beside the First, yet like the Second played a tune. And thus they stood o'er their queen, who slept beneath flickering stars."

(F/N) scoffed, and opened his eyes, "That's it? That means I just have to light the fires in a specific sequence." The witcher looked at the guardians, each of them had a basin for a fire, he walked up to the first statue that had no instrument nor animal and made a gesture with his hands, instantly a green flame started in the basin, suddenly the chamber shook. Keira looked concerned but (F/N) merely brushed it off and went to the next guardian, as he lit the basins, the room kept shaking, when he finally lit the last basin the chamber shook violently and the door flew open. The sorceress jumped up and down, "It worked," (F/N) looked at her, "You sound surprised, I'm the third smartest Witcher at Kaer Morhen."

Keira laughed slightly, as they walked into the next chamber, (F/N)'s eyes widened when he saw what looked to be a grave with an inscription of a swallow, he thought he was looking at Ciri's grave, but realized how idiotic it sounded. Keira smiled when she saw a hideous looking lamp on the grave, she picked it up by it's black metallic handle and held it up, "Here it is." (F/N) got a good look at it, it looked like a green crystal that was covered in a net of some kind with old wet leaves, "What's it supposed to do?"

Keira looked at the lamp and rubbed her chin, "Hm, I'm not sure. I hope, I'll be able to activate it...Let's leave this place, shall we?" Neither the sorceress nor the witcher said a word to each other as they made their way, neither wanted to be in the ruins longer than they had to. 

(F/N) took a deep breath when they finally made it out, he had to blink so his eyes would adjust to the light. Keira smiled and walked into the sun, "Whew, at last. But it was worth it, right? You learned something about Ciri in the end, something important." The sorceress turned around and smiled at the witcher, "And you got to spend time with me."

(F/N) chuckled a bit, "I suppose so." Keira walked closer to him, the tension was getting thicker between them, "Do you intend to venture into Crookback bog by yourself? You must tell me about it afterwards." (F/N) smiled, he thought about getting Geralt, the Ladies of the Wood sounded serious, but on the other hand, they were probably just witches who didn't like people, "I will, I'll try to stop by sometime."

Keira smiled flirtatiously, and started walking away, "Excellent, I'll await your arrival, I've a favor to ask you. Stop by anytime, even if I'm in the same position you found me in before." (F/N) looked at the sorceress, and pretended as though he was adjusting his pant leg. Keira's hands glowed a bright blue, she made a wide gesture and a portal opened up, she turned and winked at the witcher, before she walked back in. (F/N) watched as she left him to himself, when she finally left, (F/N) looked around and muttered, "Where the hell am I?"

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