Curse Of A Witch (Book 1)

By Jack_1_Frost

11.1K 560 474

Jack had almost hurt, or even killed, his friends by accidentally tripping over a curb and creating a massive... More

Ch. 1 It Was An Accident, I Swear!!
Ch.2 I Didn't Mean To Do It!
Ch.3 The Witch
Ch.4 Rescue
Ch.5 I'm Gen Lockwood
Author's Note heh...
Ch.6 New Home?
Ch. 7 Oh my
Ch.8 Forgiveness
Ch. 9 Tragic Memory
Ch. 10 Adventure
Ch. 12 Sentiment
Ch. 13 Peace
Ch. 14 Setting In
Ch. 15 Return
Ch. 16 Take Care
Ch. 17 Meeting
Ch. 18 Trust
Ch. 19 Baby Steps
Ch. 20 Protection
Ch. 21 Baby Tooth
Ch. 22 Stop Baby Tooth!
Ch. 23 Relief
Ch. 24 How Bad Is It?
Ch. 25 Maybes amd What if's
Ch. 26 "Ms. Lockwood"??
Ch. 27 Mornin!
Ch. 28 McDonald's
Ch. 29 Pitch
Ch. 30 What Is Going On?
Ch. 31 Nightmare?
Ch. 32 Are You Worried?
Ch. 33 Near
Ch. 34 The Witch
Ch. 35 Jack Frost
Ch. 36 Happy
Ch. 37 Stay
Ch. 38 Scared
Ch. 39 Space
Ch. 40 Checking In
Ch. 41 Fear
Ch. 42 Wounds
Ch. 43 Some Rest
Ch. 44 A Plan For Justice
Ch. 45 A Minor Detail
Ch. 46 Trial
Ch. 47 Finally Over
Ch. 48 Different
Ch. 49 His Guardian
Ch. 50 Growing
Ch. 51 Change (End)
A/N Must Read
A/N Last/Book 2 News

Ch. 11 Family Tree

299 14 11
By Jack_1_Frost

*Jamie's P.O.V. *

We arrived at the courthouse. "So much history to be told! Lets go!" Tooth fluttered excitedly. The Guardians went ahead and walked into the old building since no one but us could see them.

My friends followed them, making chit chat as they went, even Sophie. I noticed Jack was behind Gen and I so I turned around to see why he had lagged behind.

"You okay Jack?" I asked casually. He seemed to snap back into reality at my question, and Gen had turned around too at this point. "Yeah, I'm fine." He walked into the courthouse.

Gen and I looked at eachother, and she began walking but I stopped her. "Jack isn't acting like his usual happy self.." I looked at the closed doors.

"Well, you heard what he said.. He died over 300 years ago. He's probably anxious to see what we'll find here. And he's been Jack Frost, spirit of winter, all that time. He's not used to being human. This is only his second day. Well, technically fist- anyway. If you're really worried about him, just be there for him as a friend. I'm sure he'd appreciate it." Gen smiled at me, patting my shoulder and leading me inside.

After a while of searching and reading we havent found a thing. I think everyone was ready to give up. Even Jack.

*Jack's P.O.V. *

I was about ready to give up. We'd looked everywhere. There's no Jackson Overland anywhere on these records.

"Wait here." Gen suddenly informed. I sat and fiddled with my bandaged wrist, wincing as I suddenly touched it too hard. "Sorry 'bout that again, mate." Bunny gave an apologetic look.

"Its fine, no worries." I quietly replied. Gen came back with 2 brown boxes full of documents. I stared with a small glimmer of hope.

"These are the last ones. Heres hoping." Gen gave everyone a stack to go through. About 20 minutes passed and my hope began to fade again, until-


Gen stood up abruptly, making her chair slide back with a loud screech noise. Without a word, she handed me the papers, hovering over me as we read them.

"Oh my gosh.." I muttered. The others gathered around to try and see. "What? Were you buried?" Tooth asked frantically.

"Yes!" Gen cheered. I stared in shock.


Name: Jackson Overland

Cause of death: Drowned/hypothermia

Age: 15

Witnesses: One: Sister

Location of Burial: Burgess Cemetery


"Jack, you have a grave!" Jamie shouted in a hushed tone. I couldn't believe it. This entire time. Never knowing what happened to my body. Emily.

I quickly set the papers aside, standing up and looking through the box Gen had been looking through. I pulled out one paper labeled 'Emily Overland'.

I looked through the information. This is her.. I covered my mouth in shock, trying not to cry. "Jack? What is it?" Gen asked.

"My sister.." I replied. "Really?? What about her? What happened to her." Jamie asked. I sniffled, taking a deep shaky breath.

"She died at 54 years old." I let out a smile. Back then that was more than the average life span. "She lived a long life." I added. "Thats amazing, Jack!" Tooth cheered.

I nodded reading more of her paper. "She died of age," my breath hitched. "She got married." I smiled, everyone awed. A tear fell, "She had 3 children-" I stopped myself as I saw her marital last name.

"Emily Overland- Bennett...?" I walked over to the front desk with the paper. I asked if there was a recorded family tree and luckily, there was.

I opened the folder and dropped it onto the table. I looked at Gen in complete shock. "What? What is it?" She asked. Jamie let out a gasp, "Holy.." I slowly turned to look at him.

He was already staring at me with the widest eyes a boy could have, everyone else looked at the folder, eager to see what all the fuss was about. Once they realized what was happening, they too gasped.

"You're my..." Jamie trailed.

"Great, great, great nephew.." I finished.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Short chapter but WHAATT?!

I really hope you guys enjoy and I will update again soon!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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