Curse Of A Witch (Book 1)

By Jack_1_Frost

11.1K 560 474

Jack had almost hurt, or even killed, his friends by accidentally tripping over a curb and creating a massive... More

Ch. 1 It Was An Accident, I Swear!!
Ch.2 I Didn't Mean To Do It!
Ch.3 The Witch
Ch.4 Rescue
Ch.5 I'm Gen Lockwood
Author's Note heh...
Ch.6 New Home?
Ch. 7 Oh my
Ch.8 Forgiveness
Ch. 9 Tragic Memory
Ch. 11 Family Tree
Ch. 12 Sentiment
Ch. 13 Peace
Ch. 14 Setting In
Ch. 15 Return
Ch. 16 Take Care
Ch. 17 Meeting
Ch. 18 Trust
Ch. 19 Baby Steps
Ch. 20 Protection
Ch. 21 Baby Tooth
Ch. 22 Stop Baby Tooth!
Ch. 23 Relief
Ch. 24 How Bad Is It?
Ch. 25 Maybes amd What if's
Ch. 26 "Ms. Lockwood"??
Ch. 27 Mornin!
Ch. 28 McDonald's
Ch. 29 Pitch
Ch. 30 What Is Going On?
Ch. 31 Nightmare?
Ch. 32 Are You Worried?
Ch. 33 Near
Ch. 34 The Witch
Ch. 35 Jack Frost
Ch. 36 Happy
Ch. 37 Stay
Ch. 38 Scared
Ch. 39 Space
Ch. 40 Checking In
Ch. 41 Fear
Ch. 42 Wounds
Ch. 43 Some Rest
Ch. 44 A Plan For Justice
Ch. 45 A Minor Detail
Ch. 46 Trial
Ch. 47 Finally Over
Ch. 48 Different
Ch. 49 His Guardian
Ch. 50 Growing
Ch. 51 Change (End)
A/N Must Read
A/N Last/Book 2 News

Ch. 10 Adventure

329 15 14
By Jack_1_Frost

*Jack's P.O.V. *

"M-my grave? I have no clue where, or even if I was buried!" I stood up, running my hand through my hair. "And besides! I died over 300 years ago, so theres no telling if my grave would still exist." I crossed my arms, feeling a chill run down my spine.

"Well," Jamie spoke up, also standing. "My teacher says that the local court house holds records of the deceased, even if they were buried or creamated." The kids all chimed in.

"My cousin used to work there a while back as an assistant!" Pippa exclaimed. Everyone started chattering about all of the 'old times people that could be buried there' and I began to ponder the thought.

Could Emily be buried here? What about mother? "Jack," I was snapped out of my thoughts by Gen. "We can go check it out? If thats what you want." She smiled fondly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath and nodded. The children cheered, "We're going on an adventure!" They shouted. The Guardians smiled.

"Lets go!" Jamie cheered, I began to head for the door but Gen grabbed my good hand. I gave her a quizical look and she pointed at my clothes. I turned beat red in embarrassment.

"You know where the clothes are" She smiled. I chuckled, pointing at her as well. She looked down at herself. "Oh! Wow, thats something!" She laughed as she noticed she was also still in her pajamas.

"We'll be right back! Help yourselves to tea and coffe!" Gen informed as we went upstairs. Once upstairs, I began sifting through the cupboard for clothes. "Hey, Gen?" I asked.

She hummed from her room. "What's coffee like?" I heard a few thuds from her room, and after a moment she cracked the door open to reveal her stunned face.

"You've never had coffee?!" She whisper-shouted. I was slightly hunched over, "No..? As a winter spirit, anything hot hurt me, warmth even made me sick, so I steared clear of any hot beverages." I gave a goofy grin as I continued to sift through clothing.

Gen shut the door again, replying from inside her room, "Coffee is amazing! You can customize it to your liking. Say, if you have a sweet tooth like me and hate anything bitter, you would like the way I make my coffee." She finished, opening her door and coming out.

"Okay, I'm down." I said, straightening up with the clothes I picked out. "Alright, get dressed and I'll get the coffee ready." I nodded in response and entered my room.

I put on the pair of straight leg navy jeans I found, finding them a perfect fit. Then I put on the grey v-neck t-shirt I found, along with a zip up blue jacket that had black fur on the inside for warmth.

Satisfied with my attire, I made my way downstairs. "Looking sharp, my boy!" North chuckled. I chuckled back, "Seeing as I only wore my hoodie and deerskin pants for about half a century, I sure hope so!" I chimed as I made my way to the kitchen.

"That smells amazing Gen!" She handed me a to-go mug, "Why thank you good sir!" She replied. I slowly took a sip tasting the foreign liquid, "Ah!" I burned my tongue slightly.

"Careful." Gen coaxed. I took another sip, "This is amazing!" She laughed, "Classic roast with 1 and a half spoon fulls of natural sugar and Vanilla creamer. My favorite!" She clapped her hands.

"Anywho, lets get a move on!" We all began heading out the door. Gen paused to grab her purse.

"Uhm, wait a minute." We all turned around. She pointed at my feet. I gave her an odd look before looking down and realizing the problem. "No." I deadpanned.

North, Bunny and Jamie lost it, bursting into laughter. Gen put her hands on her hips as I casually sipped my coffee. "And why not??" She asked, sounding like a mom.

"I don't do shoes. Slippers, sure. But no shoes." I stated. "Why are you three laughing? If he leaves this house with no shoes, in this weather, he will definately get sick and none of us want that." Gen set her purse down, North, Bunny and Jamie stopped laughing slightly.

"And you think you can get him to wear shoes? Last time we tried, Jack froze my entire living room!" Jamie chuckled. "Well then its a good thing he doesn't have his powers." She went to the cupboard upstairs.

I stood still. She's right.. I don't have my powers anymore. How am I going to get out of this? I can't fly either. I'm doomed.

Gen came back with a pair of black converse shoes. "Here." She took my mug and handed me the shoes. I stared at them in fear.

She handed me a pair of socks. I stared at her. "Put them on." She commanded. I shook my head. "Jack.." Tooth began but Gen stopped her.

"Jack I will not ask again." She urged. I glanced behind me at the others, seeing their intrigued faces, enticed to see what will unfold.

After a few more moments of not putting the shoes on, she huffed and pulled me into the kitchen to speak to me.

"Look, I understand that you don't like shoes, but you're human now, Jack. You can seriously injure your feet or even get sick." Gen explained. I was still wary.

"There was this one time, in the ER. This guy thought he could go jogging in the dead of winter with no shoes and he got frostbite so bad the he lost all feeling in one foot and had to get the other amputated. Do you want to end up like him?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Then please put the shoes on?" She urged again. I sighed and sat on the ground, putting the shoes on. I heard a few gasps. "Oh knock it off!" I half jokingly shouted at them.

Once I finished tying the knots, Gen gave me a hand to help me stand. I don't like this. I don't like this. Not one bit.

I took my first step and almost felt like falling over. "I don't like it! I don't like it!" I panicked. Gen laughed and so did some of the others. "Come on kiddo! One foot in front of the other!" Gen cheered, helping me to walk.

We made it out the door, "Maybe this isnt too bad.." I wiggled my toes. We began walking down the street, since the courthouse was about 2 block away, according to Gen.

A little ways down the block, and I was feeling better about the shoes, until-


I was falling. I had slipped on ice.

Everything was in slow motion.
The kids, who had been in front of me, turned around. Their faces turned to shock.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself for impact but nothing happened, I opened my eyes to see I was in a pair of arms. Burly arms. I looked up to see a jolly smile greeting me.

"Thanks North," he straightened me up. "Be very careful, boy, ice is force to be reckoned with if you be on receiving end!" He bellowed matter-of-fact. "Right." We continued to walk.

Im Jack Frost and I just slipped on ice. Wow. I put my hood up.

"Well! Looks like we're here!" Gen exclaimed. Here we are, the courthouse..



Hello my bootiful Snowflakes! Yet another slow chapter but we're getting somewhere! Hope you enjoy!

*Jack Frost*

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