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"Curiosity killed the cat" "Maybe the cat is supposed to be killed" Note: this is an fictional story. No... More

Curiosity // styles
prologue; not so easy
one; idiotic detectives
forty-nine (part one)
forty-nine (part two)


88 8 0

Chapter 37




“Where’s Annabelle?” Lauren says when we walk into the room.

Hearing her name brought back memories, memories that I don’t want to relive because it reminds me that my best friend; my cousin is dead.

“She didn’t…” Lauren says connecting the dots, “Oh my god. Niall I’m so sorry.”

“She died so we would be safe, so I’d rather not mope over it,” I lie. That’s all I have been doing; grieving over her death.

“Well, what are we going to do about the three of you then?” Lauren asks directing it to our injuries.

“Malaya,” Liam says, “Cat’s friend, she can help us. She helped Harry and tried to help Kylie.”

“Do you know where she lives?” Louis asks

“I think so yes.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” Lauren says helping me out to the car because of my knee.



As Caleb checks Harry’s blood pressure, I stand there anxiously. If his blood pressure is low, something is seriously wrong and I would have to give him more blood. Caleb says that since he is passed out there is more of a high chance that there is internal bleeding, and if his blood pressure is low it confirms it.

Caleb lets out a sigh before talking the fabric off of his arm. “He needs more blood.”

When he said that I feel my heart skip a beat, “He’s bleeding somewhere then isn’t he?”

“I’m going to have to open him up, find the bleeding and stich it. But from the looks of it, since his stomach is distended, it’s probably in his stomach.”

“And the drink that Rebekah gave him, this is all happening from that?”

“I’m imagining that the drug that my sister gave him is a pill that Finn was trying to invent. It’s like a pill where if you take it, it attaches itself to your heart. And inside of the pill is like a control panel that someone has access to from the outside. Basically since Harry took the pill, Finn is deciding what is happening to him.”

“Finn is doing all of these things to him?”

“I think so yes. I think he manipulated Harry’s body to thinking he had been shot. And when he got shot one of the bullet’s fragments nicked one of his blood vessels causing the internal bleeding.”

“What if he doesn’t have the surgery?” I ask.

“Well, he dies.” Caleb replies.

“When I do the surgery, he can’t move – at all. If he does move during the surgery I’ll sever an artery and he'll be dead in minutes. I have to put him under. But if I do put him under he won’t be able to breathe on his own.”

“Then what do you need?”

“I need a respirator, the tube that goes with it, extra surgical supplies, and  sutures.” Caleb says.

“If you had all that, you could save him?” I ask.

“If I had all that, I could try.”

“And we don’t have any of those things here?”


“Then who’s going to get them? I need to stay here and give him my blood, Zayn’s still a little sick and even though Elijah’s good, he’s too week to get to his feet.”

“Elijah, his blood type is B+. When you gave your blood to Harry, Elijah might still have had the drink in his blood and I didn’t want to risk it. But now that I know he doesn’t I can give the blood to Harry. I assume you are okay now, you can walk okay. You and Zayn need to go get the supplies. Even though Zayn is still sick, he’s strong and can walk.”

“But Elijah is really weak, won’t that just make is condition worse?”

“Not as long as he rests and doesn’t move much.” Caleb says, “But Cat, you and Zayn need to hurry. Go to the hospital. Zayn will know how to get the things. He’s stolen from a hospital before.”

I nod and make my way down the stairs over to Zayn who is asleep on the couch. I shake him awake.

“Zayn we need to go now.” I say when his eyes open.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s Harry. He’s going to die if we don’t hurry. I’ll explain in the car.’’ I say.

Zayn doesn’t waste any more time, he gets up from the couch and follows me out to the car.

“We need to go to the hospital and get some things. Caleb told me you know how to break in there?”

“I haven’t done it in a while but yeah I can get us in there.”

I remember when Rebekah was driving us to the mansion we passed the hospital; I have pretty good idea where it is. 

We arrive in a short time and Zayn tells me to go to the emergency section of the hospital and park.

“We have the guns and knives don’t we?” Zayn asks.

“Why would we need those?” I ask parking.

“We need to get in there don’t we?”

“Yeah but we don’t have to kill anyone.” I say.

“Cat, do you want to get in there or not. Harry needs those supplies.”

I sigh, “We have knifes but not the guns.”

“That’ll do, let’s go.” Zayn says getting out of the car.

I reach in the back and grab the black duffle bag filled with the knifes and get out of the car. I follow Zayn over where the ambulances are.

“Zayn where are we going?”

“We need to wait for an ambulance to get her and pretend to be workers here.”

“We’re going to kill the other people in the ambulance aren’t we and then take the patient in as if we work here? Zayn there’s camera’s here.”

“Not over here.”

I hear sirens and Zayn takes the duffle bag away from me. He hands me a knife and grabs himself one. “Hid the knife and follow my lead.”

The ambulance pulls up right next to us. Zayn motions me to go on the other side while he stays on the driver’s side.

The door on the passenger side opens and a girl steps out. She doesn’t notice me so I take my chance. I slam her up against the ambulance and put my knife at her throat.

“Make a sound, I slit your throat,” I say before she can say anything.

She looks frightened when she nods.

“We don’t want any trouble, I just need to save my friend, I’m going to need to steal your clothes, don’t worry you can have mine.

“Cat, don’t play nice, just kill her.” I hear Zayn.

“No, no, please don’t,” the girl pleads frightened.

“Zayn no I’m not going to kill her.”

“She knows our names now and what we look like. Kill her.” Zayn says coming over by me. He’s in a white scrub.

“Please, I won’t go to the police or anything. Please don’t kill me.”

“Zayn, I can’t kill her.” I say looking over my shoulder to him. Zayn sighs and pushes me to the side and slits her throat quickly.

I cover my mouth so I don’t scream. “Get her clothes, and bring her inside the ambulance.”  But I just stare at him; I’ve never seen him act so heartless before. That girl was pleading for her life and he slits her throat like that.

“Now Cat!” He yells and walks to the back of the ambulance.

I take off her blue scrub shirt and pants; luckily she has a tank top and leggings underneath her. I slip the clothes on over my clothes and then grab her hands. I drag her over to the back of the ambulance and Zayn helps me bring her inside of the vehicle. He sets the girl on top of two dead men. Zayn must have killed the man that was back here taking care of the patient.  I see a clip bored on the floor next to the gurney, and it’s the patient’s records.

“Okay, she accidently cut her fingers off when she was making dinner.” I say looking at the girl. She was passed out and had oxygen given to her. Cloth was wrapped around her hand

“Then where are her fingers?” Zayn asked.

I continue reading the paper, “Oh its one finger, its barley attached to the hand.”

Zayn and I take the gurney with the patient out of the ambulance and enter through the hospital doors.  When we walk in nurses run up to us asking what’s wrong and I tell the nurse next to me what happened and hand her the clip board. She begins yelling out supplies to the other nurses. I look at Zayn who is across from me and he mouths sneak away.

While the nurses are hectic yelling things, I quickly step out of the way and Zayn does the same. The nurses don’t notice they just keep walking down the hall yelling out things to each other. 

Zayn begins walking the other way and I pick up my speed to catch up to him. “Alright what do we need?”

“A respirator and the tube that goes with it, surgical supplies, sutures.” I say.

“Alright we need to go to the supply room. I think it’s down here.” Zayn says.

While walking I think about what just happened. “She needed to be killed Cat.’’

“She did not, Zayn.”

“What? Just because she said she wouldn’t go to the police she shouldn’t have been killed? You didn’t even know her first name Cat. If you let her live she would go straight to the police.”

I didn’t say anything because I knew that he was right. How could I trust her if I don’t even know her?

We take a right and go into the first room on the left. It’s the hospital’s supply room. Zayn and I both look around for the supplies we need.

“I have the respirator.” Zayn says.

I look through the cabinets and find a kit; I open it and see surgical supplies. “I have the surgery supplies.” I say. I look at the counter and see the sutures and grab the whole box. “And the sutures. Do you have the tube for the respirator?”

‘Yup, and I have a kit full of sanitizing, cloths, A first aid kit basically.” Zayn says, “Let’s get out of here before we are caught.”

I follow Zayn out of the room and we go out of the hospital threw the back exit. Zayn walks over to the dumpster and stets the first aid kit and respirator down behind it. He takes off the scrub and throws it in the dumpster too. I follow his lead; setting the supplies behind the dumpster and taking off the scrub.

“We’ll come back with the car and get the supplies so we don’t look suspicious walking to the parking lot with this stuff.” Zayn tells me.

I nod and we begin to walk back out to the parking lot. We get back into the car and I drive back to the dumpster. Zayn gets out of the car and sets the supplies in the back seat. When he gets back in the car I speed off back to the house.

“Zayn, Finn and Ester are controlling what’s happening to Harry by this pill.”

“So what’s happening to Harry right now is their doing?”

“The pill that was in Harry’s drink, Finn designed it. It makes its way to Harry’s heart and attaches itself. The person, who gave the pill, can decide what happens to the person. Like a voodoo doll. Finn programed the pill to manipulate Harry’s body so it thinks that there was a gun shot. The bullet hit one of his vessels and that’s what caused the eternal bleeding.” I say, “If we find Finn and Ester, we can stop them and stop what they are doing to Harry.”

“We can drop off the supplies, load up on guns and ammo and then make a trip to the mansion.” Zayn says.

“We can’t tell Caleb, he won’t agree with it.”

“I know we’ll leave as soon as we give him the supplies.”

The ride is silent for a while and all I could think about was Harry.

“Cat, slow down you’re past the speed limit.” Zayn voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

“Sorry, I was just thinking.” I say slowing down to the speed limit.

“He’s going to be alright Cat,” Zayn said as if he read my thoughts.

“How do you know?” I ask.

“He promised you, you wouldn’t lose him right?”


“He’ll keep that promise then. He always does.”  Zayn says, “And he’s been through more shit than this and he’s still here. He’s not going anywhere.”

I pull the car up to the driveway. Zayn and I grab the supplies from the back seat and make our way inside and upstairs.

“Set the things on the floor and leave.” Caleb says when he says.

“You don’t want any help?”

“The two of you are too close to him. Seeing him like this will only hurt you. Besides I work better alone.”

Zayn and I nod and leave the room. “Check and make sure Elijah is okay, I’ll go and get the ammunition and guns.” Zayn says.

I nod and walk over to the small couch where Elijah lays. He’s asleep as a chord from his arm drips blood in a bottle.

“Elijah, you won’t have to give blood much longer. Zayn and I are going to take care of things.”

Elijah’s eyes open, “Cat, just promise me you won’t hurt Finn. He’s my brother and if anything were to happen to him I would be devastated.”

“I promise I won’t hurt him. And Ester?”

“She never loved any of us. She hated us. What no one ever told you is you would’ve had another aunt. Her name was Freya. But she died when she was six. Well more she was taken away from mother. She was taken away by my mother’s own sister. My aunt, she’s evil. She made mother the way she is now. You see my mother; she didn’t want to help my aunt, Dalia. Dalia she wanted to something horrible and mother wouldn’t do it. And because my mother wouldn’t help Dalia, she threated my mother. She would take her first born child and in the next generation she would take the first child born out of all of her kids. And if Ester didn’t agree to this, Dalia would kill her. And no doubt in my mother mind did she think she was bluffing. So as much as she tried to fight Dalia not to take Freya she had to give her to Dalia. And I began thinking. My mother told all of us that we shouldn’t have kids and I have always wondered why. And now I realize why. Dalia, she’s still alive. And out of all of us, you are basically the first born from Klaus’ generation. The reason my mother is trying to hurt you is so Dalia doesn’t kill her. Ester, she doesn’t want to kill you. She wants to basically capture you and hold you until Dalia comes.”

“You said she never loved any of you?”

“After Freya was taken away from her arms, she didn’t want to have any more children. And then she met my father. He wanted children. So she gave him as many as she wanted knowing that when they wanted to have kids, one of them would be taken away from them.”

“This Dalia girl, she hasn’t come for me and I’ve been alive for twenty-three years, she’s not going to get me anytime soon. Don’t worry Elijah.”

“Cat, please don’t go. Stay here where Caleb can protect you.”

“Zayn is coming with me, I’ll be safe.”

“He’s going to get hurt too Cat.”

“We’ll be fine Elijah, go back to sleep. You need rest.” I say when I hear Zayn come back.

“Ready?” He asks.

“Let’s go.”

“Wait Cat,” Elijah stops me.

“Yes Elijah?”

“Get the bow and arrows. You have a better shot with the bow than the gun.” Elijah says, “It should be in the trunk of the car.”

“Okay thank you Elijah.” I smile before Zayn and I walk out the door.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Zayn asks before we get out of the car.

“Why couldn’t I?”

“Well, the girl at the hospital you couldn’t kill her. Cat, I can’t always be there to do your work for you.”

“I’m doing this to save Harry’s life. These bitches in here are the reasons he is dying right now, that girl at the hospital had nothing to do with Harry. I’m sure I can do this.” I tell him.

“Alright let’s kick some ass then.” Zayn says as we get out of the car. We go to the trunk and take magazines of ammunition and putting them our pockets. Zayn picks one of the hand guns and so do I. I put the hand gun in my belt and take the crossbow.

We walk up the drive way and to the door. Zayn rings the door bell and we wait. I hear the door unlock and it opens. Standing in front of us is an older woman with long blonde hair.

“Surprise bitch, we’re back.” I say with a fake smile.

“Now why would you say that to your grandmother?”

“Well you see after learning about my new family, I’ve come to realize who really is family and who isn’t. And guess what? You’re not on that list.” I say sarcastically.

“Should I be offended?” She asks.

“Well I wouldn’t expect you would considering you would rather save your own life than your own daughters.”

“Bitch!” She says, “Who told you that?”

“Does it matter? Now are you going to let us in or not?”

“Why should I invite you in?”

“Well we can do this the hard way or the easy way. You can either simply let us in – that’s the easy way – or I can have Zayn here shoot throw this screen door and send a bullet straight through your heart.”

“You know thinking about it, the second option sounds a lot easier for us doesn’t it Cat?”

“You’re right Zayn. But of course I did give her the decision to make. I wouldn’t want to take that away from I would I?”

“No we better not; we don’t want to be rude.” Zayn replies.

“So, bitch, which is it?” I ask.

She opens up the screen door for us, “Come in then.”

“Good choice.” I fake smile walking in. Zayn follows behind.

“But please but your weapons down.”

“No thank you.” I say, “Now we have some questions for you.”

“Alright what are they?”

“Where’s Finn? I want him here too.” Zayn says.

“Zayn, Cat.” I hear Finn’s voice behind me. I turn and see Finn on the couch in the living room.

“Hello Finn.” Zayn and I say at the same time.

“What questions did you have for us?” Finn asks.

“Well first off, I would like to inform you that Kol and Rebekah are in Boston with gunshots in their stomachs. And the man you asked to do to the dirty work for you is dead.” I say.

“What did you do?” Ester asks, her tone had anger in it.

“Oh I couldn’t do anything; I’ve been here trying to take care of three people that you drugged. But you see my friends that you tried to kidnap; they have an ally who came to their rescue.”

“But my brother and sister are they okay?” Finn asks.

“How would I know? I don’t keep up to date with people to betray me.”

“What do you want then? Why are you here?”

“Well you see, Finn is quite the inventor. Aren’t you Finn? When that sweet Rebekah drugged Zayn, Elijah and Harry, he happened to give one of them a pill. This pill, it makes its way to the persons heart and attaches itself to the heart. And who ever gave the person the pill can manipulate the body into thinking something bad happened. And that person I’m talking about is Harry.”

“What a shame.” Ester says sarcastically.

“I would like you to turn that pill off, Finn.” I say ignoring Ester.

“No thank you I’m good.” Finn says stubbornly.

“Now just like I gave Ester two options, I’m going to give you two options also. You can A; take us to where you are controlling it and turn the pill off or B; we can shoot you and your mother right here, right now. So which is it?”

“You think you are so tough don’t you Cat?” Finn asks. I don’t answer.

“She is tough.” Zayn says for me.

“But is she? Or is it just an act because her mommy and daddy died. Let’s not forget your brother now. He died too. And so did your sister? Shailene was it? And your best friend Jake. And most recently Annabelle. Is this just an act you put on so people don’t see you are weak?”

“Cat, don’t listen to him, his trying to make you weak and vulnerable. Don’t let him.” Zayn tells me quietly.

“It was Elijah who told you about my first child wasn’t it?” Ester says, “Then he must have told you what happens to the first born of my children?”

“Yes he did.” I say.

“Well then I would like you to meet my sister, Dalia.” Ester says.

When I hear her say this, my heart skips a beat.

“You didn’t even have to force her to come sister; she came at her own will.” Dalia steps out of the kitchen.

“Zayn we have to get out of here.” I whisper.

Zayn and I turn to head for the door but a blonde girl stops us.

“Sorry I can’t let you leave.” Rebekah says.

Zayn and I look at each other, thinking the same thing; run.

We run down the hallway to the right of us and footsteps followed. As we ran from the footsteps from behind us, we came to a dead end. Zayn pushed me behind him as we faced Rebekah and Kol.

“Look at that sister, he’s protecting her; how cute.” Kol says.

“Zayn what are you doing.” I ask.

“If anything were to happen to you under my watch Harry wouldn’t be able to forgive me.”

“He would be able to forgive me if something happened to you when I could’ve done something.”

“Well, Kol we have them cornered, what shall we do?” Rebekah asks.

I push Zayn out of the way so we are standing side by side. “What do you guys want from us? You guys are supposed to be my family. Kol, I expected more from you. I mean at one point it felt like you were the only one that cared about me when I was staying with you guys.”

In his eyes, I could see sorrow and regret as if he was conflicted. He looked at me and then to Rebekah and then at me then back to Rebekah. It was weird to watch. It was as if there were two sides and he couldn’t decide which one was the good side. When he looked at me once more it was as if something clicked.

He pushed Rebekah to the wall and pinned her. “Go! Run! Get out of here! She’s going to kill you.”

“I’m not leaving until that pill is off!” I yell.

“Let go off me!” Rebekah screams.

“Will you help me turn it off?” I ask Kol.

“What do we do about her?” Kol asks.

I grab her arm and put my thumb and index finger on her inner elbow and then press in and down. In a second she is knocked out and on the floor.

“There, now take me to turn off that pill.” I say.

“We’re going to have to go passed them. Get your guns ready.”

“Wait, what made you change your mind?” Zayn asks.

“I realized I’m on the wrong side. The only ones that have ever really cared for me are the ones my mother wants me to be against. I’m sick of following my mother’s orders.”

Kol takes the lead, and we walk back out into the entry way. What happens next happens to quickly. Kol steps to the side and a gunshot is fired, it hits Zayn I didn’t see exactly where. He screams and falls to the ground.

“No!” I scream.

After my scream a cloth is put over my mouth. As much as I try to get away, the cloth takes me under and everything goes black. The last thing I see is Dalia with her hand over my mouth with the cloth.

no zayn’s not dead don’t worry I’m not that mean and sorry for the extremely long chapter.

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