Chasing Dreams (A Harry Potte...

By blueskies-fireflies

113K 5.1K 567

Harry walked slowly from the room, hidden beneath his invisibility cloak. He could see the snow on the window... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Flashbacks
Chapter 3: Snivellus
Chapter 4: Temporary
Chapter 5: Slytherins
Chapter 6: I reckon they do
Chapter 7: A great idea
The Fight
Rob Dawson
Just a small argument
Authors Note
Author's Note
Trouble in Paradise
Helena Renai
Night time snowfall
The Letter
The Frozen Lake
The Hospital Wing on Christmas Eve
A Job?
Christmas Morning
Kayn and Snape
The Sorting
The New Years Eve Party
A Terrible Idea
Single Tryouts
The Patronus Charm
The Art of Ice and Magic
Valentines Day
Another date?
The Match
Curses in the Corridor
Second Time In A Year
The First Warning
Hogsmeade with Jared
April the 22nd
OWL's Approach
OWL Exams
The Last of the Exams
The End of an Era
Train Rides and Tears
Authors Note
Summer and All its Lies
Goodbyes and Greetings
What Happened To You?
Playing With Fire
Sixth Year Begins
An Encounter on the Pitch
The First Prank
The Party
Drinking and Dancing
A Bit of A Clichè
Entirely Hungover
The First Envelope
Taking Care of Things
Secrets, Slughorn and the Second Warning
The Astronomy Tower
Madam Rosmerta
Awkward and Shy
An Admittance of Feelings
I'm Not A Soldier
In the Forest?!
As High as the Clouds
Working Things Through
I Don't Need
Really, I am
First and Last Time
What Doesn't Exist
Any Takers?
Not an Update
Not an Update 2
What is this?
Author's Note

Chocolate Frogs and the Map

1.4K 74 2
By blueskies-fireflies

"Oi!" A voice yelled, and Skye turned to face Filch as he limped up the corridor towards them, his ugly face twisted with anger. "Merlin." She muttered, immediately slapping James upside the head. "Ow!" He said dramatically, fixing his messy hair. "Now you've done it." Remus said, looking at his feet. "Done what?" Sirius asked innocently, but he was smirking confidently. "I told you this was a bad idea!" Skye said to James and Sirius. "Hey! It was Moony's idea!" James shot back. "Enough chit chat." Filch said loudly, picking up his red eyed cat and holding it closely to his heaving chest. "What's goin' on here?" He asked them. What was going on was this: there was a huge amount of chocolate frogs hidden in the common room, someone's stash. And it wasn't Remus'. Or James, Skye, Sirius or Peter's. It was Rob's. Remus had come up with the suggestion, but Sirius and James had gone through with it. "Guys, it's okay. I'm over it." Skye had told them. "Not so." James had said, dragging the heavy chest out of the way, dirtying his glasses. So they had decided, while Peter ran and told everyone he could, to let the chocolate frogs loose in second floor corridor. Unfortunately, they had been ratted out by Severus Snape, and now stood here, talking with Filch. "What's goin' on here?" He repeated angrily. "Well, you see sir-" James started, stepping forwards in front of them all. "We were walking down this corridor, and I though to myself "It's not very festive, is it?" What with Christmas being only a week away, and we got our holidays yesterday, so.." Sirius jumped in. "So my friends and I thought it would be a great idea to-" "To what?" Filch asked suspiciously. "To um.." "Decorate it! And we got hungry.." Skye said suddenly, jumping in to save her friends ass. "Yeah, yeah we did." James said, catching her eye and nodding. "So we wanted some chocolate frogs." Remus spoke up, just as Peter ran around the corner behind Filch, nodding at James. "Yeah, see Sir, we're all for hard labour to cheer up the school, but we needed energy." Skye told him. "But then.. As we were eating them, that, eh-" "Slytherin boy! Snape! Snivellous Snape! Came along and let out all the chocolate frogs, which, as I'm sure you can see, has left us in a bit of a predicament." James finished. He was a good liar, and very quick witted. "What are your names?" Filch asked Skye and the three boys. Peter hung back behind Filch. "Well, my name is, um.. Aubrey Bridgewater." Skye told him, catching her friends' eyes. "Oh yeah! Yeah and I'm.. Rob. Dawson." Sirius said, smirking. "And I'm Mulciber." James said confidently. "And this is Godric McKaan." Skye said, gesturing to Remus. Although he was a good liar to many people, Remus tended to be shy about lying to Filch, because he went straight to McGonagal afterwards. "Very well." Filch said, chuckling at his "triumph." "I'll be speaking to the head master about this." He told them. Suddenly, a loud shout was heard, and they turned to look at a first year girl, who was now screaming, due to the chocolate frog on her head. "Ugh. First years." James rolled his eyes. Soon the corridor filled with people, just like Remus had said it would. Peter had told everyone about the free chocolate frogs in the second floor corridor, and people had come as soon as lunch had ended. "Free chocolate frogs!" Sirius told them all, grabbing a frog and placing it on Filch's shoulder. "If you can catch it, you can keep it!" Skye yelled over the noise; people were shouting, Filch loudest of all. "You four! I'll get you. Stay right here and I'll-" "Sorry sir, we'd love to stay and chat, but we have to be somewhere!" James said, grabbing Sirius and Skye, turning to run with Remus, as Peter followed them. "Skye!" Sam called over the noise, and Skye waved over the people, smiling at him. "See you later!" She told him. He nodded, tossing her a chocolate frog, which she grabbed and gave to Peter. "For your help with all this. Consider it payment." She smirked at him, still running.
"If we get caught, we won't be allowed on the next Hogsmeade trip." Remus told them as they walked through the snow. "Shit! But I need to go to the Three Broomsticks!" Skye said worriedly. "Relax." Sirius told her. "I can't relax, I need to get the job because-" "And you will! Don't worry, you'll get the job. And we'll get you to Hogsmeade easy peasy. We've got the cloak." He reassured her. "And the Map." James said, pulling out the map from his jeans pocket. "What map?" Skye asked. "You don't know about the map?!" Peter asked suddenly. "No?" Skye raised an eyebrow. "Wait! Then we have to show you!" James exclaimed.

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