Black Leather Jackets: Colleg...

By choniriverdalelove

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America's Sweethearts take over a while new timezone! In this sequel to Black Leather Jackets: a choni story... More

New Start
Danger Zone
What Matters Most
An eventful breakfast
Pea and Fangs
Game 1
In the Clear
Out the Door
Criminally Insane
Missed You
Date Day
Cast Off
Ruined Debut
In my corner
All American
Best Friend
3 days
6 years later
She's Home
Bet on Yourself
No Luck
Back Pain
Roadtrip pt. 1
Roadtrip pt 2
Weddings and Run ins
Grow Old
Private Jet
Date Night
Final Bow
Mia's #1
Wake Up
Off Hinge
Real shit
I dont Understand
10 years
Time Management
First Day!
State Finals
Date Night
Drive In
Beach Day
Double Final
Kid Number 6
Record Breaker
Shopping Day
Return of Rielly
Football Practice
Hard Talk
They Suck
What the Fuck


652 33 2
By choniriverdalelove

Announcers POV
"And on their way out to the field we see Coach Toni Topaz with both her kids in her arms. I guess it's safe to assume that the rumours are true. The person taken away bloodied and beaten on an ambulance is the wife of team USA's head coach and what déjà vu are we feeling here today Steve. Even as adults these two can't catch a break,"
"The trouble here Phil is Topaz's ability to call plays with two kids with her. She did it through labour in Nationals but having a two year old and a three month old is a whole new situation to tackle,"
"I think Riverdales coaching staff has been one major difference between winning and losing games. They know what they're doing, there's no animosity- they're just friends having fun and we see that on Riverdales bench for sure,"
"Topaz did a hell of a job with this staff and they continue to do a hell of a job in this quarter,"
"What's that? I think Toni has blood on her- don't you think?"
"Taking a closer look at her i think her knees to her stomach has a fair amount of blood that we have to assume is her wife's at this point,"
"Well lets get back on track as we're lining up for the third quarter seeing if Team USA can clinch their 3rd title,"
Toni's POV
We score a touchdown and I jump up- causing Lexi to spill her pop on me.
"I'm so sowry mama," she gasps
"It's alright baby," I laugh
"Did you score?"
"We did,"
"Yay!" She claps
I laugh and keep calling the game until Tony starts crying.
"You're okay baby, you're fine. Shh baby shh," I say bouncing him
He starts calming down and Reggie needs a play
"Lat 7.3,"
He nods and calls it
With seconds left in the game it's our ball.
"Ralphy you're taking a knee," I say
"Take a knee son- I know who's coaching them and they wanna fight," I say "take a knee, you guys walk off the field like the champions you are. Congratulations boys, you're global champions,"
He nods and runs out to say the play.
"Here we go Topaz," Reggie says taking Lexi off my shoulders
"You good to hold her for a bit?"
He nods and Ralphy takes his knee.
The boys walk off the field like they've done this before and then start celebrating.
"We did it Topaz!" Reggie yells hugging me
"Here we go bro!" I say back
We celebrate before having to shake the hands of the other team.
"You field a good team Coach Topaz," their head coach says
"Thank you, you guys were a great challenge,"
"I'm sorry to hear about your wife, do you know how she is?"
"I'm hoping she's going to be fine," i say "thank you,"
He nods and I move on to the other coaches until I get to Freddy
"Look at this cutie," he says trying to touch Tony
"stay away from him," I hiss
"Oh Topaz I missed you,"
"I didn't miss you,"
"Will you miss your wife when I finish the job? Or send my goonies to finish your kids off?"
I wind up and punch him square in the face.
He returns the punch and then just narrowly misses Tony with another
I punch him and kick his leg out from under him so he falls
"Come no where near my family. You're still wanted in the USA so i don't know why you're trying to come at me,"
"You know who tried to warn you? The Canadians," he hisses "it's your fault your entire family will suffer,"
A police officer hear's that and they arrest him on the spot.
"Coach Topaz lets go," Robby says "the boys are celebrating in the room,"
I nod and we walk back to the room.
The boys are celebrating and having a blast.
"Topaz, hallway please?" Reggie says
I nod and we go out
"Why did you h-I-t him?" He asks
"Because he's an a-s-s-h-o-l-e,"
"What did he say?"
"That my entire family would d-i-e," I say "and the Canadians were right,"
He nods and sighs
"Sweetheart did you see the guys that hurt mommy?" I ask
She nods and I pull a picture of Freddy up from the tournament website,"
"Is this him?"
She nods and holds up one finger
"One out of what sweetheart?"
"Mama I cant count that high,"
She can only count to two
"Is it one more than two?" I ask
She nods and frowns.
"Okay girlie, you're okay," I say "I think the boys have candy, do you wanna go get some?"
She nods and smiles and I take her from reggie.
"Then we can go see mommy," I say "ya, go see mommy,"
I take a few pieces of candy for her and celebrate for a while.
"Have a blast guys, I'll see you at the hotel. Any problems get RJ or the twins please,"
They all say bye and i speed to the hospital.
"Hi my wife was brought in a few hours ago. Cheryl Topaz?"
"Room 126,"
I thank her and carry both kids as I hurry along the path.
"Do we get to see mommy?"
"We might. It depends how she's feeling sweetheart," I say "but soon hopefully,"
I get to the waiting room before 126 and see Liv and Liz.
"Hey, How is she?" I ask
"She did really well in surgery, some internal bleeding a concussion, and she was stabbed," Liz said "doctors said it was a miracle you found her in time,"
"Thank you guys for coming, I really appreciate it,"
"No problem," Liz says "we would've taken the kids but we only had a car seat for LJ,"
"It's no problem, we had fun- right Lexi?"
She nods and I kiss her cheek.
"Lexi why don't you tell me all about the fun you had with Mama and your brother and Mama can go check and see if Mommy's awake?" Liv suggests
"Is that okay Mama?"
"More than Sweetheart,"
I put her down and she walks over to Liv
"I'll take the little boy," Liz says
"You two are the best,"
"Take your time no matter what, Reggie and RJ are on their way so we have plenty to distract these two with,"
"Thank you so much,"
They nod and I walk to Cheryl's room.
She's still asleep and she looks really peaceful.
"Hi baby, we won," I say through my tears "Lexi and Tony Junior were so well behaved, they're worried about you though. I'm worried Cher, they know one of the guys who did it and he's going away I promise you. I love you Cher,"
I talk about the game for a while and then just hold her hand until she starts to come out of her sleep
"Tones?" She whispers
"Hey babygirl, How are you feeling?"
"Very very sore," she groans "is Tony Junior Okay?"
"He's just fine C, he was very well behaved at the game,"
I kiss her hand and run the back of it with my thumb
"You guys win?" She asks
"We did," I smile
"Congratulations Tones, I'm so proud,"
"Thanks princess,"
"Is Lexi Okay?"
"She's very very scared and confused- but the boys made her feel better and she's out there with Liz and Liv so I think she'll be okay,"
"I don't know what happened,"
"We'll figure it out later baby, I'm just glad you're awake,"
"Me too,"
I lean over and kiss her and she smiles against my lips.
"Do you mind if Lexi comes in for a second to see that you're okay?"
"Of course I don't mind, I wanna see my little girl," she says
I laugh and kiss her before going to grab Lexi.
"Wanna go see Mommy for a second buggy?" I ask
"May I?"
"Sure baby, lets go,"
She grabs my hand and we walk into Chers room.
"Hi bug how are you?"
"I'm okay, how awe your boo boo's?"
"They'll heal Lexi, I'm okay," she says
She reaches over the side of her bed and cups the side of Lexis face.
"Are you alright baby? Are you hurt?"
She shakes her head but starts bawling.
"Awe baby don't cry, Lexi don't cry," Cher says
"I'm scawed mommy,"
"I know baby, I'm sorry,"
I lift her up to the side of Cher's bed and Cher lazily hugs her
"I'm alright baby, I promise you," she says kissing the side of her head
"Sweetheart, Mommy has to
Rest, can we go see uncle Reggie?"
She nods and I pick her up.
"I'll be right back babes," I say
She nods and I head out.
I drop her with Reggie and tell them how she is,
"She's talking, but she's in tons of pain," I say "she might get infection but they're hoping not,"
"She's talking though?"
"A little bit and she's very quiet,"
"We'll keep us updated, we can take these two back if you want," Liz says
"I'll sleep in your room if you aren't back," Reggie adds
"Are you sure?"
"100% Tones," he says
I nod and hug Lexi goodbye.
"There's bottles in the fridge if Tony gets hungry,"
They leave and I go back with Cheryl.
"Toni I'm tired," she whispers
"That's okay baby, go to sleep. I'll stay here,"
"Hold my hand?"
I nod and grab her hand.
She falls asleep and I sit there for an hour and a half or so.
"Coach Topaz?"
I look up and see Robby standing at the door.
"Hey Rob, what's up?" I ask
"I have your champions jacket, and we bought flowers for Mrs. Topaz," he says holding up some colourful flowers "we know nothing about flowers so we didn't really know if these were good or not,"
"They're lovely, Who's we though?"
"The entire team took a trip to walmart. They're in the waiting room- the nurse only let me in," he says
I nod and he hands me my jacket.
"They have a patch on yours for three peat," he says with a chuckle
"Thank you for bringing this,"
"I don't want to wake her so I'll leave you two be," he says
"You can stay if you want to, she has to wake up soon because of her concussion,"
"You'd let me stay?"
"Of course,"
He brings a chair beside me and sets the flowers on a table.
"How is she?"
"She'll be okay, I think. She, um was stabbed and beaten pretty badly," I say "but she's always been strong,"
"What happened?"
"Just enemies from our past I'm guessing," I sigh "she protected Tony and Lexi locked herself in a stall so they're fine and she'll heal eventually,"
I get a call and assume it's reggie when I pick up.
"Ya?" I answer
"Toni Topaz?"
"William I swear on my fucking life," I spit recognizing the voice
"Toni it wasn't us, yes he paid us to intimidate you and we're sorry but we didn't hurt Cheryl. We would never. And I know you have no reason to believe us- I think it was business competitors of Blossom Industries. I'm sorry this happened, but I swear it wasn't us- he's trying to kill us too,"
The line goes dead and I throw my phone at the ground.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know what to do anymore Rob. I really don't know who did this,"
"Who was your first thought?"
"The Canadians that shot me 8 years ago in Italy got released this week so they were a big one. The other teams coach 100% was a part of it since I dated his brother and now someone told me it was business competitors,"
"Business?" Cher mumbles waking up
"Sorry C, don't worry about it babe,"
"They're right TT, I think it was a Lodge and a Titania enforcer," she whispers
"We'll talk about this later okay babes?" I ask
She nods and finally noticed Robby.
"Hey Robby,"
"Hi Mrs. Topaz, the team bought you those," he says
"Awe tell everyone I said thank you," she says
"It's no problem,"
"Why are you here? You should be partying with your friends," she says "you just won Globals,"
"I'm sure they're partying in the waiting room but everyone was worried about you,"
"I'll be fine," she smiles "go have fun, I'll be at the hotel by noon,"
He nods and stands up
"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks me
"Ya tell everyone team party.. lobby at noon,"
He nods and leaves
"I love you Cher,"
"I love you too Tones," she says with a soft smile

Hopefully she'll be just fine.
I can't do this alone.

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