The Foxhole Court Tumblr

By ReichBachi

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The Foxhole Court Tumblr to have a comfortable reading Where you can find the same information: https://kora... More

Exy Rules & Regulations
The original "What Happens After King's Men" post
The Cousins' Freshman Year Through Renee's eyes (Part 1)
The Cousins' Freshman Year Through Renee's eyes (Part 2)
The Cousins' Freshman Year Through Renee's eyes (Part 3)
The Cousins' Freshman Year Through Renee's eyes (Part 4)
The Cousins' Freshman Year Through Renee's eyes (Part 5)
Nicky Hemmick
Seth Gordon
Aaron Minyard
Matt Boyd
Kevin & Andrew
David Wymack & the Monsters
Wymack & Andrew re: Neil
Dan Wilds is recruited to the Foxes
Allison through Dan & Renee's eyes
Neil's life on the run
Do they ever celebrate Neil's birthday?
What if Neil told the truth earlier?
Neil through the Foxes' eyes
Neil through Ichirou's eyes
Neil's looks post-book and relationship with his reflection
Does Neil ever talk to Bee?
Neil's millions
Neil's fight training
Who's Neil closest to beside Andrew
Neil's fashion style
Cellphone ringtone
Christmas/ birthday presents for Foxes
Does Neil ever cry?
Neil's lonely fifth year
When Neil's overwhelmed
Does Neil crush on his teammates?
Neil & Ichirou's intimidation
Andrew's sober look at his teammates & Neil
How did Andrew react to Cass's letter?
Andrew's medication and the follow-up
Has Abby seen Andrew's scars?
Andrew & Mama Bee
Andrew & Roland
How far has Andrew willingly gone?
What animal figurine did Andrew buy Betsy?
Andrew's eye color
Andrew's opinions of the cats
What'd Andrew say to Nicky in TKM?
Andrew's honest opinion of Exy
Andrew's thoughts on Neil's binder
Andrew and his sexuality
If Andrew had met Neil's mother
Andrew's thoughts on Neil's sexuality
Andrew's fondest memory of Neil
Andrew's aforementioned withdrawal
Do you think Andrew is really really really awesome?
Proust and Andrew
What happens to Proust?
Andrew's reaction to Neil's bday blood
Andrew on Neil eventually changing out
Does Andrew get grumpy?
Does Andrew call Neil by his name?
Why give the Foxes crackers?
Who liked knives?
What got chopped from Drake's arc?
Does Andrew get off thinking about Neil?
Post Andrew & Bee's side story?
When did Andrew start thinking Neil was interesting?
Any other words he can't stand?
What does he think about nicknames?
Explain Andrew's fatal disease in the comic version
Andrew's canon mental state
How did Andrew not know about Tilda's abuse?
Why punch Neil for "Sorry", and when Andrew is sick
What's with Andrew and promises
Andrew's thoughts on Roland's premature confession
Andrew's arrest
Wanting nothing vs not wanting anything
Why was Andrew laughing after Drake?
If Neil had chosen Dan & Matt over Andrew
The other 10%
Which teammate caught on first?
Do Andrew & Neil go on dates?
When did they first hold hands?
When did Andrew clue in?
Exites self-censure
Betsy's & Aaron's reactions to the news
Roland's opinion of things
The breaking point
Who tops?
On tying people up
Their domestic life aka Sir Fat Cat
I love you
Andrew and the bed issue
Do they learn to talk to each other?
Blaming Neil for Drake
Andrew comforting Neil?
Neil's fondest memory of Andrew
Neil getting Andrew off for the first time
Neil seeing Andrew naked
Neil & the sex how-to
How was the first time
Where'd it happen?
When was their first hug?
"I won't let you let me be"
Their road trips
Neil waking Andrew up
Andrew's real smile
How does Andrew show appreciation for Neil
Their happiest moments
Does Neil ever make Andrew laugh?
Does Andrew take comfort in Neil
Does Andrew get protective/ possessive?
Doesn't Neil crave affection?
Andrew re: Neil's panic attacks
Media reaction to Andrew/ Neil
Further reaction to Andrew/ Neil
On "accidentally" sitting in laps
What if Andrew died?
What if Neil died?
Reaction to getting hit on by others
Do they celebrate anniversaries?
The first time Neil pushes Andrew down
How tall are the Foxes?
Why is everyone so short?
Where did their names come from?
What were their majors?
What do the Foxes look like?
What are their Hogwarts houses?
Reaction to the kidnapping
Do Neil & Renee become friends?
What did Allison do with Seth's urn?
Nicky's evolution over the drafts
Do the Foxes get their skiing trip?
Does Andrew know Nicky kissed Neil?
When did Aaron & Katelyn fall for each other?
How did Andrew and Wymack end up handcuffed together?
Kevin's favourite things
Kevin and Andrew's on- court kerfuffle
Dan's haircut
Dan & Matt's relationship
Dan & Matt's first kiss
Matt bouncing back from Columbia
Matt rooming with the monsters
The other what-if OT3 aka D/M/N and the dynamic
Do Allison and Renee have the hots for each other?
Matt forgiving his father
Any mistletoe shenanigans?
Thanksgiving and the Foxes
Kevin's best friend
Janie Smalls
How did Kevin and Thea meet?
Foxes' favourite ice cream flavors
Kevin & Andrew's on-court argument
Foxes' taste in music
Kevin's middle name & drink of choice
Do Kevin & Neil want to kiss?
Which Fox would Kevin kiss, then?
Kevin's best non-Exy memory
Allison's three bets
Why is Allison's middle name Jamaica?
Kevin, Andrew, and Neil staying friends
"Joan of Exy"?
Can the Foxes sing?
Some of the Foxes' previous bets
Do Nicky & Allison become friends?
Are Foxes based of RL people?
Nicky when Neil asks about friendship
Dan & the monsters in Columbia
What if Kevin was killed?
Renee and her near-death experiences
More background available on Renee?
Why doesn't Aaron let the Foxes in?
Team's reaction to Drake, Andrew's reaction to being outed
Andrew & Aaron's time with Tilda
Nicky & his parents after Drake
Foxes thoughts in Baltimore
Hi guys

Exy: A History of the Sport

2.3K 40 0
By ReichBachi

Tetsuji Moriyama and Kayleigh Day met while studying sports management abroad at Fukui University (from University of Connecticut and University College in Dublin, respectively). Exy began as a lark: first an idea, then a class project wherein they recruited classmates and friends to be guinea pigs, and then spreading to after-school teams when they interested enough people.

Exy spread slowly but surely in the Chūbu region as friends and family carried it from one university to another. The first big boom came when it went online. Yoko Sanada, the sport's first goalkeeper, designed a website and uploaded videos of games. Tetsuji and Kayleigh released an official rules and guidelines book in Japan around the same time. The second burst came when it caught the attention of a local mangaka, who received permission from Tetsuji and Kayleigh to publish a short serialized manga highlighting it.

Exy made its way overseas through online scanlation groups. The first attempts to start teams in the United States were rough: small groups of friends trying to cobble the rules together from translated websites who were making do with whatever gear and stand-in courts they could find. For a while the only Exy racquets could be imported from a company in Japan, so most early players substituted lacrosse sticks when they could. Tetsuji and Kayleigh noticed the growing attention and translated their guidebook to English.

Kayleigh and Tetsuji trained some of their original players to be coaches and designated them local experts, then returned home. Kayleigh scaled back to a part-time student so she could try to introduce Exy to Europe. Tetsuji kept his course load but devoted his evenings and weekends to fundraising and generating interest. He spent his summers recruiting and training and secured funding to bring Exy gear to the United States. He built the first pop-up court at a local recreation center and paid for the Plexiglass walls with his family's money.

Exy started as street teams, moved into local recreation centers, and slowly made its way into high schools. Bigger universities offered it as a club sport, but no college was yet willing or able to spend time and money on building a full-sized stadium. As Exy spread Tetsuji applied to start the ERC, the Exy Rules and Regulations Committee, so the sport could have official representatives and regulators. He hired two retired referees to help him.

During his last semester Tetsuji reached out to the NCAA, offering himself as a coach and promising the funding for a stadium if they would sign the contracts and take on another collegiate team. In the end he signed with Edgar Allen University in West Virginia. As soon as it was official he reached out again with a challenge to build the first Exy court in America.

No one had missed the enthusiasm for Exy, but the price for a university-sized stadium was astronomical and returns on the investment weren't a guarantee. In the end only two schools backed Tetsuji: University of Southern California and Pennsylvania State. They recruited coaches from the best of the high school teams and started to build.

Fundraising was a wide scale effort. Street teams, recreation teams, and school teams did local projects and donated their money up the chain. The universities and their new coaches reached out to alumni and contacts in every field. Tetsuji found the biggest supporters when he turned to professional women athletes. He promised them he was bringing a co-ed sport to the national level. When the women got behind it, so did the real money, and Tetsuji had his stadiums.

Castle Evermore was the first stadium completed, with USC's Trojan Court not far behind it. Pride Court at Penn State experienced delays but the coach continued training and building his team in the meantime. Other universities with established Exy clubs but no stadiums applied to have their teams recognized as NCAA teams. The ERC made a full inspection of club teams, gave feedback on what needed to change to be recognized as a collegiate team, and signed off on twenty-eight other teams.

NCAA Exy officially started the following fall semester. The first game of the season was between the Trojans and Ravens at Castle Evermore, and the Ravens won 13-12. The Trojans, Ravens, and Lions played primarily home games that year so the teams with pop-up courts could visit and play on a real court. By the time the year ended, seven other universities had started progress on stadiums. As the number of teams and stadiums increased, the ERC took steps to break the country into manageable pieces: first by creating four districts, then breaking the teams up by Class I and Class II based on skill. There was some small controversy when Edgar Allen was accepted into the northern district instead of the southeast, but Tetsuji won the argument rather quickly.

The first professional teams were formed around the graduates of the first university teams. Two years later the national team, the US Court, was born. The following year Exy made its first appearance at the Olympics, where Japan took home the gold.

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