Sparks Return [Completed]

By LittlePumpkinWriter

370K 11.8K 1.1K

Burn for me as I burn for you. May it be in love or hate, burn for me. *** Breaking news: Hello world, this i... More

1: The Day my Name Became Popular
2: The Day an Unknown Number Called Me
3: The Perfect Night for my Perfect Nightmare
4: The Days I Attacked with Silence
5: The Night We Had a Visitor
6: The Night Fire Lit Us Up
7: The Days I Made Myself Forget Again
8: The Night Someone Bought Me a Drink
9: The Night I Can't Control
10: The Day I Joined A Tug of War
11: The Night I Drew My Last Straw
12: The Day She Finished What She Started
Writer's Note
13: The Day I Went to Waste
14: The Days I Lost and Charity Made Me Win
15: The Day I Found Conflict
16: The Night I Wanted a Dose
17: The Day I Met a Duplicate
18: The Day I Had My Own Waterfall
19: The Day There Was Another Color Other Than Black and White
Writer's Note
Your Opinions Matter
20: The Day I Became a Rock
21: The Day I Have Arrhythmia
22: The Night Bewilderment Was My Friend
Writer's Note: Happy Holidays!
23: The Day the Masquerade Was Over
24: The Day I Had a Surprise in the OR
25: The Days I Got Lost
26: The Night I Wanted To Dye
27: The Night I Made an Appearance
28: The Night the Lights Flickered
29: The Night There was the 'Calm before the Storm'
Writer's Note
30: The Day Forgiveness was a Sin
31: The Night She Doesn't Want to Talk to Strangers
32: The Night We Lost Our Minds
Writer's Note: 💔
Writer's Note
33: The Day Friendship Tilted My World Upside Down
34: The Night I was Trapped in the Queen's Castle
35: The Night Closure Was Our Reboot Button
36: The Day the Tenacious Cupid Visited Me
37: The Night Blaze Set Me on Fire
39: The Day Her Tears Stabbed Me Hard
40: The Night I Cursed at Destiny
41: The Night Vultures Watched From Above
42: The Day I Wore my Armor
43: The Night He was My Shield
44: The Day We Can't Say No to a Child
45: The Night Another Knight Wielded His Sword
46: The Night Blood Revealed Our Secret
47: The Day We Healed Our Wounds
48: The Day The Chef Almost Got Burned
Writer's Note
49: The Night an Angel was Between Us
50: The Day I was Ambushed
Rekindle the Fire
51: The Day Fingers Were the Sharpest Knives
52: The Day I Told Him a Fact and a Fuck You
53: The Day Bravery Made Her Beautiful
54: The Night Curiosity will Kill the Mouse
55: The Day of Mind Games
56: The Night I Played Games of The Generals
57: The Night My Blue Flames were Put Out
58: The Day We Found Peace in the Silence
59: The Day of Good Suits and Threats
60: The Night Sparks Returned
61: The Night of Yin and Yang
62: The Night We Licked our Wounds
63: The Night a Diamond Glinted
64: The Night of a Quiet Surprise
65: The Day Heroes Didn't Wear Capes
66: The Day My Bodyguard Dropped a Bomb
67: The Night Fire Touched My Skin
68: The Day of Power Play
69: The Day We Attack with our Voices
70: The Day I Lost My Breath
71: The Day the Devil Offered Me an Apple
72: The Day I Used My Own Weapon
73: The Day We All United For My Queen
74: The Day Time Was Both a Friend and an Enemy
75: The Day I Mended Bonds and Broke Ties
76: The Day Truth Speaks and the World Listens
77: The Day the Godfather Screamed for Silence
78: The Night of Life Decisions
79: The Day I Played Chess to Protect the Queen
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 1
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 2
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 3
80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 4
Burn: The Epilogue
Writer's Note
Important Announcement

38: The Day I Bet My Heart on a Gamble

3.2K 113 19
By LittlePumpkinWriter

38: The Day I Bet My Heart on a Gamble

Emil's POV

"If you are friends with her then why were you so tense, boy?" My dad faced me the moment we dropped Em off in her house. I groaned, covering my face with both of my hands in frustration. I didn't want to talk about this. I was used to seeing Biya alone or only with her son and Elda. I was put on the spot earlier and I didn't know how to act. I was afraid we would get judged again. I was afraid another speculation would rise again and it would affect her.

"Dad, please, let's not talk about it."

"No. I want to talk about it now. Why are you acting like that? Did something happen again? Don't tell me you fucked up again, Emil. I swear to God I'll punch you square in the face if you did that."

"What?! No! No. I was just shocked. I didn't know what to do and Blaze... Dio! That man... he's digging his own grave." I gritted my teeth remembering what he did earlier. I'll make him pay for sure. My dad sighed sitting properly and rubbing his forehead.

"Dad. Look. I'll figure this out. I still can't forget and I still feel shitty about what happened to the both of us; to my reckless actions."

"You're confused, angry, full of regret, lost, and guilty with your past but you still love her. It's so obvious, son. And your mother and I are trying so hard to help you but you cannot just wait and delay everything you want to do because you are afraid." I felt attacked with his words.

"Dad-" He waved a hand at me clearly not wanting to stop.

"No. Hear me out. You are afraid of what the future holds. You are scared that you will ruin it again or Biya will reject you. Perhaps you are also afraid about the comments and criticisms from the public but this is your life. You have to take risks, son. You are known to gamble for something you feel you have a good outcome with. Why can't you gamble your heart one more time? It might be good for you."

"Or bad..." I snapped before looking out the window.

"It was so hard when I lost her, dad. Now that I'm with her, even though as friends, I am afraid that she'll run away. My actions always hurt the ones I love." I felt his hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze to comfort me. I looked at him and the sympathy in him stabbed my heart.

"You will never know until you do it, son. I saw how she looked at you. I can feel it in my heart that she still loves you. Sure, she broke up with her ex but I can see that she still has the warm look in her eyes when she looks at you. She's pretending to not be hurt, Emil. That's how strong that woman is. When you were not looking at her earlier, she was looking at you. Now, it's not that I condone you for your stupid acts but your mistakes don't define who you really are. The actions you do to solve the problem will reflect who you are. Now, quit acting like a chicken and do something!" Every word was imbedded into my brain but his last words made me start laughing.

"Chicken? Really?" He raised a brow.

"What? Do you think this is a joke?" He frowned at me and I raised my hands in the air in surrender.

"No. No. I am really trying."

"Don't just try, boy. Act! If it takes for your mother to drag you to her apartment by the ear, I'll make her do that. You are wasting your time. For a businessman like you, you sure procrastinate a lot with the most important task of your life." He shook his head and I looked down on my lap in guilt and regret. I was a coward, that's for sure. I love Biya so much and it frightens me. I have to get myself together and make her mine again. I love her still and it should be my reason to crawl back to her and start again; not run away just because I was afraid that I'd lose her again. Dad was right. I should put my heart at stake again for this gamble because the reward would be worth incomparable to a billion dollars.

The next days, I began trying to talk to Biya. Unfortunately, every time I attempted to talk to her, something happens. Either work calls her, her friends come or talk to her, someone else needs her, or her son needs her. I couldn't make her go to somewhere we can talk alone and it frustrated me. One time, she got curious as to why I was sweating like crazy when we were finally alone. When I was about to talk, Elda barged inside the apartment and I couldn't say anything. Since these kept on, I decided to just do whatever was best to help her out. I would take her to groceries but she insisted that I would stay in the car as to not make people spread rumors, or I would babysit Geno which was kinda cool because Geno was so cute and a troublemaker.

"Bro! This is your chance!" Gio called one time Biya left the apartment for some quick errands while she left Geno with me. Elda should be the one looking after him but she told me I could handle it and went out.

"Wait. Just a sec. I'm changing the sheets right now."

"What the-?! W-what do you mean you're changing sheets right now? Dude! Have you backed out and took another girl with you-"

"No! Jesus! Why does everyone assume that I have cheated or something?"

"Well, you did it before!" Gio snapped.
"I know. Fuck! You don't have to remind me. It's killing me already."

"And you're paying for it." Even though we were only on the phone, I could see the smug look on his face.

"Yeah. I am paying for it. Even if it takes for me to jump off a cliff, I'll do it."

"Ha! As if you could literally do that."

"Why did you call me?" I asked but he answered me with his own question.

"Answer me first. Why are you changing sheets? It's not like your housekeeper would let you do that. Is your mother there? She's the only one who could make you do that."

"I'm at Biya's apartment right now." I heard him gasp and it took every ounce of my energy to curse at him. I heard Geno laugh at me as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Cool. Now Geno liked it when I suffer. Just great.

"Did you- Wow! You did it, didn't y-"

"No! Is Gabriel there? Is he pushing you to talk like that? You're such a tease. I hate you." His loud laugh boomed.

"You won't hate me after what I did for you, man."

"What did you do?"

"I have an invitation for a charity event that's going to happen next week and the hospital staff of where Biya is working are invited. I looked at the guests who will be coming and Blaze chose Biya to be his company for the event. Isn't that great?"

"Are you sure you and Blaze are not working together?"

"No bro. It's all a coincidence. What do you say? I can give you the invitation first thing in the morning. This is your chance!"

"Thank you, man. I really appreciate it. I'd love to go."

"Great! I'll tell them that you will be going in my place. I was invited because my company helped build the house for the elders in the home for the aged."

"Okay. Thank you again."

"Okay. Good luck, man." I let out a breath as the call ended. I put my phone back in my pocket as I finished changing the sheets.

"Wish me luck, Geno. Maybe you will be my lucky charm." I spoke to him as I took him from his crib. I cooed at him, making faces as I carried him across the room and made him lie on the newly changed sheets of Biya's bed. He laughed and laughed at what I was doing to him.

"You like me, don't you? You like me making faces at you." I spoke like a baby and I didn't mind since his smile and his laughter were priceless.

"You'll be a smart and handsome man who will be afraid to break a woman's heart, okay? Don't be like me. Right? Achuchuchu. You're so cute." I chuckled lightly pinching his soft chubby cheeks.

"What are you doing?" Biya chuckled as she entered the room with a big smile on her face.

"Playing." I replied, surprised to see her come back quicker than I expected.

"You two are so cute when you play." She chuckled again as she passed by me and caressed Geno's stomach saying 'Hi'.

"Thank you, Emil, for always being here for Geno. I didn't want to call Momma Lorie's babysitter for Geno because I don't want her to get used to the idea that Geno needs to have a babysitter every time."

"It's not a problem. Geno is irresistible." I tapped his cute nose and he giggled again.

"Yes, he is. You're so cute! Aren't you, Geno?" She tickled him repeatedly until Geno's laughter and small shrieks echoed across the apartment.

"Ooooh! What's this? A family reunion?" Elda was leaning against the bedroom door watching us with a mischievous smirk and a twinkle in her eyes. My eyes went wide at her comment taking a deep breath while Biya shouted at her to stop.

"What?" She looked at me as if she was innocent. Then, she turned her back towards us, waved a hand and announced that she would be waiting for lunch to be served before going to her room.

"Are you hungry? You can stay here for lunch if you want." Biya offered as she took Geno in her arms and carried him.

"I'd love to." I smiled, quickly accepting her offer before she could change her mind and she nodded at me.

"I can cook for all of you, you know. You need time for your son too." I suggested and she looked at me then at Geno before she looked back at me. I saw her eyes melt into a darker shade and she quickly looked at Geno again.

"Okay. Thank you."

"I'll call you all when lunch is ready." I said and went to the kitchen while Biya and Geno stayed in the bedroom to have some bonding time. This was my time to redeem myself and our relationship. My parents, my colleagues and friends have all made me realize that being a coward won't do any good so I won't stand back down again. I'll prove to Biya that we both deserve a second chance. Time passed by and I was in the kitchen preparing lunch. Biya would casually check if I was okay working alone while carrying Geno with her and it touched my heart that she was really matured to forgive and accept me, the man who fucked everything up.

"Lunch is ready!" I announced and I heard Elda whoop in her bedroom before she rushed to the kitchen.

"You cooked? You cooked us lunch? Biya! He cooked us lunch? The Emil Carini? Oh my gosh! I can eat something Carini personally cooked!" Elda was all giddy as she took her seat. I have already set the table so all they had to do was sit and eat. Biya came a minute later with no sign of Geno.

"Geno?" I asked and she pointed at her bedroom.

"He's fast asleep." She replied with a smile. I quickly pulled her a chair and made her seat.

"Thanks." She said not looking at me. Elda, however, had this smirk and her eyes were shooting at me then at Biya as if she knew something. I ignored it and went to give serve them food.

"What is this?" She asked as she began putting food on her plate.

"Walnut and rosemary oven- fried chicken." I replied as I sat on a seat beside her. They both looked at me as if I was joking and I couldn't help but chuckle at their disbelief.

"It's true. I searched every cabinet and drawer you have here and this is what I could think of to make. Some of the ingredients are not even opened. Why do you grocery shop when you don't use it?" Elda immediately pointed at Biya, blaming her while Biya tried to defend herself but ended up stuttering.

"I wanted to cook new recipes but I had no time to do that so those were left unused." She muttered looking down on her food with her cheeks glowing. I smiled looking at her muttering about not having the time to cook then she glared at Elda who kept on teasing her about it.

"Plus Momma Lorie sometimes give these exotic ingredients I cannot even pronounce thinking I could make something out of those but I really don't know."

"Perhaps I could teach you with some recipes. I saw those at a cabinet at the left corner." My proposal came out of my mouth before I could stop it and the two of them looked at me in surprise.

"You will do that?" Elda gasped clapping her hands in excitement.


"But Emil... your job? You have your own family." I softened at Biya's thoughtful words and I smiled.

"Don't worry. It won't be a problem." She just nodded before taking a bite on her food.

"Can't wait to know your secret recipes." Elda smirked and I chuckled at her devilish smile.

"You won't."

After we ate, Elda said she's going to wash the dishes. Biya excused herself and went to check on her son so I was left in the kitchen taking the dishes to the sink while Elda waited for me to finish.

"You know, we're not dumb to not think that you are here to take her back, right?" Elda crossed her arms not looking at me. I went to her side and placed the rest of the dishes in the sink and washed my hands.


"And yet you are still here?"

"Yes. Elda, I fucked up really bad. I wanted to be friends with her but I still love her. I really do. She forgave me but I still feel guilty about it. It's so hard but I love her. If it takes for me to go beyond to pay for my crimes, I'll do it." She sighed and faced me.

"She knows you are trying really hard, Emil, but there are things you cannot control. She is scared now because of everything she had endured."

"Why does my job keep on hurting the people I love? All the speculations, rumors and invasion of privacy puts her ad my family in danger."

"Because that's what you pay for being famous. You cannot control everything and everyone, Emil. Even her." She looked behind me, seeing if Biya has come out of her room.

"Okay. She's still in her room. I want to tell you something but you have to promise me not to tell her that I told you this, okay?"

"Why are you doing this?" I shifted on my feet looking down, nervous to what she would tell me. Would she tell me that Biya really doesn't want to be with me anymore? Was she going to tell me that she only welcomed me because I saved her? Those thoughts hurt me and the anxiety came back, shaking me to the core.

"Because I don't want her to keep on suffering." I instantly looked directly at her. She sighed as she opened the faucet and made me step back so she could start washing the dishes. I helped her with the dishes not wanting to leave after her statement.

"What do you mean?"

"Emil, why do you think she kept on welcoming you here when you know she is a woman that stands her ground? She didn't want to see you anymore but here you are cooking us lunch and helping us the best you can." I was silent thinking of the reasons why would she do that. Is there really a chance for me to get her back? She allowed me to be here and made me spend time with her son... does that mean-

"She still loves you, Emil." I dropped the plate I was holding crashing against the other plates as I began taking deep breaths.

"Everything all right in there?" I heard Biya call from her room.

"E-everything is fine. I just slipped." I replied before turning my attention to Elda.

"Okay. Be careful!" I heard her speak from the other side of the room.


"What did you say, Elda?" I asked and he snorted shaking her head.

"Dude, why do you two keep on making each other get hurt?"

"But that-that man... Zeke... why did she go to him?"

"She fell for him trying to forget you. I don't know but that's what I assume. But she clearly still has feelings for you. You two are so complicated. God!" She huffed out a breath as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Then why? I was afraid that I would hurt her and that she would think that I was pushing myself into her life again that's why I kept my distance and I'm just her friend."

"There are other things that are playing in the game, Emil. You should know that."

"What things?"

"Just these things."

"What do you mean by those things?"

"Powerful things." She just replied and it annoyed me that she kept making short replies.

"Like what?"

"Why do you think she kept her distance? She still has feelings for you but she kept shutting you out. Why do you think? I saw you crawl inside her life again but she kept on making walls. What do you think of that?"

"She's scared as much as I am?" I guessed and she nodded.

"That's right."

"Is she afraid that history is going to repeat itself?"


"That I could hurt her? I will never lay a hand on her, you know that right?"

"Maybe." She shrugged continuing to wash the dishes.

"Is she afraid of me?"


"Then what is it?"

"You'll see. Keep on paving the way to her heart again and you will see what and who it is that's preventing you two to get back together."

"Is that a warning?"


"Stop saying that!" Her being mysterious and playful with me wrecked every thought I had.

"What's wrong with it? I'm trying to find the pieces of her puzzle like you are. I care for her and it pains me whenever she looks at you in the distance while you do naïve stuff. God! I think I'll make a dungeon and put you two in there until you two realize shit and be back together! Stop being a pussy and get your woman back like the man you are!" She flicked water at me before shooing me away so she could focus on her task.

"Go get her!" She whispered loudly enough for me to hear.

"Thanks, Elda. I owe you big time."

"Gimme your secret recipe!"

"Still not going to give it to you!" She's really persevering and dangerous to deal with. I cannot wait to see her with a man who's going to rival her raging heart.

"What are you guys doing?" Biya spotted me coming to her room. She was tucking her son to bed again.

"Elda kept on trying to make me give her a secret recipe of mine." She laughed softly, shaking her head as she finished covering her son on a soft blue blanket.

"Did he wake up again?" I walked silently to the bed where he was peacefully sleeping. He really looked like an angel.

"Yeah. He woke up earlier because of the crashing sound." I mashed my lips together guiltily.

"Sorry. Elda could give surprises sometimes. It's a wonder you still have not gotten a heart attack." She chuckled again, covering her mouth to muffle her voice. Geno flinched and we both jumped into action to pat his leg lightly to sleep. Geno loved it when someone patted his leg lightly and it would make him sleep. He immediately fell back to sleep and a breath of relief came out of Biya's lips. Our actions were in sync yet my heart was skipping a beat. Our hands were almost touching and I couldn't help but think how I missed her hands with mine.

"Biya?" I looked at her, our faces inches apart. Her beauty was being lighted by the warm sunlight.

"Yes?" She asked, her smile unwavering and her blue eyes shining, her pupils dilated.

"Can we talk outside?" Today, I'm going to bet on my heart to gamble again. Today, I'll start taking her back to be officially my woman again.

Hello everyone! I had to take care of some personal things and college so I apologize for the delay of updates. But here it is! Gosh! Emil is giving me a headache. Hahahaha. What do you think will happen next? Comment your thoughts down and please do not forget to vote. Stay tuned for more fire from Biya and Emil. 

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