Black Leather Jackets: Colleg...

By choniriverdalelove

100K 4.1K 765

America's Sweethearts take over a while new timezone! In this sequel to Black Leather Jackets: a choni story... More

New Start
What Matters Most
An eventful breakfast
Pea and Fangs
Game 1
In the Clear
Out the Door
Criminally Insane
Missed You
Date Day
Cast Off
Ruined Debut
In my corner
All American
Best Friend
3 days
6 years later
She's Home
Bet on Yourself
No Luck
Back Pain
Roadtrip pt. 1
Roadtrip pt 2
Weddings and Run ins
Grow Old
Private Jet
Date Night
Final Bow
Mia's #1
Wake Up
Off Hinge
Real shit
I dont Understand
10 years
Time Management
First Day!
State Finals
Date Night
Drive In
Beach Day
Double Final
Kid Number 6
Record Breaker
Shopping Day
Return of Rielly
Football Practice
Hard Talk
They Suck
What the Fuck

Danger Zone

1.8K 48 13
By choniriverdalelove

Cheryl's POV
Our third day on campus and everyday has been amazing. I wake up with Toni still sleeping, half on top of me. It's nice to see her so peaceful, she's on edge still. I feel so bad for what she went through in high school, she's strong but she didn't deserve to go through all that. Classes haven't officially started, and won't for about a week now so we have some time to get situated.
She starts mumbling in her sleep, she still looks happy though.
I kiss her temple and she stirs.
"Good morning baby," I smile planting a kiss on her lips
"Heyyy," she smiles turning and looking up at me
"How was your sleep?" I ask
"Good, no nightmares," she says
"Good, I'm glad," I say kissing her temple
"What about you?" She asks
"I was fine," I say
"No nightmares?" She asks
"One but it wasn't bad,"
"One out of?"
"One, but I was ok,"
I dreamt she died when she was shot. Is it really a nightmare? No. It scared me though, I don't like thinking back to it.
"You wanna talk about it?" She asks
I hum and look at the ceiling.
"C'mon Baby, talk to me," she says
"It doesn't really count as a nightmare anyways,"
"Babe," She says disapprovingly
"Fine, no laughing," I say
"Never," She says sitting up to look at me
"Fine. you died in the hotel room, in Italy and I was useless and the gun was to my temple," I say
She grabs both of my hands and puts them on her cheek/jawline area.
"I'm here ok? We're ok,"
"I know T, I woke up. And I looked at you, and you were smiling in your sleep, and I was ok,"
She pecks my lips and I laugh.
"You're perfect," She says
"Says you,"
"Wanna go get some breakfast?"
We get changed and start to head out.
"Wait do you have the key?" She asks
"Ya I got it," I say "don't worry babe,"
We head down to the little restaurant outside our dorms and sit down for a nice meal. I think people start moving into dorms today and tomorrow.
"Are you together or seperate?" The waitress asks
"Together," I say
She gives me the cheque, I pay and we head out.
"I don't think we've ever been asked together or separate," Toni laughs
"We only ever went to pops," I laugh
We walk back.
"I love you," I say kissing her cheek
"I love you too babe," she laughs "wanna sit in the lounge?"
The lounge is just a room with a tv and a couple games.
We sit down and she turns football on.
"Babe, no," I whine
"The games on," she says
"But I don't like football," I say
"One quarter, please?"
"Fine, but I get to braid your hair,"
She sits in front of me and watches the game intently while I  put her hair in two braids.
"There I'm done baby," I say kissing the top of her head
"Thank you,"
"Any time,"
She laughs and sits on the couch beside me. I don't lay on her because when she watches the games she gets jumpy. She continues watching after the first quarter which pisses me off and I go on my phone.
"Hey I'm Claire," a voice says walking in
"And I'm Elizabeth, are you two on this floor?"
I ignore them, Toni of course is friendly
"I'm Toni, and this is Cheryl," she says taking her eyes off the screen "we're at the end of the hall, you?"
"One floor down," she says "our floors share the lounge though,"
"Sick," She says "Cher you wanna say hi?"
"One second," I sigh finishing my text to reggie
"Don't mind Cheryl, shes not a people person,"
"Am so!"
"Are not, you're a total bitch,"
The girls look at us with wide eyes
"Oh my god you two know nothing about us, we aren't actually fighting," Toni says "we're engaged,"
"Oh sick," she says "wait, are you Toni Topaz?"
"Your playing quarterback this year right?"
"that's so cool,"
"Ya it's fun," she sighs
I look up at the two girls.
Their pretty-ish, not as pretty as Toni or I, but cute I guess
Claire is short with brown hair and Elizabeth is tall with strawberry blonde hair.
"I'm Cheryl," I say "and I'm NOT a bitch, but my fiancé is apparently,"
"Cher, take it down a notch,"
I roll my eyes and Toni sticks her tongue out
"We'll see you two later,"
We say our goodbyes.
"Do you really think I'm a bitch?" I ask
"No babygirl, you're not a bitch,"
She pecks my lips and we decide to go to our room. On our way to the door a girl stops us.
"Toni Topaz?"
"Ya, Nice to meet you. Are you on this floor?" Toni says extending her hand that's not around my waist
"No," she spits before winding up and punching Toni right in the face
Toni stumbles back a few steps and looks at the girl with wide eyes.
"You psychotic bitch," I spit getting in her face "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Your girlfriend, stole my boyfriends spot on the football team
"Fiancé, and who the fuck cares?" I say "you didn't need to punch her,"
"Cheryl, I need to go," she says
"No babe, stay here let me look at your eye,"
"No, I n-n-need,"
She takes off running.
"You said I'm the psychotic one?" She laughs
"If I can't find her, or if her amazing progress is gone, you better find a new fucking university. If she has a black eye, don't think I won't return the favour,"
I shove her and turn to run after Toni.
I get downstairs and she's no where in sight. So I call reggie.
"Blossom what's up? Wanna meet up?"
"Reggie something happened," I say starting to cry
"What's wrong? What happened?" He asks panicked
"Some bitch punched Toni in the face and T ran off and I don't know where she is," I say
"We're on our way," he says "stay outside your dorm,"
"The people you're bringing, do they know about  Toni? Her past?" I ask "she's scared, she doesn't need people making fun of her,"
"It's just the twins Mox and Dylan," he says
"Ok," I hang up and keep an eye out for T while waiting for the boys
"Cheryl!" I hear from behind me
I turn around and reggie hugs me.
"Are you ok?" He asks
"No, my fiancé ran away," I say
"Ok, ok, just calm down," he says "where do you think she'd go?"
"I don't know, all her friends are here, except the boys but they're in LA and we've only been here 3 days we don't have a regular spot or anything,"
"Mantle, what about the maroons?" Mox asks
"Good idea," reggie says "Cher you coming?"
I nod, I have no clue what "the maroons" is but if they think she's there, it's worth a shot.
We walk about a mile to the athletics department. Instead of going into the main area we go to a large back building.
"Reggie, what is this place?"
"The Maroons is a private gym for the varsity football players. Toni really likes it, apparently people were looking at her weird at the regular gym," he says
I nod as Austen opens the door.
It is quiet except for the faint clanking of weights from the back left.
I walk towards the sound and see T doing squats on the rack, earbuds in, but she's crying.
"13... 14... 15... 16... 17... 18," She grunts in rhythm with her squats then puts the weights on the rack
"Babe," I say tapping her shoulder
She jumps and turns around.
"Cher, you aren't allowed in here," she says taking her earbuds out
"It's fine T," Reggie says
I hug her and she tentatively hugs me back.
"You're ok T, she's just a bitch. She won't try anything with us. I promise you, that you're ok,"
"Cher I'm scared, I don't wanna put you through anything again, I don't wanna go through anything my self. I'm scared,"
I pull back from the hug and hold her face in my hands. She's terrified.
"T, I'm here ok? I'm not going anywhere and nothing is going to happen to you," i say "it happened so fast that I couldn't protect you and I'm sorry '
"Does your face hurt?"
"A little,"
I peck her lips and then focus on her eye, not the worst she's ever had, but not great either.
"It's not bad," I sigh "it'll be there for a couple days but it's not bad,"
She nods.
"I'm sorry for running, I didn't know what to do,"
"It's ok T, we found hog and that's all that matters,"
"Who hit you Topaz?" Mox asks
"I dunno," she mumbles
"A girl who said Toni stole her boyfriends spot on the team?" I say "she wasn't making much sense,"
"Matty had a girlfriend?" Austen asks will
"He had that stalker girl, but not a girlfriend," will replies
"I'm confused, I thought your qb aged out," I say
"Technically he could've had one more year, but he sucked asshole at throwing so we didn't want him another year if we signed Topaz,"
"Fuck me," Toni says kicking a weight "I just wanted to be fucking normal for once in my life, not have any psychotic people trying to hurt me? It would be really fucking nice,"
"Toni it could've been a one time thing, we don't know,"
"Cheryl don't be naive,"
"Boys a second?" I ask
"We'll be right outside,"
I nod
"What is this actually about? Because I know someone like that wouldn't usually get under your skin,"
"Nothing," She says quickly
"What. Is. It. About?" I ask again
"Fine, they're letting dougie out of prison on a technicality," she says "and he's going to find me,"
I hug her and kiss her temple.
"Baby you should've told me,"
"I didn't want to scare you or involve you,"
"Babe I love you, you're allowed to talk to me about this stuff,"
She nods and wipes her eyes.
"Why don't you go and get cleaned up and then we can hangout with the boys?"
She nods and half smiles
"Thank you Cheryl,"
"That's why I'm here baby," I laugh "I'll be right outside ok?"
I go outside and immediately hug reggie to stop myself from crying
"Blossom what's wrong?"
"Dougie, he's getting out of prison,"
"Oh my god, that's not good," he says hugging me tighter
"I'm scared Reggie, I can't lose her like that again," I say "i won't let her go through it again,"
"You won't have to," he says
"Who's Dougie?" Mox asks
"Her ex boyfriend," I sigh "he abused her for the entirety of their relationship and then kidnaped d her in Miami,"
The three boys that didn't know that sit there silent.
"She's ok now though, but this is going to make her jumpy Cher," he says
"She already is," I say
I get a call and look at my phone.
No Caller ID
"Hello?" I say picking it up
"Is this Cheryl Blossom?" A familiar sounding voice says
I can't place it though
"Yes it is, who is this?"
"Oh sweetheart, it hasn't been that long," he says
"Douglas?" I ask shocked
"There you go baby, I'm sure you've heard the good news,"
"No actually, I've gotten rather shitty news all day today,"
I put him on speaker phone.
"Blossom, you're smarter than that. Take me the fuck off speaker phone before I slit your throat,"
I quickly take it off speaker phone
"Good girl,"
"Just please stay away from Toni," I plead "I'm trying to help her get better, please,"
"Oh don't you worry, I have no more need for Topaz, hurting her doesn't really work from my intel, it just rolls off her shoulder but the girl in her heart- now that would break her,"
Tears start streaming down my face.
"Fine, just don't hurt her, please,"
"Killing you, right in front of her is going to break her more," he says "see you soon Blossom,"
"No please no, please," I say before I hear the "hung up" tone
I start crying and reggie hugs me.
"Cheryl he has no clue where you are," reggie says "you will be ok, you'll be fine,"
"Reggie, all he has to do is search up Toni's name, or mine and he'll find it pretty fucking fast, it's not hard,"
He nods
"No one tells Toni," I say turning around "she doesn't know he called me, and it stays that way,"
"She needs to know," Austen says 
"No she doesn't, she needs to think that everything is fine," I say "no one tells her,"
"Blossom, cmon we have to," he says
"Reggie what happened to Fangs when he told Toni that Heather was contacting me on Instagram even though I was handling it?" I ask
"He was shot by an arrow," reggie says
"Exactly, I will handle Douglas, you guys need to keep Toni at a level head,"
"Fine," mox says
"But Cheryl you have to keep me in the loop, I'm not having a repeat of what happened before graduation,"
"Fine I'll tell you what's going on, but I'm fine and only worried about Toni, got it? That's not happening again,"
They all nod
"Why are you crying?" Toni asks walking up to us
"Oh I was showing them... my back handspring and I rolled my ankle," I say with a smile
"Oh my god babe, I told you not to do that in uneven ground," she says "are you ok?"
"Fine T," I say
She grabs my hand and kisses my cheek.
Maybe we'll be ok
Hopefully, Dougie won't follow through on his threat.

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