Manan-Love And Attitude

By aanchal_89

3.6M 253K 23.3K

#01 in fanfiction on 23/02/18 Nandini murthy:-) A girl full of life and fun, wants to be independent and stan... More

'Angry Youngman'
'Ill-Mannered girl'
'Job in Mumbai.. No Way'
Mumbai I m coming....
I will miss u...
'I hate you'
'She is so sweet'
Muku I m sorry..
'Manik, leave her hand'
' Nandi as in Bull '
'Monkeys can run a company'
'I like things to be perfect'
'Abhi, What a suprise!!..'
'Bull is desperate to marry me'
' What is this nandini? '
'I want it back in 2 hours'
' Monkey is Sweet '
' Its perfect for you '
' just stay here '
' Guest '
' I am going to Delhi next week '
'I am not going to hear ur excuses'
'Sir, please pick me up'
"Taking a break"
'Be My Friend'
'I am back'
'Are you okay?'
'She is not my bull'
'I am happy for you'
' U don't like manik na '
' Stupid Monkey '
' U are a saviour '
' Fine, i accept the dare '
' Manik i need to talk to u '
' What about my gift? '
' Its nothing to explain '
Author's note
'Get me a copy of this'
'I missed this '
' U want to race with me? '
'Buddy i am back'
' I will take that as a yes '
' I am going to office. Bye '
'so u are taking revenge?'
' Manik won't u eat it for me?'
' This specs look good on you.'
' U gave me bruises. '
' Smile and accept the fact '
'Cabir i need ur help.'
'So are u not angry anymore?'
' Looks like bull calmed her monkey '
' Stop smiling u idiot monkey '
'Happy birthday bu..nandini'
' Want me to what mom?'
'Using my lines at me only'
' We didn't expect this from u '
' I am sure u can do it '
'Stop calling me baby bull manik'
'Because u love my sister'
'Just felt like thanking u'
'Go away from here'
'U can thank me later'
'i won't until u listen to me'
'The things i do for you'
'surprise me'
'Wearing a lipstick'
'I missed calling you that'
'Is that an engagement ring?'
'Get her a Boyfriend'
'Talking about me??'
'U know i think u are right'
'I came here because, i missed you'
' I told u,i don't share '
'i like it when u get jealous'
'Stop acting like a kid'
' U blindfolded me for coffee?'
"Thank you guys"
'Come, lets go for a drive?'
'A cup of coffee for me too'
'I am also glad that i met you'
'Do i smell jealousy here?'
'Awww... u are so cute '
'Get a room guys'
'Now let's end it with K...'
'Rank- #1'
'Then convince me idiot'
Sorry guys
"Why are u avoiding me?"
"I hope that day comes sooner"
'Its a secret, shhshhh '
'I choose to be with u '
'I am Sorry, bhai'
"Then what is a kiss?"
"I am here to sleep"
'Too good for my liking'
'I was being a good girlfriend'
'You are so dead.'
"I will get back at you for this."
"Lipstick mark?"
'And there goes my reputation'
"Put on a shirt first"
"So are you free now?"
"Manik will kill me."
"We are okay, right?"
"You will see yourself"
"You look sexy as hell"
"Goodnight Sweetheart"
"Now who's distracting who?"
"You have become shameless"
"Your sister is a walking trouble"
"Aww, come here duffer"
"Does this beat it?"
"He isn't in love with me."
"Are you okay with this?"
"Your hands are cold"
What is love?
"Horse riding is boring"
"It was totally not funny."
"It tastes the same, bitter!!"
"So, tell me everything."
"Bonus Chapter"
"Promise me you won't get drunk"
"Would you be okay if I back out?"
"My Wife"
"Just Shut up and kiss me"
"Being with you does"
"Don't Forget I Choose you "
"What type of weird thoughts?"
"I must be crazy to fall for you"
"Now off your shirt and come to bed."
"Give me a smile before I leave."
"You were eavesdropping"
Hey Guys
"You will be the death of me"
"But you always look good"
"You always spoil the mood."
"Well I can say the same"
"Are you still ignoring bhai? "
" I won't listen to you."
"I don't have time for your games"
My Story of Kyy
"I was too rude to him."
" I know I am quite charming"
"It's written in here already."
" I was imagining that?"
"Last Chapter--Bonus"

'Manik fed me pizza, bhai'

25.3K 2K 214
By aanchal_89

Next morning..

Manik gets up early and gets dressed for office. His phone rings and he picks it up.

"Yes Sahir?",he asks setting his hairs.

"Mr. Khurana came with lawyer for bail. I had to let them go but the hearing will be soon. I would suggest you solve it upon yourselves without the court hearing. It will be more convenient and faster.",sahir replied over the phone.

"Hmm thanks. I will see into it.",manik said and hangs up.

He picks his bag and calls pooja on the way down.

"Fix a Meeting with the khurana and ask my lawyer to be available and to get in touch with me.",he said and hung up.

"Manik",raj calls and manik stops on his way and walks to him. Raj came back yesterday night as he had a meeting he couldn't miss or postpone and will be going back in the afternoon.

"Yes?",he asks sitting beside him on the dining table.

"Have breakfast with me. I need to talk with you.",he said and manik nods and serves himself.

"Is everything fine in the office?",raj asks and manik frowns but nod.

"Yes dad. Everything is fine. Why?.",manik said him with a smile.

"I got a call today from the khurana. He was talking about you.",raj said and manik looks down.

"Sorry.",he apologized for lying.

"Tell me the truth.",raj insisted.

Manik explained everything to him and raj nods.

"Dad I don't want to let them go so easily. I want them to get punished for their crimes. You know she poisoned the kids. What if something would have happened to them. And I caught them red handed stealing files or misplacing whatever, even she harmed nandini and created trouble in the office. Everytime I took it lightly thinking it's just some jealousy and competition but not this time. I am going to meet the khurana. I am gonna make sure that he puts his own daughter behind the bars or watch his company fall down.",manik said angry.

Raj held his hands.

"Manik I trust you. She deserves the punishment. Just be careful. It won't look good if you are caught up in this court drama and media during your wedding. ",Raj said him and manik nods.

"So how is my daughter?",raj asked with a bright smile.

"She is good, enjoying her leave, I was going to stop by and meet her before leaving for office.",manik answers and raj laughs.

"She is precious, don't hurt her. Take good care of her.",raj said patting his shoulder.

"I know dad and I try but unknowingly I hurt her or am responsible for it. She says its okay and she is fine but I don't feel okay with it. Yesterday I apologized to her for being responsible of whatever soha did to her and she understood it and was okay, I feel that if I don't punish soha than I will be betraying nandini and hurt her more. You know everytime some argument took place between them I always scolded nandini and told her to act professional. I always stopped her from doing something wrong and never said anything to soha. I don't know why I ever did that but now I feel so guilty about it. I feel like I was unfair and biased and I need to do something to make it okay.",manik said his eyes reflecting how guilty and hurt he is.

"Did you said her all this?",raj asked.

"Yes when we were together , I did but she said that its fine and not my fault but I know it is.",manik said him.

"Son, Always remember this. Never shout in public and apologize in private.",raj said and manik gets confused for a while.

"I never shouted at her in public. It was always when we were alone in my cabin except for one time.",manik said and looks down guilty.

"You know what to do, right?",raj asked and manik nods.

"And about the khurana then don't worry, it's time for them to see the real power of the Malhotra's.",raj said and manik smirks.

"Thank you dad, I needed this talk.",manik said with a genuine smile.

He got up from the chair and turns to raj.

"Good day dad.",he said and leans and kiss his cheeks.

Raj gets surprised.

"Finally. I was waiting for the day when the mamma's boy would pay some attention and show some love to his dad too. Looks like I need to give you advice about nandini every now and then to get this greeting.",raj said with and manik blushed in embarrassment.

"Dad",manik warned him.

"What? I am serious. You used to always kiss my cheeks and greet me while leaving the house but then you grew up and only kissed your mom. I was waiting for it for so long. I missed it.",raj said patting his cheeks lightly.

Manik smiles at him.

Raj kissed his forehead.

"I am always there for you, Come to me anytime you want to talk or need help.",he said and manik nods.

They shared a hug and manik moves out from the house.

He sits inside his car and drives to cabir's house.

He walks inside and sees cabir walking down.

"Hey",cabir said greeting him with a hug.

"Hey",manik replied.

"I thought she was on leave. So I didn't wake her up.",cabir said him confused.

"Yes she is. I just want her to be there in office. There is something i need to do.",manik said him.

"Manik what's going on?", Cabir asked him.

"I will tell you. I am getting late and i need to talk to her.",manik said him.

"Okay. If you need any help than tell me. I will see you soon.",cabir said and manik hugged him.

He walked upstairs to nandini's room and slowly gets inside.

He finds her sleeping cuddled up in her blanket.

Manik sits beside her.

"Good morning bull",he said touching her cheeks lightly.

"Hmm",she whispers and turned to manik side.

"Good morning manik",she whispers but after some realization she opens her eyes.

"Manik you are here, for real. What are you doing here?",nandini asked sitting on the bed.

She runs her hand through her hairs and looked at him.

"I am sorry to disturb you. I really needed to talk to you.",manik said and she looked at him finding him serious.

"Can you come today to office for sometime. I know you had plans and you are on leave but only for sometime. ",Manik said her.

"I will come. Is everything fine?",she asks him.

"It will be now.",manik said and kissed her forehead.

"When should I come?", She asked him.

"Will 11 be fine?",he asked her and she nods.

"I am getting late. I have an important meeting. Will see you soon.",manik said getting up.

"I will drop you till the car.",nandini said and stood up.

They walked down to the front doors.

Nandini hugs him and he hugs her back.

"You look worried and tensed.",nandini said putting her face on his chest.

"I will be fine. ",He said running his hands on her hairs.

"Bye",he said and kissed her cheek.

She smiled and waved at him.

Manik starts driving when he received a call from his lawyer. He put it on speaker.

"Hey manik",Dravid greeted.

"Hey, did you finish reading the briefing? I could really use some help about it.",manik said him.

"Yes i did. Don't worry everything is fine and under our control. I don't think Mr khurana will have a option other than hearing us.",Dravid said him.

"Great work. I will meet you at the hotel.",manik said and smirked.

He reached the hotel in an hour and finds Mr. Khurana already present their with his lawyer.

Manik meets up with Dravid in the reception and they walked near the table.

"Mr. Malhotra you are late.",Mr. Khurana said irritated.

"Does it look like I care?",Manik asked sitting on the chair.

Dravid hides his smile seeing their shocked reaction.

"Let's get to business. He is my lawyer Sa..",Mr khurana was about to continue but Manik cut him off.

"I am not interested. Let's cut the time. Dravid.",Manik signals him and he nods.

"Your daughter has committed crime under the computer fraud and abuse act. Under this act she can be jailed for atmost 5 years. Now we can take this on court and fight against it but let me tell you that you're probably going to lose the case and your so called reputation too.",Dravid said and Mr. Khurana and his lawyer Sandeep frowned.

"Aren't you the arrogant one?, She never stole any files from you or misused it. So this act doesn't apply in her case.",Mr. Khurana said with a victory smile.

"Well we were going to go easy but now that you aren't in a mood to settle. We are gonna press charge of attempt to murder. What do you think about that?",Dravid asks him.

They frown looking at each other.

"No we agree on the first choice.",Sandeep said and Mr. Khurana frowned.

"My daughter won't be jailed. We can talk and settle on some fine.",Mr khurana said and manik smirked.

"This is getting interesting.", manik said and leaned closer putting his hands on the table.

Dravid takes some file and hands it over to manik.

Manik slides it to Mr. Khurana.

"Sigh those papers and we are settled.",Manik said and leaned back relaxed.

"What is this?",Mr. Khurana asked.

"You are giving your company to manik in the name of settlement.", Dravid said and Mr khurana fumed in anger getting up.

"Have a seat.", Manik said and he took reluctantly.

"I am being the bigger person and allowing you to choose. You know very well that I can easily bring down your company to streets and also put her behind bars. So thank me and choose wisely",manik said sternly.

Both look down fearing him.

"Mr. Malhotra we understand. We are very thankful. My daughter was at fault and she deserves to be punished. I will make sure she gets the punishment.",Mr khurana replied looking down, he gestures sandeep.

"Sir she was not stealing the files and nothing is lost. If we could settle for some money and less serving time. It would be great.",sandeep said and manik frowns.

Dravid turns to him and gives him a nod.

"2 years and community service after that for a year and as fine you would sell 25% share to him.",Dravid said and Mr. Khurana frowns but nods.

"I will send you the contract. Sign it and send it back.",Dravid said and Manik gets up and nods at him.

Mr. Khurana gets a call and frowns.

He glared at manik.

"You did this. My clients are backing out from the deal signed in my company. They don't want to work with us anymore.",Mr. Khurana yelled at him.

Manik shrugged his shoulders and walked out smirking.

Dravid follows him.

"Thanks for coming in such a short notice and for being a great help.",Manik thanked him and Dravid smiled and nodded.

"Well manik. What if he would have let go his company instead of agreeing.",Dravid asks.

"Dravid, he is a selfish person. He would never let go his company for even his daughter. I know that. Why did you agreed on 2 years though",manik asks him.

"Well the term is maximum 5 years if the file is stolen or misused and nothing such happened. In court we couldn't prove it was soha who harmed the kid as the caretaker admitted. So i settled for 2 years. There lawyer was fool if he would have taken this in court then she would have hardly got a year term.",dravid said him. Manik smiles and nods.

" I will get going now. There's one more thing that I need to do.",Manik said and dravid nods.

Manik drives to his office.

He walks to his cabin and saw everyone staring at him.

He sits on his chair and pooja comes near him.

"Sir.",she said and he nods and checks the time.

"I want everyone to be gather in the canteen in 20 minutes.",manik said and she nodded and left.

Manik checks the files when he hears a knock and door opens.

He looks up and finds nandini. He gives a smile to her and she shuts the door and walks to him.

He gestures her to come close and she walks to his chair.

"Now tell me. What's wrong?",Nandini asked him.

"You will know in 5 minutes.",manik said and she frowns.

"Manik",she warns.

"Bull please. 5 minutes more.",he said and she nods.

She leans in his desk and he stares at her.

"So what are your plans for today?",manik asks her.

"I don't know. They have made plans. We will leave after your important thing is over.",nandini replied and manik smiled.

"It won't take long. It was important and necessary. I wouldn't have disturb your plans if it was not.",manik said and she smiled at him and nods.

"I know.",nandini said him.

He holds her hand and rubs his thumb over them.

There was a knock on the door. Nandini stands straight beside him.

"Come in",he said and pooja opens the door a little.

"Sir, everyone is present.",she informed and manik nods.

"Come",he said and holds nandini hand and brings her to canteen.

Everyone were seated and some were standing behind. Arjun and karan looks at her confused.

"Go and have a seat.",manik said her and she moves towards the boys. Karan gets up and lets her seat in his place and stood behind her.

"So the purpose of this gathering is to give you all a little insight of what's happening in the office. Each and every one of you are responsible of the company. If you guys work here then I expect your loyalty towards me and the company. From last few months, there have been disturbance and carelessness going around. Yesterday I fired two employees after catching them red handed stealing in my office.",he said and everyone gasped and started talking.

"Silence. Yes , I understand that competition and jealousy are quite common when you work together. But its okay only till it's healthy. When you cross the line then you deserve the punishment. Spoiling others life and career in the name of jealousy is not okay. Insulting them and passing comments on their personal lives is not something I would encourage in office. You guys know very well that there's been a tiff between some employees from last few months.",manik said and everyone stared at nandini, karan and arjun. Nandini shifts in her chair feeling uncomfortable. Manik blinks his eye at her and she gives him a small smile. Karan keeps his hand on her shoulder.

"Yes I am talking about the people under my team, I had taken few actions from my part to solve this but my way was wrong and I did some mistakes. Everytime they had an argument or insulted each other, I would ask them to focus on their work and scold Ms. Murthy and tell her to stay quiet and don't do anything as I felt that if I asked Soha it would give the impression that I was favouring nandini because she is my fiancee but I didn't realise that I was being biased to nandini in this way. She listened to me without complaints and I was under the impression that it is solved and everything is fine now. But I was wrong. Stopping one person doesn't make it correct. Soha didn't stop her ways and would try to harm nandini and defame her in every way possible. She and yuvraj were together in this and yesterday they planned to misplace files and blame it on Ms. Murthy as she was the last person to be here for decorating. It was then when I caught them. Also I would like to inform you all that Ms. Murthy was not responsible for anything that happened in the orphanage. Soha was the one who spoiled the batter of the cupcake she made to harm the children. Nandini would never ever dreamt of doing that. I can't undo it now but I would like to apologise for my mistake infront of all of you.",Manik said and his eyes met with nandini which were filled with tears. Arjun was holding her hands to calm her.

Manik walks near her and kneels infront of her.

Nandini eyes widen along with others seeing manik kneel down. They have always seen their boss as an arrogant and confident man. He was a perfect man who would take pride for everything he did and never make mistakes. Seeing him accepting that he made mistakes and kneeling infront of her made them realise that he is also human and made mistakes.

"Manik get up.",nandini hissed looking around.

He nods in no.

"I am sorry for shouting at you when you were not at fault and I am sorry for not protecting your pride in the office. I will make sure that everyone respects you not only because you are going to be wife but also because you deserve it.",Manik said and a tear rolls down her eyes.

Manik wipes it and kisses her forehead and stares at her.

The young girls awed seeing them.

Manik looked away and gets up and clears his throat.

"I would like to make one more thing clear with all of you. If I find anyone insulting his colleagues or trying to harm them in any way then they will deal with me. I won't make the same mistake and wait for something big to happen to take action this time. I want a friendly atmosphere in the office. Everyone of you are here to work so respect each other and their work, I hope you guys maintain it",manik said and they nod.

"You can leave and get back to your work. Mr. Sharma will be the person in charge from tomorrow till i come back. Good day.",Manik said and they dispersed.

Manik stares at nandini and then moves to his cabin.

Karan puts his hand on her shoulder and leans down.

"We will be waiting outside. Go and meet him.",karan said and she looks at him.

He kisses her head and she smiles at him.

Arjun gives her a hug and they walks out.

Nandini moves to manik cabin and enters shutting the door behind.

She finds manik sitting on his chair and walks up to him.

"It was not needed. I told you its fine.",nandini said slowly.

"It was needed. It was not fine for me.",manik said holding her hands and making her seat on his lap.

"Manik you didn't have to kneel down infront of me. You are the boss, what would others think seeing you kneeling down. It didn't look good.",nandini said leaning on him.

"I felt like doing that and I did. I don't care what they think.",Manik said and hugged her close.

"But..",she was cut off by manik.

"What are you still doing here? You were going out.",manik said and she nods.

"I just wanted to talk to you.",nandini said and he smiled at her.

"We will talk later. They are waiting for you.",manik said and nandini nods and looks at him.

She leans in wrapping her hands around his neck.

She kissed him slowly expressing her feelings with it.

She pulls back soon and smiles.

"Leave now or i am keeping you here with me.",manik said dropping small kisses on her cheeks and jaw.

She giggled and nods.

"Thank you.",nandini said and he smiles. She gets up and leaves joining the boys for their day out.

Manik has finished his work and leaves too.

He finds mukti watching movie and joins her.

He puts his head on her lap and lie on the couch.

She runs her hand on his hairs.

"Bhai don't be lazy. Go and change.",she said and he nods and sits up.

"Can you make a coffee for me?",he asked and she nods.

He gets changed and comes down. She gives him his coffee.

"So?",manik asks her wanting to know about abhi.

"We talked.",she said and he smiled.

"And?",he asks.

"He forgave me, we talked with the investors and asked for another chance to prove ourselves. The client was impressed with the new presentation that i made and we are getting 10% more profit than before so the investors agreed. Abhi was so happy. He took me out for ice cream and we had so much fun.",mukti said and manik hugged her.

"I am proud of you.",manik said and kissed her head.

"Let's call everyone. Abhi is busy so he won't be coming.",mukti said and manik nods.

"Nandini has some other plans. Call the rest of them. I will make lunch like old times.",manik said and mukti grinned ear to ear.

"That's great. I love you.",she yelled kissing his cheeks.

"Love you too muku baby. Now come and help me.",manik said and mukti nods.

Manik wears an apron and mukti wears one too. Mukti picks the hat and makes manik wears that too and he bows in front of her.

Kaka helps them with things around as they start making the lunch.

Cabir walks in and finds them in kitchen.

"What's going on? Navya had a meeting so she didn't come.",he asks surprised. It was a rare sight to see manik cooking nowadays.

"Bhai is making lunch like old times.",mukti said hugging him. Manik gives him a smile and stirs the pan.

"That's great.",cabir said.

"Now that you are early. Why don't you help bhai? I will continue my movie.",mukti said and manik glare at her.

"Bhai i am not much a help here. Cabir would be a better help than me.",she said and manik nods.

She makes him wear a apron and moves to the living room.

Cabir starts helping him.

"You were going to tell me everything.",cabir reminded and manik nods and tells him everything while cooking and cabir gets angry but then calms down.

"Thank you.",cabir said and manik throws a tomato at him.

"Now you will tell me thank you for being with her. She is your sister but she is important to me too.",manik said and cabir nods.

Cabir makes soup while manik makes some roti.

"You cook so good but still you can't make round roti.",cabir said laughing seeing his roti shape.

He glares at him.

"Make them. I will do other things.",he said and both talk and had fun while cooking.

They finish after an hour and comes out of the kitchen. Kaka serves the food in the bowl.

Dhruv and alya were with mukti.

"Lunch is ready guys.",manik said removing his apron.

They all took the seat and enjoyed the food reliving their past days and had fun spending time together

There nandini was having fun playing bowling and other games with the boys. They had lunch on a rooftop restaurant and enjoyed their time.

"So, now where to?",arjun asks her.

"I don't know tell me.",nandini said.

"We can go to marine drive and then watch a movie.",karan suggested.

"Okay then.",arjun said and nandini nod.

They left for marine drive.

"It was so much fun after so long.",dhruv said as they sat on the living room.

Alya was sitting beside manik.

"I missed this. We should do it more often. Just the 5 of us.",Alya said getting emotional and manik nods and wrapped his hands around her.

"Let's play games.",cabir suggests.

"Fifa",dhruv asks and the boys nod eagerly.

"No",both the girls denied.

"You can play too, in my team.",cabir said looking at mukti.

"Okay then.",mukti said smiling eagerly and sits beside him.

Alya frowns at her.

"Fine but we will play some other games too.",she said.

"We are gonna win. Cheer up.",manik said her and she smiles.

"I will go play some music.",dhruv said and plays some music while they make arrangements.

Cabir and manik were playing first and rest were supporting them.

Manik makes a goal first and both dhruv and alya cheers.

Mukti frowns at them.

"Trust me.",cabir said her and she smiles.

At the end of the game cabir and mukti won. It happened for the next two matches.

They start dancing teasing them.

"You cheated.",manik accused and they get into argument.

Manik throws a pillow at him and then everyone started a pillow fight forgetting the match.

Nandini was walking on the marine drive with the boys.

"Come lets paint our faces.",arjun said seeing people doing that.

The three went and got their face painted with the same designs. They had some snacks, sat there talking and then went to the mall for movie.

After the movie they shopped for few things. People giggled seeing their painted faces but they smile at them.

Manik ordered pizza for everyone with coke as they cleaned the mess they made.

They watched cricket while having pizza.

"At what time are we leaving tomorrow?",dhruv asked.

"Mom has asked to leave early as it takes around 6 hours. The roads will be empty in the morning.",manik said.

"How are we going?",alya asks.

"Manik and choti will go together and the rest of us together.",cabir said.

"We will also come with you guys.",manik said him.

"We all won't fit together with our luggages. Also its a long ride. So let's go comfortably. Also enjoy your trip with choti. This will be the last time you will get to spend so much time with her alone before marriage.",cabir said and manik frowns.

"Where is nandu?",alya asks.

Cabir calls her and talks with her.

"Don't go home. Come here directly. We will be leaving together from here only tomorrow. I will ask someone to get the luggage.",cabir said her and hungs up.

"she is coming.",he informs.

Nandini gets down infront of manik's house. The boys get down too.

"I had so much fun today.",nandini said them.

"We too.",they said her.

She hugged arjun and he hugs her back and kissed her cheeks.

"Will see you in a week.",he said and she nods.

She hugs karan and he wraps his hand around her too.

"It was one of the best day of my life.",he said and she smiled at him.

He kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight.",he said and she nods and waves both of them bye.

She enters the house and sees everyone having pizza and busy in the ongoing match.

"Hello everyone.",she said and they turned to her.

"Looks like you had fun.",manik said seeing her painted face and hands filled with shopping bags.

She nods and sits between cabir and manik.

"Go and freshen up first.",cabir said taking the bags from her.

"No, I am tired and very hungry.",nandini said closing her eyes and leaning on the sofa.

"Choti",cabir warns her.

"Cabir let it be na.",mukti said and he frowns but nods.

"Here",manik forwards a pizza slice to her.

She opens her mouth and he smiles and makes her eat.

"Umm manik not the tomatoes.",she said and he removed the big tomatoes and forwarded again.

"Manik a little oregano.",she said and he puts more on the slice.

He puts it near her mouth but she doesn't eat.

"What now?",he asks.

"A little ketchup?.",she said and he frowns at her.

"Do a thing. Use your own hands and eat.",he said her and takes a bit of the slice himself.

"Manik my hands are dirty. I am very hungry. Pleeease",she requested streching the e in please.

"Fine.",he said and add a little ketchup on the slice he was holding and made her eat.

Mukti watches her and smiles at her tantrums.

"What did you guys do the whole day?",Nandini asks them.

"It was like old times. Manik cooked lunch and we played games, talked about things and enjoyed the day.",dhruv said her.

Nandini turns to manik and raised an eyebrow.

"I cook very well.",manik said with a proud smile and gave a pizza slice to her.

"But you still can't make round roti.",cabir said laughing and nandini joined him giving him a hi-fi.

"You can't even cook like me. You are just good at one thing.",manik said him smirking.

"Manik if you are forgetting than I won in fifa too.",cabir said him.

"You cheated.",manik said glaring at him.

"All losers say that after losing. It's okay manik, I am pro. You lost from a pro don't be sad.",cabir said and patted his cheeks.

Manik remove his hands from his cheeks and smacked his head.

"You always cheat when you are about to lose. You aren't a pro. Idiot.",manik said him.

"You are so gone now. Accept that you lost.",cabir said trying to slap his head.

Nandini who was sitting in the middle of them got frustrated.

"Enough",she yelled and both moved back from each other.

"You know nandu. They had this argument before too today and managed to make a mess of the living room.",alya said and she looked at both of them.

"Choti he started it. He is a sore loser.",cabir said her.

"Oh hello I play fair unlike you. He is a Cheater.",manik said to her.

"Choti you listen to me."cabir said looking at her.

"No bull listen to me.",manik said making her look at him. He forwards a pizza slice and she eats it as he fed her.

Mukti stifles a laugh and sees navya and abhi entering at the same time.

Abhi was confused but navya was smiling seeing them.

"He calls you bull, don't listen to him. I am your brother na",cabir said her and she nods lightly.

"She likes the name. She will listen to me. I am her boyfriend.",manik said him and she blush a little.

"Manik",cabir warned.

"Cabir",manik warned in similar tone.

Nandini palms her forehead.

"Mukti tell me did we cheat?",cabir asks her and she nods in no.

"Alya they cheated na",manik asks and she nods.

"Dhruv?",they ask together.

He frowns in confusion.

"I didn't see. I was busy in phone.",he said and they glared at him.

"Navya can I cheat?",cabir said and she nods in no.

"Abhi?",manik said in a warning tone.

"I am with you.",abhi said immediately.

"Choti see mukti navya both say i didn't.",cabir said her.

"Alya and abhi said you did.",manik said him.

"Abhi wasn't there even.",cabir said him.

"Even navya wasn't there.",manik said showing his tongue to him.

"Choti do you think I will cheat ever?",cabir asks her. She nods in no.

"Bull do I ever lie to you?",manik asks her and she nods in no.

"Loser",cabir said him.

"Cheater",manik said back.

Nandini gets up from her place and they stare at her confused.

"Goodnight guys. I am off to sleep. I feel very tired.",nandini said looking at everyone. She gave abhi a hug and one to navya too.

"Choti you didn't even eat properly.",cabir said her.

"Manik fed me pizza, bhai.",she said and manik smirked at cabir.

"Goodnight bhai, love you",nandini said kissing his cheeks.

"Goodnight",he said kissing her head.

Cabir smirks at manik and manik glares at him.

"Goodnight everyone. Goodnight manik.",nandini said looking at him.

He narrows his eyes at her. She smiles and leans closer and kiss his cheeks.

He smiles at her widely and other laugh seeing him.

Nandini moves to her room and washes her face and gets changed.

She feels slight pain in her stomach but ignores it and lies down falling asleep.

Others too went to bed after a little more talks with abhi and navya. Cabir and manik were sharing manik's room.

"Goodnight cheater.",manik said sleeping on his side.

"Goodnight loser.",cabir whispered back as they both fell asleep.

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