' Stupid Monkey '

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Next morning...

Nandini quickly got ready and came down.
She saw everyone already sitting.

"I am sorry, i am late.", nandini said and quickly sat on the chair and served herself.
"Its okay", nyonika said her

All were eating in silence.

" Nyonika we are leaving, we have to attend a early meeting. Come mukti",raj said and stood up.

Mukti too got up and rushed outside.

Nyonika went to kitchen as she was done with her breakfast.

"Bull i will drop u today to the office.",manik said her.

"Why?", nandini asked suprised.

"I have to discuss some things with u about yesterday.",manik said her.

"Okay but don't make me run like last time.", nandini said him.

"Done, now finish ur breakfast soon. We need to leave.",manik said her.

Nandini quickly finishes her breakfast and brings her bag and files and comes down.

Manik looks at her and signs her to the door.

They sit in the car and manik drove.

"So what do u want to discuss?", nandini asked him.

"We need to clear this misunderstanding of them.",manik said her.

"I know so have u thought of something??", nandini asked him.

"I was thinking, why don't we go to them and tell them the truth.",manik said her.

"Stupid Monkey", nandini said slowly.

"I heard u",manik said her.

"Good u did. U think u will say them and they will believe u and go and confess.", nandini asks manik sarcastically.

"Yes",manik replied her.

"Its not gonna work. We need to do something such that they both confess on their own.", nandini said him.

"Like?",manik asked confused.

"I don't know but i will think something, maybe i can ask karan or arjun. They can help us in it.", nandini said him.

"Okay than at night in the garden we will discuss our ideas and plan it.",manik said her.

"Yeah that's good.", nandini said him.

Both were silent for a while.

"Manik do u mind me asking something personal.", nandini asks him.

"Go on",manik said her.

"Did u ever feel something for alya?", nandini asks him.

"If i say the truth then 'No'. She was always my best friend with whom i can discuss any thing. We were very much comfortable with each other. U know i was the first person to know that she loves dhruv. When she said that, i was a bit insecure that now she will give dhruv more importance. Now everything will change between us. We won't be the same but she handled it nicely. She never let me feel that i am not important to her, but dhruv took us wrong. He saw our both understanding and friendship but he couldn't see her love for him. I so wish that they both confess and everything falls in place.",manik said her.
Nandini was seeing him.

"Whenever u talk about ur friends, ur eyes shine with happiness and ur face starts glowing. U are a complete different person not like what u show in the office ", nandini said him sweetly and taunting at the last..

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