"It tastes the same, bitter!!"

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Nandini wakes up to noises around and narrows her eyes as she sits leaning on the headrest.

"What's going on?",she asks rubbing her eyes.

"Finally you are up. Go and get freshen up.",Alya said her.

"Okay but what are you three doing in my room?",nandini asks staring at mukti, alya and navya.

"The three boys are planning something suspicious and we need to find out what. So we came here.",navya said and nandini nods.

"I am telling you they are planning for manik's bachelor party that's the reason they ignored us like that. We need to plan one for nandu too. Better than them.",mukti said annoyed.

"I think you are right. Cabir never hides anything but today he was ignoring me.",Navya said and mukti nods.

"Nandini what type of party do you want. We will plan the best party for you. Tell us.",Alya said her and nandini smiled.

"I am okay with anything you guys plan.",Nandini said holding her hair back making a bun out of it.

She goes to freshen up and the girls plan things for her party.

Nandini comes out dressed casually in a jeans and tshirt and goes downstairs to get some food.

She finds the worker decorating the hall and everyone busy with things.

"I thought today's function was going to be outside",she said to raj who was sitting on the sofa reading some papers.

"Yes it was supposed to be but then we felt it would be better inside. You guys will get to enjoy more.",Raj exclaimed.

"Thanks.",nandini said and he nods.

She looks around and finds everyone busy with moving stuffs around and attending the guests.

Raj goes with sameer to have tea with some uncles and she scrolls her feeds.

Manik sits beside her. She puts her phone down and smiles at him.

He offers his coffee and she takes it and have a sip.

Manik laughs at the gross face she makes after tasting it.

"It tastes the same, bitter!!.",she said frowning and gave him his cup back.

"Why did you think it would taste different?",manik asks sipping his coffee.

"When we get close to people than we pick on their habits and taste so I thought maybe I too would have started liking black coffee.",she said and he smiles.

"I don't think it would work on food. I am never gonna like your kind of coffee.",Manik said her.

"Same.",she replies and they look around.

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you boys are planning a bachelor party for me.",manik tells her turning in her direction a little.

"Don't let them know I told you, they wanted me to keep it a secret with you.",manik said slowly leaning a bit close.

"I won't tell them but I had a little idea about it. They are not as discreet as they think they are. Girls came into my room earlier and they had a doubt that you guys were planning the same.",Nandini tells him with a smile and manik nods surprised.

"So as I was saying, they are planning to go to this club, I forgot the name.",Manik said and stops trying to remember the name.

"Manik", Nandini called and he looks at her.

"You don't have to tell me every thing manik. Its your bachelor party, you must be with your best friends and have a good time chilling with them. You don't have to worry about me.",Nandini said him.

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