' We didn't expect this from u '

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Nandini thinks properly sitting there.

"Why should i say no for the marriage?",she questions herself.

"Because i want to work and become someone in my life, i have a dream to fulfill. I am not ready for the responsibility. I have many to do things in my list before getting married. I am scared of it and i don't want to leave my parents and bhai. These are the main reasons and about manik than he is annoying, he teases me always and gets angry at me and also calls me bull.",she answered herself and was satisfied with it.

"Why should i say yes for the marriage?",nandini thought.

"Because they will let me work after marriage and will support me and encourage me to become someone in my life. Manik will not leave the whole marriage responsibility on me and will help me equally. He said he will complete all my to do things in one month before marriage. I know the family well and i am not scared with them. My parents and bhai will be also close to me and about manik then i know him and he is very understanding and also respect my decision. He is the perfect friend.",nandini said slowly and realises the weight of yes is more than no.

All were sitting in the living room.

Cabir was walking to and fro tensed while manik was smiling seeing him tensed.

"Manik for the last time i am saying stop smiling and tell me how she reacted and was she fine. Did she cried a lot, i should have talked with her before our parents. I hope she is not angry. I told our parents that its her b'day today and i don't want to spoil her mood but they didn't hear me. Manik will you tell me?",cabir asked standing infront of him angry.

"Calm down cabir.",manik said him.

"I am not in a state to hear a calm down.",cabir said irritated.

"How nice it is to taste ur own medicine?",manik asked him smirking.

"I promise, next time u are angry or irritated then i won't smile or ask u to calm down. Will u tell me now?",cabir said calmly.

"Ask ur sister only?",manik said and signalled him to turn.

The elders too turn and see nandini.

Cabir walked upto her.

"Choti, are u okay?, U don't have to do this forcibly. I will talk to everyone and what did manik said u?, Did he scolded u or got angry at u again for ur behaviour. I know u didn't mean anything but if he scolded u than tell me.", cabir said cupping her cheeks.

"He said the same bhai what u said just now and i am so sorry for my behaviour.", nandini said holding her ears.

Cabir removed her hands and hugged her tightly.

"I am sorry choti for not supporting u but i had reasons.",cabir said guilty.

"I know manik told me everything.", nandini said looking up at him.

"Listen u don't have to agree just because of that reason.",cabir said breaking the hug.

"I am not stupid bhai", nandini said and walked near the elders.

Cabir walked near manik.

"I asked her not to agree for the reason and she says that she is not stupid, what does it mean?", cabir asked him.

Manik smiled hearing him.

"It means that u are a dumb.",manik said and went and sat on the sofa leaving a confused cabir.

Nandini kneels infront of the elders.

"I am really really sorry, i was angry and was not thinking straight. I just said nonsense. I know you didn't think such about me. Please forgive me all of u.", nandini said to all looking down holding her ears.

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