"Bonus Chapter"

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Nandini walks out of her room after waking up early and goes for a jog on the beach. There were few people around jogging too.

She rests after a while of running and looks at the sunrise.

Manik who was doing his usual morning routine finds her sitting on the beach.

"Hey you woke up early today.",manik said walking to her.

"Yeah. Sit with me.",she asked.

He sits beside her and they stared at the sunrise together.

"Its beautiful.", Nandini said and he nods.

"It's one of the reasons why I wake up early. You should start waking up too.", Manik advised and she nods.

"Will try my best . ",nandini tells him and he smiles.

"I will wake you up and we will go for jogging together.",Manik said her and she smiles widely.

"And then breakfast?",nandini asked him.

"Kaka will cook for us.",he replied and she nods.

"We will go to the office together and then come back home together, have dinner and sleep. Perfect.",Manik said her turning his head towards her.

"Its a perfect idea but we are gonna mess it up. I will have to go early on some days for some work or you would have an early meeting so no going together and you always have a late meeting so I will be coming back with the driver. You will probably have your dinner watching TV and after that you will start working on your laptop and me on my designs. So I don't think its possible.",nandini said giving him a reality check.

"Really? Don't be a spoilsport. Go with the flow with me.",manik said and she nods.

"Okay fine. We will go on a trip.",nandini said.

"Where do you wanna go?",manik asked her.

"Umm Maruitius is a good place. Its has beaches all over.",Nandini said him.

"But I love mountains. I have been living in Mumbai and watching beaches all my life.",manik said her.

"Umm we can go both the places. What say?",Nandini asked him and he nods excited.

They see a younger couple enjoying in the beach as they were far away from the private area and nandini smiles.

"What are you smiling at?",manik asks her.

"You know when I was 16. I always wondered how it felt having a boyfriend or a guy best friend with you. I was not so close with my school friends to have a best friend or something. When we used to go to some cafe or something. There were couples around enjoying their time and I always wished for it. In London I got Abhi as my best friend and it felt amazing getting to know how much special the bond feels. Later I met the two duo in the office and it felt like god sent them for me only. And then here I am today enjoying the best feeling and knowing how it feels having someone beside you. Someone whose hands you can hold in yours. You can lean on their shoulders. Someone who will listen to your silliest talks. Someone whose eyes will be always on you even when there is so much beauty around.",Nandini said staring at him holding his hand and he chuckles.

"Well In my defense I am looking at the most beautiful of them all.",Manik said and she smiles with a blush adoring her face.

"So Sangeet is today. Are you nervous?",she asks him changing the subject.

"I am. I just hope everything goes well.",manik said her.

"It will.",she replied.

"Can't we have a joint bachelor and bachelorette party?",manik asked her.

"No we can't. Spend time with the boys. Have a boys night and enjoy in the club.",nandini said him.

"Okay but you don't miss me much and don't drink a lot. It will be a long day tomorrow and you will get tired.",manik said her.

"You too.",she said and he gives her a smile.

"Bull?",manik said and she smiles at him.

"We will be fine na.",manik asked and she entwines their fingers together.

"Yes we will be, we just have to listen to each other and be with each other. Just like our parents, grandparents.", Nandini said and he nods.

"I am here and I will be here.",manik promised and she smiled.

"I still wonder why did you say yes to me. I mean I can't be so lucky that out of so many girls you could have, you went for me.",Nandini said and manik  holds her cheeks.

"Let's say that you got my attention from the moment we bumped. It never happened before with anyone and maybe that's why I said yes. You are different.",manik confessed and she gets excited.

"So you mean to say that even if you believed I was a stupid careless girl then which I doubt you think now too. You always had eyes on me.",Nandini teased him.

"You act like a stupid girl sometimes and yeah its true even when you were annoying and irritating you were always in my mind and my eyes were on you.",Manik said and she smiles and kissed his cheek surprising him.

"Lets go into the water.",he said and she nods in no.

"Yes. Come.",he said pulling her up.

She stood on one place and manik sighs and bents and picks her in his arms.

Nandini immediately holds his neck.

"Manik put me down. Are you crazy. Manik no water. Manik down.",nandini said scared.

"No.",he replied and started walking towards the water.

He went waist dip and she clutched to him tightly.

"I am putting you down.",manik said her and she looks at him shocked.

"You dare put me down. I will kill you.", She said holding him tighter.

"Bull",he said staring at her.

"Fine but slowly. Is the water cold?",She asked him and he smirks and leaves her feeling her hold loose on him.

"Know it yourself",he said chuckling as she slaps his chest holding him close as she comes out of the water.

She splash water on him and he laughs as he tries to stop her.

"Accha okay fine. Now lets go.",manik said her.

And both walked out of the water. He picks the hand towel she brought with her and wipes her face and neck With it.

He dries her hair a little too.

"Okay now lets go back. Its getting late.",she said him before walking towards the house.

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