'You are so dead.'

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Karan gets up from the floor groaning as his head aches. He eyes Arjun sleeping beside him with his legs on his.

He pushes his legs off him and looks around.

Arjun shifts and opens his eyes holding his head.

Abhi was sleeping on the sofa and manik and cabir on the floor with the cushions close to them.

"You guys are up.",dhruv said walking out from the kitchen.

"Hmm",karan said distracted.

"My head pains.",Arjun murmurs laying his head on karan shoulder.

karan shrugs him off, frowning at him.

Arjun murmur curses at him.

"You two shut up, i am trying to sleep here.",Cabir said a little far away from them, his face inside the pillow.

"Don't shout in my ears.",manik said slapping his head at the back, his eyes closed.

"Why are you all dressed up so early?",arjun asked looking at dhruv.

"Its a week day and i have an important meeting to attend.",dhruv said and all the sleep flew out of arjun and karan eyes.

They looked at each other terrified. Arjun checks his phone.

"Shitt we have office to be in office in an hour.",Karan shouts.

Arjun holds his head.

"Say slowly.",arjun warns him.

"What's wrong?",cabir asked irritated.

"Its because of you.",karan said him annoyed.

"I said we shouldn't not drink, we have office but you said its fine and now we are late and this hangover.",Arjun blames him.

"Manik is still here, so chill.",cabir said them.

"I am the boss, i can take an off, but you two can't.",manik said opening his eyes and smirked.

"Manik please.",karan requests.

"Nope, i remember how you were gossiping about me and teasing me. Its your punishment, but as i invited you here for the party, i will allow you to be late today for the office.",manik said and they nodded glad.

"There's coffee in the kettle if you need it. I will see you guys later on. Have a good day.",dhruv said them smiling and walks out.

"Why is he so happy? I feel like shit.",karan said and others nod in agreement.

Karan and arjun went to get ready. Cabir was asleep again, manik tries to sleep but gets disturb when he finds someone's phone ringing.

He hears someone groan and finds abhi picking up the phone.

"Hello",abhi whispers.

"Where the hell are you?",mukti shouts from the other side.

"Geez woman calm down, i can hear you just fine, don't shout my head hurts anyway.",abhi whispers pulling his phone a little away.

"You were supposed to be here, i have been waiting for you from last half an hour. I drove fast to reach on time only to find you missing. It was you who planned it to have breakfast and then meet the clients for the meeting.",mukti said him disappointed.

"Uhh i forgot, it slipped from my mind.",abhi said feeling guilty.

"Abhi if you wanted to cancel then you could have messaged me, i know you planned it a week before and now things are different, i would have understood it. You didn't have to do this, i have been sitting here like a fool hungry and sleep deprived for so long.",mukti said and before abhi could answer she cut the call.

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