'Ill-Mannered girl'

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Malhotra's mansion

A man in his early 50's was sitting in the sofa reading a newspaper.

A lady was sitting beside him ,cutting fruits.

"Nyonika did he come home", ask the man shifting the paper a bit to look her.

"Yes he came early morning 3, so I didn't woke him up. He would come down on his own than u can meet him.", said nyonika.

The man nodded.

"Raj I was thinking about his marriage.", nyonika said suddenly.

"I was also thinking the same, we will ask to him indirectly if he likes any girl, if no than we can search brides for him.", raj suggested.

Nyonika agreed.

" Good morning mom and dad", came a sleepy voice from back.

"Gud morning manik.", both said together.

Manik came and sat near nyonika and kept his head on her lap and slept.

"Tired?", asks nyonika.

"Hmmm...",he hummed with close eyes.

"Manik again how many times u have to do up downs from delhi to mumbai. If I remember well its the 3rd time in 20 days u went delhi.", raj asked in concern.

"It was the last time dad, the project was really important for the company so I was personally handling it and also new employees are to be joined from next week and many projects are lined up so I had to finish this one soon.", said manik looking at his father.

"Take care of yourself manik, dont overstress yourself okay.",said nyonika caressing his hair.

"Yes mom.", said manik kissing her palm.

"Manik, media asked u question last time and u left it unanswered like always, answer it and finish the matter.", said raj.

"Dad if I answer than they will keep bugging me more and also they have no right to know about my personal things.", said manik little irritated thinking about media.

"But beta is it true do u love someone?", asked nyonika.

"No mom I dont.", said manik plainly.

"Manik what type of girl u like.", asks raj this time.

"What do u mean dad?", asks manik immediately.

"I m asking generally what type of girl u like.", said raj clearing his doubts.

"Is it necessary to answer.", asks manik with a hope.

"Yes", both said together.

"She should be urs choice.All my loved ones should like her. she should treat them as her own family and respect them. She should be calm, quiet, educated ,well mannered, independent girl and have her own identity. She should have the will power to go against anything if its wrong. She should respect traditional things. She should be beautiful, its ok if she is not by outside but should be from her heart. She should always be ready to help people and ya she should talk less ,If u get a girl like her then I m ready to marry at any time you say.", said manik thinking .

"Manik if we get a girl like u said than u will marry and get settled na.", asked nyonika again to confirm.

"I dont think such girl exist in todays world so u both stop bothering me indirectly asking questions and thinking about my marriage and mom I will surely get marry if I get a girl like her. ", said manik looking at both.

"A girl would be definitely there in this world who is made for u. U will surely find her one day and then u will have to marry", said raj.

"We will see dad but till than dont tell me to get marry.", said manik and picked up a piece of apple and ate it.

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