Chasing Dreams (A Harry Potte...

By blueskies-fireflies

113K 5.1K 567

Harry walked slowly from the room, hidden beneath his invisibility cloak. He could see the snow on the window... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Flashbacks
Chapter 3: Snivellus
Chapter 5: Slytherins
Chapter 6: I reckon they do
Chapter 7: A great idea
The Fight
Rob Dawson
Just a small argument
Authors Note
Author's Note
Trouble in Paradise
Helena Renai
Night time snowfall
The Letter
Chocolate Frogs and the Map
The Frozen Lake
The Hospital Wing on Christmas Eve
A Job?
Christmas Morning
Kayn and Snape
The Sorting
The New Years Eve Party
A Terrible Idea
Single Tryouts
The Patronus Charm
The Art of Ice and Magic
Valentines Day
Another date?
The Match
Curses in the Corridor
Second Time In A Year
The First Warning
Hogsmeade with Jared
April the 22nd
OWL's Approach
OWL Exams
The Last of the Exams
The End of an Era
Train Rides and Tears
Authors Note
Summer and All its Lies
Goodbyes and Greetings
What Happened To You?
Playing With Fire
Sixth Year Begins
An Encounter on the Pitch
The First Prank
The Party
Drinking and Dancing
A Bit of A Clichè
Entirely Hungover
The First Envelope
Taking Care of Things
Secrets, Slughorn and the Second Warning
The Astronomy Tower
Madam Rosmerta
Awkward and Shy
An Admittance of Feelings
I'm Not A Soldier
In the Forest?!
As High as the Clouds
Working Things Through
I Don't Need
Really, I am
First and Last Time
What Doesn't Exist
Any Takers?
Not an Update
Not an Update 2
What is this?
Author's Note

Chapter 4: Temporary

3.2K 125 2
By blueskies-fireflies

"Walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."
- Audrey Hepburn

The feast and the sorting went as it normally did, with the four Marauders cheering the loudest for any new Gryffindor's. "So anyway, got any start of the year tricks up you're sleeve?" Skye grinned mischievously at them. "Maybe.." Remus said quietly. "Yes." James and Sirius said in unison, James attacking a chicken leg. "Something to do with the Slytherin's?" Skye asked them, and Peter nodded eagerly. "I was thinking about dying their hair purple." James said thoughtfully. "Yeah.. Or red and gold." Skye said, and James' eyes widened. "Yes!" "Even McGonagal would laugh at that. The Slytherin-Gryffindor rivalry has been going on for years, and she'd get a great laugh out of it." Sirius smirked, glancing toward the teachers table. "So! That's that sorted. Anything else?" "Yeah, we were going to set off instant darkness powder during charms and a few other classes." Remus said, and Skye looked at him, shocked. "Remus! I'm shocked! You're supposed to be the good one!" "Yeah, well. They're doing it, it was my idea. I have no real part in it." He said, hiding a grin behind his book as he turned slightly red. "Okay! I'm proud Remus." Skye laughed happily as desert appeared. "So, when exactly are you dying the hair red and gold?" She asked, looking up. "Right about.. Now." James said, shooting glance at the green and silver table. The Slytherin's hair slowly began to darken, a deep red and gold seeping into it and making each and every one of them look absolutely ridiculous. Skye laughed loudly, her loud laughing matched only by Sirius, who spat out his pumpkin juice everywhere. James clapped him on the back and wolf whistles loudly, causing the hall to erupt in high pitched laughter at the Slytherin's. "Remus! Sirius!" Skye called over the laughing and cheering. "Look!" She said, nodding towards McGonagal. The usually strict teacher was laughing quietly, her slim hands nearly folded over each other. "Smiling suits her." Sirius grinned, returning to his food as the laughing and pointing died down. The five friends are in silence for a minute, before a tall, dark haired girl came up to Sirius and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Hello, Sirius." "Hello, darling." Sirius grinned, his eyes scanning over her body. Skye rolled her eyes, smirking at how easily Sirius was distracted by girls. "A galleon says he'll snog her tonight." Remus whispered to the group. "You're on! Not till tomorrow." Skye whispered back, looking at Sirius and the laughing girl. She was pretty, Skye had to admit. She had dark eyes and a dark brown colour rippled through her blondish hair. "Tall, slim, bimbo. Sirius' type of girl." James whispered back. "So." The girl was saying, seemingly enjoying the attention that Sirius, James and Peter were giving her. Remus and Skye shared a look and rolled their eyes. "I know it was you that changed their hair." She said, twirling hair around her finger. "Yeah.. So?" Sirius asked, smirking. "Well, it was hilarious." Se smiled, placing her manicured hand on his shoulder. "I suppose I'll see you around.." She said, turning to walk away. "Yeah, I'll see you around!" Sirius called after her. "Will you though? Really?" Skye asked, eyebrows raised above her blue eyes. "Nah, probably not." Sirius laughed, his mouth full of food. Skye shook her head at Sirius and his immaturity. "Hey! You're no better! How long did you're last relationship last?" James asked her. Skye looked down sheepishly. "Two and a half weeks. But he was an idiot." She said defensively. "Exactly! There you go."
As they left the Great Hall that night, Sirius found himself staring at Skye's hair, and her retreating back, as she talked quickly with Lily. He found himself thinking about her, the wind in her hair as she laughed. And made him laugh... Sirius shook the thought from his head and continued walking, slightly dazed. Skye was pretty, sure. She always has been, but not in the same way as Sirius would generally go for. Any thoughts he had of her were clearly only temporary.

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