Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::

By vixxchuu

67.8K 1.8K 388

-Completed- . . . . Been abandoned for five years, Leo is so depressed and lonely enough to move on.. Y... More

Chapter 1- Flashback
Chapter 2- War
Chapter 3- Goodbye
Chapter 4- My Son? That kid??!!
Chapter 5- Oh my son part 1
Chapter 6- Oh my son part 2
Chapter 7- Sassy girl is back
Chapter 8- Cold War
Chapter 8.2 (Missing Part)
Chapter 9- My sassy naughty lovely girl
Chapter 10- Family trip??
Chapter 11- A little negotiator
Chapter 11.2 (Missing Part, Must Read)
Chapter 12- Special Moment
Writer's Note: Greeting and Q&A
Chapter 14- Third Person
Chapter 15- Rival
Chapter 16- Unexpected Hero
Chapter 17- Change
Chapter 18- Warm-up
Chapter 19- A man in love
Chapter 20- Bad luck!
Chapter 21- Noona's attack
Chapter 22- Wedding plan
Chapter 23- What!?? That jerk is your....
Chapter 24- Edited by CynthiaHugo
Writer's Note 2
Chapter 25 - Mr. spoiled kid part 1 -Edited by CynthiaHugo
Chapter 26 - Mr. spoiled kid part 2
Chapter 27- When a spoiled kid and a crying baby meet up (Round 2)
Chapter 28- Mr. Crying baby part 1
Chapter 29- What she wants..
Chapter 30- Mr. Crying Baby part 2
Chapter 31- Mr. Spoiled kid part 3
Chapter 32- No more meddler
Chapter 33- When a spoiled kid and crying baby meet up ( Round 3)
Chapter 34- Someone call me a doctor!
Chapter 35- Or kick these two away..
Chapter 36- What's family?
Chapter 37- Roommate?
Chapter 38- The earthquake takes place in here?
Chapter 39- Let's take a break!
Chapter 40- Amusement park
Chapter 41- Time is over..
Book Two
Chapter 42- Sigh
Chapter 43- Wedding dress
Chapter 44- Our moment
Chapter 45- Our moment part 2
Chapter 46- Leo's nightmare
Chapter 47- Lee Joon
Chapter 48- For the love of a son
Chapter 49- Mama, I'm afraid
Chapter 50- The moment
Chapter 51- Your girlfriend?
Chapter 52- No matter what happens, please always stay by mama side..
Chapter 53- You and I
Chapter 54- Leo's gang (Ft. Hong Bin)
Chapter 55- Leo's gang (Ft. N)
Chapter 56- Save me
Chapter 57- It hurts, my heart
Chapter 58- Going crazy
Chapter 59- Don't cry my bae
Chapter 60- Feverish kitty
Chapter 61- Bad boy, good boy
Chapter 62- I'm gonna be a bad boy
Chapter 63- New Friend
Chapter 64- Leave him alone
Chapter 65- Leo's gang(ft. Ken)
Chapter 66- Thanks and Sorry
Chapter 67- See you next time
Chapter 68- Don't tell her/him. It's a secret.
Chapter 69- You're mine only
Chapter 69.2
Chapter 70- Finally
Chapter 71- Plan A
Chapter 72- Who is his daddy? (VIXX's special)
Chapter 73- Friend in need, friend indeed (?)
Chapter 74- We are Vixx, no 007
Chapter 75- VIXX 007 Part 1
Chapter 76- VIXX 007 Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 1
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 3
Mr. Papa Season Two?
Mr. Papa Season two: Don't forget

Chapter 13- Accident

1.1K 29 3
By vixxchuu

Chapter 13- Accident

' Elli..' A tall figure tabbed a small girl's shoulder who was sulky until now.

'.....' She ignored him and gazed at the sea instead since they were now on the boat.

' Babe ah, don't be like this' He got closer but Ellena glared at him and moved to other side. Leo sighed, somewhat he noticed a group of kids playing at the corner. He glanced at Ellena before headed to one of the boys.

' Haru!' Leo called out a little boy in white t-shirt but he just ignored his daddy since he was into the game.

' Haru, come here!' Leo tried again and this time the boy chinned up.

' Ani, Haru's busy building the castle, Papa! Go hang around with Mama instead!' Haru who didn't know the two fought again shook his head continually which gave a frown on Leo's face. He even shoved his dad away and closed the gate. Leo who was pushed to the corner stared at the dearest son of him angrily.

This little brat! Wasn't he the one who kept asking for a sister and nagging everyday? And now he treated him with this so-called reward? It didn't balance with his hard work at all for Ellena got mad at him seriously currently.

Leo exhaled disappointedly then dragged himself to the restroom when the scratches on his chest and back got irritated.

' Next time will tie her hands!' He murmured at the fingernails scattered on his  chest and back.

' Excuse me!' Leo bent down when a tiny hand clutched his trousers tightly. He was grabbing something to eat for Ellena and him at the buffet table.

' Yes?' He smiled at the sweet face of a little girl in a beautiful red dress. At the same time, thinking of little Hana.
She would be lovely as this kid!!

' Ahjusshi(Uncle) see Haru?' The pinky cheeks became red as well as her tiny ears which got Leo's attention but the interesting thing was the Barbie in her left hand.
As he remembered, it was Haru's gift for yu emm..whatever.. It was for one of his girlfriendS! -0-

That brat was too much! Didn't remember teaching him how to date a girl!

' Haru?' Leo gazed at her and came up with a new plan.

' He gets tired and sleeps already!' A little girl pouted disappointedly and was about to bow him goodbye.

' Anyway, Have you eaten yet?' Leo looked at that tiny face and got the point.

' Come and eat with us then! Auntie will be glad!'

Of course, that was one of the plans! At least Ellena would not chase him away if there was kid around!

' Mother-in-law?' A little girl jumped happily, imagined of a beautiful and kind woman talkied to her yesterday!

' Hmmm..' Leo didn't hear the murmur as he was having another dish for her.

' Anyway, what's your name?' He helped her reached the dishes.

' I am yuhee ^^'

' Orr..Do you want spaghetti, little yuhee?' Leo showed her a foreign noodle which hit yuhee's heart immediately. She quickly nodded her head since it was her favorite.

Later on, these two picked up and tried different dishes happily. Together grabbed many food back.

'Elli ah' Leo got nearer and tapped a woman in mini dress lightly, still she didn't budge.

' You're hungry right? Eat this' Ellena who got irritated with his touch turned back and screamed..

' Go awa--' Her harsh tone was lowered when a little face smiling innocently ahead. Blinking her eyes surprisingly, Ellena finally could find her words.

' Yuhee? What brings you here, sweetie?' She smiled and patted yuhee's head which gave Leo a chance to sit near her.

' You know her?'

' Emm..' Ellena who didn't want to talk to him just nodded her head.

' Yuhee was finding Haru and met ahjusshi so he asked yuhee to eat with mama' A little girl climbed on Eellena's lap as she waved her to get close.

' What did you call this auntie?' Leo who caught the last word quickly asked little girl in his girlfriend-and-wife-at-the-same-time's arm.

' Mama..' Yuhee smiled at him innocently.

' How come?' Leo who didn't stay with them yesterday raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

' Or..' Could it be.. she was Ellena's daughter with other man? Thinking of this, Leo's face became red and his fist tightened.

' Yah, stop thinking something incredible!!' Spotting the fire in his eyes, she could say he was thinking till Venus and Jupiter again!

' She's my daughter-in-law!' Ellena emphasized the word also hugged yuhee tightly.

' What!?' Leo choked and placed the apple juice back on the table.

' Are you okay, ahjusshi?' Yuhee quickly gave him tissues, her tiny hands tapped Leo's backr softly.

Even strangers still worried him!! Look at his lovely dovey wife!! Just sat still, not even gazed at him!!

' Yuhee, she is your mother-in-law, right ?' Leo decided to talk with little yuhee instead of that meanie girl in front of him.

' Yess ^-^'

Seeing that bright smile, the conversation between Haru and him weeks ago suddenly played in his head. The scene when Haru counted his fingers as he asked him to total his girlfriends..

== This brat!! He himself didn't own this Casanova characteristic and where did Haru get it from ? Leo shook his head! Okay, he would not tell anything..

Let it be karmic! Who did, got it..

' I'm also Haru's parent!'

' Ah..' Leo looked at yuhee's blushing face before whispered Ellena the name she wanna chopped his mouth. Ellena glared when Leo uttered the name ' Hana' again and lifted up the fork which threw Leo back to a normal condition.

' So call me-'

' Ahjusshi' Ellena cut off and pushed Leo away when yuhee was busied reaching an orange juice.

' Call him ahjusshi as before' Ellena reminded yuhee then dragged her to another table.

Leo watched that action enviously. When it was him, she just chased away like a dog and cat.

' Unfair!' Ellena ignored a big figure mumbling depressingly and fed yuhee a fried rice.

One way or another, she really wanted to have a daughter, especially if it was lovely as yuhee.

' See! You also love to have a daughter and why are you getting mad with that too?'

' ==++'

He still dared to talk! Causing her many bruises and wounds, not even apologized for the force!

' Mama, what's the matter?' Yuhee chinned up from the spaghetti as she saw the handsome uncle's sad face. Since yesterday, Ellena asked yuhee to address her like Haru, though yuhee felt shy at first but this auntie's warm heart cursed yuhee for refusing her request. Thus, she called Ellena ' Mama' too. Somewhat, it felt soo good hihihi!

' Nothing, try this, sweetie'

Damn! He thought Ellena would stop angry him but looked now! She abandoned him even more!

' Papa, I'm hungry!' Out of nowhere, haru popped out and jumped on Leo who sat at the corner.


' What's the matter, Papa?' Leo twisted his head at the right side.

' Huhh, noona!!~' Leo who was sick of his son's overwhelmingness instantly refrained Haru from running to that table. If haru went there one more, of course Elli would just treat him like an atmosphere.

' Help papa!'

' Huh?'

' Do whatever to separate your girlfriend from my girlfriend!'

Leo whispered him a plan then pushed Haru to Yuhee's side. Yuhee who was being called by Haru to play with immediately climbed down Ellena's lap and ran toward him.

' Why don't you do like that too.. Just a click and everything likes wow!'

Leo murmured at a little girl who listened to Haru like a kitten also followed wherever he went. Ellena who heard that sentence pinched Leo's arm with a death glare.

Hissss.. Forgot that the girl beside him was a nasty cat! His chest and back were evidences!

Hoping her took care and fed him food ?? Only in a dream!!

Who let him was insanely into her like this..

Perhaps, it was his karma..

Leo got bored with Ellena's silence, glanced around and tried to find something more exciting.

' Hey, let's go watch the sea life!'

' It sounds cool! Let's wear the suit then!!' The old men's conversation attracted Leo, especially it was about swimming! He got up and headed to some staff standing there.

' Excuse me, Can I try this too?' Leo watched Ellena bending down to catch the colorful fishes as he was waiting for the scuba tank.

' Thank you' He immediately wore the tank when someone handed it ahead him.


Not hearing the buzz noise, Ellena scanned around when a tall figure of someone was out of her sight. She smiled softly for at last she could relax in peace.

Everything was perfect, not until she turned back to catch the small beautiful sea creatures; instantly a huge black thing rose up from the water.

' Ahhhhhhhh!!!' Ellena screamed out loud when that monster clutched her hand and pulled her to get closer.

She opened her eyes slowly as a familiar chortle repeated in her ear.

' LEO!!' Ellena barked the person swam in a free style. Although he wore a diving mask, she could tell it was him!!

The guy in swim suit waving his hand at Ellena then headed down in water.

' Where's he?' Ellena bent over the salt water as minutes passed and Leo still did not appear. Just then something soft and cold touched her lip..


' Jung LEO!!!!!' Ellena quickly wiped off her mouth and was about to squeeze someone's neck. Unexpectedly, a beautiful sea stone was placed before her.
Ellena blinked her eyes over its gorgeousness and took it from that big palm right away.

Leo pointed out his forefinger for getting her another one and this time he got four tiny red starfishes. Ellena smiled with their cuteness, no this guy cuteness.. -///-

Ellena watched him diving and bringing many sea stuff up land, including sea shells and couple of amazing pearls.

' Oppa, it's enough! Climb up now!' Ellena quickly refrained Leo as the weather didn't look nice now, especially there were many big waves. But he didn't hear her warning and went down again.

Ellena got up when there was no sign of Leo popped up every five minutes like before.

' Chizz, wanna trick me again!' She sat back, thought of Leo's surprising kiss and his weird action earlier.

10 minutes passed...

' Leo! Stop playing!! Get up now!! It's going to rain!!' Ellena yelled at the water as she waited and waited. Still, Leo didn't rise up from the salt water. She became frightened when the sunny sky at the moment turned to a black cloudy with some lightening.

' Dear, all passengers please find your safe place. We gonna continue our journey!' Ellena jumped with the sudden announcement but not as scary as the no news of Leo!

' Mister.. Mister!! Please don't leave yet!! Someone is still in the water!!' Ellena ran to grab a sailor's wrist who was going to climb up the stairs.

' Pardon me???'

' Please help!! My husband hasn't yet got out from the sea!!'

Ellena swallowed her pride and whined scarily when the image of Leo sank in the deep water playing in her head.

NOO!! Please god! Let it just be her imagination not a real one please!! She prayed shiveringly, her eyes got wet and red as the boat was slowly off.

' Captain, please wait! There's a scuba diver in the sea!!'

Later on, the whole big boat became chaotic with the lost of one daddy. The search and rescue team started working, somewhat it was a bit hard since the sky was raining now.

' LEOOO!!' Ellena clutched the handrail and shouted out his name crazily. Her tears kept rolling down when the wave was twisting  insanely strongly till the boat became shaky.

The life raft kept searching but there was no clue or a body came out of the water.

Ellena wore the life jacket and decided to jump in the sea but someone grabbed her hand.

' Madame, it's dangerous! Please stay still!'

It was Haru's teacher who just got the news and immediately rushed to a beautiful lady bending down the water. Her head was about to reach the salt water.

' I can't!! Le-Leo is there!' Ellena couldn't control herself now, she sobbed inconsolably and urged to seek Leo herself.

' Mama!!' Seeing everyone shouted and looked over the water, Haru instantly ran to his parents; yet he saw only his mom.

' Where's Papa?' Ellena gasped then cuddled Haru in her chest before cried her lung out. Haru was confused with her sudden whine, somehow he patted her back gently.

' Teacher, what happens?' He tilted to the side person who looked more calm but her face still had a frightened look.

' Your dad-'

' Leo is in the sea!!' Ellena cut off then stood up again.

' Madame, don't do like this! You'll drown!' The teacher quickly dragged Ellena away as she tried to jump in without the life jacket also in this bad weather.

At the same time, the rescuer got up with something in his hand. As soon as Ellena saw it her legs kissed the floor.

' We found a diving mask!' The sailor announced while Ellena already lost her breathe..

' MAMA!!!'

' Madame!!'

Her world became blurry and blank then she heard no more voice.


' Elli' A soft husky voice from somewhere far far away echoed in Ellena's ears. She moved and opened her eyes slowly.

In front of her was a big white sky and some seagulls were flying over.

' Elli..' Again, a familiar voice of someone kept calling her name which woke Ellena up thoroughly.

' Oppa!!' She sat up and quickly crawled to the corridor when a huge body rose up from the sea.

' Here' He smiled and gave her another pearl with a lace around. Ellena looked back and forth that tiny thing until Leo wore it on her ring finger but the lace was cut and the pearl fell back into the water.

' Wait here, oppa will get you another good one' He plunged in the water as soon as finished the speech which broke Ellena's heart in pieces.

' Oppa, come back!!!' Ellena yelled out loud but what she got was a sound of wind and wave.

Around her was quiet and the darkness occurred..

No one was here..but her..

Ellena wrapped herself scarily when the cold came..

' Oppa, I'm scare!!' She again cried her eyes out..


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