The next Ladybug {Chat Noir X...

By Xchatnoir

1.9M 57K 95.7K

"So.. Partners?" "Partners." You and your father, a business man, have recently moved to Paris, France, after... More

[prologue] Goodbye, Marinette
[1] New bug in town
[2] New school, new miraculous
[3] Panic! At the highschool
[4] Lord ember
[5] An invitation
Good news!
[6] A birthday you can't party out
[7] Hotel Adrien
[8] Valentines
[9] Agreste "fan"
[10] Theater
[11] Pets and practice
[12] chat noir to the rescue!
[13] Volpina
[14] Red Devil
[15] Peindrette
[16] Business partner
[17] Sakura Idol
[18] Superhero Interview
[19] Ribbon dancer
[20] Master Fu
[21] Frostbite
[22] The Unicorn
[23] peacock miraculous
[24] Luka Luka night fever
[25] Hero meetup
[26] Masquerade
[27] Bloodsucker
[28] Do you love me?
[29] Gemstone
[30] stargazing
[31] fire and lava
[32] Serval Gris
[33] The fox of thieves
[34] The reveal
[35] floating feelings
[36] Game start!
[37] Confession
[38] I do love you
[39] almost free
[40] Last plan
[41] Hawkmoth
[42] new reality
[43] reverse
[44] I know you
[45] Cat ring
[46] Ladybug earrings
[47] Bee comb
[48] Fox necklace
[49] turtle bracelet
[50] reunited
[51] Trust and bonds
[52] True evil
[53] Teamwork
[54] Foolproof
[55] Let him go
[56] The true final battle
[57] A plan succeeded
[58] Universe restored
[Epilogue] Something that stays
A final thank you

[200k special] Your love is so divine

13.2K 353 921
By Xchatnoir

"Did you make this ornament yourself, Alya?" You asked, hanging the ornament you had picked up on Alya's tree.

Alya nodded, smiling brightly back at you. "Yep! When I was younger, I used to make a bunch of them. I guess my parents kept them through-out the years, " Alya responded. It was interesting to you whenever Alya talked about your family. Hearing about her siblings and such was entertaining to you for whatever reason, so you always appreciated her talking about them with you.

You nodded, responding with an "mhm!" "Do your little sisters make any ornaments?" You asked, interested to hear more.

"Nah, they're more focused on eating cookies and trying to open their presents early then making ornaments, " Alya responded, laughing. You laughed along with her, her laughter was contagious. The more you thought about it, the more you realized how grateful you were to have Alya as a best friend. Alya had invited you, Nino, and Adrien over to help decorate for Christmas.

Per usual, you were the first one to arrive at Alya's house. Adrien was late because he's... Adrien and Nino was late because he's... Nino. Despite that, you were still looking forward to both of them to come over, especially Adrien. Even though it wasn't Christmas just yet, it was going to be your first Christmas with Adrien. You weren't trying to be cliche, but the thought of opening up presents with Adrien made your heart feel warm and fuzzy. But, that also hit you with the realization you still hadn't gotten Adrien a present. "Shit...!" You mumbled to yourself, forgetting Alya was there for a moment.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)? Did you accidentally prick yourself with one of the hooks? I've done that before, I know it hurts, " Alya said.

You shook your head, denying her question. "Nah, was just thinking, " you said. "About what?" Alya asked. As much as you enjoyed hanging out with Alya, sometimes you partially wished questions like that were never asked. "Oh just- Christmas shopping, " you said, which wasn't a complete lie. "Oh, you're telling me!" Alya said, laughing. "I've been having to help my mom shop for ALL of my sisters. And, let me tell you it is not as easy as it sounds!" Alya said. You weren't going to doubt her struggles, because you had a feeling "not easy" was an understatement.

As you were gathering your thoughts to respond, they were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Oh!" You said, turning your head as Alya ran over to open the door. You turned your head to look directly at the door while Alya swung it open, a familiar face at the other end of the door.

"Sup Dudette-" He said, peeking over Alya's shoulder. "I mean, Dudettes!" He corrected himself, walking inside. "This place is looking radical, broskis!" He said, his attitude never failing to be somewhat comical to you. "Do you like, know when my main man is gonna show up?" He questioned, clearly clueless as to what was happening. Unfortunately, you and Alya weren't really all in the know about the answers either.

"You mean Adrien? I honestly have no clue when he'll be here... But I haven't heard anything about cancelation, " Alya responded, heading back over to the Christmas tree to hang up some lights. The sound of Adrien's name made you perk up, earning nothing but a smirk from Alya. "Ooh-"

"Shut the fuck up, " you quickly interrupted, probably accidentally sounding a bit harsher then you intended. You immediately regret those words, shaking your head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" you looked for the words to say, but Alya already understood.

"You're good, girl! It happens!" She responded, not seeming to be bothered in the slightest. You felt a wave of relief rush over you even though the whole thing was nothing, to begin with, and frankly, Alya never cared in the first place.

You were beyond grateful to hear a knock at the door a few minutes later, knowing who it most likely was. You were quick to jump up to your feet, almost as if your legs had moved by themselves. You raised your hand as if you had been called on, yelling "I'll get it!" As you jolted towards the door. You pressed your eye against the peephole, hoping it was Adrien. And sure enough, as if you had just used lucky charm, it was in fact, Adrien.

You swung the door open faster than a racecar. You could already feel your chest pounding, you couldn't help but grin when seeing his face. You were so delighted to see him, you nearly forgot to say any form of greeting. "Adrien! Um- Hello!" You said, a cheery tone. You supposed your attitude put him in a good mood because a smirk rose to his face quite quickly.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" He replied, his tone sounding cheery. Despite how you had literally seen him yesterday, every time you see him it feels like it's been ages. He stepped inside, only to be greeted by Nino and Alya in their usual mannerisms. Adrien was quick to help out with decorating, grabbing ornaments from the boxes to put on the tree and such.

"We should totally watch a Christmas movie after this!" Alya suggested, clapping her hands together. She seemed genuinely very enthusiastic about this idea, despite not so much excitement being shared to the rest of you.

"Like, Alya, Babe. As much as I love you, that was a terrible suggested, " Nino said, no hesitation in his words. Judging by his expression, he did appear to feel a little bad about what he said. But, it was the sacrifice he had to make to get out of poorly made Christmas movies.

Alya frowned, crossing her arms. She was not satisfied with Nino's answer in the slightest. "Well, the other two still haven't decided!" Alya said, a smirk quickly rising to her face. She was extremely dedicated to this Christmas movie idea.

You and Adrien both exchanged "oh no" expressions, neither of you knowing what to say. You loved Alya, and you wanted her to be happy. But you were NOT about to spend two hours watching some sappy Christmas miracle film with a happy ending and painful logic behind it. Adrien seemed to be on the same boat as you, but you nor him new what to say to Alya without letting her down.

"Uh, as much as I would absolutely LOVE to watch a Christmas movie with you... I already promised (Y/N) we could go get ice-cream after this! You know... Limited edition flavors and all that jazz!" Adrien said, looking more nervous than before. You were grateful he was able to come up with believable excuses on the spot like that, or else you both would have been done for.

"Right, Bro! Ice-cream! I just remembered I needed to get some too!" Nino blurted out, seeming to not acknowledge how foolish his excuse was. Alya scowled, she wasn't buying it at all.

"Nuh-uh! I am NOT falling for that! If you're going to make something up to get out of watching a Christmas movie, at least make it believable!" Alya loudly stated, tugging on Nino's arm. Nino let out a sigh, his emotional capacity to argue seemed low. "How about... a romance movie?" Alya suggested, trying to get him to cooperate more.

"Uh... No thanks, Dudette, " Nino said. Despite his words, his expression seemed more satisfied with that option than the Christmas movie option. Unfortunately for you, a romance movie sounded ten times worse than a Christmas movie. Therefore, you were even more grateful for Adrien's clever excuses than you were two minutes prior.

Alya pressed her lips up to Nino's hear and then covered both sides of her mouth with her hand. "I know about your secret soft spot for romance movies, " she whispered. You couldn't quite catch what she told Nino, but the same couldn't be said for Adrien.

Adrien sighed, shaking his head. "I'm not sure if my cat-like hearing is a blessing or a curse, " he mumbled. You looked up at him, giggling at his words. The situation was somehow comical to you despite the awkward tension. Nobody was really fighting in the first place, it was more so a disagreement. Besides, Adrien got you both a ticket out of torture. "What? Quit laughing... You look so cute I'll probably start laughing too, " Adrien said.

You couldn't help but blush at his words, he knew just what to say to make you happy without even trying. Alya and Nino most likely missed his words, because they were still having a mini disagreement over on the other end of the room.

"I really don't wanna hear it from the boy who dresses up as one of the cutest animals in the world and then continues to make adorable puns and even more adorable facial expressions!" You said, coming off in a positive-aggressive type of tone. You weren't actually angry in the slightest, he was just cute and you wanted him to acknowledge that he, was in fact cute.

Adrien's facial expression went from a smirk to a surprised expression, a blush rising to his cheeks. He was further proving your point, but you didn't want to fluster him too much.

"I win, " you whispered, walking up to him and booping his nose.

Adrien didn't respond, he was at a dead end for smooth comebacks and would rather remain silent. His silence was further confirming your win, and you took it as a fact that you won your little "argument" even though it really wasn't much of one.

Shortly after those events, the four of you finished decorating Alya's tree. You actually admired how it looked and admitted you all did a good job. The tree was large, and it had ever color of ornament imaginable. Sure, you didn't make the ornaments BUT you could still admire how you all managed to decorate such a large tree in a short amount of time.

Alya clapped her hands together, getting you, Adrien, and Nino to turn her way.

"Alright! It looks like the tree is all finished! I wanted to thank you all again for taking the time to help me... It means a ton! Now, it's time for a movie!" she said, turning to face you and Adrien. "Are you positive you don't wanna stay and watch?"

Your head was violently telling you no, but you didn't want to word it harshly. She was your friend, and you cared about her enough to let her down nicely.

"I would stay... but, I've been looking forward to getting ice cream from this place all week! And... today is the last day they serve the flavor I want!" You lied, feeling a bit guilty for not being honest.

Fortunately, you had Adrien to back you up and make your lie sound a bit more believable. Even though he did come up with the lie in the first place.

"Yeah! (Y/N) has been talking about this all week like she said! I wouldn't wanna break my promise to her! Maybe we can go see a movie sometime next week?" Adrien suggested, hoping that would win her over and you both could escape.

Alya frowned, nodding. "I understand... Ice cream is good. Well, I'll catch you guys later! Have fun!" Alya said, quickly changing her attitude from a sad one to a positive one.

"Bye, Bromies!" Nino said, flashing the both of you a peace sign as you left Alya's house.

"Phew... I owe you a big one!" You said, flashing Adrien a smile once you were both out of the building. "Well... I should probably get going then, huh?" You asked.

"Wait... what do you mean you should probably get going? You do realize I was genuinely going to take you to get ice-cream... right?" He asked. Making that cute confused expression he does sometimes, which only made it harder to respond.

"What? You were being serious? I thought that was just a lie to get out of Alya's movie torture, " you replied, laughing slightly at the last line of your sentence.

"Well... It was... but I can't just say I'm taking the cutest person in the world to get ice-cream and then not take her to get ice-cream!" Adrien responded.

You couldn't help but blush despite him saying those things all the time. Every compliment he gave you somehow managed to make you flustered, even if you weren't open about it. Although, you were definitely open about it right now.

"Well I suppose I could go with you, " you responded, making a poor attempt to be casual.

"You SUPPOSE, huh?" Adrien asked, a smirk rising to his face. He could see right through you, which was a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. On a positive note, he had taken the time to get to know you. Which, in itself is really sweet. But, at the same time, it meant hiding things would be difficult. You never planned to lie to him intentionally, but you knew you would suffer when it came to getting him gifts.

"Yes... But after that, I need to go do something, " you replied, sounding a lot more ominous then you had really intended to.

"And that something is?" Adrien asked, raising an eyebrow. You probably sounded like you were doing something illegal... but in reality, you were just going Christmas shopping for him.

"I have to go shopping, " you replied. You weren't lying, you just weren't going to tell him that he was the person you were shopping for in particular.

"Oh, alright!" Adrien responded, surprisingly not asking any other questions. Which, made you feel relieved.

The rest of the walk to the ice-cream parlor wasn't silent, but your conversation about where you were going afterward had stopped a while ago.

After a short walk, you made it to the ice-cream parlor. Adrien was nice enough to get your ice cream for you, he just let you pick the flavor out and all that jazz. While you got whatever you picked out, Adrien got some sort of gingerbread flavored ice-cream. Which, actually didn't look that bad.

After you got your ice-cream, you picked out a table and sat down.

"Thank you again for the ice-cream, Adrien. It means a lot, " you said, smiling at him. While it might seem small, everything he did for you made you grateful. Not to mention, he paid for your probably overpriced ice-cream.

"It's nothing, really. It's the least I could do, " Adrien responded. "I know I never shut up about this... But I love you a lot, (Y/N). No amount of things I do for you could ever repay for the amount of kindness and love you've shown me. I know you might say otherwise, but it's true. You're genuinely incredible... and you're hands down the best person I've ever met in my life. I can't really fully express it now, I'd need to write for hours to even get down 5% of what I like about you. So, the fact that you can get happy over just ice-cream after being so incredible is beyond me."

Him saying that made you feel beyond happy inside. The only way you could describe how you felt was with cringy words like blushy and lovey-dovey. But, it was how he made you feel. You genuinely felt like your heart was melting, and it was difficult to make a reply good enough to say back to his mini-speech. He was genuinely adorable, and you couldn't deny that for a second.

You covered your cheek with your hand in a poorly done way to try and cover your blush.

"Adrien... You know you're equally as wonderful, if not more wonderful, " you replied. "You don't need to repay me... the amount of things you've done for me, the amount of sweet and motivating things you've said to me, your personality, in general, is more than enough to repay the small number of things I've done for you compared to what you've done for me. To be blunt, Adrien, you're adorable. Like, holy shit, how is it even possible for you to be that cute?"

At that point, Adrien's cheeks were even redder than yours were. You could hardly believe how cute your boyfriend was, but somehow he managed to be that adorable and barely acknowledge it.

"If you didn't have the power to make me extremely flustered I would totally have the upper hand right now!" Adrien retorted.

"Adrien quit being you cute you're going me to give me a heart attack."

Adrien didn't know how to respond to that, so he just sat there looking more pink then the sprinkles on his ice cream.

The rest of your date went something like that, just chatting and flirting. For once in your life, you felt genuine happiness that couldn't be taken away from you. Throughout your life, at some point, your happiness was taken away from you. But, it felt like your happiness was protected by some sort of force field and it couldn't be taken from you.

Adrien was capable of making you feel beyond happy, and it was nearly impossible to describe it. Your new target goal was to get Adrien a perfect gift, but that felt impossible given how perfect Adrien already was. You knew he wasn't picky with gifts, but nothing ever felt like enough for him. Not to mention how good he was at guessing... which would make it even harder to keep it a secret. You weren't sure what to get him, but you promised yourself it would be something amazing.

"So, are you sure I can't come?" Adrien asked, frowning.

"I wish I could take you... but it's something special you can't see! I'm sorry!" You responded, waving goodbye at him.

"Ah, alright... Bye! I love you!" Adrien said, flashing a smile at you.

His smile was the type that warmed your heart to look at, it was the closest thing to indescribable.

"Bye, Adrien! I love you too!"

And with that, you were off to find Adrien a present. The path you were walking on was surprisingly empty, and you couldn't see any people or cars nearby. So, you let Tikki and Quartzz out, simply warning them to be cautious.

"Guys, I'm honestly completely stumped on what to get Adrien, do you have any ideas?" You asked. You felt bad that you had no idea on what to get him. You knew him well, but you just had absolutely no clue on what he wanted. He never even mentioned it, not even when you asked him directly. When you asked him, he managed to change the subject.

"Adrien likes anime, right? Maybe get him a figurine of one of his favorite characters!!" Tikki said, which wasn't a bad idea in itself.

"I could look into that... But I'm not sure if he likes figures. Plus, Christmas is in two days. If there are no stores that sell stuff like that here, I'd need to order it online... and there's no way of knowing if that will get here in time. I don't want him to think I didn't get him anything, " you responded.

"Oh... then scratch that. But, why on earth did Alya only start decorating her tree just now?" Tikki asked. You were surprised she was asking, but perhaps she had just grown used to human customs.

"I asked the same thing, she mentioned something about it taking forever for her family to buy a tree, which was followed by her telling me that her family was never home enough to take the time to decorate it... which I suppose makes sense."

Quartzz seemed to be thinking of a response to your previous question. He took a bit more time with things, and you didn't mind waiting for him. His ideas were usually good, and that's what you needed... A good idea.

"Adrien really likes sweets and pastries, right? Why don't you gather a bunch of those and gift them to him?" Quartzz suggested.

"That's a good idea, but somehow it also doesn't feel like enough. I'm sorry, guys... I know I probably sound too picky, I just want him to be really happy this Christmas!!" You said. You knew that after all of the shit Adrien had to tolerate for the longest time, he deserved to have at least one holiday where he was one-hundred-percent happy with no side issues.

"It's alright, (Y/N)! We understand... Adrien makes you happy, so you want him to be happy in return. I don't mind helping you look for a present, and I'm sure Tikki doesn't mind either!" Quartzz said, smiling at you as he put his tiny hand on your shoulder.

"Of course I don't mind helping, (Y/N)! After everything you've done, it would almost be cruel for me to not help!" Tikki replied.

"Thank you guys, you're the best, " You replied. Now, you had a very specific target mission to find Adrien a present.

You first checked the only stores you could think of that would have any figures Adrien would like. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you looked, you barely found any figures. And the ones you did find weren't of characters Adrien liked, so it was a failure no matter which way you looked at it.

As you were exiting the last store you checked, you let out a sigh of disappointment.

"We're in Paris, you'd think they'd have a little more selection than that." You frowned, pausing for a moment to think of where to go next.

"Maybe I can try getting him an accessory?" You asked yourself, acknowledging the likelihood of success was next to zero. But, you supposed a one percent change was better than no chance at all.

The first few stores you checked had absolutely nothing that you thought Adrien would like, and you were beginning to assume you wouldn't find anything for Adrien at all.

In the next store you went to, you saw Luka, Chloe, and Arudra hanging out together. They were sort of like a trio, they seemed to come to the mall a lot. You weren't going to say anything in fear of bothering them, but Chloe saw you in the distance

"Oh, guys, look! It's (Y/N)! Chloe called out, waving her hand at you. "Hi, (Y/N)!" She technically wasn't calling you over, but you felt inclined to walk over to them anyways.

"Hi, Guys!" You greeted them, waving at them.

"What brings you here by yourself, (Y/N)? Normally you're with Alya or Adrien or something, " Luka asked, his tone somehow managing to sound as calm as it usually was.

"Oh, I'm Christmas shopping so I couldn't really bring anyone, " you replied.

Arudra rubbed his eyes, looking somewhat tired. "Well, regardless of whoever you're shopping for... Stuffed animals are always a good idea. Unless, for whatever reason, they hate stuffed animals. But, if they hate stuffed animals they're probably a coward, " Arudra said.

"Good advice, I'll keep that noted, " you replied. His advice actually was helpful, though. A stuffed animal might work perfectly, maybe you could get him a stuffed cat or something of that sort. He'd probably enjoy that, so you'd look for stuffies after you were done with your conversation.

"Guys, I'm totally in the mood for dessert right now, " Chloe said, sort of off topic. She probably meant no harm, and you couldn't really blame her. Dessert, especially in Paris was usually pretty good.

"We can go get desserts now... did they have that thing you wanted here, though?" Luka asked.

Chloe shook her head. "No... they were out of stock, " she frowned. "So, let's focus on dessert so I don't get too bummed out about it!"

"Right, " Luka said, turning to you. "Do you wanna come, (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Ah, that's really nice of you! But, I'll have to pass. I had ice-cream not that long ago, plus I've got more shopping to do, " you replied. Part of you actually really wanted dessert, but you knew if you went with them you'd want to hang out longer and probably get distracted from shopping for Adrien.

So, once you said your goodbyes you continued to hunt for something for Adrien.

After hunting for several hours, you couldn't find anything. This could have easily been you being too picky, but nonetheless, nothing was working out. You were about to leave the shopping area and call it a day when you stumbled upon something that was somehow perfect.

It was a basket filled with five stuffed animals, but not just any stuffed animals. There was a stuffed Ladybug, Cat, Fox, Turtle, and a Bee. The stuffed animals were most likely themed off of the actual heroes, so it was more than perfect. It might be strange to buy merchandise themed off of you, but you knew Adrien cared about you a lot and would be more than happy to receive a gift like that.

Once you got home, you put it in a box and wrapped it up for him. While you were happy you found anything at all, you still felt somewhat unsatisfied. It was like, there was something more you wanted to do for him, but you were not about to go through the struggle you went through today to find Adrien a present.

"Tikki, Quartzz, do you think Adrien will like what I got him? Do you think I should get him something else?" You asked, frowning. You were desperate for their guidance at this point, because completely stuck on what else to do.

"I think what you got him was a great gift, (Y/N)! I'm sure he'll be beyond grateful! You heard Adrien yourself, he said he was happy just seeing your smile. So, the fact that you put so much effort into picking out something for him will most likely make him more than happy!" Tikki said.

You smiled at Tikki, and while you wanted to believe her, something still wasn't sitting right with you. You already acknowledged the fact that the whole night you were going to be thinking about what else you could possibly do for Adrien. You had pretty much just one day left to think of something for him, so you had to act fast or it would be too late.

That entire night, the thought that what you got him wasn't enough was all you could think of. You ran through multiple different gift ideas in your head but none felt right. At this point, you were just gonna give up altogether and only give him what you already bought him. You knew he'd like it, so you weren't sure why you were being so stubborn to yourself. The only person you were bothering was yourself and maybe the Kwmai's. They didn't seem bothered but... you never knew.

It was only when you woke up that thought of an idea that could either be a good idea or the worst thing you've ever come up with.

Without thinking, you jumped up from your bed. The first thing you did was sprint over to your desk and dig through your drawers and attempt to find something you needed for your idea.

After a bit of digging, you pulled out a blank notebook, yelling "aha!" to vocalize your success.

"What's that for, (Y/N)?" Tikki asked, rubbing her eyes. You had just realized your ruckus had probably woken her up, and suddenly you felt bad.

"Oh, Tikki- I'm sorry if I woke you up, but...It's for Adrien!" you replied, taking out some paints, pens, and colored pencils.

"I'm going to make him a book, call it stupid if you want, but basically... I'm going to write down as many things I love about him as possible. There's probably not a chance I can cram every single thing I love about him into this book, but I'll make it the next best thing."

Tikki smiled, nodding back at you in response. She seemed somewhat proud of you for whatever reason, which made you feel happy.

You spent nearly your entire day on that book. It wasn't even out of moral obligation, you genuinely wanted to make that book for Adrien. You didn't care how long it took, you just wanted to finish it in time. You were motivated to do it, and never once did you feel obligated to take a break which was abnormal for you. But, you couldn't help it. You wanted your Christmas present to be one of the best he's ever gotten, but you weren't sure how possible that was.

You spent so much time and effort decorating every inch of that book. You painted the front and back, using a mix of your superhero colors to make a somewhat decent pattern in your eyes. Each page had something different you liked about him on it. And honestly, you weren't sure if it would come off as creepy or compassionate. Eventually, after hours and hours of work, the book was finished.

Setting the book down in completion was arguably the most satisfying thing you had done that entire week. Now, all that was left to do was wrap your present and you'd be done. You were somewhat proud of the book, and you hoped he liked it more than anything.

Once you wrapped it, you went into the kitchen to get something to eat. It was late, and you hadn't eaten much due to focusing so hard on finishing Adrien's present. You had made yourself something random you found in the pantry. You would have eaten more if you weren't tired and in that move where you wanted very specific and limited items in your pantry.

You didn't feel or want to eat downstairs, so you carried your plate up to your room.

When you opened the door, you let out a high pitched screech. Chat Noir was sitting on the floor with a bow on his head. He looked ridiculous, but also adorable. Keep in mind, this wasn't breaking and entering. You gave him a key to your apartment, along with a key to the window in the case that for whatever reason he couldn't come through the door or felt like being overdramatic.

"Surprise, bugaboo! I'm your present!" He said, a dorky smile on his face.

"Chat, listen. I love you to death, and you know I don't care if you come even without telling me. But, if you do decide to not tell me for whatever reason, at least attempt to not scare the shit out of me, " you said. You weren't mad at him, just startled. It was rather difficult to stay angry at him.

He frowned, his expression looking upset. "Oh.... I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't mean to scare you, " he replied. You could tell by his tone that he genuinely felt bad about scaring you, which started to make YOU feel bad.

"No no no, don't feel bad! I wasn't genuinely angry!!" you said, walking over to him.

He let out a sigh of relief, mumbling out "good."

"So... Why did you come here so late, it's practically midnight. I know Christmas is tomorrow so, why now?" You asked, tilting your head in confusion.

Chat Noir's facial expression quickly went from a sad one to a happy one again. He lifted up his hand to show a box wrapped in ladybug print wrapping paper, which had a little tag on it that said: "to (Y/N) from Adrien." Judging by the looks of it, you'd guess that was your Christmas present.

"Is that for me?" You asked. You knew the answer to your question was obvious, and you weren't quite sure why you asked it.

"No its for Tikki, " he said, obviously lying. "No, I'm kidding! Of course, it's for you, I wanted to bring it to you at midnight... but I came a little early. I don't mind if you want to wait until tomorrow morning though."

You shook your head, looking back at the clock. It was exactly twelve AM, so, he got here at a nearly perfect time.

"No, I don't mind... I just worry what I got you won't compare to what you got me, " you admitted, rubbing your arm.

Adrien looked nearly offended by this, shaking his head quickly in disagreement.

"(Y/N), you could get me napkins from the dollar store and I'd still treasure them because they came from you."

You smiled a bit at what he said, but you were still a little nervous he secretly wouldn't like what you got him. Putting all of your nervousness aside, you went to go grab the presents for him off the counter. Once you grabbed them, you set them in front of him.

"(Y/N), you got me two presents?! You didn't have to do that-" Adrien said, but paused himself, most likely already at a loss for words.

"It's not much... really, " you replied, laughing awkwardly. You were just going to pretend you totally didn't panic for the past day and a half struggling to figure out what to get him.

"Well... Anyways, why don't you open mind first?" He asked, handing you the box. His facial expression looked extremely enthusiastic for you to open what he got you, which only made you assume it was going to be something incredible. You opened the wrapping paper to reveal some form of a jewelry box.

Inside was a necklace, but it wasn't just any simple necklace. On the necklace was a charm, you could barely describe how beautiful the necklace was. The charm was a gold ring, and inside the ring was a black silhouette of a cat with a red ladybug on its nose. To top it all off, there were miniature gemstones on the charm to make it sparkly. It wasn't distracting or over the top, it was genuinely perfect.

"Adrien... how do I put it into words? It's beautiful, thank you so much, " you said. You were nearly speechless, you wanted to say so much more but you couldn't put it into words.

Next, Adrien opened your presents. He started with the stuffed animals. When he opened them, he looked to be on the verge of tears.

"I didn't know you liked stuffed animals that much, " you said. You bought it with the intent of him liking it, of course, but you didn't expect him to cry. His reaction was honestly the purest present reaction you had ever seen.

"My Lady... you need to stop underestimating yourself, " he said, setting the stuffies aside and grabbing the next present.

When Chat Noir opened it, he was silent for a moment. Chat Noir flipped through the pages of the book, speechless. And soon, you realized he was crying. Rather than starting to cry or tearing up, he was actually crying.

"Oh, Chat I- Did it upset you?" You asked. You knew that probably wasn't it, but you couldn't help but worry that he didn't like it for whatever reason.

In a sudden gesture, Chat Noir wrapped his arms around you tightly. At this point, you should be used to his out of nowhere hugs, but they somehow always managed to startle you.

"You know how the other day I was saying you were the cutest person in the world? Yeah, that was a complete understatement. You are beyond the cutest person in the world, " Chat Noir whispered, still not letting go of the hug.

"I don't know if I'd go that far, " you responded, hugging back.

"Well, I'd go that far. (Y/N), you're the best person in my life. I know that might sound inconsiderate to other people in my life, but I can't help you. I'm so grateful for everything, even the awful things that happened because I got to meet you. I don't think anything could ever be more valuable than you are to me. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done, I love you so much, " he said, his voice no longer a whisper.

Your face was redder than you wanted to acknowledge, and you needed a moment to find the correct words to respond. "Chat Noir, I adore you so much. You're so wonderful... I don't know how you can come up with all of that cute stuff on the spot."

"Well, (Y/N), you're...." he paused for a moment. "Purrfect, " he continued, a grin rising to his cheeks.

"Oh yeah? Well, you're a lucky charm!" You responded, fully acknowledging how bad that pun was.

Chat Noir stopped for a moment to think, and at that moment you grabbed his cheeks and gently pressed your lips against his. This time, you were the one to startle him. You realized how often the two of you startled each other, despite you constantly being affectionate.

Chat Noir didn't hesitate to kiss back, unlike you who probably would have been too nervous to move at first.

Chat Noir was almost like a form of medicine. People obviously can't fix you, that's a fact. No matter how much you tried, nobody other than a therapist could be your therapist. But, Chat Noir was capable of making you so happy its like you never were unhappy in the first place. Looking at him made your heart melt, and no one has ever made you even come close to that feeling before. The bond you had with Adrien was impossible to break, and both of you could admit that.

After a minute, you let go of the kiss and just rested your head on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Adrien."


[ AAAA THE CHRISTMAS/200k SPECIAL IS FINALLY HERE SURPRISE. This is the longest chapter to date, it has a little over 6300 words. A put a lot of effort into it so I really hope you enjoyed it! I hope you had a nice Christmas too! And if you don't celebrate, I hope you had a nice day!!

This was special to show my thanks for all the support I've gotten. Thank you all so much, I wouldn't have been able to make this far without you.

This also takes place after the current story events, so if you were a little confused that's why ^^]

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