The next Ladybug {Chat Noir X...

By Xchatnoir

1.9M 57K 95.7K

"So.. Partners?" "Partners." You and your father, a business man, have recently moved to Paris, France, after... More

[prologue] Goodbye, Marinette
[1] New bug in town
[2] New school, new miraculous
[3] Panic! At the highschool
[4] Lord ember
[5] An invitation
Good news!
[6] A birthday you can't party out
[7] Hotel Adrien
[8] Valentines
[9] Agreste "fan"
[10] Theater
[11] Pets and practice
[12] chat noir to the rescue!
[13] Volpina
[14] Red Devil
[15] Peindrette
[16] Business partner
[17] Sakura Idol
[18] Superhero Interview
[19] Ribbon dancer
[20] Master Fu
[21] Frostbite
[22] The Unicorn
[23] peacock miraculous
[24] Luka Luka night fever
[25] Hero meetup
[26] Masquerade
[27] Bloodsucker
[28] Do you love me?
[29] Gemstone
[30] stargazing
[31] fire and lava
[32] Serval Gris
[33] The fox of thieves
[34] The reveal
[35] floating feelings
[36] Game start!
[37] Confession
[38] I do love you
[39] almost free
[40] Last plan
[41] Hawkmoth
[42] new reality
[43] reverse
[44] I know you
[45] Cat ring
[47] Bee comb
[48] Fox necklace
[49] turtle bracelet
[50] reunited
[51] Trust and bonds
[52] True evil
[200k special] Your love is so divine
[53] Teamwork
[54] Foolproof
[55] Let him go
[56] The true final battle
[57] A plan succeeded
[58] Universe restored
[Epilogue] Something that stays
A final thank you

[46] Ladybug earrings

11.7K 383 667
By Xchatnoir

The sudden rush of motivation going through his head, he slipped the cat ring onto his fingers. "Plagg, I need to find her, " Adrien said, Plagg looked a little fearful. "Yeah, I understand wanting to see her, but... I haven't seen the love of my life in days, " Plagg said, frowning. "You're dating someone, Plagg?" Adrien asked, confused. "Duh! Cheese!" Plagg replied. Adrien let out a short sigh. "Why didn't I expect something like that?" He asked himself. "Fine, you can have cheese. But right after you eat your camenbert we're going to find (Y/N)!" Adrien said, crossing his arms. Plagg, who was already opening a container of cheese bigger then him. "Alright, alright. Give me a second, " Plagg said, shoving as much cheese as he could into his tiny mouth.

Adrien tapped his foot on the floor repetitively, waiting for Plagg to finally finish his cheese? "Dang, I can't be with you for more then ten minutes without you demanding cheese?" Adrien asked. Plagg rolled his eyes. "Damn, and I can't be around you for more then ten minutes without you keeping your mouth shut about (Y/N), " Plagg retorted. Adrien did a dramatic gasp, more so as a joke, and then put his hand on his chest. "I'm HURT!" He said, in a sarcastic tone. "Good, " Plagg replied, finishing the last of the cheese. "Alright, we can go now-" before Plagg could finish, Adrien was already on it. "Plagg, Claws out!" He yelled for the first time in a while. He had transformed into Chat Noir, which felt like it had been a lot longer then it had.

"Now, where would she be?" He asked himself. "Wait? Maybe her old house! Why wouldn't she be there? She left not that long ago, " Chat Noir said, exiting through his window. If only he knew the ride he was in for, he might have saved some time. Chat Noir made his way over to where you used to live, having no idea you "moved" at all. He genuinely had no idea what was going on in general, and didn't put much thought into  it. His thoughts weren't on the altered reality or even his mother, but on you. He had just seen you, but he was worried. He thought that even if he had no idea what was going on, you would. He was more motivated then ever to find you, he just needed to talk to you again. "I know she'll remember... there's no reason she wouldn't remember, " Chat Noir said.

He finally reached your house. Or more so, your "old" house. All of the lights were out, which was what stood out the most at first. "Huh? Thats strange. Maybe they stopped somewhere?" He asked himself, looking down. There was a "for sale" sign in front of the house, which confused him even more. "Theres no way that can be for this house. Thats not possible..." he said, jumping onto your old balcony. He peeked in through the window, nothing. There was nobody there, and there was nothing in there. It was empty, not a trace that anyone had ever lived there. "Huh? I don't understand?" Chat Noir said, looking down. Pure confusion went through him, he just couldn't seem to figure it out.

"She... Doesn't live here?" His mind raced back to earlier that day before you were "introduced" to each other. His father had mentioned something about how you had just moved here, and thats when it hit him. "She doesn't live here anymore, does she?" He sat to think for a minute. "What was the last thing i saw... the day we were defeated?" He asked himself. He then jumped up as if something just hit him. "This is a different reality! Thats why my mother-" he stopped, frowning. "Of course that had to be why, " he said, sighing. "How do I even manage to fix something like this?" He asked himself, and then managed to come back to the original topic. "(Y/N)."

He needed to find you, there was no doubt in his mind you knew what was happening. "But where on earth would she even be living now?" He asked himself. He didn't feel like going back and asking Nathalie or his father, but he would if he needed to. "Her dad... He seems more succesful now. The way he acted, the differences... my father mentioned how wealthy his company was, that's not how it used to be. Maybe they live in one of the more expensive neighborhoods, " Chat Noir said to himself. "The closest one to me is... Yeah, that's it. I'll head there first, " he said to himself, trying to motivate himself again.

He made his way over to the neighborhood, which is where he began his search. "I remember vaguely seeing the limousine outside the window, it has a silver stripe alongside both sides. I'll look out for that, " he said to himself. He began searching every house, checking each driveway one by one. But his luck was about as cliche as the luck of his kwami. He had reached the last house in the neighborhood, and his hope was as good as gone. "I really wish my name was Nagito Komaeda right now, " he said under his breath. Thats when he saw it, the limousine with the silver stripes down the middle. He finally was starting to feel a bit of courage. "(Y/N)..." he mumbled to himself.

It took him a moment before he spotted a balcony. "Well, I probably have a better chance of getting in that way, " he said. Chat Noir used his baton to lift himself onto the balcony. He seemed to feel a little strange using his baton, which was understandable giving the circumstances. He peeked through the balcony door, and thats where he spotted you. When he saw you, he felt a wave of overwhelming relief. He felt a smile rushing to his face, he could barely help himself. He knocked on the door, which seemingly startled you. You jumped up started looking around for where the noise came from, until you made eye contact with Chat Noir. Your face looked spooked more so then anything else, terrified, actually. You then put your head over your forehead as if you had gotten a bad headache. You stared at the door, not moving towards it which made Chat Noir even more confused then he already had been.

"M'lady...? It's me!" Chat Noir yelled, hoping you'd head. You tilted your head, slowly moving towards the door. You looked a little hesitant, but you slowly put your hand around the knob. There was a short pause before the door opened, which only made Chat Noir want to question things more. But seeing your face made him light up, a thousand tons of excitement seemed to build up inside him. "(Y/N)!" Chat Noir yelled, a bright smile on your face. You seemed rather confused, and squinted your eyes at his words. Before you could say anything, he embraced you in a hug. "I missed you, I couldn't even remember you but I still missed you, " Chat Noir said.

But, you didn't hug back. You didn't even attempt to hug him back. In fact, you shoved him away. He seemed more confused then anything, looking at you with a blank expression. "Who... who are you? I don't even know you and you hug me? Thats creepy..." you said, backing up. Chat Noir frowned, he got a bad feeling in his stomach. He let out a soft chuckle, assuming you're joking. "Very funny, (Y/N).  But can you let me enjoy this for at least a second?" He said in a somewhat teasing tone. You shook your head, still not having a clue what was going on. "I'm sorry... how do you know my name?" You asked. Chat Noir got an even worse feeling in his stomach. "Of course I'd know your name, " Chat Noir said.

"How do you know me?" You asked. His frown only got worse, he felt like with each responce his heart was closer to shattering. "Didn't you get the earrings back?" He asked you. You tilted your head. "I'm sorry... I don't know what you're talking about, " you said. Part of him wanted to quit there, knowing deep down that you didn't remember. He didn't want to end up upset, but he was so motivated to talk to you again. "(Y/N)... please tell me this a joke, it's not funny anymore, " Chat Noir said. His tone sounded a lot softer, almost as if he was afraid. You looked a bit frustrated, but he couldn't really blame you. If you really didn't remember him, then to you he'd be a stranger. "No, I'm being serious. I think you should leave, " you said.

"I just... I can't-" Chat Noir paused, he could feel tears flooding to his eyes. He couldn't stand to look at you any longer and turned his head as fast as he could. "Right, my apologies, " he said. He was about to jump off your balcony when he mumbled something. "But regardless, I'll keep fighting for you." The words were too faint for you to make out, so you just went back into your room. Chat Noir left your balcony, his face could only display sadness.

He tried not to cry, he really did. It started off with just sniffling. He started to run, he only wanted to go one place. Tears started to stream down his face, and he couldn't stop it. He gripped his own fist tightly as it it would do something, but it didn't. He couldn't control the type of sadness he was feeling, he didn't know how to stop. His face was red and puffy, and the amount of pain on his face was impossible to not see. He was running from roof top to roof top, trying his best not to be seen. The realization that nobody in this universe even knew who Chat Noir was left him unsettled, it set a weird feeling in his stomach. He didn't like anything he was feeling. "I want this to be... a nightmare, " he mumbled to himself.

He refused to stop until he made it. The very top of the Eiffel tower. It reminded him of you, but in a positive way. Sure, it might not be good for him to be reminded of you right now, but that's not really how he viewed it. "I've met with her here... multiple times, " he said, staring out into the city. "She always said how beautiful the view was. But compared to her, the view was nothing, " he said, laughing to himself. The laughter was more so to try and make himself feel better, but it didn't. He smiled, but the smile melted into a frown. More tears dripped down his face, and what started as a few tears grew into sobbing.

The sobbing wouldn't stop, no matter how badly he wanted it to. He wasn't sure why it hurt him so badly, he was just so confused. "I love her so much, and I know she feels the same. But she doesn't remember me... god... she doesn't remember me. Nobody remembers Chat Noir or Ladybug now, why? Why did it have to be this way?" He tightened his hand, staring down at it. "Why? Why did Hawkmoth have to win? Why did my father have to betray me like this? He says he loves me, but if he loved me he wouldn't put me through this. Whats the point of putting anybody through this?!" He asked. His anger was fueled by sadness, all he could feel was hurt.

He paused for a moment, thinking back at things. "Shes... my... She... my mother, " it was as if a puzzle piece had finally been put into place. "He brought... mom back, that's what he did. That's definetly what he did, " he said to himself. He wanted to be happy that his mom was back, but something felt off. Unbelievably so. He had the sick feeling in his gut that told him something bad would happen, which only made him more confused. "Why? Why?! Why, why, why, why?!" He yelled in frustration. "Stop it! Make it stop!" He yelled again, putting his hand over his forehead.

He stretched both hands out infront of him. "Cata-" he began to say, but was cut off by himself. "No, thats... Too much. If (Y/N) were here, theres no way she would want that, " he said. "I have to keep fighting... for her."

Later that night, Adrien had finally returned home and went to bed. But there was a few people awake. Or more so, a few kwami's awake. Plagg was pacing around the room, a distraught expression on his face. "I should go now... before he notices me, " Plagg said, heading towards the door. "Where are you going?" Berri asked, flying infront of him. "I'm going to get them, " Plagg said, sternly. "Get what?" Berri asked. "The Ladybug Earrings. Before you protest, you need to understand. They work best together, I can't comprehend why you would only give Adrien the miraculous! I know, our situation is bad! But i can't bare to see Adrien in pain anymore..." Plagg said, frowning. Berri didn't say anything else, she just let Plagg go.

And thats what he did, he got the earrings. "Now, I need to get these to (Y/N)..." Plagg said, leaving the manor. He made his way from the Agreste manor to your house. "I think this is it, " Plagg said to himself, getting into your house through the window. It took all of his strength to carry the miraculous, but he knew it'd be worth it. He set the earrings on the desk and hid. Soon enough, you'll fine the box. And that's exactly what he was waiting for.

(Somebody personally asked for this. This is a photo of my pet sugar gliders, Lucifer and Nathaniel. (Yes, nathaniel was named after the miraculous character) which inspired Adrien's Kwami, Berri. :) )

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