The next Ladybug {Chat Noir X...

By Xchatnoir

1.9M 57K 95.7K

"So.. Partners?" "Partners." You and your father, a business man, have recently moved to Paris, France, after... More

[prologue] Goodbye, Marinette
[1] New bug in town
[2] New school, new miraculous
[3] Panic! At the highschool
[4] Lord ember
[5] An invitation
Good news!
[6] A birthday you can't party out
[7] Hotel Adrien
[8] Valentines
[9] Agreste "fan"
[10] Theater
[11] Pets and practice
[12] chat noir to the rescue!
[13] Volpina
[14] Red Devil
[15] Peindrette
[16] Business partner
[17] Sakura Idol
[18] Superhero Interview
[19] Ribbon dancer
[20] Master Fu
[21] Frostbite
[22] The Unicorn
[23] peacock miraculous
[24] Luka Luka night fever
[25] Hero meetup
[26] Masquerade
[27] Bloodsucker
[28] Do you love me?
[29] Gemstone
[30] stargazing
[31] fire and lava
[32] Serval Gris
[33] The fox of thieves
[34] The reveal
[35] floating feelings
[36] Game start!
[37] Confession
[38] I do love you
[39] almost free
[40] Last plan
[41] Hawkmoth
[42] new reality
[44] I know you
[45] Cat ring
[46] Ladybug earrings
[47] Bee comb
[48] Fox necklace
[49] turtle bracelet
[50] reunited
[51] Trust and bonds
[52] True evil
[200k special] Your love is so divine
[53] Teamwork
[54] Foolproof
[55] Let him go
[56] The true final battle
[57] A plan succeeded
[58] Universe restored
[Epilogue] Something that stays
A final thank you

[43] reverse

13.3K 402 394
By Xchatnoir

"Everything will return to normal, I promise."

The next morning, you went out to a bakery to pickup some food for you and your father. You told that fresh food from the bakery sounded good, and he gave you the money to go pick some up. It was just around the street, so you really didn't mind. When you got to the bakery, someone caught your attention. It was the same old man you had seen the previous day. You were starting to get somewhat freaked out, but passed it off as a coincidence as the bakery you went to was quite popular. Once again, thinking about it for too long made your head ache. It was strange, though. You couldn't help but wonder who he was, he looked like someone you just couldn't remember no matter how hard you tried.

When you got home, after giving your dad what he asked for from the bakery you went up to your room to eat. You went to reach into your bag for your food, when you felt something strange. You pulled out a small jewlery box, and suddenly the headache you had earlier came back. You couldn't explain it, it was like deja vu made you sick. You partially wanted to put the box down, but you were just too curious to see what was in it. You slowly opened the box, and a large glowing orb came out of it. You swore you'd seen this before, so somehow it didn't feel strange. Before you knew it, a chameleon looking creature appeared before you. The pounding in your head was driving you crazy, you were absolutely positive you knew who this was.

A flashback played through your head, all you could remember was meeting Quartzz. Even then you seemed calm, but you couldn't remember why. "Pleased to make your- wait, (Y/N)?" Quartzz asked, tilting his head. "Quartzz?" You questioned. It seemed like Quartzz hadn't forgotten who you were either. "I dont... why do I- why do I know your name?" You asked, putting your hand on your forehead. You couldn't think straight, you were so confused. Where were you in that memory? You had never been to that place in your life, so why did you remember that. "What are you?" You asked. "Do you not remember?" He asked. You shook your head. "No, I just remember meeting you, everything else confuses me."

"Wheres Tikki? She can help explain things, " Quartzz said, looking a little nervous. "Tikki? Whos Tikki?" You asked, a puzzled look on your face. The name ran on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn't remember what it was. Quartzz frowned. "You dont remember? Not in the slightest?" Quartzz asked. "No... I'm sorry. Am I supposed to?" You asked, frowning as well. "Don't apologize, it's not your fault, " Quartzz said. "I am a kwami, the kwami of the chameleon to be exact, " he continued. When he was finished, you were extremely confused more so then anything. "So I'm a superhero now, but why would I be chosen?" You asked. "Because you've proven yourself to be worthy of being a miraculous holder, " Quartzz replied.

You weren't sure how, but you took it as a compliment. "So, all i have to do is say the words and i'll transform?" You asked, still a little, or more so very confused. "Yep!" You looked down and took a deep breath. "Quartzz, camoflauge me!" You yelled. You felt a strange nostalgic feeling, you swore the exact same thing had happened before as you transformed. You walked into your bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror, you were wearing the same costume you had the previous time you wore the miraculous. The thing was, you couldn't remember. You just starred at yourself in the mirror for a minute, not even sure what emotion you were feeling.

When you looked at yourself, you felt amazed partially. Superheros were real and thats not something you here everyday. It's not some movie with special FX or makeup, it was real life. But part of you felt like you weren't as surprised as you should be. There was such a strong feeling inside of you telling you this had happened before. You swore this had definetly happened, but you had no memory of it. You had just moved to France, there was no way on earth that could've been possible. The best way you could explain it was perhaps a strange dream you could have had as a child. Dreams can make you nostalgic, so that would add up. At least, in your mind it would.

After the initial shock, you looked down at your hands. "I'm a supehero, " you said. "What do superheros do?" You asked yourself, turning to your window. "Maybe they explore, " you continued, opening your window up. Remembering the instructions your kwami had gave you, you took the leaf off your branch and shook it. Almost immediately, the leaf became the size of a sled. You tossed it infront of you and then leaped on, you were able to glide across things on it. "Incredible..." you said to yourself. It might not exactly suit a chameleon, but it was entertaining to you. You spent about fifteen minutes just doing that, enjoying yourself like a small child would at a playground.

You were just enjoying yourself when you heard something. That something had proven itself to be a someone when you heard screaming, which was followed by laughter. The laughter wasn't just any laughter though, it was impure. The type of laughter that would come out of some sort of psychopath, almost terrifying to hear. This alone made you concerned, so you followed the sound until it led you to what was making the noise. A girl in a white and pink nurses outfit running down the street pushing an operation table. She had long lilac hair, and her outfit looked more so like a clichéd nurses outfit than a real one. She was chasing a random girl, who was screaming as if she was about to be tortured. And frankly, she probably was.

The source of the screeching was definitely from the girl being chased, there was no doubt about that. "Is that person... akumatized?" You asked yourself, scanning your thoughts back to what Quartzz told you about akumatized victims. The laughter came from the nurse-like girl once again, this time followed by a sentence. "Let me help! Let me help you! Stop running, let me fix you!" She said. There was something about her tone that terrified you, it was like she had just came out of a strange horror movie. You agreed with yourself that the nurse was indeed akumatized, and jumped down to her level. You touched the leaf on your branch and once it grew you tossed it under the girls feet. She slipped and fell, causing her table to pause. The girl she was chasing noticed this and then ran away as fast as she could while the nurse was still grounded.

"Akuma, wheres the akuma?" You asked yourself in your mind. Before you could take a guess, the nurse got up. The moment her eyes landed you, she a creepy looking smirk on her face. "Lady Disguise!" She cheered, placing a hand on her operation table. "Lady Disguise? Is that supposed to be me? How would she know who i am...?" You asked yourself again. The nurse girl then reached down and grabbed something from under the table, a giant syringe. When you saw the syringe, you felt a sudden wave of unease. Just the appearance of the syringe was enough to make you feel threatened. "Don't worry! I'll make you all better and then i'll get your miraculous!" The nurse said, running towards you.

Inside the needle was a purple liquid, and you really didn't have a desire to figure out what it does. You found yourself taking a step back, a wave of fear going over you. The nurse girl approached closer until there was the sudden sound of a bell jingling. Where on earth could the sound have come from was your initial question. You then saw something you never thought you'd see. Another person was wearing an animal suit. The suit was a light brown with darker brown stripes in the back. They had tiny ears on their head and a light brown mask with a darker brown down the middle. Their tail was incredibly long, and when they extended their arms there was some type of membrane looking thing. They had seemingly glided down from a building, and had thrown some type of bell at the nurses head.

The nurse shot her head back, looking a little bit more then annoyed. "I'm just trying to help people!! Maybe you need the most fixing!!" She yelled. The boy looked down at his fingers, as if he wasn't paying her an ounce of attention. "I may be a sugar glider, but you're not sweet enough for me, " he said, dodging as she attempted to inject him with whatever was in her syringe. "A sugar glider? I guess thats his miraculous, " you mumbled. He threw the bell at the nurse again and then grabbed your palm, gliding upwards and managing to pull you with him.

You weren't sure how to react. "Who are you?" Is all you could manage to ask, which was in all honesty the least of your worries. "What do you mean who am I my-" he then took a close look at your face. "You look different, did you get a makeover?" He asked. "No... I honestly don't have a clue who you are, " you said. Getting a closer look at him, he did look familiar. He had golden hair along with green eyes, and even though lots of people had those features, there was just something about him you swore you've seen before. "I'm sorry... I really have no clue who you are, " you said, frowning. You felt bad, like perhaps you were supposed to know him.

He made a confused look, but then he suddenly seemed as if something clicked inside his head. "You're new... Aren't you. You just got your miraculous, right?" He asked. You nodded, but didn't reply. "It all makes sense..." He said, trailing off. He looked sad for a moment, like he was holding in a lot at once. He then gave the smallest bit of a smile, but you couldn't tell if it was real or not. "I'm sugar barron, it's sweet to meet you, " he said. You got the vibe from him that he was the type to make puns. "I'm... Lady Disguise I suppose?" You said, questioning yourself it that sounded right. Sugar Barron nodded. "That sounds about right."

You tilted your head. "So why did you bring me up here, what if the nurse sees us?" You asked. "Precisely why we need a plan, " he replied with. "What kind of plan?" You asked. "Are you familiar with your super power?" He asked, you nodded. "It changes my appearance, " you replied. "Change your appearance to that of an injured patient, shes going to try and fix you. I'm positive the akuma is in her syringe. My power gives me super speed, so i'll snatch it when she's not looking, " he said. You thought for a moment if you should really trust him, but he was your best option. You decided to trust him, nodding in agreement.

"Identity swap!" You yelled, sticking your stick in the air. You transformed yourself to look like an injured person neeeing medical attention, and then climbed down the roof from the ladder on the side. You ran over to the street and dropped to the ground. "Ow! This hurts so bad! I could really use a nurse right about now!" You yelled. As if it were some sort of a signal, you caught the nurse persons attention almost immediately. "Don't worry, I'll fix you!" She said, the same creepy voice you had heard previously. You were honestly afraid, at this moment you were defenseless. As she got closer, you started to question your own trust. A second later, The faint sound of someone yelling "sugar rush!" And then saw something that looked like a flash of colors come flashing before you, and with in a second the syringe was out of the nurses hand.

He snapped the syringe, and out came a purple butterfly you could only assume was an akuma. Sugar Barron took his bell and opened it up, capturing the Akuma inside. "What are you going to do with it?" You asked. "I... I'm going to do something, " he said, not sounding like he wanted to tell you. "Oh... alright. Do you think we'll see each other again?" You asked him. He stared at you blankly for a second. "Definetly."

(Fun fact, Adrien's miraculous' is the sugar glider miraculous because i own two sugar gliders and they inspired me)

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