Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::

By vixxchuu

67.8K 1.8K 388

-Completed- . . . . Been abandoned for five years, Leo is so depressed and lonely enough to move on.. Y... More

Chapter 1- Flashback
Chapter 2- War
Chapter 3- Goodbye
Chapter 4- My Son? That kid??!!
Chapter 5- Oh my son part 1
Chapter 6- Oh my son part 2
Chapter 7- Sassy girl is back
Chapter 8- Cold War
Chapter 8.2 (Missing Part)
Chapter 9- My sassy naughty lovely girl
Chapter 11- A little negotiator
Chapter 11.2 (Missing Part, Must Read)
Chapter 12- Special Moment
Writer's Note: Greeting and Q&A
Chapter 13- Accident
Chapter 14- Third Person
Chapter 15- Rival
Chapter 16- Unexpected Hero
Chapter 17- Change
Chapter 18- Warm-up
Chapter 19- A man in love
Chapter 20- Bad luck!
Chapter 21- Noona's attack
Chapter 22- Wedding plan
Chapter 23- What!?? That jerk is your....
Chapter 24- Edited by CynthiaHugo
Writer's Note 2
Chapter 25 - Mr. spoiled kid part 1 -Edited by CynthiaHugo
Chapter 26 - Mr. spoiled kid part 2
Chapter 27- When a spoiled kid and a crying baby meet up (Round 2)
Chapter 28- Mr. Crying baby part 1
Chapter 29- What she wants..
Chapter 30- Mr. Crying Baby part 2
Chapter 31- Mr. Spoiled kid part 3
Chapter 32- No more meddler
Chapter 33- When a spoiled kid and crying baby meet up ( Round 3)
Chapter 34- Someone call me a doctor!
Chapter 35- Or kick these two away..
Chapter 36- What's family?
Chapter 37- Roommate?
Chapter 38- The earthquake takes place in here?
Chapter 39- Let's take a break!
Chapter 40- Amusement park
Chapter 41- Time is over..
Book Two
Chapter 42- Sigh
Chapter 43- Wedding dress
Chapter 44- Our moment
Chapter 45- Our moment part 2
Chapter 46- Leo's nightmare
Chapter 47- Lee Joon
Chapter 48- For the love of a son
Chapter 49- Mama, I'm afraid
Chapter 50- The moment
Chapter 51- Your girlfriend?
Chapter 52- No matter what happens, please always stay by mama side..
Chapter 53- You and I
Chapter 54- Leo's gang (Ft. Hong Bin)
Chapter 55- Leo's gang (Ft. N)
Chapter 56- Save me
Chapter 57- It hurts, my heart
Chapter 58- Going crazy
Chapter 59- Don't cry my bae
Chapter 60- Feverish kitty
Chapter 61- Bad boy, good boy
Chapter 62- I'm gonna be a bad boy
Chapter 63- New Friend
Chapter 64- Leave him alone
Chapter 65- Leo's gang(ft. Ken)
Chapter 66- Thanks and Sorry
Chapter 67- See you next time
Chapter 68- Don't tell her/him. It's a secret.
Chapter 69- You're mine only
Chapter 69.2
Chapter 70- Finally
Chapter 71- Plan A
Chapter 72- Who is his daddy? (VIXX's special)
Chapter 73- Friend in need, friend indeed (?)
Chapter 74- We are Vixx, no 007
Chapter 75- VIXX 007 Part 1
Chapter 76- VIXX 007 Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 1
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 2
Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 3
Mr. Papa Season Two?
Mr. Papa Season two: Don't forget

Chapter 10- Family trip??

1.6K 35 5
By vixxchuu

Chapter 10- Family trip??

The following days...

' Dear all parents, the buses are coming. Please find your seat number. Thanks and hope you have a good time for this 3 days and 2 nights trip!! ^^' The headmaster placed the microphone back to its position which alerted all the people out there.

' Haru ah, they're leaving!' Leo yelled at a group of kid who was having fun at the playground.

' Haru, who's that ahjusshi(Uncle)?' The big boy in red cap who was Haru's new friend from other class asked out while they  were heading back..

' My dad!'

' Really? O.o He looks as if he came out of a model magazine!!' Dong Hae exclaimed and scanned Leo from toe to head..

' If you meet my mom, you'll be faint ^0^'

' -0- Your mom is Miss universal?' Dong hae shook his head and ran back to his parents.

' Haru, we only have two people. Why do you choose these three seats?'

Leo frowned and held haru's hand to the two seats side.

' No, haru want to sit here!! >0<'

5 minutes later..

' You naughty kid!!' Leo murmured at Haru who was chitchatting with his girlfriend before leaned on the window.

' Please sit properly, the journey starts in couple minutes ' The agent announced from the front.

' erhh, why still not come?' Haru stood up and looked at the bus's door.

' Haru, don't move you will fall off'

With his closed eyes, Leo clutched haru back to his place..

' Excuse me, I'm late!' At the last minute, a small hand stopped the bus's door and climbed up..

Every eye fixtated on this new member as she was searching something. Her pretty little face shone like a star when she walked to touch the chubby boy's waving his hand at the back..

' Why're you so late?'

' Sorry, I was meeting an old friend ' She then glanced at Leo with mixture expression..

' Hey, tell your girlfriend to volume down..Papa cannot sleep' Leo banned as he thought it was  another Haru's girlfriend before clung to the window..


Almost all visitors fell asleep completely due to the long distance of their target destination.. Jejudo Island. Some parents were chitchatting with another about their kids, job, and common topics.

There, at the back presented a young couple who slept uncomfortably; yet both were hard to wake up since they already reached the dreamland.

Meanwhile, little Haru who had switched his seat with the new comer, rubbed his forehead while thinking of something. He then burst out a bright smile and took Leo's phone out from the backpack. The chubby hands dragged Leo's head from the window's mirror then placed it on the new comer's shoulder.


He pressed the capture button and smiled with the outcome.

' No no no, She will ache in this position!!' 

Haru shook his head; yet lifted up his Papa's head and let the new comer leaned on Leo's shoulder instead!

' Yesssss' He laughed and didn't forget to take many photos of this sweet scene. 


'--zzzzzZZZZzzz' The thing on Leo's shoulder made him couldn't move.

'-_~zzzZzzzzzz' He lifted up Haru's head (?) and placed it on his chest instead.

'-_ozzzzzZzzzz' But the long smooth hair touched his hand and the soft skin as well.

'-_0zzzZzz' He tilted to look who was there. Haru was sleeping at the third seat with his body was being cuddled by the person next to him.

'0_0!!' The clear face of the person beside Leo woke him up like there was a heavy stick hit on his back..

' Eun joo?'

Leo answered the phone call; yet fixtated his eyes on that pretty face.

/Oppa, where're you? Wanna go hiking with me?/

' Sorry, Eun joo ssi, I'm on the way to Jeju Island. A family trip of Haru's school.'

/ Eh, A family trip!? With these two of you? Ahh, why don't you call me too, oppa?!/

' Hehe I almost forgot it too, Haru just told me last night. Anyway, there're three of us ^^'

/ Three?? Who else?/

' Elli, she just pops out'

/ Ohh, good then!! By the way, have a nice and safe trip oppa/

' Ne, you too! Annyeong' Leo placed the phone back  his pocket and gazed at the sleeping face near him.

There was no expression on his face, either happy or sad. He sighed then leant back on the bus's window.


' Papa, eat this!~' Haru fed Leo a big spoon of ice-cream hoping it would refresh his mind. He didn't know why Leo wore on poker face, it happened since they were on the bus.

The bus arrived at the hotel safety and they were now sitting in the lobby with a large group of other family.

' Papa, what's the matter?' Haru could feel Leo was different, he didn't speak a single word with Ellena like he always did or clung to her. Papa just stayed still and looked away or tried to ignore Mama's existence.

Huhh!! Didn't he want to meet Mama the most?? Why did he suddenly act like a stranger to Mama??

' No matter, I'm okay lah!'

That tiring face said not! Haru immediately turned him to face the receptionist area where a queue of people were waiting for the check-in.

' Look! Mama's there!'

' Emmm...' Leo hissed and turned away..

Hurhhhh, what happened to Papa?? O.o


' Haru, Let's go! Our room's number is 756, 7th floor!'

Having done the check-in, Ellena rushed back to their seat and held haru's hand. But there was a statue who didn't move his butt. The mommy and son paused as they were waiting for this snob.

' Papa?'

'.......' Leo gathered the suitcases and quietly followed them..

' Is he sick?' Ellena whispered at Haru who was in her arms.

' I don't know too' Haru shook his head as he glanced at that fixed face.

The atmosphere became intense and no one uttered any word until they climbed in the elevator.

' Excuse me' Ellena tapped the man ahead as he was stepping on her toe.

' Sorry Miss' The man headed to the left but there were already 6 people in this lifting device.


Ellena could feel a warm touch around her waist before she was drew to the corner.


Why did he give her this look too!!?

Ellena ignored that poker face and wiped off Haru's sweat who was sleeping on Leo's shoulder.

' You're so kind!' The man earlier spoke as she turned back. Ellena said nothing but smiled helplessly.


' Gather at the hall at 13:30' Ellena read the brochure haru's teacher gave her at the moment when they got inside.

' Hmmm.. Still have more time to go..' She glanced at another bed slept Leo and Haru before reached the porch.

 It was a suite room with double beds and a wide mirror door to the balcony. Ahh, tonight she gonna watch the stars over here~

Ellena unlocked the mirror door and stepped outside to view the scenery of the fresh blue sea. Emm.. It had been ages since she last visited the beach!! She missed cycling on the sand alot!! Also built the sand castle with those mates!!

Hmm.. If she wasn't wrong, it was during high school graduation!

' Eh, Hello! We meet again!' The voice at the left hand dragged Ellena back to the present time.

' Remember me? I'm the man in the Elevator!'

' Orr..' Ellena nodded her head and smiled at him.

' I've just stopped by the 3rd floor at the moment, and the hall looks amazing! Suppose they are holding some events there' The man looked friendly and easy going with his smiling eyes. Perhaps he was in his 30.

' There's a school celebration'

' Really? Wow, I must have a look then! Anyway, I'm Lee Jongsuk! Nice to meet you!'

' I'm Park Ellena, nice to know you too'

' You come here for vacation?'

' Emm.. Yeah, but it's kind of field trip, how about you?' They chitchatted for some time until Jongsuk had a phone call and left the conversation.


' Mama..' Haru with his drowsy eyes  climbed on the chair next to Ellena.

' Just get up eh? Had a nice dream, sweetheart?' She combed Haru's hair with her fingers then carried him on her laps.

' Neee, but the party starts yet, Mama?'

' Not yet' Ellena glanced down and saw a row of bicycle lying there.


' Papa, pali!(Hurry) Mama will reach the first place!' Haru riding behind tapping Leo to pedal faster for they would lose this match.

' Don't worry, she's got short legs' Leo just took it easy but at last they were the winner.

' Alright, what you do want me to do?' Knowing her fate, Ellena turned to Haru as Leo still didn't interact with her.

' Emm..' Haru puffed his cheeks adorably and met Leo's gaze.

' Do a piggyback to that bench!' Haru pointed at the pine tree near the beach which was around 10 meters away from here.

' Are you sure?' Ellena asked happily. She thought Haru would spoil her to buy new toys again!

' Neee!' Haru jumped and climbed on Ellena's back.

' Ready? Go!!' Haru laughed hard when his Mama flew to the left and right with 20 kilometers per second or what, just his hair got hit by the wind.

' Keukeukeu Mama do it again!!' Afterwards, they both headed to the beach.


' Da mi noona? Ne, what's up?' Leo walked up to the mat lying on the sand as he answered the call.

/I met Ellena yesterday/ The woman at the other side spoke quickly.

' Hmm..'

/ Hey! Don't make that sound! I know you're dancing inside!!/

' Emm..'

/ Yah, I hang up!/

' Okay'

/ WTH!! Jung Leo! You go dumb or what!!!? I met your girlfriend who has missed out for years!! And this is your reaction?/

' Ne, Get it'

/ Yah, where're you now? At home? Stay there and Noona will go kick your butt!/

' Me? I'm at the beach'

/ Huh, what're you doing there?/

' Joining Haru's school event'

/Hughh, who's Haru???/

' Your nephew. Anyway, I'm off'

/ Whatttttt? Hey-/ Before Dami could find out more, Leo already hung up.

' What's the matter, Haru?' Leo stood up and rushed to the shore with the sign of haru's frightened face.

' Mama, she gets injured!' Haru grabbed Leo's hand and led to the dense coconut tree. 

Under the sunshine, Ellena with her panic look was plucking off the sharpened shell from her bare foot. There was rows of blood dropped on the white sand.

' Don't touch it!' A warning came with a huge hand clutching her fingers away.

Ellena chinned up and saw Leo already carried her up.

-Ring Ring Ring Ring-

Suddenly, someone called him again.

' Get the phone' Leo commanded as he tried to find the empty bench.

' Where?'

' At the back pocket' Ellena slipped her hand from his back and took out the screaming phone.

' Answer it'

Without knowing who was the caller, Leo commanded again. He placed her on the wooden chair then took the clean water and handkerchief from haru's bag.

/ Yah, you brat! How dare you cut off my talk!!/  A piercing voice yelled out as soon as Ellena pressed the green button.

' Hello?' Ellena frowned and matched eyes with Leo.

' Dami eonnie' She whispered him the name.

' Talk to her' Ellena was about to give him why-it-is-me look but he grabbed her leg on his knee already. She turned away as Leo cleaned off the sand. Ellena tried hard not to scream out loud with the pain.

' Annyeong, eonnie!'

/ Huh, who's there? Isn't Leo's phone here?/

' It's me, Elli..ouch' That tiny little thing stabbed in her flesh. Ellena trembled with the sight of blood flowing off, though Leo stopped and massaged the area gently.

/ Eh, Elli? ELLENA!!!? Wait!! Why're you answering my brother's phone? What!! don't tell me you guys!! Oh my goshhhh!!&%$$*:%$/  It seemed like the other side was thrilled by her. Dami eonnie just lost her mind.

' Yes, I'm with him. Sorry, eonnie I didn't tell you. Waittt! It hurts that side!!' Ellena instantly dragged Leo's  hand away, but her foot even shed more blood. Ellena jerked with this kind of dreadful thing.

' Don't move, you'll only bleed out! Close your eyes, I'll do it softly, okay?' Leo calmed her down and quickly took those shells out one by one.

/ Hehh, what're you guy doing?? I hear your cryi, Elli! Yahh, what've you done to Elli, Leo!!?/

Dami could hear the chaos and her brother tended to do something bad again. Ash, she should have flown back to Seoul tomorrow!! Thing was weird since she met Elli at the airport yesterday!

' Sorry, noona! Let's talk next time' Leo ended the call and comforted Ellena as he finished the aid. Luckily, the shells didn't sink deeply into her skin.

He wiped off her tear and tightly hugged her next to his chest.

' You're still afraid of blood, huh?' A soft voice spoke with his hand petted lightly on her back. Elli was still sobbing quietly and he could feel her shivering body.

-nod nod nod-

' It's done. Your wound won't bleed anymore'

Immediately, Leo kissed her on the forehead which he often did whenever she got injured back then.

They waited until Elli recovered from the pain then headed to the clinic.

' Can you walk?' Ellena held his shoulders to stand up; yet the strain stalled her movement.

' Emm.. Lemme try!' She stepped forward but as soon as the left foot touch the road, the red liquid spread the white handkerchief.


' Who teach you to walk like this? --+' Ellena cuddled her head in pain.
Ash, so the quiet Leo vanished away now?!

' Climb up! I'll piggyback you' She glanced at that huge back confusingly.
What was with his mood again!? Somewhat, she decided to climb on.

' Haru, what're you doing?'

' Nothing! ^3^'

Until now, he kept capturing the photos  with his small camera and giggled! She wondered what type of pictures he got. Maybe she should have checked it tonight.

' Come closer, there're many people'

' Nee' Haru replied and clutched Ellena's ankle.


' Are you sure?' Leo fixtated eyes on Ellena's as he placed her on the empty chair.

' Yess' She nodded continually but it didn't prove him at all.

' No, you should stay in the room' He immediately carried her up again.

' Aniyo!! I wanna watch you two! Pleaseeee, oppa! I can't join those games so lemme sit here too! The doctor already guaranteed my injury!' Ellena tried to persuade him.
She was very upset for couldn't joint those fun games and now he wanted her to stay in the room alone??

No way!! It was Haru's day! Haru's dream!! At least she could cheer them from here!

' Okay, but don't wander around' One way or another,he lost her puppy eyes again.

' Am I able to?'


' Don't talk back, Haru'll follow' So he was knocking her head right now was a good conduct??

' Keukeukeukeu' Ellena glared at Haru who burst out laugh.

' Come here, Haru!'

' Waeyo?' Though he was afraid with her gaze, haru walked to his mom.


' Sorry, Mama cannot do it with you guys! But do your best okay? My haru is awesome!! Fighting sweetie' She pecked his forehead many times which gave haru such a powerful strength.

' Neee, I'll get the first place ^0^'

' You don't have to be number one, but just enjoy the event lah~ Mama'll be a supporter from here okay'

-Cough cough cough-

Ellena instantly gazed at the nearby person who suddenly exhaled abruptly.

' What??' She inquired as he gained the pressure. Just then she understood his intense gaze and shook her head right away.

' Nope, Haru's here!' Ellena ignored him and told Haru's some techniques of the games.

' Haru, look!! Yuhee is there!!'

 As soon as haru stood up to look, Leo bent down and pecked Ellena's lip straight away.


Ellena pushed him away and gave a death glare.

' Papa, where's yuhee?' Haru turned back when he could not spot that person.

' I don't know. Anyway, it's time to go! Don't worry, We'll win! Your mom's recharged our energy already!' Leo carried Haru in arms and winked at Elli.

' Chizzz' Leo pinched that pouty face lightly before climbed on the stage.

There were ten partners on the stage already. Leo went to talk to Haru's teacher, they said something and Leo pointed at Ellena.

 The event was set to improve children's performance and development at school with the parents' anticipation. The school wanted to create a warm environment within family so children could express their feelings and were able to catch up the lessons effectively if parents and students themselves understood each other well. Thus, the games had to involve with both mom and dad for them to work as a team.
Yet, for Haru, his dad had to play both mom and dad's role which tended to cause him some difficulties. The  teacher nodded and accepted his condition hesitantly.

' But I'm afraid you'll be exhausted Mr. Jung'

' It's okay! The games are quite fun! it won't sweat me off that much, also Elli's looking forward with this event, she really wants to join only if that incident didn't happen..'

' I'm so sorry to hear that, and wish you both good luck! By the way, Haru really looks alike his mom' The teacher patted haru's head gently and grinned at Ellena who was waving hand at Haru.

' Ne, he does!' Leo smiled brightly and held Haru's hand to wave back.

' What a cute family!' The teacher exclaimed jealousy as the dad and son climbed up the stage.


' Heuheuheuheu' Ellena chuckled when Leo slipped into the big tank full of white powder because Haru gave the wrong answer. She jumped on her right foo to get near the stage.

Somewhat, she was blocked and couldn't see their faces clearly. Ellena tried to tiptoe until she reached the front seat.

' Heuheeuheu you face will get itchy tonight!' She kept laughing without realizing there was someone gazing at her insanely. He switched his seat next to her then coughed deliberately.

' Eh, what's a coincidence! You're also in this floor?!' Ellena turned to look and smiled lightly when it was Jongsuk, the man next door.

' Yes, you've just arrived?'

' Emm.. Like couple minutes ago. I just remember the event you told! It looks fun after all!' They were back to the stage and sharing some comments about the participants.

' Ouch'

Out of nowhere, a small cube landed on Jongsuk's head. He glanced around; yet didn't get the point where it came from. Just then he met a glare of a tall man on the stage.
There were some tiny colorful cubes in his hand as well!

-Ring ring ring ring-

Jongsuk grabbed the phone with his eyes fixtated on that bastard who was jerking his eyebrow currently.

He hissed when there was an emergency from the caller. Jongsuk gave the man a warning sign before departing.

' Who's him?' As soon as the game finished, Leo rushed to the front seat.

' Nugu?(Who)' Ellena paused wiping the white stuff off his face.

' That asshole in black suit'

' Emm..' Ellena rubbed her forehead, thinking of the asshole she had ever known. Ehh, didn't he said 'black suit' ?

' You meant Jongsuk?' Immediately, she received an intense glare.


' Nah, he's the guest next to our room'



' What! You're jealous??' Ellena pulled his cheek playfully, knowing the fact behind that poker face.

He swung her hand and glowered.

' Didn't I tell you not to walk around, Elli?'

Huhh, why did he jump to another topic?Ahh, his eyes were burning right away!! Elli smiled awkwardly and rubbed her left hand like the kids mostly did when they got lecture by their parents.

' I just wanted to see you guys clearer, one more I didn't walk but jump' She gulped as the glare extended. His eyes got scarier and scarier now!! It was the same as that time! When she didn't treat him well..

Hadn't she told before..Leo held such powerful fixed eyes when he was serious!

' Have you ever thought when you slip or fall, what does your injury look like?'

' Nah, I'm not that clumsy! I did arrive here safe and sound!'

' Whatever, I'm wrong to care.. Sorry!' Leo hissed then walked away.

What was with him!! Why was  he in a bad mood with this small thing too!? Her foot didn't seem to be a big cut that needed stitches!

' Leoo' Ellena poked the guy sitting outside the hall whose face turned to gloomy.

'........' He was angry?! O.o

'Are you getting mad with that?'


' Oppa!!' She tickled his waist, still he didn't budge.


Ashhh!! -.- so he exactly got mad at her!!

' Why do you come back?' Ellena stalled her finger as that poker face turned against her.

' What does it mean for today?'


' You want to fool me again? Then tomorrow just fly away?'

' Emm..'

- Ring ring ring ring-

Ellena really wanted to explain him something. First of all she wanted to say 'NO' but his phone swallowed all her words.

' Hello, Eun joo' Ellena bit her lip and turned away when she remembered the other side's voice.

' Emmm, maybe next Monday that we'll be back'

What the heck was she sitting here? Ellena stood up and headed back to the room.


Instantly, someone pulled hard on her waist till she fell on his lap.

' It's okay, we can ride the taxi! Anyway, what're you doing?'


' Let me go!' Ellena snapped and smacked the pale hand surrounded her waist. Ashh, why he had to hold her while talking with his girlfriend!?

No matter how hard she pinched, his hand seemed not to set her free easily!!

' Really? What movie?' Did he just ignore her?? Urghhh, this jerk!!

His face looked at other direction; yet his hand kept holding to her!!! What did it mean!?

' Wow, it looks great!' Ellena glanced and spotted they were skyping now!!

Chizzz! You wouldn't let go of me right? It was your fault then!

Ellena cleared her throat. Immediately, she leaned on Leo's shoulder with her arm wrapped around his neck.

' Yeobo, what're you doing there?' What was that shrill voice? She wished to cut her throat right now!

' Huh' Leo tilted his head, just then he received a peck on the left check.

' Ahh, come here! And continue our work!!' At the corner of her eye tail, she saw a frightened face of that b*tch! Ellena smirked then put an innocent look against the screen.

' Opp, who's there? Ehh, Miss. Leech?'

' You!! YOUUUUU!!!' Eun joo widened her eyes and snarled at Ellena

' Heyy, since when you have fangs? Don't growl lah, I have no meat' Ellena snatched Leo's phone and forbore him from taking back with her palm. Somewhat, she found provoking this so-called girlfriend was really fun!

' You bitchface!! No pride!! Jugule!? Haven't I reminded you not to stay close to my oppa!! You vulgar!'

Yahhh, this girl was damn tricky!! She just scolded her with a whisper!! Somehow, she could read her mouth!! Ashh, how could Haru get along with this slut!!?

' F**k off!! I'm gonna enjoy my day here~' Ellena smirked and ended the video call before threw back Leo's phone.

' =_=++'

' Don't stare at ME!!'

' You're so rude!!'

' I don't give a damn' Leo shook his head then pushed her off his laps. He couldn't imagine haru's future currently!

' You shouldn't have said those harsh words to Eun Joo!'

' What! Are you protecting her?'

' I just don't see she's done anything bad on you!'

' Are you sure??' This guy!! His IQ got lost or what!! How came he define a bitch as a human-being!?

' Eun Joo won't do stupid things!'

' So you mean I have no brain?'


This jerk!! Perhaps, the negotiation between them had never succeeded! She wouldn't feel that bad if he wasn't on that leech's side!

' Tell me! Have you ever let her babysitting haru?' Ellena gasped with the nod of the person ahead.

' Why not? She's our friend plus she's into Haru too'

' Just your friend from your perspective only! Whatever, I'll bring haru back better let him around that slut!'

' Don't be narrow-minded! Eun Joo isn't in our business!! Besides, she's taken care Haru very well'

' You've gone crazy, Leo!'

' Because of who?'

' You dearest friend!'

' Didn't I tell you not to bring Eun Joo in this topic?'

' That b*tch does put a spell on you!'

' Elli!!'

' Go marry her!' Leo sighed and buried his face in his palms.

' I'm hopeless now.. Why're you so obstinate and unreasonable, Ellena?'

' It's you who get blind!'

' Yeah! I'm blinded by you all these years! I'm a fool who is too stupid to chase a butterfly like you.. A jerk who keeps waiting for a girl who didn't even leave him any message..
Just disappeared like nothing happened.. And pops out whenever, wherever she likes to..'


' I'm absolutely exhausted, Elli! I see no light in this dark room..
Tell me, what am I to you? You're my everything but I feel that I'm just a clown to you...'


' All these years, I have no impact on you at all..??
I've always believed, someday you'll love me as much as I do; yet decade passed you remain the same..
Hmm..Or it's time for me to quit trying?'

' But I won't give up Haru to you!'

' Leo!' Ellena called the tall figure in black T-shirt, but he already left behind that metal elevator..

Urghhh! Why did thing mess up to this point!!? He had gone so far!! She didn't mean to bring up such matter!!

Didn't he lost his mind!??


' Emmm.. Adult's business is really complicated!' Haru sat at other corner shook his head helplessly. He supposed this trip gonna bring harmony and peace within these two, maybe he failed this time..

' Kekeke you don't want to be adult then?' A little girl in braid hair chuckled adorably which brought a smile on Haru's face.

' Nope~'

' Why not?' Yuhee frowned curiously.

' Coz I cannot marry noona then~' He winked at her playfully and grinned widely.

' >///<'

' Anyway, wanna meet your future mother-in-law?? :DD'

Haru didn't let Yuhee blushed no more, he instantly grabbed her tiny hand and ran to Ellena who was looking outside the window.


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