Mythlands: THE HEIST

By JasonGreenfield

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Once more, the Hare is up to his old tricks ... but has he met someone even trickier who is about to talk him... More

Introduction to the Mythical Creatures.
What a Hoot!
THE HEIST: Trickster, World Tree and Vegas Baby!
Another go round the Carousel and Little Bear's Downtime
Styrr's Feast
Mr Toad Saves the Day!
An Uneven Battle of Wits
The Compact
Eyes That Watch
Pirate Radio and Broken Arrow
Babar the Elephant
Convention of Cats 1: Heart of Glass
Convention of Cats 2: Political Exile
Convention of Cats 3: Convention
Convention of Cats 4: The Aslanist State of Narnia
Convention of Cats 5: Styrr's Interrogation
Convention of Cats 6: One does not simply ask to talk to Loki
Convention of Cats 7: The Secret Revealed
Convention of Cats 8: The Weapon
Convention of Cats 9: Epilogue or Styrr's Epic journey
Reflections While Flying
Operation Scarab
Dog Day Afternoon
Lyre, Lyre
Towering Skyscraper
A Picture Paints A Thousand Words
The Wheels on the Bus
The Times, They are a Changin'
The Key
The Key (To The Story) Part Two
Melt Away
Hare's Eleven
Enter ... The Gingerbread Man
Gone Fishin'
A Certain Skillset
Born to be Wild
Sweet Home Elephantlandia
You call That a Knife!
A Chicken Stumped.
The Hare and The Bear
Interlude with cats.
The Wilderness of the Mind
The Twisted Iguana
Now we Strike a Righteous Blow
The Schedule
Time Difference
The Taking of Andrew Ketterley
Mr Toad has a Jolly Good idea.
The Doorway to the Vault of Myth
Fate's Arrow
The Destiny Trap
The Mountain
You will produce your tickets and travel permits if you please.
An Unexpected Ally
Cair Paravel
The Invention that will Shake Worlds
The Bulgy Bear turns Traitor
The Champion of Narnia
The Liberation of The Gingerbread Man
A Bear, a Narnian, a Redhead and a Victorian walk into a room
The Glass Cat is Not Amused
Loki gets a call
Spake the Raven
Big Head
The Right Path
Heist Interlude
Part Two: Adrift
Part Two: Elsewhere
Part Two: Loonytown
Part Two: Reflective
Part Two: Precarious Times
Part Two: The Wall
Part Two: A welcoming Bouquet
Part Two: The Hare's Inner Monologue
Part Two: Mad Science and Magic gone Wrong
Part Two: Outnumbered to the (Mad) Max
Part Two: Hellz Rabbitz Rulzz!
Part Two: The Rise of Evil: a Hare Raising Tale
Part Two: The Pipes of Pan
Part Two: Hare Versus Hare
Part Two: An Old Friend
Part Two: We are All The Mouse
Part Two: A Rare Inner Reflection of The Hare
Part Two: Straight Outta Loonytown
Part Two: Let it Snow
Part Two: Cold Pursuit
Part Two: Fear The Walking Dead
Part Two: Flora and Fauna
Part Two: Deep in the Woods
Part Two: Cabin in the woods
Part Two: Groovy
Part Two: Stone Cold Killers
Part Two: Nerves of Feather
Part Two: L is for Lucky
Part Two: Toad's Army
Part Two: A Fish Out of Water
Part Two: The Mission
Part Two: They Stood at Babblingbrook
Part Two: Ten Four
Part Two: The Mundanity of Evil
Part Two: Bambi Reflects
Part Two: Convoy
Part Two: Titanic
Part Two: Assault on the Castle
Part Two: Like a Phoenix
Part Two: All Hail the Old Ones
Part Two: The Time Machine
Part Two: Missing Friends
Part Two: Dead and Buried
Part Two: Bad Juju
Part Two: Signs and Portents
Part Two: Five Days to Retirement
Part Two: The End of the World as You know it.
Character Profiles: Nepotism (1st Short)
Character Profiles: What a Hoot (2nd Short)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (1-5)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (6-10)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (11-15)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (16-20)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (21-25)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (26-30)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (31-35)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (36-40)
Character Profiles: Convention of Cats (1-5)
Character Profiles: Convention of Cats (6-10)
Character Profiles: Convention of Cats (11-15)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (41-45)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (46-50)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (51-55)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (56-60)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (61-65)
Character Profiles: The Heist Part One (66-70)

Part Two: The Coyote Gospel

20 1 2
By JasonGreenfield

I am the last of my kind. The very last.

By that, I don't mean there are no other upright talking beasts of my ilk; there could well be, but I've yet to meet any. Besides I don't really talk much anymore ... not these days.

No, what I'm referring to when I say my kind, are those like me ... old friends, old acquaintances, even rivals - we came in all shapes and sizes and we all clustered together. Technically they're still together and they are mostly all still alive ... they're just not them anymore.

Ok, I guess if there is anyone hearing this on some level of reality, I should probably explain. I am a Loony ... that's figuratively speaking. We were a tight knit community that chose in the main, to relocate to a suburb of Myth Vegas, when we found ourselves in the Mythlands, oh so long ago. We called that happy place Loonytown and we Loonies were ... well, let's just say our lives were full of hijinks and fun and good spirited smacking each other round the heads with mallets.

Funny though, I was always miserable and considered myself one of life's losers - but it took losing that life for real to realise just how good I had it.

When the forces of evil swept through our lands half a decade back, we were sort of on the fringes but not exactly unaffected. Somebody ... we still don't know who, somebody dropped the bomb on us. Not exactly right on top, but out in the desert - some kind of neutron bomb with god knows what kind of radiation. It didn't quite reach the centre proper and the city sealed itself off, but my home was devastated. Those Loonytown residents who survived became mad ... every single last one of them, except me.

I don't know why the almighty god in the sky waved his pen at me and spared me ... some days I wish he hadn't. But he did and I watched as everyone I knew and loved turned into true lunatics. At first I went unnoticed scavenging around in the ruins - my body had always been painfully thin and I didn't need much to survive - I eeked out a minimal subsistence, eating roots and the pulp from cactuses. One day I came across the corpse of a wolf and although he was the four legged kind, I am ashamed to say I didn't stop to ask if he had been sentient, a talking fellow ... with tears in my eyes I consumed his flesh. I will always wonder if I ate a talking beast.

Soon after that I took my gun ... the one I found at the beginning, the one I kept for protection, although it would have broken my heart to turn it on one of my friends, even after they did turn against me. I took that gun and I put it in my mouth and I cried out to the god with the pen. 'Why oh creator have you forsaken me? Was the wolf a talking beast? Do I deserve to die and be damned. Send me a sign!'

I was seconds away from killing myself when they attacked. I could have let it happen or I could have pulled that trigger and blown my brains out. I could have stood in the way of the Martian's ray gun and I could have let the whirling devil tear me apart, but I didn't. Something inside me screamed at me to move, to run, to live ... I had my answer. The ink penned god had spoken and I knew I was just a cog in the machinery of his plan, but I had my part to play.

As if that wasn't enough, as I outpaced the howling mob and saw the shimmering light of the desert and freedom before me, it was then that HE appeared ... my enemy, my rival ... the one being I was closest to. The runner.

He was ahead of me, to the side. He saw me clearly with his large bright eyes - a moment was all it would have taken for him to run me down, to restrain me or slash at me with his beak ... but he didn't. He just stood and watched and I croaked out my thanks to my enemy, my friend. Those were the last words I ever spoke ... I can't voice my thoughts anymore. Hare says it's because I am suffering from trauma, but he was only repeating what Cottontail told him.

She and a bunch of the Rabbitz found me dying in the desert. I thought they would kill me but that girl is an angel - she knelt by me and stroked the fur of my brow; she lifted my head and dripped water onto my parched lips and she told me I could rest and that everything was going to be alright.

The Rabbitz weren't my people but they took me in and they treated me as an equal. If I could talk I would tell Hare that I would die for him and I would tell Cottontail I loved her ... not in that way, I had a woman once but that was long ago and my heart could not bear more pain. Cottontail is my sister and all the Rabbitz are my brothers.

So when Hare told us of his past self's mission and asked for volunteers to go north, I stepped forward. If the past Hare can prevent all this, I will die for him too.

We left ten hours ago and now I know the purpose of my god's maze ... he led me through until finally I could see the centre. We are approaching the end of the desert and some of us will turn back, but I'll keep on going, to the Magic Forrest and beyond.

I am the last Loony. My name is Wiley and this is my testament.

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