In love with Adym Yorba

By s_shorty

131K 2.1K 796

Since Skylar and her best friend Kayla were little they have always planned to grow up and move into an apart... More

Before We Start
Today's the day
Almost there
Meeting Adym Yorba
A little about the characters
I swear I saw him!
Bad news, panic attacks, Adym
How did I get so lucky?
You never saw me here
Are you okay?!
It's time to tell him
Where are you?!
Does she want me?
Is that who I think it is?
Is he jealous?
Whats going on between us?
Should I?
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chaoter 75
Chapter 73
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 107
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
chapter 110
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131

Back off.

2.4K 46 17
By s_shorty

*Okay, towards the end there's a little cussing so if you don't wanna hear it skip to the next chapter. If you don't care, please continue reading*


Adym and Skylar's Dm's

Well, i'm not taking sides but he's ur older cousin and you said you guys are as close as siblings so he probably just wants to look out for his "little sister." I'm an older brother and I know how it feels to want to protect your younger siblings..

Thanks Adym, that really helped me. I know i'm not showing too much skin but it bugs me that he would say something like that...

Well he's your cousin/brother and he loves you. Just remember he's tryna keep you safe.

End of recap

Skylar's Pov

I smile as I read Adym and I's dms. I never thought I would ever be dming Adym Yorba back and forth on instagram!! As I'm thinking about how amazing it is to be able to be dming someone who has helped me through so many hard times, Kayla taps my foot and has that "Who ya talking to?" smirk on her face. I laugh and see Nick keep glancing at me and my phone then shake his head and look at the Tv. Fr tho, what's his problem?! he's so protective it's annoying...

Skylar: Imma get a water bottle, anyone want one?

Noah: No.

Kayla: Sure.

Nick: Yeah, anyone want any snacks?

I look at Kayla and smirk. Right away Kayla glares at me and gives me that "Shut.Up!" look and I laugh. Nick and Noah look at me like I'm crazy, Noah turns his attention back to the Tv and Nick gets up and walks to the kitchen with me to get some snacks. As we walk in Nick begins to talk,

Nick: Skylar, thanks for coming...Tbh I didn't think you would come... And I'm sorry for saying your outfit was inappropriate, it's just you're like my little sister and I don't want something bad to happen to you. 

Skylar: Well, I'm 18 Nick. I know you just wanna keep me safe but sometimes you just need to give me space. I moved here to be able to breath, and not have to have my parents constantly looking over my shoulder and judging my every move! 

Nick: I know, I'm sorry Skylar. Promise me you'll be safe?

Skylar: I promise, Nick. I'm not stupid! Of course I'll be safe.

Nick: Okay, and promise you won't get involved with boys until you finish school?

Skylar: I make no promises...

Nick: Skylar!

Skylar: That's my name, don't wear it out!

Nick: You say you're 18 but you act like you're 5.

Skylar: lol whatever.

Nick: So are we good?

Skylar: I guess..

We walk into the living room with the water and snacks and I think about what Nick said.

Adym's Pov

I was in the kitchen getting a water when I heard laughing and walking. It sounded like Skylar... She has the most beautiful laugh, and when she smiles she has these really cute dimples. yes, she's thick, but she's really sweet and I'm really starting to believe I love her (Ya know the whole love at first sight? If you didn't know, Adym believes in love at first sight). But does she feel the same way? 

Skylars Pov

I check my phone and it says 11:30 pm. Crap, it's getting late and I wanna be able to go home, take a bath, watch movies, go on social media, and I have to finish unpacking my closet. I nudge kayla and give her that look like I wanna go home, and she gives me that "Fine." look.

Skylar: It's 11:30, I think we're gonna go home.

Noah: I better go home to.

Nick: Okay, I'll walk you out.

Skylar: Okay.

Kayla: Whatevers good with you.

Adyms Pov

My phones about to die and I'm looking around the apartment and I can't find my charger. I grab my keys and decide to go look in my car for my charger. I think I left it in the car... At least I hope. As I open the door I see Skylar, Kayla, Nick and it looks like Nick's brother? walk out. I smile and begin to talk to Skylar.

Adym: Hey Skylar!

Skylar: Hey Adym, how are you?

Adym: great, what about you? How do you like Van Nuys?

Skylar: I love it! I can't wait to look around Van Nuys more on Sunday.

Adym: Same, It's gonna be fun.

Skylar: Hey, have you met Nick's brother, Noah?

Adym: No. Nice to meet you Noah I'm Adym.

Noah: Nice to meet you Adym.

Skylars Pov

I glance over at Nick and I can see that Nicks questioning whats going on between Adym and I. Anyone else feel like Nick's about to become even more protective around me? He's always been really protective when it comes to me and boys..

Adym: Hey Nick, hey Kayla.

Kayla: Hey Adym!

Nick: Hi...

We walk to the elevator and I notice Nick behind us. Whatever.. Im just gonna ignore him.. Everyone in the group is talking except for Nick, he acts like he's on his phone but I can tell he's listening to us. Of all the people he could listen to, he listens to us. I look to my right and give kayla that "Distract Nick, without making it obvious" look. Kayla gets the message and laughs at what noah says and asks Nicks opinion. Nick looks up completely lost at what they were talking about. As kayla begins to fill him in on what they were talking about I take the chance and walk ahead with Adym.

Skylar: So, got any new music coming out?

Adym: Yeah, actually I do. I think this is one of my favorite songs I've released, you know other than Guapanese and Tycoon.

Skylar: Yeah, I love those songs! I also really like Yuhh.

Adym: I'm tryna work on getting songs out every other week, but it's just a little hard. I mean the lyrics come easily, but I get nervous. I wonder if I can do better, ya know?

Skylar: Actually, I do. I've written some songs and even though I don't release them I always feel like I can do better.

Adym: That's so true! You really understand. 

Skylar: lol You really understand things I say to. And trust me, I can say some weird things!

As we get in the elevator I go to stand next to Adym but Nick beats me and stands next to Adym totally blocking me from Adym. Really Nick?! You're not that slick!!! I look at Nick and give him my best death glare. While I'm doing that I see Adym laugh a little. Turns out, Adym totally caught my death glare that I was giving Nick. Whoops... Nick looks down at me (Nicks really tall.. I'm actually not that short. Nicks really tall so don't think I'm really short) and gives me an innocent smile and looks ahead. I sigh annoyed, and look down at my feet. We get out of the elevator and Adym catches up to me and says while laughing

I totally caught that death glare! You got an attitude! Not in a bad way though, it's pretty funny and kinda cute....

Skylar: Lol yeah. looks can be deceiving..

Adym: I can see that.

As we get to the parking lot I give Nick a hug and say thank you for the snacks and drinks. Nick looks at me and gives me that "Remember what we talked about" look and i roll my eyes. whatever.. We walk up to Noahs car first and I give Noah a hug and say goodnight. Kayla notices Adym and I talking and decides to walk faster to the car and get on her phone. As we get to my car Adym smiles at me and says

So, we still on for sunday?

Skylar: Yep.

Adym: Great. Dm you soon?

Skylar: Anytime.

As I get in my car I turn around and take one last look at Adym. As I look at Adym, I notice Adym wink and walk to his car. oh my god, I think he likes me! What is going on?! We get home and i check my phone and see I got another text from Nick...

Nick: hey, wyd?

Skylar: getting ready to watch Tv... Y?

Nick: I just wanted to tell you to be careful with Adym.

Skylar: Y?

Nick: Because, skylar you just moved here! You're 18 and he's 21!! You need to focus on your education, not all these boys! Especially Adym!

Skylar: Why do you have a problem with everything I do?! I know I just moved here!! I've supported Adym since day 1 and I never told you because I knew you would never understand being a girl! So back off Nick! Why do you care about Adym and I?! Nothings going on between us!!

Nick: Sure. Adym is such a fuckboy!

Skylar: How do you know!?

Nick: My bestfriends sister used to like him and he sent me some of his musical.lys and he is such a fuckboy! Don't mess with boys like him!!

Skylar: Nick, fr tho you are starting to piss me off!

Nick: Watch ur mouth!

Skylar: I'm not a baby!! I can say anything I want besides, I thought we weren't fighting anymore?!

Nick: well, you've made your choice. You chose Adym, therefore I wanna warn you not to mess with him!!

Skylar: I've known him longer than you. So do me a favor and fuck off.

Nick: What's your problem?! What happen to my little cousin?!

Skylar: She grew up.

Nick: No. She thinks she grown up, yet she still acts like the brat she is.

                                        Read 12:15 Am

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