Urgh, Rants & Sh*t

By DarkestNeon

9.9K 1.2K 1.7K

Ehh, Tags, Rants and some short stories. Enjoy! More

Intro: Me, Myself and This Book
Urghh, Homework
Tic Toc Goes the F*cking Clock
Anime Romance
Reverse Racism
Police Brutality
I'M BACK - School's Finished
Tired of all of this Shit
Selfie Tag
Myths About Canadians
I got tagged! Again!
420! + Random stuff!
What's Next?
Yup. It's a Tag
I'm sleepy
Challenge for my readers
Sir, what's your name?
Wattpaders Go to School
Wattpaders Go to School Part 2! (VERY EXPLICIT)
League of Legends
Cha-cké Nao-wrist
Halloweeeeeeen Tag!
Wattys/Reads + Fucken Grammar
Annnnnnd... Another Juan!
Thank you
How to Get Girls (via Dms)
Wattpad Banned?
Interesting videos
23 Days of Hell
Kronismis Tag
The Clock is Ticking
The Beast
A First Date
You're Attractive
Cheker's Tag
Origins of my Username
Queue NA
Really Boring Tag That I Might As Well Do
Update on ...?
How Would You Feel?
Bored- So a tag
You Guys Are Great
Sick of Being Sick
Media, Legalization
A Dream Full of Wonders
My Playlist
School's Over - My Thoughts
Male Body Part
Best of: Camera Roll
The Art of Dancing
Everything Comes to an End
SukeShiro (Brief Summary)
Desired Daydream
League of Assassins
SukeShiro, Shadow Assassin
Promptober #1 (+ Schedule)
Thorns of Love
Promptober #2
Shadow Squadron
Promptober #3
Nemean Suit
Ocean of Koi
Promptober #4
Time Control
Promptober #5
Shen's Tale
Promptober #6
Legends Never Die
Promptober #7 Final Prompt!
Update 25/11/17
FYI: Update
Writing Duos - Catastrophe
Goals, Objectives, Purpose
don't say a word
Summer Job
Devilman Crybaby (SPOILERS)
Land of Koi
Damn, hey.
The Chaser
The Universal Rules of Texting
Sleepless Nights
The End

Cringe Alert

109 10 17
By DarkestNeon

Okay, let me start off by saying: ewww.
Ew. Ew. Ewwww.

Kkay so in 2015, when I first got into writing, I wrote a small (unfinished) story. And now that I look back at it, I wanna vomit. This fucking small story is SO shit, it's incredible.

I could even bet lionmouse doesn't have a story as shit as this one. You might need to wash your eyes with bleach after reading this. I'm ashamed of myself for having this.

Now keep in mind, I wrote this a long time ago. A time I don't want to remember.
Warning: It's gonna be a very cringy story.
So here it goes:

- My name's Klonoa, said the young boy. I'm new here and I don't know where my classes are.

- Come with me, i'll show you the way.

Arrived in class, I saw everybody looking at me like I was the weirdest thing they ever saw. Felt so awkward but I didn't really care. Making friends wasn't quite an option at this school since I didn't want any. I didn't  have a choice, I was like obligated to have friends since, many students came to me while lunch break. I was alone enjoying my sandwich, well not that much since it had cheese in it. I hate cheese, but my mom always puts cheese in my sandwich. Anyways, so I was sitting there eating, and then a well build up guy, for a student, came up to me and said :

- Give me your lunch money, faggot. (A/N: woooow edgy word there Dark.)

I just didn't respond. He didn't deserve my respect so I just stayed silent.

- You scared of me, bruh ? Said the anonymous boy.

- You should get out of here before someone gets hurt. I said, with no patience. It's my first day, don't feel like beating up a bully for the first day.

- What did you say ? Come on get up little asshole.

With no hesitation, I suddenly got up and took his arm, put it around his neck suffocating him until he'd give up. He ran with tears in his eyes and from that day I never saw him again. I once passed by him but he didn't even look at me. I frightened him so much, I was now like a threat to him. He shut his mouth about this hole story because he knew he would get in trouble too. I was walking in the hallway on my way to class, every step I took, pushed a person to move to the side, they were all looking at me like I was a cerial killer and that bothered me a little bit. I suddenly stopped and said :

- Move, this is not a statue contest and I'm not evaluating you on how silent you are. What I did was horrible, but not enough for you all to fear me. So move ! (A/N Urgh I'm reading this story rn and its making me cringe so hard ;-; )

Everybody started moving like if nothing happened. I just wanted to fit in this school but looks like beating up bullies is suddenly so bad. I infact had a problem. My rage could conquer me at any moment but even more silently than anyone here. Nothing could actually cure me and somtimes I felt like killing people. Some students always say that seeing or killing someone is impossible since it makes them sick. God, I think these people are way to innocent for...

- Hey, your name's Klonoa right ? said one of my random classmates.

I hate when people interrup me while i'm thinking. It's so annoying everybody does that ! Don't they know i'm thinking !?!

- Yes it is. I said, to be respectful.

He looked like a nice young boy, he always smiles and has golden hair. He had beautiful purple eyes, really rare, but that's not what interested me. With the side of my eye, I saw some kind of mark on his back, it looked like an eagle. Eagle marked civiliens, have eyes that changes color every month, and it could be any color, sometimes it depends on the person's feelings.

- Cool ! It's a very special name, may I say. My name's Justin. I know, I know very original, but I find it pretty cool haha ! He said, while smiling at me.

- Where are you from Justin ? I was very curious about him, he may be more special than I would of ever imagined.

- I'm from Mount Darkon. A very special mountain in Hawaii.

- Really ?! You're the first I know from there, I didn't know people lived there... May I ask, does that explain your mark. On your back.

- I don't know people keep asking me what it is but I have absolutely no idea ! Do you ?

- I do but i'll explain later, class is starting.

* * * * * * * * *

We were going to the gym, for sports class. Klonoa didn't quite look in shape. Me neither but he was skinny, didn't have so much muscles, but that completely contradicts what happened at the lunch break. John was way stronger than Klonoa but he still was strong enough to hold him with his own arm. I made sure to keep an eye on Klonoa. He wasn't so normal, he seemed to recognize everything about me in such time. The teacher said we all had to race. The fastest against the fastest, the slowest against the slowest. What he said was so mean but so fair, so I couldn't say a word. John's friend, Ken, was faster than john, and I mean really fast. Klonoa stud up to Ken and decided to race against him. He made a really bad choice, I didnt want to see this... The race had begun, the two of them were moving really fast. It was a 200 meter race. Anyone of them could catch up except within the 50 last meters. Ken had a fast start, he was first... For the moment. We all thought that Klonoa could never make it, but then, we saw him go faster and faster. The teacher was amazed. He outran Ken ! Ken was now second, he could not believe it, he was mindblowned. The way Klonoa ran was impossible to surpass. Ken ran and ran but Klonoa got even farther by the second. Obviously, Klonoa won, the teacher asked him to do the 100 meter race. We all new Usain Bolt did approximetly 9.69 seconds. We all wanted to see if he could possibly be faster.

* * * * * * * * *

I was so happy, but so confused. I had never ran as fast as that. Now they were asking me to try to beat Usain Bolt ! I guess I should try. Students around me were filming, probably wanted to have the fastest person on earth, on video. I heard a gunshot and started running as fast as I could. It felt like the track was getting longuer and longuer. I didnt hear a sound I was to concentrated on not falling or going more slower, I tried moving my legs faster and faster but it was still going the same speed. Everybody looked so proud of me, I couldnt let this chance go to waste. I started moved faster than a lamborghini, I saw the finish line and I thought : then god its finished !

* * * * * * * * *

I couldn't believe my eyes... Klonoa... Is... Incredible... He did 5 second something. How could that be. I couldnt even do 6 seconds in the 50 meters. He wrecked my record... Something's wrong with this kid. The teacher had big eyes facing her stopwatch, the students were not saying a thing, I screamed to the teacher :

- Hey teach, how much time did he take to run 100 meters... ?

- F..fff..five second seventy-eight... said the teacher without leaving the stopwatch of her eyes.

She rapidly ran inside to pick up the phone and talk to some commitee about the new world record. I ran and jumped in Klonoa's arms to congratulate him.

- Klonoa did you realize what you've done, you've set a new world record ! You did almost half of what Usain has done ! And you'll probably be able to meet him too. You could also get alot of money and sponsors on this. This could be an opportunity of a life time ! ... Sorry I was getting a little bit too exicted about this. Can't believe my friend accomplished a new world record...

- I'm proud of myself, of coarse. But I don't want any money, I don't need any so I kinda don't care haha... (A/N: "coarse" haha)

- Yeah well you're young, you'll realise in the future that you need money and fast. But don't worry you've probably already thought about your future job. Oh by the way, what do you want to do in the future ?

- Depends on how life goes, I might be a police officer, but sometimes it's to boring so maybe i'll go in the military.

- Really ? Well if you do I hope i'll still be your friend by that day. But just in case, good luck.

- Thank you I appreciate it.

* * * * * * * * *

- Mom ! I'm going to bed, I have an exam tomorrow !

- Okay ! Klonoa, honey, don't forget to brush your teeth !

- Yeah sure, why not.

I went to bed early, but I couldn't sleep. Even if i tried closing my eyes and not moving for a long time, it didn't work. Since I was like ten years old I could not fall asleep anymore. I did not have any dreams either.  The weird thing is that i'm more scared of light than dark. If theres light, I might see what I would never want to see in my life, but if theres no light, its dark, you don't have to go trough everything thats going on because, you don't see anything, you don't know anything. I wish, tonight, when I go to sleep, that I could experience a dream. For the first time in like 2-3 years. A beautiful dream, where I could do anything I want. Have anything I want, to kill anyone I want.... I suddenly felt a wave of tiredness. I was so happy but so... sleepy... My eyes were closing by themselves and that's what I've always wanted. Maybe my dream has come true. Right now, at this very moment..........

- Klonoa ? .........Where are you ?

Were was I ? Who was calling my name. I heard that sentence atleast 20 times now. It was getting louder and louder. It's annoying. I want them to stop ! They have to stop !

- Stop please my ears hurt ! Aaaaaaagh ! What was that! Who's there ! Stop this dream ! This is not what I wanted ! Stooooooop !

It kept getting louder by the second, every 5 second, a flash of light, lighted out my room and I saw a man. A tortured old man trying to kill me. This couldnt be. Who's making these sounds, who is that and how did he get in ?

- Klonoa wake up it's time to go to school !

Mom? Wait... Is this a dream. All along I was visibly tortured by a dream ?
And then, I suddenly woke up. My head hurt and my ears felt like they had water in them.

- Mom ! During the night did I produce weird sounds ?

- Yes you did honey, you said something like ; please stop ! This is not what I wanted ! Haha oh god I wonder what dream you made. Must of been terrifying.

- It was trust me, I'm glad it's over.

I rapidly got in the shower where I was so comfortable but I couldnt stay too long I had a time limit, otherwise I would miss the bus. Arrived at school I went to see Justin. He was probably looking for me somewhere.

- Boo !

- Oh god ! Klonoa you really made me jump there, how are you

- I'm fine, thanks, and you ?

- I'm.... Worried... Look a bunch of secondary 3 are looking for you. They want a payback for what you did to John. What i'm trying to say is, his brother's looking for you. You should watch your back. What they said they would do to you was horrible and I dont wan't that to happen to you. You understand me ?

- Do you know where they are now ?

- Not really, they've been walking around the school looking for you, they didn't really know that you weren't here yet.

- That's good, it gives me an opportunity to hide and surprise them when they won't know.

- What do you mean... Do you really want to fight ? There's really a difference of strenght here..

- Maybe strenght, but not knowledge. I already know they only rely on their strenght but they dont have any techniques. I was born in a normal family, but grew up with an assassin mind. I think, when i'm in bad situations and I know what will happen and the consequences.

- Wow, thats really impressive, but of coarse you only can decide what to do. No other human can decide besides you, so it's your choice.

- Thanks, I might not even fight but theres a bigger chance. So i'll see you later.

- Yeah hopefully you'll servive haha, too bad I won't be able to watch the fight

- well i've got this micro camera in my eyes so you'll be able to watch it if you connect to it. It's called Go-Pro-Klonoa. (A/N: "GoProKlonoa" *slowly claps...*)

- Awesome, well good luck.

I was already gone, I was running trying to track every single one to be sure of my plan. I saw one and he was pretty buff. I decided not to let this opportunity go to waste. He was running up the stairs when I suddenly jump on the side and while grabbing the rail, hitting him in the face with my feet. He collapsed and and fell down the stairs. He was unconscious and probably dead but there was a 70% chance he just fractured his skull so I didn't care. I continued running, hiding some times in case an anonymous person would be one of them. Suddenly, I saw one and he screamed my name but as fast as I could I took his belt, wrapped it around his mouth and brang him in the bathroom. I tied him and said :

- Where are the others ! What do they look like and wheres their secret hideout

- How'd you know they had a hideout ?! Oh I said too much

I knew they planned almost everything out, they have a secret hideout where they're watching me from and this guy is just an actor. God I'm trapped, they got me ! I let him go, because I knew what was going on. As  soon as he left, 1 second after, four guys came into the room coming from every door.

- So, you didn't think this out did you ?

- I knew it, just felt like beating up third graders.

- Well lets go then !

So it was on, two were garding the doors and two were fighting me. I first grabbed one with his neck and arm and I pushed him downwards so he could swing to the side. I had now my arm around his neck facing the other third grader. He came at me trying to punch me but he punched the one I was holding. With one down, three to go, I ran to one of the doors and jumped on the wall, while doing like if I'm punching him but I actually didn't. I skipped his fist and gave him a hit with my knee in his balls. Now two were down and one ran away, the only one left was Tim, John's brother. We both ran towards eachother in rage.

* * * * * * * * *

I was watching Klonoa, so impressed by his techniques. I could not belive it how powerful and smart he was. Seemed like a semi-god. Not one could even touch him unless he touches them. There were two down,  one gone. He now had to face Tim. But on the otherside Tim was pretty good too. He did martial arts, karate and kung foo. He was experience for this kind of person. This was it, who was gonna win. They were both running toward eachother at such a speed.

* * * * * * * * *

As we jumped both in the air, I let myself fall down, skipping his punch. I got up, I was behind him, he back kicked the hell out of me. I got kicked up to the cafeteria and got up back again. He got out and looked at me, he saw the fury in my eyes. I ran up to him, agily got to the side, ran up to the wall. I put my legs around his neck...

* * * * * * * * *

Omg... Killua jumped, put his leg around john necks. And broke it. I didnt know he was so crazy.. Maybe I shouldnt be his friend. My thoughts were rambling a lot in that very moment. Then, I saw him in my computer, he was escaping school. I heard police coming in. Everyone said where he left from. I was scared... So scared. I hoped he didnt get in trouble.

* * * * * * * * *

I was running, so fast. I stuck my finger in my eyes to destroy the Gro-Pro camera. So police couldnt track me down. I just almost killed a man. He did deserve it, but maybe it wasnt the best thing to do. Now i'm escaping, not even knowing where to go. Suddenly, entered in the woods, I encountered a strange man. He didnt see me but I definetly saw him. Looking at was he was doing, he seemed to be camping, but on a fire, he was cooking a rat. Multiple rats burning right there in front of my eyes. Terrifying but normal for me.
(A/N: "Terrifying but normal" Suuuuurrreee...)

So yeah, thats the end. Kind of a weird story... but anyways.
What do you think of it?

Do you have any stories as bad as this one? If so, post them and tag me or just comment to let me know.

Thats all for this update, good night to you all and,
Peace out peasants!
3023 words! Shit I didnt see that!

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