Manan-Love And Attitude

By aanchal_89

3.6M 253K 23.3K

#01 in fanfiction on 23/02/18 Nandini murthy:-) A girl full of life and fun, wants to be independent and stan... More

'Angry Youngman'
'Ill-Mannered girl'
'Job in Mumbai.. No Way'
Mumbai I m coming....
'I hate you'
'She is so sweet'
Muku I m sorry..
'Manik, leave her hand'
' Nandi as in Bull '
'Monkeys can run a company'
'I like things to be perfect'
'Abhi, What a suprise!!..'
'Bull is desperate to marry me'
' What is this nandini? '
'I want it back in 2 hours'
' Monkey is Sweet '
' Its perfect for you '
' just stay here '
' Guest '
' I am going to Delhi next week '
'I am not going to hear ur excuses'
'Sir, please pick me up'
"Taking a break"
'Be My Friend'
'I am back'
'Are you okay?'
'She is not my bull'
'I am happy for you'
' U don't like manik na '
' Stupid Monkey '
' U are a saviour '
' Fine, i accept the dare '
' Manik i need to talk to u '
' What about my gift? '
' Its nothing to explain '
Author's note
'Get me a copy of this'
'I missed this '
' U want to race with me? '
'Buddy i am back'
' I will take that as a yes '
' I am going to office. Bye '
'so u are taking revenge?'
' Manik won't u eat it for me?'
' This specs look good on you.'
' U gave me bruises. '
' Smile and accept the fact '
'Cabir i need ur help.'
'So are u not angry anymore?'
' Looks like bull calmed her monkey '
' Stop smiling u idiot monkey '
'Happy birthday bu..nandini'
' Want me to what mom?'
'Using my lines at me only'
' We didn't expect this from u '
' I am sure u can do it '
'Stop calling me baby bull manik'
'Because u love my sister'
'Just felt like thanking u'
'Go away from here'
'U can thank me later'
'i won't until u listen to me'
'The things i do for you'
'surprise me'
'Wearing a lipstick'
'I missed calling you that'
'Is that an engagement ring?'
'Get her a Boyfriend'
'Talking about me??'
'U know i think u are right'
'I came here because, i missed you'
' I told u,i don't share '
'i like it when u get jealous'
'Stop acting like a kid'
' U blindfolded me for coffee?'
"Thank you guys"
'Come, lets go for a drive?'
'A cup of coffee for me too'
'I am also glad that i met you'
'Do i smell jealousy here?'
'Awww... u are so cute '
'Get a room guys'
'Now let's end it with K...'
'Rank- #1'
'Then convince me idiot'
Sorry guys
"Why are u avoiding me?"
"I hope that day comes sooner"
'Its a secret, shhshhh '
'I choose to be with u '
'I am Sorry, bhai'
"Then what is a kiss?"
"I am here to sleep"
'Too good for my liking'
'I was being a good girlfriend'
'You are so dead.'
"I will get back at you for this."
"Lipstick mark?"
'And there goes my reputation'
"Put on a shirt first"
"So are you free now?"
"Manik will kill me."
"We are okay, right?"
"You will see yourself"
"You look sexy as hell"
"Goodnight Sweetheart"
'Manik fed me pizza, bhai'
"Now who's distracting who?"
"You have become shameless"
"Your sister is a walking trouble"
"Aww, come here duffer"
"Does this beat it?"
"He isn't in love with me."
"Are you okay with this?"
"Your hands are cold"
What is love?
"Horse riding is boring"
"It was totally not funny."
"It tastes the same, bitter!!"
"So, tell me everything."
"Bonus Chapter"
"Promise me you won't get drunk"
"Would you be okay if I back out?"
"My Wife"
"Just Shut up and kiss me"
"Being with you does"
"Don't Forget I Choose you "
"What type of weird thoughts?"
"I must be crazy to fall for you"
"Now off your shirt and come to bed."
"Give me a smile before I leave."
"You were eavesdropping"
Hey Guys
"You will be the death of me"
"But you always look good"
"You always spoil the mood."
"Well I can say the same"
"Are you still ignoring bhai? "
" I won't listen to you."
"I don't have time for your games"
My Story of Kyy
"I was too rude to him."
" I know I am quite charming"
"It's written in here already."
" I was imagining that?"
"Last Chapter--Bonus"

I will miss u...

20.3K 1.2K 20
By aanchal_89

Next morning

Malhotra's mansion

All were having their breakfast.

"Mukti, manik I have something to say", nyonika said to get their attention

"Yes mom what is it", asked mukti eating her toast.

"We will be having a guest with us by tomorrow. She is mine and raj bestfriend daughter. She will stay with us for somedays.I hope u two don't have problem with it. ", asked nyonika still knowing their answer.

"I dont have problem with it but i cant promise to be present for welcoming her tomorrow, I have to attend a meeting with dhruv.", said mukti sipping her juice.

"Mom she is ur best friend daughter ,I dont have any problem if she stays here until she disturbs me and ask her not to be near me.", says manik sternly.

"Manik she is not like other girls, she is a nice girl. Dont judge her before meeting her.", nyonika explains.

"Its the same thing u said when u took me with u on ur friend daughter's birthday and that girl was shamelessly throwing herself on me and was following me like my shadow. She was damn irritating. ", said manik making a angry face.

"Bhai u should be happy na to get attention of girls.", teased mukti.

"I hate such girls and mom plz tell her to stay away from me and my room.",answered manik looking at nyonika.

"Manik u are going to behave nicely with her and yes u r going to pick her tomorrow from airport.", said raj wiping his hands with napkins ignoring maniks anger.

"Dad I will behave nicely with her but I am not going to pick her up, send the driver.", argued manik.

"I m not asking u manik, I m telling u and it will not look good if we send driver and she has never come to mumbai before, so u are going to pick her up and no more questions. ", stated raj firmly and got up from his seat.

"But dad..", manik started to deny but raj cut him off.

"I m going to office nyonika , I will see u at the evening.", raj said putting his coat ignoring manik's excuses.

Nyonika nodded and raj went.

"Mom I am also leaving, bye.", said mukti getting up swallowing a toast in a hurry.

She hugged manik and nyonika and ran to the door.

"Mom why dad is forcing me to pick her up. I dont want to be around such girls. U all know me right.", asked manik calmly.

"Manik, first of all stop judging her. U haven't met her and u are jumping on conclusions about her. She is a nice girl and I know she is not like the others.
Ur dad just want that she is comfortable here. Sameer has trusted us on her daughter and raj want to keep his trust safe.
Manik u have to just pick her up and if she behaves like other girls than I will never ask u to do it.", nyonika explains manik.

Manik nods his head.

"Ok but if she behaves like other stupid girls than u will ask her to stay away from me and u will not force me.", asks manik sternly.

"Yes", nyonika said happily.

"Ok I will pick her tomorrow but how will I recognize her.", asks manik smiling seeing his mom happy.

"Even I dont know how she looks. I will call sameer and ask her number and give it to u,okay.", asks nyonika to get his opinion.

"Okay.. then I will see u in the evening. I have a meeting. ", manik says getting up.
He hugs her. She kisses his forehead.

Manik leaves for his office and nyonika smiles and goes to do her work.

Murthy's mansion

Nandini goes down after getting ready and sees them having breakfast.

"Good morning", she greets them and sits on a chair.

They greet her back.

"So whats the plan for today bacha.", naina asks serving her food.

"We will go for shopping today.", said nandini excitedly.

"Enjoy and have fun choti.", said cabir with a smile.

"Yes and u two are also coming with us for shopping. ", stated nandini.

"Nandu we have office ,u go and enjoy with ur mom.", said sameer sadly.

"No I m going to mumbai tomorrow and u are going office today not fair. U are coming with us and thats final.", argued nandini.

"Choti dad is right , we will get bored by ur shopping thing. ", cabir tries to make her understand.

"No bhai, u are also coming with us and also u are going to Dubai and mom dad to canada. So we need to go for shopping. ", nandini says stubbornly.

"But..", cabir tried to cut off but nandini pulls him closer and whispers in his ear.
"I will bring navya too with us and u will get to spend time with her before going to dubai.I know u will miss her".

Cabir smiles hearing her.
"Dad I was thinking choti is right we should go with them", cabir says smiling.

Naina suspiciously looks at both of them and asks
"What u said to him bacha that he changed his decision and is happy about shopping. ".

"Its nothing mom, I just thought that I will not get time to spend with u guys, so agreed and i am happy because choti is.", says cabir nervously.

"Darling plz for me...", pleaded nandini to her dad.

"Anything for u nandu.", says sameer with a big smile.

"Thank u dad", says nandini kissing his cheek.

"Finish the breakfast and then we will go to the mall. We need to come back early. Packing is left to be done ", says naina.

"I will inform in the office.", says cabir.

After some time.

In the mall.

"Nandini for whom u r waiting,come lets go.", asked naina.

"Mom my friend is coming. She came here for shopping so I asked her to join us.", informed nandini.

They waited for some time.

A tap on nandini shoulders. She turns and hugs her.

"Hii, I m happy u are here now we will shop together.", says navya excitedly.

"Ya."nandini says and break the hug.

Navya looks around and see sameer, naina and cabir.

"They are my parents and he is my brother cabir.", nandini introduced and says teasingly the later one.

Navya looks at them.
"Namaste uncle, Namaste aunty, I m sorry I didn't know that u are with her.", navya greets them with a smile.

They greet her back.
"Its ok beta we didn't mind.", says sameer.

Cabir was looking at navya all the time and naina was looking at him.

"Hello cabir, navya", navya introduces herself with a teasing smile forwarding her hand.

Cabir shakes his hand with her.
"Hii navya, nice meeting u.", cabir says with a wink and smirk seeing her shock expression.

"Nandini , I will see u later then", says navya.

Cabir smiles drop. Naina finds it fishy.
"Why", asks nandini.

"Nandini u are with ur family right now u should enjoy with them. We will enjoy some other time. it's okay.", reasoned navya.

Cabir had a proud small smile.

"Its okay beta u can join us , we will be happy.", said sameer.

"But uncle.", navya starts but cabir cut her.

"U r choti's frnd it means u r something to us too. Come we dont have more time to waste on talking.", says cabir teasing her.

"Okay", says Navya slowly.

They all goes to girls section.
Nandini and navya starts choosing dress and sameer and naina starts seeing dress for naina. Cabir was standing giving opinions.

Naina likes a dress and looks at cabir.
"Cabir hows it.", she asks but he doesn't respond.

She looks at him and sees him looking at navya and nandini through mirror.

Navya puts a dress and sees herself in the mirror . Cabir sees it and frowns. He points at a blue dress and smiles.
Naina sees it and her doubts get deeper.

After there shopping they goes to buy some accessories.
Nandini buys a beautiful bracelet for herself.
Sameer buys a beautiful ring for naina and makes her wear.
All smiles seeing them.
Navya sees a couple pendant chain and buys it. Naina sees her buying it.

They come out after their shopping, cabir and sameer also buy some dresses for themselves. They go to the food court after that.

"I had a very good time with u all. Thank u.", says navya.

"We also had a nice time with u  right cabir.", asks naina.
Cabir gets shocked but then composes himself and nods with a smile.

They starts going to their cars.
Navya hugs her and whispers in her ears.
"Thanks for calling me here , I m very happy. Can u do sth so that I can get a min with cabir.".
Nandini breaks the hug and nods.

They all goes to their car.

"Bhai navya's car is not working. Will u see what the problem is.", asks nandini and winks at navya.
"Okay u go and sit with mom, dad. I will check and come.", cabir says with a small smile.

They go and sit in the car and cabir goes near navya car.
He hugs her immediately.
"I will miss u.", says navya hugging him back.
"Me too.", says cabir kissing her forehead.
"Cabir I thought I will not get the chance to meet u before u go but thanks to nandini I got to meet u.", navya says with teary eyes.
"Navya plz dont cry, I will come soon and u know na i dont like ur tears.", says cabir wipping her tears.
"I love u", says navya with a small smile.
"I love u too",says cabir.

"I should go now", says cabir.
"Wait a sec ,I have sth for u."says navya and goes and brings a box.

"For u", she says forwarding one half heart.
"Its beautiful. Thanks, I will make u wear the other one.", says cabir and makes her wear.

Navya smiles.
"I will wear it afterwards, mom will see it now.", cabir says putting the box in his pocket.

Navya nods and kisses his cheek.
He kisses his forehead and then leaves.
He comes and sits in drivers seat.

"What took so long cabir", asks naina.
"Mom it took time to fix the car.", says cabir.
They come back home and goes to their room to do packing.

Naina comes to help cabir in packing while arranging his clothes her hands strike with something hard in the inner chain. She opens it and saw a box kept their, she opens it and gets suprised to see the same chain but only one part of it.
She understands the matter .
'I was right their is something between them and this chain proves it. Cabir was also behaving wierd around her. I will talk to him about it. Wait I should talk to him once he returns back, yes it will be better I will talk to both of them together then he will not be able to deny it.', she thinks and keeps thd box back in place, she continues his packing.

After finishing their packing, they have their dinner and then goes to take rest.

Malhotra mansion

They finish their dinner and goes to their room.

In maniks room.

Manik is sitting in his room and working on laptop.
Nyonika knocks at the door and comes in.

"Manik are u busy.", she asks coming inside.

"No mom tell me anything imp.", asks manik putting his laptop aside.

"No I just came to give u her number.", says nyonika and gives the number.

Manik saves it.
"Mom what is her name", manik asks

"Its  nan....", nyonika starts to say but got disturb by raj calling her.

"Manik I will see u at morning, ur dad is calling me since a long time now. I should go before he gets angry and shout at me.", she says fastly and then after wishing him goodnight leaves.

Manik lays on the bed.
"At what name should I save her number.", he thinks and types mystery girl.

He then continues his work and sleeps after some time.

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